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Task 1: Underline the part of the sentence expressing cause. Meanwhile, double underline the phrase stating effect. Encircle the
grammatical signal being used.
1. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many citizens have lost their jobs.
2. The spread of the disease has been lowered since the government implemented physical distancing.
3. Many people want to return to their home province; hence, they avail the Balik Probinsya program of the government.
4. Due to the policy of community quarantine, Filipinos were told to stay inside their homes.
5. Indigent families were given cash allowance from the government for they lost their source of income.

Task 2: Read the following descriptions and determine if it is a primary or a secondary source. Write A if it is a primary source or B
if it is a secondary source.
_______1. A classroom history textbook
_______2. A copy of the text of the Phil. Constitution
_______3. A biography of Carlos P. Romulo
_______4. A video of Martin Luther King Jr.’s I Have a Dream speech
_______5. An interview with a survivor of a natural disaster

Task 3: Write SUM for Summary; CON for Conclusion or Inference and SYN for Synthesis.
__________ 1. It aims to create an understanding or original perspective of the information from various texts.
__________ 2. It combines multiple sources to create new ideas.
__________ 3. It is a judgment or decision reached by reasoning.
__________ 4. It is no place for bringing up new ideas and ties up the main points.
__________ 5. It is always shorter than the original text, and often about 1/3 in length compared to the original.

Task 4: Match the items on the right to the items on the left. Write your answer on the space provided before the number.
______1. Explanatory a. To entertain by telling a story
______2. Narrative b. To show how or why something happens
______3. Expository c. To change or influence the reader’s way of thinking
______4. Persuasive d. To relate past experiences or events either real or imagined
______5. Personal and Factual Recount e. To provide facts in a way that is educational and purposeful

Task 5: Read the sentences carefully and determine whether the statement is true or not. Write TRUE if the statement is correct
and FALSE if it is not.
________1. Use a conversational style more often. This is the style that is more natural; it is the style that you always use when you
express yourself with your family and friends. Audience members do not like the speaker to sound unnatural or exaggerated.
________2. Remember to adjust your volume to the size of the audience and the venue. When addressing a large audience,
modulate your voice in such a way that you speak loudly without sounding like shouting or yelling.
________3. Vary your rate or speed to keep your audience interested and to avoid a monotone pattern. The audience might get
bored if you speak very slowly and they might get confused if you speak very fast. Hence, your rate should be at an appropriate
________4. Master your voice and find your pitch level (high or low). If you have a high pitch level, modulate or slightly move it
down. If you have a low pitch level, modulate or slightly move it up. Your performance will definitely be affected if you do not
________5. Use pauses when you emphasize the most important words, phrases, or sentences. Your pauses should not last for three
seconds. Otherwise, it will result in dead air or a moment of awkward silence.

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