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192 Chapter 8 Bones, Part 2: The Appendicular Skeleton

Base of sacrum

Iliac crest

Iliac fossa Anterior
superior iliac
llium promontory

Coxal bone
(os coxae Anterior
Sacrum inferior iliac
or hip bone)

Pubis Coccyx Pelvic brim


Pubic tubercle
Ischium Pubic crest
Pubic symphysis
(a) Pelvic girdle Pubic arch

Tubercle of
the iliac crest

Anterior gluteal Ilium

Posterior Iliac fossa
gluteal line Iliac crest Tuberosidad iliaca

Anterior Posterior
superior superior
Posterior iliac spine iliac spine
superior Inferior
iIiac spine gluteal line
Anterior inferior inferior
Posterior inferior iliac spine Body of iliac spine
iliac spine Arcuate the ilium
Acetabulum Auricular
Greater sciatic line
notch Superior ramus
of pubis
Ischial body Ischial spine
Pubic spine
Ischial spine Obturator
Pubic body foramen
Lesser sciatic
notch Pubis Ischium
Ischium Articular surface of Ischial ramus
pubis (at pubic
Ischial symphysis) Ilium
Inferior ramus Ischium
Ischial ramus of pubis Cresta pectínea
(b) Lateral view, right hip bone (c) Medial view, right hip bone

Cresta del pubis

Lower Extremity Surface anatomy ~ Skeleton ~ Imaging ~

Hip bone

Spn.lll- postwtor .up.tor

.,..,.,'--__ Spll'llllll- postwtor llrftrtor

fig. 4.10 Hip bone, 0. coxee, right IIide; medial view. posterior and anterior. respectively. The Feci• auricularia serves as
The hip bone consists of three parts, the ilium (Os llum), ismium lOs articular surface for the sacrc:Hiiac joint. The Discus imerpubicus is at-
ilchium), and pubis (0. pubil). The ilium forms the false pelvis, ischi- tached to the Fecies symplrvsilil.
um and pubis form the bony ring around the obturator foramen from

~~:.-:;: .,.:....,

Lalllum ut.smu1m-----1o

8plne IIIIa lr!Wior aiP'M'IIII'--~·l

Corpu• 08118 Ill - - -.;,...._,

&rllnallllce ...-..rtor lnfwlor ----::~""'

U1lbU8 acelabiAI

AcltlbuiLim 111cle8
lnclslft aoetabull

Rg. 4.11 Hlp bone, Os coxae.. right side: ventral view.

Muscles _. Topography _. Sections

Hip bone

u~ atutea ll1tiiiiDr

Fsl.. 1111De Urwa gtutee. lrlllflar

u~ atutea pcebiiiDr

Rg. 4.12 Hlp bone. Os coae. right llcle: dorsolateral view. {Os ischium! and the pubis (Os pubis), contribute to the fonmation of
All three parts of the hip bone, namely the ilium (Os ilium). the ischium the acetabular fossa (Acetabulum).

Raml.l8 oesta tscllll

Rg. 4.13 Hlp bone. Os COXM. of • e.,...r-old child. right side; linked by a Y-shaped cartilaginous synchondrosis in the Acetabulum.
latetal view. This cartilaginous synchondrosis ossifies between the age of 13 to 18.
The three parts of the hip bone (Os ilium, Os ischium. Os pubis) are

Clinical R e m a r k s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . .
With high-energy trauma and high impact on the S1retched lowar cartilaginous synchondroses in the area of the Acetabulum needs to
limbs, a ftacture of the acetabular fossa may occur with dislocation be considered for radiogtaphic images in children and adolescents
of the femotal head (centtal fracture-dislocation of the hip). to avoid confusion of the cartilaginous synchondroses with an ac&-
The development of the juvenile hip bone with ossification of the tabular fracture deft.

Lower Extremity Surface anatomy ~ Skeleton ~ Imaging ~




fig. 4.5 Pelvia, Pelvil; vantral cranial view. (Pn:lmontorium). The Linea terminalis encirdes the peMc inlet (Apef'o
Sacro-iliac joint (Articulatio sacroiliaca) and pubic symphysis {Symphysis tur• pelvil superior) and separates the cranill faiH lllrga} pelvil
pubical connect the two hip bones (Ossa coxae) and the sacrum lOs {PeMs major) from the caudal true 111111111 pelvis (Pelvis minor). The
sacrum). The resulting stable ring formation encompasses the viscera promontory is the part of the vertebral column that protrudes farthest
with its iliac bones and transfers the weight of the body to the lower into the peMc inlet. The pelvic outlet lAperura plhil im.ior) is con-
extremities. fined by the inferior margin of the pubic symphysis anteriorly, the isctli-
The Lin.. tllrminalil begins at the pubic symphysis with the Pecten al tuberosities laterally, and the tip of the coccyx posteriorly.
ossis pubis and continues through the Linea arcuata to the promontory

fig. 4.6 and Fig. 4.7 Pelvil,. Pelvia,. of 1 wom~n C... Fig. 4.6) •nd of The following inner diameters are used to determine the width of the
• man c~ Fig. 4.7). peMc inlet: the obstetric conjugate diameter (Diameter vera) between
The shape of the peMs shows differences between the sexes. In men, the posterior aspect of the pubic symphysis and the promontory. the
the peMc inlet is rather heart..shaped. The smaller pubic angle is refer- transverse diameter (Diameter transversa) between the most lateral
red to as Angulus subpubicus I~ Fig. 4.411. In women, the peMc inlet points of the Linea terminalis on both sides. and the oblique diameter
is transverse oval in shape. In addition. the inferior pubic angle (Arcus {Diameter obliqua I and II) which connects the Articulatio sacroiliaca of
pubis, ... Fig. 4.42), the distance between the ischial tuberosities. and each side with the corresponding most distal point on the Linea termi-
the wings of ilium are larger than in men. nalis.

Chapter 8 Bones, Part 2: The Appendicular Skeleton 195

TA B L E 8 . 2 Comparison of the Male and Female Pelves

Characteristic Female Male

General structure and Tilted forward; adapted for childbearing; true Tilted less far forward; adapted for support of a
functional modifications pelvis defines the birth canal; cavity of the true male’s heavier build and stronger muscles; cavity
pelvis is broad, shallow, and has a greater capacity of the true pelvis is narrow and deep
Bone thickness Less; bones lighter, thinner, and smoother Greater; bones heavier and thicker, and markings
are more prominent
Acetabula Smaller; farther apart Larger; closer
Pubic angle/arch Broader (80° to 90°); more rounded Angle is more acute (50° to 60°)

Anterior view

Pelvic brim

Pubic arch

Sacrum Wider; shorter; sacral curvature is accentuated Narrow; longer; sacral promontory more ventral
Coccyx More movable; straighter Less movable; curves ventrally
Greater sciatic notch Wide and shallow Narrow and deep

Left lateral view

Pelvic inlet (brim) Wider; oval from side to side Narrow; basically heart-shaped

Pelvic outlet Wider; ischial tuberosities shorter, farther apart, Narrower; ischial tuberosities longer,
and everted sharper, and point more medially

Posteroinferior view

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