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LESSON 1 Understanding Globalization reach around the world farther, faster, deeper, and

Defining Globalization cheaper than ever before.

What is Globalization? For the Committee for Development Policy (a

In the advent of technologies, we see the growth on subsidiary body of the United Nations
transports and communications. This means, people Organization), globalization from an economic
and countries can exchange information and goods point of view can be defined as:
in an easy way, this process is called “(…) the increasing interdependence of world
“globalization”. economies as a result of the growing scale of cross-
border trade of commodities and services, the flow
Globalization represents the global integration of of international capital and the wide and rapid
international trade, investment, information spread of technologies. It reflects the continuing
technology and cultures. Government policies expansion and mutual integration of market
designed to open economies domestically and frontiers (…) and the rapid growing significance of
internationally to boost development in poorer information in all types of productive activities and
countries and raise standards of living for their marketization are the two major driving forces for
people are what drive globalization. economic globalization.”
1.Accountability In simple economic concept, the flow of products
2.Terrorism and services with few barriers in the integration of
3.Shrinking World market, investment and trade between nations. At
4.Technology some point, culture is also assimilated and trade as
5.Free Trade they exchange ideas and traditions. The spread of
6.Monopoly Korean pop culture across the world will advance
7.Capitalism the exchange of ideas, art, language and music like
8.Communication other millennials experiencing nowadays are some
9.Recognition of the best example.
In our world history, they introduced around Manfred Steger gave the best academic explanation
centuries the idea of concept of globalization; of globalization when he described it as "the
traders explore to buy rare commodities such as expansion and intensification of social relations and
salt, spices and gold, which they would then sell in consciousness across world-time and world-space."¹
their home countries. The 19th century Industrial Expansion refers to “both the creation of new social
Revolution brought advances in communication and networks and multiplication of existing connections
transportation that have removed borders and that cut across traditional political, economic,
increased cross-border trade. The Silk Road, when cultural, and geographic boundaries.”² These
trade spread rapidly between China and Europe via different connections happen at different levels. For
an overland route. example, social media and other new technologies
have made it easier for people to connect with each
According to the World Health Organization other around the world, while international non-
(WHO), globalization can be defined as “the governmental organizations (NGOs) are networks
increased interconnectedness and interdependence that bring together social workers and activists from
of peoples and countries. It is generally understood all over the world.³
to include two inter-related elements: the opening
of international borders to increasingly fast flows of Intensification refers to the expansion, stretching,
goods, services, finance, people and ideas; and the and acceleration of these networks.4 Not only are
changes in institutions and policies at national and global connections multiplying, but they are also
international levels that facilitate or promote such becoming more closely-knit and expanding their
flows.” reach. For example, there has always been a strong
financial market connecting London and New York.
Moreover, Thomas Friedman defined globalization With the advent of electronic trading, however, the
as “the inexorable integration of markets, volume of that trade increases exponentially, since
transportation systems, and communication systems traders can now trade more at higher speeds. The
to a degree never witnessed before - in a way that is connection is thus accelerating. Apart from this
enabling corporations, countries, and individuals to acceleration, however, as the world becomes more
financially integrated, the intensified trading
network between London and New York may and intersecting dimensions of integration that he
expand and stretch to cover more and more cities. calls “scapes.”
After China committed itself to the global economy An “enthnoscape”, for example, refers to the global
in the 1980‟s, for example, Shanghai steadily movement of people, while a
returned to its old role as a major trading post.5 “mediascape” is about the flow of culture.
The final attribute of this definition relates to the A “technoscape” refers to the circulation of
way people perceive time and space. Steger notes mechanical goods and software;
that “globalization processes do not occur merely at a “finanscape” denotes the global circulation of
an objective, material level but they also involve the money; and
subjective plane of human consciousness.6 In other an “ideoscape” is the realm where political ideas
works, people begin to feel that the world has move around.
become a smaller place and distance has collapsed
from thousands of miles to just a mouse-click away. Although they intersect, these various scapes have
People can now email a friend in another country differing logics. They are thus distinct windows
and get a reply right away, making the distance into the broader phenomenon of globalization.
between them seem less important. Because of Appuradai‟s argument is simple: there are multiple
cable TV and the internet, people have a better globalizations. Depending on what is being
understanding of what is going on in other parts of globalized, a different dynamic (or dynamics) may
the world. emerge. So while it is important to ask “What is
globalization?” it is likewise important to ask
Manfred further differentiated globalization, “What is/are being globalized?” Depending on what
globality and globalism. While globalization is a is being globalized, the vista and conclusions
process, globality signifies a future social condition change.
characterized by thick economic, political and
cultural interconnections and global flows that The term globalization has been defined in many
make currently existing political borders and ways and in various aspects, but one thing that
economic barriers irrelevant. On the other hand, makes them all similar in concept is the idea of
globalism means globalization as an ideology being connected with one another closer and faster
reflecting shared ideas, norms, values accepted as than ever before.
truth. He adds that there are three kinds of How Do We Make Globalization More Just?
globalism namely:
Market globalism advocates promise a consumerist, The ability of countries to rise above narrow self-
neoliberal, free-market world. This ideology is held interest has brought unprecedented economic
by many powerful individuals, who claim it wealth and plenty of applicable scientific progress.
transmits democracy and benefits everyone. However, for different reasons, not everyone has
However, it also reinforces inequality, and can be been benefiting the same from globalization and
politically motivated. technological change: wealth is unfairly distributed
Justice globalism envisages a global civil society and economic growth came at huge environmental
with fairer relationships and environmental costs. How can countries rise above narrow self-
safeguards. They disagree with market globalists interest and act together or designing fairer societies
who view neoliberalism as the only way. and a healthier planet? How do we make
Religious globalism strives for a global religious globalization more just?
community with superiority over secular structures.
Globalization from the Ground Up According to Christine Lagarde, former President
of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), “debates
Large, interconnected processes can be perplexing. about trade and access to foreign goods are as old
Indeed, globalization is dispersed and transitory, as society itself ” and history tells us that closing
making it difficult to judge or comment on. Some borders or protectionism policies are not the way to
researchers avoid discussing globalization in its go, as many countries doing it have failed.
entirety. Instead, they want to discuss "multiple Lagarde defends we should pursue globalization
globalizations." policies that extend the benefits of openness and
integration while alleviating their side effects. How
Arjun Appadurai an anthropologist believed that to make globalization more just is a very complex
different kinds of globalization occur on multiple question that involves redesigning economic
systems. But how? That‟s the question.
Globalization is deeply connected with economic
systems and markets, which, on their turn, impact
and are impacted by social issues, cultural factors
that are hard to overcome, regional specificity,
timings of action and collaborative networks. All of
this requires, on one hand, global consensus and
cooperation, and on the other, country-specific
solutions, apart from a good definition of the
adjective “just”.

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