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Subject: PerDev- Personal Development


Good day. On this session, you will understand the human development and personal development. Specific objectives are
as follows:

At the end of this session, you are expected to be able to:
1. discuss that facing challenges during adolescence may clarify and manage the demands of teen years;
2. express his or her feelings on the expectations of the significant people around him or her (parents, siblings,
friends, teachers, community leaders); and
3. make affirmation that help one become more lovable and capable as an adolescent.

Please be guided with the following:

 On the Learning Content 1 :

 First, read Information Sheet 1.5: The Challenges of Middle and Late Adolescence

a. Challenges During Adolescence

b. Three Filipino Adolescents, Three Heroes
c. Defining Responsibilities and Expectations

 Second, perform Course Activity 1.5

Just in case you have questions, you may send it through our GROUP CHATBOX or thru text messaging at 0910-769-8770.

Reference: Larena, J.T. (2016) Personal Development.

Northlink Technological College

Learning Materials on PerDev: Personal Development
Developed by: Fretsy Glen P. Matalum
Page 2

Information Sheet 1.5:

The Challenges of Middle and Late Adolescence

Challenges during Adolescence

In 2016 stressed that intellectual development among adolescent takes a rapid pace to a point where they see
meaning as well as opportunities on all kinds of situations. In search for oneself, they are faced with a increasing number of
problems conducive to emotional tension.

Sexual Relationships
 Emotional difficulties arise because of incorrect or inadequate information concerning sex. Many adolescent are
made to feel that questions concerning sex are improper and shameful. Strong parental attachment usually
prevents the adolescent from making serious commitments to a relationship since it is difficult for them to entertain
the thought of leaving home. When one decides to have commitments, he or she likely to look for qualities similar to
those of a parent.

Peer Adjustment
 The peer culture acts as a transition period before reaching adult status in the community. Developing a sense of
responsibility depends upon the satisfactions of social skills which enable one to become acquainted with other
young people. Failure to develop these skills with others can lead to feelings of inadequacy and indifference.
Reference: Larena, J.T. (2016) Personal Development.

Northlink Technological College

Learning Materials on PerDev: Personal Development
Developed by: Fretsy Glen P. Matalum
Page 3

Intellectual maturation
 During this period, attitudes are formed, which are like remain relatively unchanged throughout life. Ways of thinking
are being developed which will lead to either: healthy problem solving techniques, expanded intellectual curiosity,
and interest; or to a narrow viewpoint; faculty habits, and poverty of concepts.
Vocational Choice
 Many adolescent make little or no preparation for an occupation. They take courses in school which are easy, or
which are required of them; not those that will be of practical value in later life.
Emotional Maturity
 To achieve emotional maturity, adolescent must learn to channel his or her impulses into constructive endeavors.
Their actions should be socially acceptable responses to the demands of society. They should take responsibility
for their own actions without blaming others.
 Puberty is the point in the development of a man at which the individual becomes physically capable of sexual
reproduction. Sexual maturation follows a predictable sequence for member of both sexes. It begins with the
production of sex hormones trigger as series of physiological changes the lead to ovulation and menstruation in
females and the production of sperm cells in males. These are the primary 6 characteristics. Menarche or the first
menstrual period signifies this new stage of maturation for girls. The secondary sex characteristics like the
development of the breast and hips begin before menarche and continue until the individual reached full maturity.
The Challenges a Filipino Adolescent Faces
1. Attitudes and Behavior toward sexuality and sexual relationship
2. Academic concerns
3. Group Belongingness
4. Health and nutrition
5. Developing or Regaining self-esteem
6. Roles
7. Material Poverty
8. Parents Working Abroad
9. Career Choice
Reference: Larena, J.T. (2016) Personal Development.

Northlink Technological College

Learning Materials on PerDev: Personal Development
Developed by: Fretsy Glen P. Matalum
Page 4

10. Relationship
11. Value and Beliefs
12. Other challenges • Depression
Three Filipino Adolescents, Three Heroes
 Gregorio del Pilar-Gregorio Hilario del Pilar y Sempio (November 14, 1875 – December 2,
1899) was one of the youngest generals in the Philippine Revolutionary Forces during
the Philippine Revolution and the Philippine–American War. He is most known for his
successful assault on the Spanish barracks of Cazadores in the municipality of
Paombong, his victory on the first phase Battle of Quingua and his last stand at the
Battle of Tirad Pass. during the Philippine-American war. Because of his youth, he
became known as the "Boy General".
 Edgar Jopson - Edgardo Gil Jopson, or more popularly known as Edjop Jopson
(September 1, 1948 - September 20, 1982), was a labor rights activist and active member
of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) during the reign of former President
Ferdinand E. Marcos. Jopson studied in Ateneo de Manila High School, and later
proceeded to Ateneo de Manila University where he graduated under the Management
Engineering program, garnering Latin Honors. He was active in politics since his years in
college, even becoming the president of the National Union of Students of the Philippines
(NUSP). He later went underground with the CPP when President Marcos declared Martial
Law in 1972. He was killed during a military raid on his house in 1982.
 Efren Penflorid Currently known for the “pushcart classroom” program, Efren and his
friends started the Dynamic Teen Company youth group in 1997 to promote education in
the slum areas of Cavite. Graduating from college with honors, Efren pursued with his
advocacy, (taking Kesz Valdez under his wings in the process) which eventually earned
him the prestigious CNN Hero of the Year award in 2009.
 Kesz ValdezFilipino Scavenger now World Inspiration for Children • At age seven, Kesz
was able to start his Caring Children organization that provides the basic needs of
10,000 street children, having been from a poor and depressed background himself.
Now at 13-years-old, the Cavite-born is one of three nominated for the 2012
International Children’s Peace Prize, to be awarded by Nobel Peace Prize winner
Desmond Tutu on September 19th.
 Self Identity

Defining Responsibilities and Expectations

 Responsibilities the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having
control over someone
 Expectations a strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future.

Reference: Larena, J.T. (2016) Personal Development.

Northlink Technological College

Learning Materials on PerDev: Personal Development
Developed by: Fretsy Glen P. Matalum
Page 5

Reference: Larena, J.T. (2016) Personal Development.

Northlink Technological College

Learning Materials on PerDev: Personal Development
Developed by: Fretsy Glen P. Matalum

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