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I praise and thank God Almighty who has given me His grace and guidance, so that I can
complete this task on time. We do not forget to express our gratitude for the assistance from
those who have contributed for the assistance from those who have contributed by providing
both thoughts and miterials.

We really hope that this paper can increase knowledge for all of us.We feel that there are still
many shortcomings in preparing this paper due to our limited knowledge and experience.

Therefore, I apologize if there are any shortcomings or errors in my assignment. I really hope
for criticism and suggestions from teachear and friends so that this assignment can be better.
Finally, thank you, we hope this paper is useful for us and all our friends
PREFACE………………………………………………………. i
TABLE OF CONTENS………………………………………… ii
INTRODUCTION………………………………………………. 1
A. Background……………………………………………….. 1
B. Problem Formulation……………………………………... 1
DISCUSSION………………………………………………... 2
CLOSSING…………………………………………………... 4
A. Conckusion……………………………………………….. 4
A. Background

Javan Husky (Tyto alba) or barn owl or barn owl is a large (34 cm) owl species, easily

recognized as a white owl. Heart-shaped face, white with brown edges. The eyes face

forward, an easily recognizable feature. The feathers are soft, camouflaged in color, the

upper part is light gray with a number of dark lines and pale spots scattered over the

feathers. There are shiny markings on the wings and back. The underside is white with a

few black spots, or none. The hair on the legs is sparse. The head is large, stocky, and

rounded. The iris of the eye is black. Beak sharp, facing downwards, whitish color. Legs

are yellowish white to brown. Males and females are almost the same in size and color

although females are often 25% larger. Females and young animals generally have denser


B. Problem Formulation
Based on the background above, the problem that problem that can be taken are;
1. What are the physical characterstic of javan husky ?
2. What are the behaviors of javan husky?
3. Where are habitt of javan husky ?
4. What are the diet of javan husky?
5. What are the predators and threats of avan husky?
Tyto Alba Physical Characteristic
The Javan Husky bird or T. alba was first

described by Giovani Scopoli in 1769. The species name alba refers to the white color of its

feathers (Lewis, 2020). The Serak Jawa has the morphological characteristic of being large in

size, ranging from 32-40 cm with white feathers, light brown on the wings and top of the

head. Heart-shaped face, long legs with claws, and a yellowish-white beak that bends

downwards (MacKinnon, et al, 2010; Harris, 2002)

Tyto Alba Habitat

Javanese serak (Tyto Alba) is commonly found in tree-lined areas, up to an altitude of 1,600

m above sea level. On the edge of forests, plantations, yards and parks in big cities. Often

perched low in the canopies of trees or shrubs, making pitiful sounds, or responding to their

mates. From time to time it plunges to grab its prey on the ground or lower vegetation. They

often hunt together with their children. Active at night. However, it is sometimes active at

dusk and early morning, and can even occasionally be found flying during the day. During

the day, Tyto alba usually stays in tree holes, caves, wells, old buildings or in the canopy of

trees with thick leaves. Some species, especially Tyto, are capable of occupying man-made

places similar to tree holes. Abandoned nests of crows and other birds of prey are also

preferred sites. There has been little or no effort to improve the construction of previous nest

builders. Rock crevices are also used by several types of birds .

Tyto Alba Diet

Serak Jawa merupakan salah satu burung predator atau burung pemangsa yang dapat

memangsa kelompok burung dan mamalia kecil. Salah satu hewan yang umum dijadikan
mangsa oleh Serak Jawa adalah Tikus (Rattus spp.). Tyto alba has unique eating habits.

Depending on the size of the prey caught, Tyto alba can swallow its prey whole or divide it

into smaller pieces before swallowing. The flesh and soft parts of the prey's body are digested,

while the feathers and bones are not digested and are then periodically regurgitated in pellet

form. Compared to other types, this bird has a higher metabolic rate, so it requires more food.

Measured by weight ratio, this bird preys on more rodents than other animals. Farmers

consider this bird to be more economically effective than using poison in dealing with rodent

attacks, so they provide a place for this bird to nest so that it will live.

Tyto Alba Behavior

Maybe for some people, seeing something white flying at night will be a scary thing.

Generally this will be associated with the existence of invisible creatures or ghosts. However,

this is different from this creature whose existence is actually beneficial and is even called a

friend of farmers. The Javan Hoarsebird (Tyto alba) is more commonly known as the "owl".

Its behavior, which is active at night (nocturnal) and sometimes makes unusual sounds when

flying, is what causes the name owl to be given to the general public. T. alba has a

distribution area on almost all continents, except Antarctica.

They are skilled predators aspecially, in hunting rats and other small animals. The distinctive

characteristic that sets Javan Boobook owls apart is their unique hoarse sound, which is often

heard at night. This sound is used by male birds as a call to attract female birds.

Tyto Alba Predators and Theats

Tyto Alba, commonly known as the barn owl, is a fascinating bird species with a wide range of
predators and threats in its natural habitat. These predators and threats play a significant role in
shaping the barn owl’s behaviour, survival, and population dynamics. One of the major
predators of the barn owl is the great horned owl (Bubo virginianus). Being larger and more
aggressive, yhe great horned owl often competes with the barn owl for nesting sites and prey.
It poses a significant threat to the barn owl population by directly attacking and killing adult
barn owls, as well as raiding their nests and preying on their young. Another significant
predator of the barn owl is the red fox (Vulpes vulpes). Foxes are known to raid barn owl nest,
particulary during the breeding season, and feed on the eggs and nestlings. The presence of
foxes in the barn owl’s habitat can severly impact their reproductive success and overall
population numbers. In addition to natural predators, barn owls face several human-induced
threats. Habitat loss and fragmentation due to urbanization, agriculture, and deforestation have
resulted in the decline of suitable nesting sites and hunting grounds for barn owls.
Owls are fascinating and important creatures in the ecosystem. With their unique appearance
and remarkable adaptations, they play a critical role in maintining the balance of nature and the
ecosystem. However, they also face serious threats due to habitat loss.

The Javan scops owl is a species of owl that has special characteristic in terms of habitat,
behaviour, morphology, and feeding habitats. Their presence as effective predators in the Jevan
environment provides important benefits in maintaining ecosystem balance. However,
conversation efforts are needed to ensure the sustainability of the Javan scops owl population
and preserve biodiversity in Java.

Convertation efforts are crucial to protect and preserve this magnificent species for future
generations. In conclusion, the barn owl, Tyto Alba, is a truly remarkable creature that
continues to inspire awe and wonder. Its unique characteristic, hunting abilities, and symbolic
significance make it a subject of fascination for many. It is our responsibility to ensure the
conservation of this species, allowing it to thrive in its natural habitat and continue to enrich
our lives with its presence.

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