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Name: Section:

Triad Activity. Use this template for your answers. Submit this with the file name:

1. Form a triad. Then, decide on a topic of your choice.

2. Conduct an audience analysis. Answer the questions in 1-3 sentences.

Who are your readers? Are they familiar

with the topic or subject? How much do
they know about your topic? How much
background do you need to provide? Are
they experts, knowledgeable on the
subject, or have a vague idea of what the
topic is about?
What are their interests and how could you
relate your topics to their interests?
What is their general attitude toward your
topic? Are they against, or neutral about
your topic?
Do they have beliefs (cultural, religious,
political) that you may have to consider in
writing your paper?
Do they have misconceptions and biases
that you have to address?

What are your readers’ expectations from

3. Gather 15 references for your chosen topic. They could be online articles, journal articles,
books, etc. Compile using the APA format.

4. List down contributions of members here.

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