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Company Name: Document No.

Document Title: Issue No:01 Page No:
Inter Office Memorandum 1 of 1
የውስጥ ማስታወሻ

To: - Human Resource Manager Date: -31


From: -Procurement Manager

Subject: - Request for training

I am writing this letter to request you to facilitate training for the staff of procurement, Finance
and Top management team. For that reason, we would like to attend Ethiopia single window
system from Aklilu Mathewos Consultancy Service for Economic Development, Business and
Investment organization.
As you know, I am eager to support the success of our team and organization, as well as
continuously improve our own skills and grow professionally. we believe my level of interest
and commitment; the program will ultimately help the organization.
Here are the logistical details:
Start date 03/09/2022
Timing: the whole day where will be tea brake and lunch time
Price ETB 10,000.00 as per the enclosed proforma invoice.
This training involves:
Import transaction; Export transaction; Trader administration management supports; Marine
Cargo (insurance process) issue handling and support and Any other technical issues related with
single window systems.
We kindly request to facilitate funding for professional development opportunities and other
facility during the training session.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours sincerely,


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