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Trieuloo’s In-depth

Challenger Kindred
Guide for Mid,
Jungle, and ADC
This is an In-Depth Guide for ADC, Jungle, and Midred participated by three challenger
players in each exclusive roles. If you want specific advice I highly advise you to use the
guidelines to the left, OR the Table Of Contents.

Youtube Shorts
Timestamp: 0:00:26
Look at guidelines to the left
Timestamp: 0:01:26
Hey guys its Trieuloo, I am an ADC player who is primarily known for hitting challenger playing
kindred, and veigar bottom. I do this because I primarily just enjoy playing offmeta, and have
reached top 100 while playing these “ADC” champions. At the current moment I have
experienced a lot of success on kindred adc, graves adc, malzahar apc, and hopefully more to
come. If you want to check out that journey make sure to check me out on twitch here: Twitch.

So the reason I want to write this guide is because a lot of my community have been asking
“what build do I go on Kindred, or “is this matchup bad for kindred” so in this in-depth Kindred
guide I want to answer all of your Frequently Asked Questions about Kindred ADC,
ALONGSIDE with covering Mid and Jungle Kindred. And as well as covering tips and tricks
that you may not have known about kindred. This guide is going to be fully written by me:
Trieuloo, but I will be asking for advice and tips from two other NA Challenger kindred mid and
jg players named nuri, and kindo. If you are a newer kindred ADC player and would like some
advice on how to play kindred I advise you to check out my previous youtube video That guide is a very good intro video to playing kindred ADC,
despite having a few audio issues.
If you are interested in the script of this video I am going to be giving out the google documents
version of the script to my twitch subscribers over on my discord server. It basically just goes
over everything said in this video in a document format with guidelines. Sadly this is because of
how much time and effort I spent doing this video i am putting behind a slight pay wall, but
hopefully I will get a free mobafire guide in action in the future. The problem is I suck at html and
dont have much time at the current moment, so if anybody would like to help me on that portion
I would greatly appreciate it. I also do know that I may have some mistaken information, or
missed out on some advice/tips. If I did by any chance please tell me in my discord:
Trieuloo#7203 or down below in the comments section!

So in this video we are going to be discussing and going over 12 things: This guide will be
outlining why you should play kindred, kindred’s abilities, and their special interactions, the best
way to mark enemies alongside with predicting jungle marks. The three build paths of kindred:
Shieldbow for survivability & damage, kraken for pure damage, and divine sunderer for great
survivability. We will also be going over what items you want to go after your mythic as well as
explaining why every situational item is good in certain scenarios. Afterwards we are going to
be talking about optimal rune setup which will go over the strengths & weaknesses of
conqueror, pta, and hail of blades alongside with their secondary runes setups.
This will be a general section explaining every single rune setup and their benefits, but later on
will be split into three categories: mid, jg , and ad for convenience. With everything split we are
then going to be explaining every single matchup (in a format where it's easiest matchups,
hardest matchups, and everything in between), alongside their synergies for each of the
categories respectively. Just note that we are not going to be going TOO in depth on laning,
because that will take forever, but I do have videos on how to play kindred ADC on my channel
as well as you can check out kindo on his stream here , and nuri on his stream as well . And
finally please hit the like button and subscribe to my Youtube alongside with following my
personal Twitch because this took me personally A LONG time to make (~300 hours) alongside
with finding the time to collaborate with these awesome other kindred players.
Why Should You Play Kindred?
Timestamp: 0:06:05
Chances are if you have played league of legends before, you have encountered a Kindred
prancing around acting like a god upon the rift: saving teammates as they feel the need to, as
well as marking and killing enemies they see fit. As a matter of fact this is also all happening
while they dance around your whole team seemingly taunting you every second. This majestic
champion while being beautiful to watch through their aesthetically appealing skins, alongside
with their beautiful chromas boast a high, but fun skill ceiling where you can feel like you are
always learning about the champion. If any of these are things that you love, I assure you that
kindred may be the champion for you.

Even if not, here are 5 more reasons why Kindred may be the champion for you.
5 reasons kindred may be the champion for you
#1 Lore
They have a very in-depth and interesting lore that all could enjoy. Did I just say they, yes I did.
Kindred in fact is actually a champion consisting of two entities, a lamb and a wolf. To put the
lore very simply and concisely, basically they are both in charge of death, and making sure
people die. Sort of like a grim reaper, but brought upon the league of legends universe. Lamb
would be the one who kills the ones who stay still, and accept their deaths while Wolf kills the
ones who ran. They are often respected and known throughout all the regions, and even get
rituals held up to them in these regions. The only region being exempt would be shadow isles
which include champions such as thresh, and karthus, but even then kindred is still looking for
them to finally end these abominations. This lore goes WAY more in-depth, but if you would like
to check it out I would highly recommend watching necrit’s two videos on kindred:
OR by researching it more by yourself. I can guarantee that this story has a lot of girth to it, and
you would not be disappointed by delving deeper into it.

#2 Flexibility
As stated in the overview, this guide is actually going to be written by THREE challenger kindred
players all in their respective roles. This shows the flexibility of the champion, and how they
work universally anywhere, and everywhere. Also being capable to go 4 different item paths,
each having their own benefits. Galeforce if the enemies are longer range, Kraken if they have
tanks and you want to deal more damage, shieldbow if you want survivability, and divine
sunderer if they have assassins that utilize the item of serpent’s fang. This shows how diverse
the champion is, and the endless amount of play styles you can have. Making Kindred a great
one trickable champion, because of the endless options that you have, as well as different ways
to play the game.

#3 Playable all the way to Pro Scene in 3 roles:

Kindred as a champion can legitimately be played in high-elo, as well as professionally across
all three roles. Even though they have seen the most presence in the jungle, as of recently we
have been seeing Kindred sprout up in both the mid, and bot lane, both working very
successfully. We have seen many notable people such as Perkz pull out the kindred mid,
kindred adc being played in LPL versus PPgod and aiming, and kindred jungle being seen all
throughout every region.
#4 Strong Throughout All Phases
They are also champions that have no inherent weakness, because they have a strong early
game, mid game, and late game. Kindred used to have a lull in the mid game where she felt
very awkward dealing less damage, but with season 11 and marksman items being so great,
they have never been in a better spot. With their mark system giving infinite scaling alongside
great item curves, and damage output, they are a champion where if you know the limits
perfectly there is no real “weak spot” that can be abused.

Kindred is undoubtedly one of the most aesthetically appealing champions in the game through
their beautiful spirit blossom skinline, as well as their default skin. The amount of detailing that
went through the champion, as well as the chromas for spirit blossom make Kindred at least a
top 10 aesthetic champion in league of legends if not at the top. Also since Kindred’s spirit
blossom skinline IS included in the blue essence emporium you are able to buy all the chromas,
and with 290 RP buy the ruby chroma which personally is my favorite. Sadly the other chromas
were for the spirit blossom event, so they are no longer obtainable. Realistically you will never
see the other skins, because Spirit Blossom was way too good of a skin for a cheap price of
1350 RP.

PASSIVE: Mark Of The Kindred

Lamb can choose a champion to hunt by clicking the champion portraits above the inventory.
Wolf periodically hungers for and hunts enemy jungle monsters.

Each kill or assist on hunted targets completes a hunt and empower's Kindred's basic abilities.

Check PASSIVE: Mark Of The Kindred for a more indepth section.

Q: Dance Of Arrows
Cost: 35
Cooldown: 8s Range: 340 Area of Effect: 500

Active: Lamb vaults, firing up to 3 arrows at Physical Damage: 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160
nearby enemies, dealing physical damage and (+75% bonus)
gains 25% bonus Attack Speed for 4 seconds.
Reduced Cooldown: 4 / 3.5 / 3 / 2.5 / 2
Casting Wolf's Frenzy or vaulting inside of seconds
its effect reduces the cooldown of this spell.
W: Wolf’s Frenzy
Cost: 40
Cooldown: 18 / 17 / 16 / 15 / Range: 500 Area of Effect: 800

Passive: As Kindred move and attack they build Health Drain: 49 - 100 (based on level)
stacks of Hunter's Vigor, up to a maximum of
100. At full stacks Lamb's next basic attack
drains health from the target, based on Lamb's
missing Health.

Active: Wolf claims a territory, attacking nearby

enemies inside it for 8.5 seconds. Lamb can Magic Damage: 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 (+20%
redirect Wolf to new targets by attacking them. If bonus)
Lamb leaves Wolf's territory he will cease
attacking and join her. [+1.5% target's current] (+25% bonus Attack
Wolf's attacks deal magic damage and deal 50%

increased damage against monsters and reduce

their Attack and Movement Speed by 50% for 2

E: Mounting Dread
Cost: 50
Cooldown: 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / Range: 500

Active: Cripple an enemy, slowing their Physical Damage: 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 / 160
Movement Speed by 50% for 1 second. (+80% bonus) [+8% target's missing]

After Lamb attacks the target twice, her third

attack instead directs Wolf to pounce on the

enemy, dealing physical damage (Max 300 vs.


Wolf's attack critically strikes her target for 50%

increased damage if they are below 15%

(+50% Crit Chance) Health.

R: Lamb’s Respite
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 180 / 150 / 120s Area of Effect: 500

Active: Lamb blesses the ground under herself Heal: 250 / 325 / 400
for 4 seconds. While inside the area, all units
(including champions, minions and monsters;
both allied and enemy) cannot be reduced
below [+10% their max]. Units in the area who
reach the threshold cannot be healed while
within for the remaining duration.

All units within the zone are healed

immediately after the blessing ends.

PASSIVE: Mark Of The Kindred
Timestamp: 00:11:29
Knowing the ins and outs of Kindred’s marks is what separates a good Kindred, from a great
kindred as Marks are what makes your champion scale infinitely. I am going to be going over the
marking system in-depth and EVERYTHING you need to know about their passive.
Wolf’s Marking System (jungle)
Starting off Wolf’s marks is down to a system where certain camps are marked periodically
based upon the camp’s respawn timer, as well as based upon your marks. Looking at this chart

Shows all the possibility of marks at different stages of the game. These marks starting at 3:15
mark a RANDOM large monster in the ENEMY’s jungle for 180 seconds which is highlighted for
both teams to see. The cooldown for these marks spawning is 180 seconds long, and the mark
disappears from the minimap 15 seconds after it’s killed. BUT if kindred’s team does not have
vision the mark will be removed from the map ONCE wolf’s cooldown has expired. If the
cooldown is already refreshed after three minutes the next mark will be spawned in 45
seconds. These cooldowns are NOT shown in game, and can be seemingly random with wolf
not marking anything randomly at certain times. Also you do not obtain marks by KILLING the
marked target, but rather for a TAKEDOWN which is either an assist or a kill. This is especially
important for mid & ad kindred where you only have to tag (or hit the large monster) to obtain a
mark. Just remember that the takedown period is within the last 6 seconds, and HAS to be your
teammate who kills the marked target. Using this information on how Wolf’s marking system
works, you could assume where the jungler is after the mark disappears, and predict when, and
where jungle camps are going to become marked. Getting the hang of all mark spawns and
deactivations is a tool that a great kindred would use to track the enemy jungler, and obtain
themselves a sizable lead.
Lamb’s Marking System (champions)
While wolf’s marks are on enemy jungle camps, lamb marks enemy champions where they can
be marked at any point of the game every 75 seconds. However targets that have successfully
been hunted, CAN NOT be marked again for another 4 minutes. These marks take a total of 8
seconds to get fully completed, and if you kill the enemy champion while it is loading YOU DO
NOT obtain the mark for that kill. Also keep in mind that if you get a mark from a kill THIS DOES
NOT change the mark on the jungle camp unless someone has taken the mark. Lamb’s passive
marking system actually DOES NOT only have to be controlled by the HUD, and can be
controlled using hotkeys. These are automatically set to SHIFT F1 - F5 keys, BUT can be
changed in the settings. (see below) This actually does not seem very huge for kindred, BUT by
using this feature you are actually able to mark enemies while you are in combat. This is very
huge, because this can change from you obtaining only one mark, to having two marks in one
fight. Which allows you to be able to hit the 4 mark spike earlier and obtaining the extra 75
range a tad bit sooner.

Kindred’s Passive Scaling
Now that we know how Kindred’s marking system works, you may wonder “Why is it important?”
That is a great question. Everything I just told you about now is irrelevant… No just kidding.
Kindred is a unique champion in a sense that they scale through successful hunts which
increases all her basic abilities. Kindred’s Q, Dance of arrows gains an additional 5% attack
speed bonus per stack, Kindred’s W, wolf’s frenzy gains 1% current health damage per stack,
and Kindred’s E mounting dread gains an additional 0.5% missing hp damage per stack. These
are all good minor buffs and give a GREAT incentive to hunt out for marks as Kindred. But the
biggest aspect of why you want to hunt for marks is because of the increase of attack range.
Kindred starts off with a base number of 500 attack range which increases once you reach 4
marks. This number increasing by 75 is Kindred’s BIGGEST spike which allows Kindred to have
an attack range of 575, and often is why players prioritize the 4 mark spike. Afterwards this
number increases by 25 every 3 marks going onwards til capping at 750 range and 25 marks.
This would actually end up giving a cap of 150% attack speed on Q, 26.5% of target’s current
health on W, and 20.5% of targets missing health on E (while also critting).

● Dance of Arrows: Attack Speed bonus increased by an additional 5% per stack

● Wolf's Frenzy: Current health damage increased by an additional 1% per stack

● Mounting Dread: Missing health damage increased by an additional by 0.5% per stack
Ability Special Interactions
Before we get into this section… NO I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT QUOTES. If you want to see
those you can check out Kindred’s quote page on league fandom

Q: Dance Of Arrows
Timestamp: 0016:33
When playing Kindred their Q is an Auto Attack Reset which means if you Auto Attack + Q +
Auto Attack the animation of your auto gets canceled and the damage still applies. This means
by resetting your Auto Attack animation you can easily pump out more damage than expected.
This is very vital on Kindred due to how many times you can use their Q in one fight, and how
that damage inevitability stacks up. Another tip is knowing exactly what walls kindred CAN, and
CAN’T jump. There are many obvious wall jumps such as the one over dragon pit, BUT there
are some hard ones that many people do not know about.
Wall Hop Guide:
Timestamp: 00:17:10
First one we are going to be hopping over this wall

This requires you to be close to the wall, and your cursor in this specific location. You are able to
hop over one way, but not the other.

An interesting note is that it only works on this specific side (red side).
Second one is very lenient, but one that not many people may know about. Jumping this fat wall
is replicable on both sides, just requiring your mouse to be somewhat near this position.
There are two wallhops you can do over both red walls, one which is more replicable, and
another which is harder + random. I will show you both on this side, but not on the other due to
how useless it is. For this one you want to be snug against the wall, and aiming towards the tip
of this small rock and Q over.

To go back you just want to aim your cursor over the bottom of this small branch.
As you saw the second setup is a lot more finicky to get in the spot, but simple to aim at the top
right of the gravestone.

To go back again use the branch but in the middle this time.
Hopping this wall is the most practical, and easiest setup. You can aim for the bottom of the right
keystone, or for the small blade of grass.

To hop from the other way you just want to point to the top of the three on the red wall.
Hopping the second red wall is really easy as you just aim for the top of the log,

and on the way back, aim for the tip of the rock.
From the blue side this hop is a lot more complicated, and one that needs a fairly precise setup.
You want to click on the bottom right YELLOW flower, and Q over.

Returning back you want to aim for the last blade of grass that extends to the right
These hops are actually possible due to the range extending from 340 units to 400 units when
passing through terrain. Kindred’s Q actually has a bug where it will automatically target the first
three minions, EVEN IF you auto them first level one. This is due to not powering up your W,
and will get resolved once that happens.
W: Wolf’s Frenzy
Timestamp: 0:21:43
While wolf’s frenzy may seem like a simple ability it has many hidden interactions that many
people may not know about. The one that is most common and people may see in every game
is that wolf’s frenzy actually gives you vision if set inside a bush. This does not actually mean
that Wolf’s Frenzy actively seeks out people in brushes, HOWEVER if wolf is already set in the
bush he will chase the enemy champion down til they reach out of the zone. Other interactions
are often just special interactions with champions. Examples of this would include wolf biting
gwen although she is inside her shroud, and wolf’s frenzy domain remaining although you are
inside mordekaiser’s R. This allows you to continue using your Q with a reduced cooldown, and
gaining attack speed, BUT wolf’s domain does not show in the death realm. Lastly, if you face a
direction with wolf’s frenzy and place it down it will place towards that direction. Simple huh.
E: Mounting Dread
Timestamp: 00:23:03
The only real special interaction that Mounting Dread has is that sometimes it does disappear
when used. How does this work you may ask? If enemies flash away into fog of vision while the
E is traveling in the air it happens the most often, BUT it also works if they just walk out of vision
sometimes. This is all because of the fog of war, and when the bug happens it also applies no
slow. This does not occur all the time, but it happens somewhat often. Other than that, applying
Kindred’s E at the end of lamb’s respite allows for the critical strike threshold to be low enough
to kill the enemy.
R: Lamb’s Respite
Timestamp: 00:24:15
Lamb’s respite is an interesting ability that saves both enemies and allies, HOWEVER people
do not typically know the cues for Kindred’s end of ultimate. There are both audio and visual
cues for kindred’s ultimate, the easiest one to discern being spirit blossom kindred. Timing autos
correctly allow you to burst enemies with relative ease, and “outplay” opponents. And the
biggest trick to timing auto attacks with kindred in their R is DO NOT AUTO TIL THE END OF
THE ULTIMATE. This means do not auto 0.1 seconds before the ultimate ends, because that
auto will not do damage. This is a misconception that A LOT of players start out with, including
me. It makes sense, however it just does not work. You have to wait til the ultimate does the
downwards animation THEN you can auto attack. Also when mordekaiser ults, you are taken
outside of your ultimate.
Timestamp: 00:25:20
In this section we are going to be explaining the differences between the 4 different types of
kindred builds, and the niche of these mythic items. We are also going to be explaining what
items are good alongside these mythic items. This portion is going to be overall more generic
explaining what items are good with what mythic, BUT we are not going into lane specifics until
later down the line. These builds typically work in all 3 roles, but there are certain cases where
building items are more streamlined. KEEP IN MIND Kindred is a SUPER flexible champion
and has many “correct” item paths for every game. Adaptability is key.

Kraken Slayer

Kraken slayer as a mythic item is generically a fairly good item on kindred. This being due to
lamb’s respite allowing you to have a lot of damage, alongside with safety. The build path to the
item is great allowing kindred to hit early game spikes with noonquiver and is what you want to
go if you want to go GLASS CANNON to shred tanks. Going kraken slayer kindred alongside
with an enchanter gives you a scary pairing that not many champions could mess with.
Immortal Shieldbow

Immortal shieldbow is an awesome mythic on kindred which gives inherent tankiness, alongside
with great damage. The shield often allows you to save your ultimate for later on in team fights,
and not get instantly burst by champions such as akali. This allows you to play ALOT more
aggressively in team fights without the need of an enchanter and being self-sufficient. You
typically just have to be conscious of not ulting too early due to shieldbow, or too late. Building
and utilizing shieldbow to the utmost effect is a craft that you need to perfect.

Galeforce as a mythic item has died down in the hype after the nerfs from 60 seconds -> 90
seconds, HOWEVER it is still an awesome mythic item in certain scenarios. A great scenario
where you can utilize Galeforce is against POKE teams, and teams with SKILL SHOTS. An
example of Poke champions are champions like xerath, and champions with skill shots would
be like leona. Leona is a great example, because if you get stunned by her R, solar flare you
can instantly die, however if you dodge it with galeforce, their engage fails.
Divine Sunderer

Divine sunderer as a mythic is one that is good in a very specific scenario. And that is when the
enemies have AD ASSASSINS that build the item Serpant’s fang. This is the scenario that
Divine sunderer excels in giving you an extra 400 hp boost compared to the cut hp from
shieldbow. However, this build will be going more on-hit rather than crit which will decrease your
overall damage output. As many items / mythics in this guide take this mythic when you need it
in specific scenarios.
Trinity Force

An actual build that started sprouting up due to the divine sunderer nerfs. You would typically
want to build this item like you are building divine sunderer, with on-hit.
Timestamp: 00:29:41

Phantom Dancer
Phantom dancer is a great pairing alongside kraken slayer due to the synergies they provide
which grants you a lot of ramping attack speed with the true damage passive that kraken slayer
provides. Only really great when there are at least two beefy bois, OR if you are playing
jungle. Only very occasionally do you want to be pairing phantom dancer with another
mythic like shieldbow if they have tanks and threats. Building it every game is not very
optimal due to your passive synergies with Q which grants enough attack speed already.

Sometimes even when you go glass cannon they do not have tanks, or any threats. This is the
situation where you would like to go stormrazor which is a stronger item curve, alongside having
a great slow that synergizes perfectly with Kindred’s kit. Even though the item stats do not really
reflect how good it is, I assure you it is great when people can run away. This item is
TYPICALLY built the most with Kraken Slayer & Galeforce, but overall can be built with any
mythic items due to the amazing synergy with Kindred’s kit.

Infinity Edge
Infinity edge. The item that you expect whenever you are typically running a crit build because
of its inherent synergy. This case is not an exception. With infinity edge kindred deals a heavy
amount of burst and is a GREAT item to be building third, or rounding out your last items. Infinity
edge works well with any of the crit mythics whenever you want to slot it in.

One of the two armor penetration items in the game, this one being for auto attackers. Kindred
indeed is an auto attacker so this item synergizes with kindred and helps you take down tanks
that are itemizing Health. This item also can REPLACE infinity edge as a typical third item, or
be slotted in one of your second, or last items. LDR in general works well with all 4 mythic items
and can be slotted in accordingly.
Serlyda’s Grudge
The other half of the item penetration items that are actually meant for assassins works
WONDERS on Kindred. This is because the unique passive which gives 30% slow applying on
both your W, and your E. Obviously this item is a tad bit worse versus tanks that build health,
but if enemies are stacking armor that are squishy this is an outstanding option. Seryldas
works well with Galeforce, Shieldbow, and Divine sunderer. Not optimal on kraken slayer
because you build kraken BECAUSE of HP stackers.

The Collector
The collector is a very overrated item in general, and that is the same case for Kindred. It DOES
NOT synergize as well as you think with kindred ULTIMATE, because of how much Essence
reaver does the EXACT same job, but giving CDR as well. Great when building Galeforce, but
not recommended for anything else. It is overall “ok” for kraken slayer.

Mortal Reminder
With all the healing going on in the game I ASSURE YOU that you will need heal cut in your
games. Mortal reminder is an AWESOME option for kindred giving you all the stats you need
ALONGSIDE with PROCCING on multiple targets because of your Q. Also there is hidden
synergy based on your ultimate Lamb’s respite. Great for every build, even divine sunderer.

Chempunk Chainsword
Build the above item. This item is not so Poggers.

Rapidfire Cannon
A great item to put alongside stormrazor to chase enemies down and get a finishing kill when
they have a lot of range. Not really great to be building early because of the stats. Good with
Kraken slayer and Galeforce.

Mercurial Scimitar
Not that great on Kindred. Just take tenacity runes, unflinching and/or mercury treads
depending on team composition. But it has fairly good practical use with kraken slayer and
galeforce if they only have one cc ability like fiddlesticks.
Serpent’s Fang
Not the most ideal item on kindred due to them being ranged, but overall a decent item
nonetheless. If none of your teammates are able to build serpent’s fang versus champions like
lulu or ivern I recommend picking one up after your core 2 items. Great on divine sunderer,
but ok on crit builds.

Wit’s End
One of the greatest gold efficient items in the game and an item that has PERFECTLY
SYNERGIES with Kindred. Every stat that it gives is great on kindred and the move speed helps
you easily chase enemies that are running away. This also helps you do more mixed damage
rounding out your damage curve to ~ 30/70 magical and physical damage respectively. This
makes it very hard to itemize versus kindred, and gives great tankiness to hold your ultimate.
Wit’s end can be built anywhere from your second to last item and be built on every mythic.

Guardian’s Angel
Guardian’s angel is a horribly bad item to be building on Kindred since they symbolize death…
Just kidding, GA is a great item versus champions that knock you out of your ulti such as lee
sin and sett because it allows you to hold the activation which could otherwise potentially lose
your team the game. This item is great with kraken slayer, galeforce, and shieldbow. Not
super great with sunderer because you are already tanky enough.

Essence Reaver
Essence reaver is a great item for Kindred if you are running into mana problems, and want
some extra burst at the end of your combos. Alongside with decreasing your ultimate
cooldown a grand total of 30 seconds level one it is great if you are fighting a lot. Good with
every mythic item BESIDES galeforce, and divine sunderer.

Runaan's Hurricane
Runaan’s synergizes SUPER well with Kindred’s kit due to how her ultimate works, and allows
you to burst multiple targets inside your ultimate. However, due to the new season this item
TYPICALLY isn't great to be built second anymore. This is due to stat efficiency, and most times
it is just better to be building stomrazor or phantom dancer. BUT this item is STILL super
beneficial to be building later on down your item builds. GREAT item to build with divine
sunderer, and shieldbow. Decent with Kraken (look at phantom dancer), and gale.
Ravenous Hydra
Really great lifesteal item when built alongside with runaan’s hurricane. It also applies every
single time you use your Q. I personally think it’s a better alternative to bloodthirster if you want
lifesteal, but to each their own. Great with every build.

The Bloodthirster
I personally think it is fairly underwhelming, however it gives good stats, and an extra shield if
you want it. If you want lifesteal I would recommend ravenous hydra. Build with Kraken,
galeforce, and shieldbow.

Blade of the Ruined King

Blade of the Ruined King Really Shines with (Non-crit builds like Divine sunderer) as it deals
one of if not the highest damage in the game off a single item. Great item to build either second
or third.

One of the items that has actually appeared due to lane kindred and divine sunderer.
Typically built third when enemy composition has NO ap damage and you need extra damage
before completing your runaan’s.

Guinsoo’s Rageblade
Not a horrible item considering Kindred’s E still crits but is stuck on the 10% threshold which
basically means its not great.

Black Cleaver
Takes down overall enemies armor if you are playing more of a supportive role alongside with
divine sunderer and want to be EVEN MORE TANKY. But not that great of an item considering
all that, because you have enough HP but want more damage with non crit builds.
Death’s Dance
One of the better tanky items when you are going Divine sunderer that gives you armor and
attack damage respectively. This is because of your high Health value which utilizes the
passive efficiently giving you a lot of overall heals and damage negation. GREAT if they have a
lot of initial AD burst, but not prolonged damage. ONLY good if you have a lot of HP.
Timestamp: 00:37:15

Berserker greaves
Berserker greaves are a great item and the one that you want to be building most of the time. It
gives great attack speed for boots which does super well with kindred if you want to be dealing
a lot of damage.

Mercury’s Treads
Great item versus champions like Leona who can cc you for centuries, or mages who do a lot of
burst damage like leblanc. Overall there will be a decrease in damage, but that always
happens when building defensive.

Tabis / Plated Steelcaps

Nobody knows why it is called plated steelcaps now, (sigh) but tabis are good versus full ad
teams and champions that build lethality. As stated above there will be a decrease in
damage, but if you do not get forced to blow your ultimate early it is really beneficial.

Mobility Boots
Really great synergy with the tear of the goddess if you know what i mean (wink).
Now we are going to be talking about the runes section of the Kindred build which has a lot of
adaptability based upon enemy team compositions. A lot of the runes are used for different
purposes, and are different based upon the playstyle you prefer. This section is going to be split
into two: the major keystone categories, and then the minor runes.
Timestamp: 00:38:50

Conqueror is a stable all around good keystone because of how the ramping attack damage
works. This giving you ALOT of overall damage in team fights, and even more damage when
you use your ultimate. This keystone will be the one you are going to use on Kindred 80-90%
of games just due to the good synergy, alongside with the great path because going down the
precision tree gives you BY FAR the best options to choose from when it comes to runes.

Press The Attack

Press the attack is often taken on newer kindred players, and in general people who want an
easier early game. The truth about this rune is that in the early game from levels 1-5 PTA
BARELY OUT DAMAGES conqueror by 20 damage, and that being on a single target. After
that it has worse scaling, worse teamfighting, and worse skirmishing potential. This rune is
VIABLE for very snowbally matchups, however it is not a good rune to be running 24/7.

Hail Of Blades
Hail of blades is not a setup that is really “great” but is necessary in certain situations. These
situations are often when enemies outrange you SO HARD that you can actually not get in auto
attack range for more than 1-2 seconds. This playstyle would be more bursty and rather not
focused for sustained damage which kindred always likes.
Timestamp: 00:40:30

Precision Minor Runes

The tree line that you almost always want to be taking on both lane kindred, and jg kindred
due to the immense synergy every thing has. There is CLOSE to NO scenarios you do not run
the precision tree as primary / secondary.

Overheal, Triumph, POM

First line is realistically only triumph, or presence of mind. Triumph synergizes really well with
kindred’s kit, but sometimes you need mana while playing lane kindred. This is all up to your
own discretion.

Legend Alacrity, Tenacity, & Bloodline

The second line is options between three great things that kindred wants to utilize, and is mostly
the reason why u always want to take precision tree. The general key rules are
● Alacrity is for jungle, or if you are playing divine sunderer kindred.
● Tenacity for both lane / jungle if they have a lot of cc.
● Bloodline is generally always going to be the best for lane kindred.

Coup de Grace, Cut Down, & Last Stand

Third line is often between Cut Down & Last Stand with coup de grace being only if you take
galeforce. Cut down obviously being better vs tanks, and last stand being good in all
scenarios due to your ultimate: Lamb’s Respite.
Domination Minor Runes
Most commonly used for Jungle Kindred’s Secondary path, but sometimes used in lane kindred
when wanting to run hail of blades / legend: tenacity.

Cheap Shot, Taste of Blood, & Sudden Impact

I would recommend going for taste of blood, as the other runes are not that great on lane
kindred. Hail of blades is not a great rune page to be going on jungle kindred, so you would
rather opt for the other two lines.

Zombie Ward, Ghost Poro, & Eyeball Collection

Zombie ward is not that great, because Kindred is a VERY snowbally champion and would just
rather want to skirmish permanently. This is only viable for pro play, and you should just take
eyeball collection for more AD growth earlier.

Hunter Collection
Ingenious hunter is BY FAR the best… just kidding. It is by far the worst rune, and the only NOT
VIABLE one. Each other one has its own use. Relentless hunter being great for jungle kindred
due to having one of the lowest base jungle movement speeds at 325. Ravenous Hunter being
good for laning when you want to take Legend: Tenacity. Last but not least Ultimate Hunter
being GREAT versus assassin champions like Qiyana, or zed.
Sorcery Minor Runes
Take these only versus AP Assassins playing midred.

Nullifying Orb, Manaflow Band, and Nimbus Cloak

Take nullifying orb for your damage reduction which can NOT get procc’d off like bone
plating can.

Transcendence, Celerity, & Absolute Focus

Probably celerity for more movement speed everything else seems underwhelming dont
personally recommend.

Scorch, WaterWalking, & Gathering Storm

Gathering storm if you are a true man, water walking if you like roaming.
Resolve Minor Runes
The Resolve tree is primarily used for ADC kindred for sustain, and to prevent burst damage.

Demolish, Font of Life, & Shield Bash

These other runes are not super relevant, but I have been testing Shield Bash and it actually
has some amazing use alongside with enchanter champions. This gives you 1-10 armor / mr
based upon your level and alongside extra damage. It may be good alongside with revitalize if
you are playing alongside with enchanters.

Conditioning, Second Wind, & Bone Plating

All runes in this category are useable depending on the situation. Conditioning is great versus
champions that run flat ad/ap penetration and if u have a safe lane. Second Wind is good
versus poke champions like ezreal or azir. Lastly bone plating is great for champions that like
to take trades like renekton and lucian.

Overgrowth, Revitalize, & Unflinching

Overgrowth is not that great of a rune on Kindred, but revitalize & unflinching are both great.
Revitalize is good with your W heals alongside with giving great value from your lamb’s
respite. Unflinching is great versus champions that have slows like ashe does, and
synergizes well with your lamb’s respite once again.
Inspiration Minor Runes
The inspiration tree is used for both lane kindred, alongside with jungle kindred. However, most
commonly used in the jungle.

Hextech Flashtraption, Magical Footwear, & Perfect Timing

Magical Footwear is the only thing you can take in this line due to your base movement speed
again being only 325. Also with how much kindred likes to skirmish these free boots will be
gifted very early on. If you are taking the inspiration runes MAKE SURE to get Magical

Future’s Market, Minion Dematerliazer , & Biscuit Delivery

Future’s market is a REALLY underrated rune for jungle kindred which allows you to hit
important item spikes like noonquiver really early on. This will impact your clear speed very
heavily and let you take over games with a breeze. Biscuit Delivery is pretty decent on lane
kindred if you just want lane shove early. And demat sucks.

Cosmic insight, Approach velocity, & Time Warp Tonic

Cosmic Insight is a great rune thats only used for lowering summoner cooldowns on Kindred.
This has seen great use in mid lane, and jungle where you can abuse the 60 second timer on
enemies mid flash, as well as getting your smite sooner. Approach Velocity is a cheese rune
used in the bot lane where if paired with a cc support you can catch enemies easily. Use for
early cheese kills if you want to go down the inspiration path. Time Warp Tonic is used mostly
for the movement speed for bot kindred, but OVERALL I THINK RESOLVE is better.
Kindred ADC
Timestamp: 00:47:29
This portion is going to be written by me: Trieuloo with the help of nobody else… Because
sadly nobody I know plays kindred ADC. BUT I hope to change that by posting this and giving
you guys all insight on the matchups, build paths, (if you want in-depth reasons why i build
these items/runes go read builds/runes) and lane synergies. Also since you are playing lane
kindred make sure to note that your Q: Dance Of Arrows WILL ALWAYS GO ON MINIONS
LEVEL ONE so try not to take fights in minion waves. The playstyle really revolves around using
your W sustain, taking “bad” trades where you are actually winning, and playing super
aggressively. If you have many more questions that I haven’t personally answered in this
section, or are interested in seeing more Kindred ADC Gameplay check me out on OR And lets get on to it!
Timestamp: 00:48:21
For Kindred ADC you typically want to be marking their ADC , but in a few scenarios you can
mark their support as well. Cases such as Braum, Rell, or mage supports are great targets to
mark first due to their no escape capabilities, and low hp. Through the mid game you would
want to be swapping the mark to the frontliners, OR people who are underleveled for free
marks. If the mark spawns on the bot lane scuttle IF you are pushed in just give up the scuttle.
Often more than not giving a half level lead is NOT EQUIVALENT to getting one mark so it is
okay to give.
Skill Order:
Normal Skill Order

Skill order VS tanks

Timestamp: 00:49:01
Kindred ADC works with every single build but my personal favorite is Essence Reaver
Shieldbow which provides a good amount of burst damage alongside with survivability.
Kraken Stormrazor is also a great option for ADC which gives good tank shred, alongside with
chase potential. Galeforce storm razor/Collector is good when enemies outrange you
EXTREMELY for example champions such as xerath. Trinity force is good for more damage for
an on-hit build, w/ a little less survivability than divine. Lastly Divine sunderer with bork/wits
and opting for an on-hit build is good for survivability versus AD ASSASSINS who would
typically build a serpent's fang. Each of these items do hold a different type of playstyle and
require a lot of testing to see if you want to play with one build only, or adapt to all different
builds (which I personally do).
Runes Setup:
Timestamp: 00:50:45
For Kindred ADC I would recommend taking a rune setup of Conqueror,Triumph,
Tenacity/Bloodline, and Cutdown / last stand. For the secondary tree I would recommend
Resolve including ANY of the second line (based on team compositions) and either
unflinching or revitalize. I also like to take HOB w/ taste of blood, eyeball collection, and
ravenous hunter versus specific champions that are hard like: ashe / caitlyn. This setup is
paired well with the precision tree of triumph and bloodline.
Summoner Spells:
Timestamp: 00:51:23

A necessary summoner spell for Kindred and there is no exception. This helps for a lot of cases
and also is just great versus other people’s flashes. Just take it.

Great against champions with close range and burst spells.

Great overall, especially if you are running revitalize

Overall not great for kindred, as you just run legend:tenacity and be fine.

Great synergy with the end of your ultimate if your support wants to run exhaust or heal
Timestamp: 00:52:04

Hardest Matchups:

#1: Ziggs 10/10

Nerf this champion please! Thanks. Ban this.

#2: Caitlyn: 10/10

Hardest matchup where a good caitlyn can NEVER die to you, and you get permanently
kited. The traps are also ABSURDLY obnoxious as well. Can only win if you have a engage
support AND Caitlyn misplays. I Recommend rushing Berserkers & Galeforce w/ HOB. If you
see a lot of caitlyn's, ban it.
#3: Ashe 8/10

Hard matchup that is super support dependant. Unflinching + Berserkers + HOB helps alot
in this lane, but you can still get kited out and lose the matchup due to high range and slows.
#4: Twitch 8/10

tHard matchup that requires the kindred player to play EXTREMELY WELL. His slow is
obnoxious, alongside with if you use your R: Lamb’s respite early you will die 100% of the time
after ultis. If he goes AP this matchup is even harder. I Recommend being a perfect player
and ulting his E damage.
Even / Skill matchups

Draven 5/10

Draven is a very hard matchup unless you know exactly how the lane goes. Then it becomes
extremely easy for the kindred. Many people think of going HOB and straight up bursting the
draven, HOWEVER I found an easier way which is rushing Plated Steelcaps / Tabis. Using
your base damage numbers you will win draven 100% of the time and make this a super easy
lane. Play safe until reset.
Ezreal 4/10

Ezreal is a easy matchup where you will always get lane shove and have great sustain with
your w. The problem with ezreal matchup is that you will never get kills and be able to obtain
marks by killing the enemy. Ezreal can purely just outscale you if marks dont spawn bot side
and you go even in lane.
Tristana 7/10

Tristana is what most people see as a counter to kindred, but it is not actually true. This
matchup is a skill matchup where kindred can easily snowball early game. The biggest thing
you have to care for is Tristana’s E: Explosive Shot proccing your bone plating. Also keep
in mind to not ulti early because tristana’s R: Buster shot .
Samira 6/10

One of the easier champions to lane against, however it is the MOST SNOWBALLY lane out of
every single pick. This is because if you have one bad R she will get fed, and you will most likely
lose. Try to kill samira before ulting. Take exhaust.
Xayah 5/10

Xayah is a champion that can never really duel with you, but you have to be conscious where
the feathers land when engaging, many times people do not R the feather damage. Otherwise
it is a fairly easy lane where if you take exhaust it is a ok.
Senna 4/10

Senna is one of those weird champions, because it really depends on what is the support
matchup. But in general versus senna I like to take hail of blades and rush for early kills due to
senna’s low health bar.
Sivir 3/10

Really easy matchup and a champion that not many people play. However if they make this
lane into a farm fiesta you get outscaled. Make sure to Q before E’ing to get rid of the
Jhin 2/10

If Jhin ever goes for an autotrade make sure to just engage him with your E: Mounting
dread. You just want to freeze the lane and look for opportunities to engage.
Kog’maw 5/10

An easier matchup than you actually think. You do have to give cs whenever kog’maw presses
W, however just engage whenever his W is down. You will have around a 9 second window
every time.
Miss Fortune 4/10

Miss Fortune is not a very hard matchup in lane due to your w sustain giving you enough
health to sustain through the poke. You just want to find engages on Miss Fortune
alongside with preserving your ultimate until after she ultis.
Jinx 3/10

Jinx is a carry with not much upfront damage alongside being immobile. If you hop over her
E: Flame Chompers she is most certainly dead. A matchup where you have to play extremely
Varus 7/10

Varus is actually a harder matchup if the enemy varus just decides to afk. Sadly you are never
able to engage and will eventually get outscaled if he so decides to play safe. However if u
take unflinching / tenacity you will be able to get lane shove and play for prio and bot marks.
Vayne 7/10

Vayne is a weird matchup where she actually beats you mid-late game unlike other picks
even if she is behind. You just want to snowball as hard early and maintain a lead and play
for teamfights. Make sure to take exhaust.
Easiest Matchups

#1: Kai’sa 1/10

Kai’sa is one of the shortest ranged ADCS which makes this lane Extremely Easy. If she ever
uses her R:Killer Instinct you match it with Lamb’s respite and win in the later portions. Her
burst damage is not enough to make you scared if you take bone plating.
#2: Kalista 2/10

Kalista is one of the champions where you simply just outdamage her kit. You win this matchup
if you go exhaust because you can stat check her at most portions of the game. The only real
“scary” thing about kalista is her rend at the end of lamb’s respite.
#3: Aphelios 4/10

Aphelios is a matchup where you have to pay attention to guns and the lane is simple.
Basically you just have to just not engage when he has red & grey and you win every fight
(unless you find a good engage). This is a matchup where exhaust does plenty of work.
#4: Veigar 1/10

Veigar is a matchup where if you just run tenacity / unflinching this tiny wizard will NEVER be
able to touch you and you can do whatever you want. Taking exhaust makes the tiny wizard
even more sad.
Lane Synergies:
Timestamp: 00:59:29
For Kindred ADC the most simple thing you should understand is engage >
mages = enchanters. Engage is EXTREMELY better in all cases, unless it is a lulu who gets
counter pick. Mages and enchanters are both not great blind picks with kindred although they do
work in counter matchups.
Taric 100/10 if duo 1/10 if not

By far the best synergy with Kindred, HOWEVER only if you are duo queue or play this
synergy a lot. The reason this is good is because Kindred can Q’s forward and taric can E
and they easily get stunned making this combo EXTREMELY POTENT. This makes Kindred
Taric have a strong lane alongside with great scaling because kindred & taric’s ultimates. “As
a wiseman once said: Kindred taric is the strongest duo in bot lane if your support can
count time. However they are support players. Most of them can’t. “ Does not fit any of the
categories, BUT is bedazzling of a pick (when coordinated ).

Blitzcrank 11/10

The steam engine is one strong hunking machine that pairs PERFECTLY with Kindred. As
long as he hits his hooks you are having an ABSOLUTE BREEZE in lane. You can easily
stack up marks, and kill them off every hook with your burst damage.
Leona 10/10

Kindred Leona is a great lane with a lot of kill pressure, however the biggest problem is your
level one. This is just one lane you cant leash, but have immense kill pressure which kindred
loves. Great blindpickable champion with kindred bot lane.
Alistar 9/10

Alistar paired alongside Kindred is really good in a way that people do not expect. When
picking alistar it gives you great sustain in the early game, good engage trading patterns,
alongside with great roam potential. This all being really beneficial to Kindred because she likes
the CC setup and playing for 1v1 scenarios against their adc. 100% blindpickable and
underrated w/ kindred not blindpickable if you support is alicopter. Just kidding, every ali
player is great.
Thresh 10/10

Thresh with Kindred is a great lane because with the premier lane bully alongside with kindred
there is a lot of kill pressure and Thresh opens a lot of space. Also with great disengage with
flay and lantern. You can easily play aggressive throughout the whole lane phase.
Tahm Kench 7/10

Thomas Kench is a champion that likes to go in ALL IN HARD and he does truck loads of
damage. If you use your E: Mounting Dread it sets up REALLY EASY with Abyssal dive his
w. If a person gets caught up in this combo they are MOST CERTAINLY DEAD. However if he
misses his abyssal dive… 15
Trundle 5/10

The troll king has returned and is back with some vengeance. If trundle runs hail of blades
there is very great kill pressure alongside with good setup with his pillar. By playing super
aggressive you can easily cheese early kills. If the trundle plays passive I suggest you ff.
Lane will not be playable. Or even better “Time To Troll”
Rell 6/10

Just looking at all of rells quotes she has some GREAT SYNERGY with Kindred. For example
“Fight Like You mean it. Die for something that matters”. She is a Very aggressive lane where
you just want to all in permanently and tell your jungle to play bot side, or in general
attempt for 2v3’s.
Rakan 6/10

Rakan is a pick that is weird because he is both an enchanter + engage at the same time. This
means he can play both passive and aggressive with no real problem. However, this is just a
worse lane than rell but a bit safer because there is an escape option.
Pyke 7/10

Pyke is a squishier support that has a trade off because he is more assassin oriented and
does a lot of damage. Also with his ultimate giving you a cut of the gold everytime you hit
the x. Great synergy playing alongside with Kindred because if he ults off your ulti they
are free gold bags.
Nautilus 10/10

Nautilus is akin to leona where he wants to engage all the time, however his hook is the size
of a TRUCK. He also possesses a level one engage which leona does not tend to provide.
I personally love nautilus supports.
Maokai 5/10

The tree man has gone through better days and now he is stuck in support playing with
mandate. I personally feel like maokai is not a great champion in lane but at least he annoys
the enemy champions a bit? … not really that either.
Braum 8/10

The super nice guy with a beautiful mustache. He is known as a safer pick and not really
engage, but I did not want to create a separate category. By smacking people in Kindred’s
ultimate braum can easily apply stuns to everyone at the end of kindred ultimate. Great
support to be playing with, BUT NOT BLIND PICKABLE.

Lulu 10/10 good mu 8/10

Kindred Lulu is always known as a staple pick that allows kindred to shine easily.
However in the bot lane Kindred lulu IS ONLY GOOD when enemies pick engage. Many
people just believe that kindred lulu is op, but due to kindred’s 500 range it makes early
game EXTREMELY HARD versus enchanter & mage champions to the point where you can't
really play the game.
Karma 7/10

One of the better enchanters to pair with kindred as the shield she provides gives an extra
boost of movement speed. Alongside with a great pairing of slows & root + early game
makes her one of the premier enchanter picks in general, kindred no exception.
Janna 7/10

Janna is actually not that bad of a support to pair with Kindred, however this is a lane that is
very diveable if they get on you. The biggest part of this synergy obviously being able to janna
ult people out of kindred ult. With janna’s passive it also solves a lot of kindred’s
movement speed problems. However, this lane causes janna to be locked in the lane but
she really excels in roaming.
Yuumi 0/10

Really bad because you can not function with a support that just sits on you due to low range.
There is quite literally nothing you could do if enemies engage on you playing kindred yuumi
and I personally think it is the worst lane.
Sona 4/10

With the current sona buffs I have played this pair a lot more and realized it is not as bad as
yuumi. It is still not a great lane because this forces you into a supportive role rather than a
carry. But it is not as bad as before where sona is a lump of potato.
Senna 6/10

A really poor lane combo because you can not poke alongside with senna, AND she has no
engage tools. Senna Kindred feels like torture and you just have to use your R as a utility
spell. You are really just Senna’s slave throughout the whole game and you do nothing.
Zilean 6/10

An OK lane due to the synergistic values of kindred + zilean ultimates. Alongside with
bombing people stacked in kindred ultimate. But, one that requires coordination alongside
not being dove pre 6. Kindred already has one of the lowest base health points for ADCS,
and Zilean is one of the lowest base health points for supports. Therefore I do not think it
is super good.
Nami 9/10

The fish is something that I personally have not seen very often, BUT might be sleeper op w/
kindred. With Nami’s E: the three auto buff thingy madingy you deal AN INSANE amount
of damage and typically one shot people paired with your e. The real problem is if anything
blows air on nami she dies and you know the philosophy about ulting supports. dont.
Soraka 6/10

The stargazer is a pick that is seen as Lost shadow’s poster child and is seen in Z Tier all
across his tier lists. Sadly to break it to you she isn’t Z tier. Soraka is meant to be a poke
damage sustain character and that does not synergize with Kindred super well. Only cool
thing is that she can ultimate after kindred R and make the whole team full health.
Seraphine 7/10

Bootleg Sona SUUUUCCCKKKSS… nah just kidding. Seraphine actually holds more synergy
than sona does and actually helps you shove the wave faster. With Seraphine you do not feel
like you are completely afk like how sona feels,, and overall it does not feel bad at all. Also as
a plus side seraphine music is one of my personal favorites.
Morgana 7/10

I personally do not think Morgana is a support that is great by any measures. I think if you
are looking for enchanters others are just better. BUT that does not dismiss the fact you
can morgana R inside of Kindred R. This combo is LETHAL and the fact that it stuns
multiple enemies is absurd raising the score. However, Laning Phase Sucks DooDoo.

Xerath 7/10 (kinda boring)

Xerath as a support outranges you over double fold, and nearly triple. In this type of lane I
like to sit back, drink water, and just press ultimate whenever he needs it. However, you
have to make one thing straight, you are the support he is the carry.
Brand 8/10

Brand likes to “set the world on fire” and with kindred ultimate everybody is in his world. A
brand even with 10 deaths does a TON of damage once he gets his lyandris and spreading to
almost every target dealing massive amounts of damage. As long as he gets his combo off
many people are going to be low hp, and easy kills.
Zyra 8/10

Zyra as a champion is an underrated and underappreciated champion that deals a lot of

damage if played properly. With good plant usage into her snare you can easily set up kills.
Alongside with her ultimate being perfect for kindred ultimate this combo is fairly deadly.
Lux 3/10

One of the worst mages to be playing with Kindred bot because lux unlike xerath needs long
range poke alongside with her kit. And sadly kindred just aint that person.
Vel’koz 6/10

A mage with pretty ok setup, but nothing too special. If you manage to get Kindred’s E into
Vel'koz E you can easily set up for a free kill. However, he does not have that great of a
synergy with Kindred ultimate making him a worse mage support.
Swain 7/10

The evil bird dude has so much damage in his kit that he can kill people 1v2 in the support
role. He has a fairly strong early game / midgame with his hook allowing you to get marks,
alongside with his ultimate doing really well inside the kindred ultimate.

Bard -10/10 (seriously 2/10).

Fun. very fun. Happy face. WOOHOOO :)
( not great synergy due to kindred being a lane bully, and how weak bard is in the early game.
With Kindred’s 500 range you will be permanently bullied, and this is one of the weaker lanes in
the game. 4/10)
Kindred Mid
Timestamp: 1:11:23
This portion is going to be written by me again because I am just better than everyone playing
kindred and I am a god… LMAO just kidding this portion is going to be a collaboration with k
indo who is a Challenger North American Kindred Mid OTP who streams here and has a
separate guide on kindred mid here. Also since you are playing lane kindred make sure to note
that your Q: Dance Of Arrows WILL ALWAYS GO ON MINIONS LEVEL ONE so try not to
take fights in minion waves. The playstyle again really revolves around using your W sustain
and taking “bad” trades where you are actually winning while playing VERY AGGRESSIVE. And
if you just hopped to the section of this guide MAKE SURE TO HIT THE LIKE BUTTON,
COMMENT, AND SUBSCRIBE as it will justify all the time I personally spent making this
guide for you guys. Enjoy!
For Kindred Mid you want to be marking the enemy mid laner, and after you obtain the mark
move onto the enemy jungler. There is an argument for marking the support as well, but it
is more often that the Jungler will be going mid. Another option is that if you KNOW you
lane priority, and can roam. Save the mark until you start roaming, and it’s a free kill. For
scuttle marks kindo says to always go for them no matter the wave state as mid lane is not
a like bot lane where it is able to perma-freeze and you can actually get back to lane in a
short period of time. This making it so you will never lose a lot for a mark.
Skill Order:
Normal Skill Order
The normal skill order will just be Q-max into E-max into W-max as both lane kindreds go.

Skill Order VS tanks

However, the skill order does change when playing versus tanks. When playing versus
tanks I suggest maxing W second, because of how much damage wolf would actually be
able to do.
Timestamp: 01:13:15
Kindred mid’s build is less diverse, and only the option between two different builds. The reason
behind this is because of how mana hungry and prio heavy mid lane is. The first build is
shieldbow. With shield bow you want to be rushing essence reaver first which carries mana,
damage, and even CDR. Then Kindo does prefer to go for the more tanky situational items like
wits end and guardians angel rather than crit. For the second build path it is going to be divine
sunderer with a tear built in. This tear is going to be giving you the mana sustain, but still at a
fair cheap cost. You want to use it mainly for the mana, but can be completing it either 3rd or 4th
if you would like.
Runes Setup:
Timestamp: 01:14:15
Kindred’s Mid rune setup is somewhat similar to kindred adc except swapping your
secondary tree. The things you would swap in the secondary tree are: domination secondary
for getting ultimate hunter, or ravenous hunter if you take tenacity, sorcery for nullifying
orb against magic burst matchups like leblanc and water walking for roaming, but most
commonly he takes inspiration with cosmic insight and biscuits. The reason cosmic
insight and biscuits is the most common is due to the kill pressure that you want early on
with your lower summoner Cooldowns. For the Primary tree you will run the same
precision tree with: conqueror triumph, tenacity or bloodline, and last stand 98% of the
Summoner Spells:
Timestamp: 01:15:06

A necessary summoner spell for Kindred and there is no exception. This helps for a lot of cases
and also is just great versus other people’s flashes. Just take it.

Okay, but diminishing kill pressure is not good for a marked based character.

Great for kill pressure alongside with the short cooldown w/ cosmic insight. (PS ignite at
end of ulti)
Timestamp: 01:15:54

Hardest Matchups:

t#1: Anivia 10/10

Your Q is not fast enough to dodge anivia’s Q plus she can perma zone you from lane /
team fights. A neat little trick is to take unflinching + second wind + doran’s shield to help you
out in this lane, but it still doesnt do much. You just have to play for your other lakers. One of
the hardest matchups due to oppressive laning / scaling is that you can’t do much except
sit back and ultimate.
#2: Lee Sin 10/10

Lee sin in the mid lane is what kindo preferably perma bans due to oppressive laning and
offering 0 counterplay from your ultimate if he R - Q’s. Even with the lee sin wave clear
nerfs, if he ever hits a Q on you, there is going to be trouble. 10/10 difficulty
#3: Azir 10/10

Azir often more than not is the same as anivia but even better. He outranges you
immensely, has a dash, and can knock your whole team out of your ultimate. This is one of
the matchup kindo prefers to dodge as it is extremely unplayable ESPECIALLY IN HIGHER
ELOS. Otherwise you should take dorans shield with second wind / revitalize, and you
will probably go down 30 cs @ 15. 10/10 difficulty
#4: Qiyana 9/10

Hard matchup depending on jungle pressure AND if your teammates play accordingly.
Often more than not she will just use the bush stealth and you can won’t be able to target
her. Coming out from that form she can just instantly one shot you if she is even, or gotten a
kill from another lane. The best way to deal with this matchup is to permanently punish
her early, and call your jungler over. 10/10 difficulty
#5: Tristana 8/10

Difficult matchup because she just often outdamages you AND can PUNT you out of your
ultimate easily making her win throughout almost all phases. This is one of the matchups
where you want to run Press the attack so you can try to beat her pre-6 if she messes up and
snowball through that way. 8/10 difficulty
Even / Skill matchups

Fizz 6/10

Fizz is a matchup for kindred that you are able to abuse early, but it is hard if he snowballs &
gets zhonyas hourglass. This will make it so he is invulnerable for a SOLID amount of time
after kindred ultimate, and will beat you in the burst battle easily. COMBINED with the fact that
his ultimate cooldown is shorter and will be able force your ultimate makes this a harder
matchup in mid - late game if you are not cautious, You want to look for an early freeze, so you
can set up for a solo-kill pre 6. 6/10 difficulty
Jayce 6/10

Jayce is a matchup where you can easily look for kills if you space his forms correctly, and
he looks for all ins. But to do this you have to know his ranges perfectly. This is because
he often just runs phase rush which easily lets him kite you out, and if you engage he can
easily E you out of range. You can also take a slow approach and easily outscale him in
team fights without a hitch. 6/10 difficulty
Syndra 5/10

Sandra is one of the matchups where you preferably take Doran's shield and sit back and
farm. Taking the tenacity rune alongside with mercury tread’s makes the matchup
extremely easier and that is when you can look for lane priority, and solo kills. In this lane you
want to use your HP as a resource getting shoves in, and resetting. 5/10 difficulty
Akali 4/10

Akali is a super easy early game matchup where you win almost all the time if you play
correctly. The problem with akali is that post 6 if she ever hits her E, you can die prior to wit’s
end. If you play in the minion wave, and be cautious about her E this matchup is fairly easy, and
simple. 4/10 difficulty
Cassiopeia 4/10

Cassiopeia is a matchup where you win early easily EVEN if she hits her Q due to being
able to just one shot her, but gets a tad bit harder later on. Kindo prefers to run tenacity
w/ mercury treads so he is just able to tank the cass R, and kill her instantly. A tip against
cass is to walk away from her W: Miasma, and Q back in. Many people will not expect
this, and you can easily get a kill. 4/10 difficulty
Heimerdinger 6/10

Matchup where you will just get pushed in and call for your jungler. You are really not able
to do anything in a 1v1 scenario as you die to his E, but If you ever get to four marks you
will begin to outrange his towers and this matchup becomes very easy. 6/10 difficulty
Katarina 2/10

Super easy matchup where you can abuse katarina almost all the time through the laning
phase and easily get solo kills. She will be permanently under tower, Low HP, and never
being able to take her dagger. The caveat is if she roams and snowballs with TP ignite she
can easily start snowballing against you. 2/10 difficulty
Leblanc 7/10

Leblanc is not a difficult 1v1 where you can dodge her w with your q due to the missile
speed. But, the problem is with how slippery she is, and how her setup potential is
AMAZING. If you begin to have a lot of troubles in this matchup I suggest taking both
nullifying orb alongside with mercury treads. This is a matchup where you just have to
watch out for their jungler, and if you have mercury treads it becomes easy. 7/10 difficulty
Orianna 3/10

Orianna is hard to solo kill, but is just a farm lane where you obtain permanent priority
throughout the map. You will always be able to out-sustain her damage with a relative ease
due to your W and lifesteal. Try to roam to sides to help out lakers, or your jungler. 4/10
Ryze 4/10

Another farm lane where you will take 0 damage unless you eat all of Ryze’s Q’s. The
same concept as orianna where you just want to roam to side to help out your laners.
4/10 difficulty
Talon 3/10

Talon is an extremely easy lane where you beat him throughout all levels, and he can never ulti
onto you. But that is not the problem. If he gives CS accordingly and roams he will still be able
to impact the map, so make sure you ping out roams. 3/10 difficulty
Akshan 3/10

Akshan is a fairly easy lane and one that you bully. He does not do enough damage to you, and
if you ultimate he doesn't have the burst to really follow up. Try to play in the minion waves for
his E and it will be a breeze. 3/10 difficulty
Zed 6/10

Zed is a matchup where if he all in’s you, you will easily win. It becomes a harder matchup if
you just trade ultimates where his ultimate is on a shorter cooldown and he will wins. If
you waste his W you can play aggressively as you would like to and look for solo kills. Only play
sides if you have ulti. 6/10 difficulty
Annie 3/10

Annie is where you want to rush mercury treads and tenacity and just RUN HER DOWN. if
you build mercury treads she will never be able to one shot you, and you can kill her through
the CC. Take nullifying orb, and be careful of her initial level 6 power spike. 3/10 difficulty
Irelia 5/10

Irelia is a matchup where you just have to be cautious about letting her freeze and dodging
her E with your Q. Be very cautious about Q’ing forward due to the cooldown, and she
should never beat you. Try to freeze as much as possible to look for solos. 5/10 difficulty
Zoe 4/10

Zoe is a tenacity / mercury treads lane where you can fight her early if you dodge her bubble
pre merc treads. The reason you run tenacity + merc treads is if she ever lands a bubble,
you will be out of the sleep before she can land Q. By pushing in this matchup you create
a lot of pressure on the zoe, and can easily roam to sides IF she is playing safe. Later on
you should try to force her for a side 1v1. 4/10 difficulty
Ahri 3/10

With Tenacity ahri does a pitiful amount of damage especially since you are able to Q her
second portion of Q. A matchup where you can press your lead by roaming, and looking for
solo kills when here ultimate is down. 3/10 difficulty
Galio 4/10

Galio you want to start shoving in from level one and maintaining that pressure throughout
the whole game. This will make galio not able to roam and low on hp. The hard part is galio’s
gank setup and reacting to galio’s E when that happens. More likely than not if your flash
gets burned you will get repeatedly ganked, and die. 4/10 difficulty
Yasuo 4/10

Yasuo is where you just WANT TO MAKE SURE you save your W for when he engages. Your
W will bite through the windwall and rack up damage that way. Other than that this lane is
very easy, and you can always look for solo kills by freezing and chasing him down. 4/10
Sylas 5/10

Sylas will never win you UNLESS he get’s everfrost and is super snowballed. This is
because this will ensure his E which leads up to free burst damage, and overall a free kill
for him. If you ultimate first make sure to E and auto ONCE extending your E duration,
then autoing a second time once he ultis, and finishing the proc afterwards. 5/10
Twisted Fate 3/10

You will have permanent priority over twisted fate and control throughout the whole game.
Take tenacity if he is paired with a good ganking jungler. And of course since he is
playing twisted fate make sure to ping off the roams whenever he looks to ulti. 3/10
Easiest Matchups

#1: Ekko 1/10

All Ekko can realistically do is engage and it is just EXTREMELY hard since your dash is on a
short cooldown. It makes it impossible to land his W and you can easily kill him. He is never
a scary matchup 1/10 difficulty
#2: Kassadin 0/10

By far the easiest matchup for Kindred where you just poke him and try to one shot him on
3. If you freeze he is unable to play the game with your chase and damage potential. The
only real way the kassadin can play this matchup is if he rushes tabis + frozen heart +
seekers. 0/10 difficulty
#3: Lissandra 1/10

Another tenacity/mercury treads lane where she just begs for her jungler to come
permanently. However since she has no poke besides her Q you will always be able to
sustain full hp and actually look for 1v2 outplays. 1/10 difficulty
#4: Yone 2/10

Easier matchup than yasuo because this time all his spells are projected. He can not
touch the wave or fight without his E so you just want to continue to poke him until he gets
his third Q ,or ultimate and easily dodge it with your Q. 2/10 difficulty
Top 5 Jungle Synergies:
Timestamp: 01:27:31
Kindred mid is an AD MID LANER which means often more than not AP junglers are the most
ideal with this pick to help damage distribution. However, there are certain cases where your
top laner, or bot laner picks AP allowing your jungler to pick AD. Generally going for good
synergies with kindred ultimate is the most beneficial. But the champion pool is fairly small
so we will just be going over the top 5 picks.
Nunu 10/10

Nunu is a champion that you want if you have a mid matchup that you want to oppress AND
maintain a lead. Nunu has good ultimate pairing with kindred alongside with super good
early pressure and CC where you can easily play through mid without a hitch. 10/10
Fiddlesticks 9/10

A champion with a relatively weak early game, but makes up for it for his AMAZING ULTIMATE
and one shot capability. It is a MONSTER alongside Kindred with his AOE CC and ability ulti
after kindred ult. 9/10
Karthus 9/10

Karthus is a perma clear jungler with extremely high magic damage. His DPS and Ulti for
after kindred ultimate make him a great pairing and if you are both snowballed it is good
game almost ALL THE TIME. 9/10
Zac 8/10

As you can see a common trend the best synergies for kindred are often AOE ability
junglers, Zac being no exception. With high cc and engage this allows the kindred player to
carry with a good beefy frontline that scales beautifully in to the late game. 8/10
Ivern 8/10

The one Jungler which has a beautiful time playing with kindred as you get buffed from the
jungle. This gives you great kill pressure if jungle is hovering and good shields for mid-late
game. The only real “problem” is that if you have no front line it may be a problem, but then
again there is daisy. 8/10
Kindred Jungle
Timestamp: 01:29:33
This kindred jungle guide is going to be participated by the one THE ONLY
TRIEULOOOOOOO and nuri as well… i guess. He is a Fantastic kindred player who reached
1k lp in s10 and achieved challenger in s11 as well, both while primarily playing kindred.
He also thinks that Kindred Jungle is the best role for kindred, although I personally dont agree.
(jungle is just broken am i right hahahaha….) Ok moving on this is the MOST COMMON role for
kindred for good reason given their clear speed and great gank potential. It is a very high
tempo playstyle that relies on teammates a good portion of the time.
Timestamp: 01:31:06
For Kindred Jungle you want to initially mark the enemy jungler , but Mark based upon free
kills. What this means is if bot is overextending and you see a free kill just change the mark
without hesitation. Playing Jungle Kindred ALOT OF PEOPLE do not change marks, but it is
VERY IMPORTANT as you are running around the map alot with lots of people to kill.
Otherwise marks are obtained through jungle camps which relies on how you play the early
game and playing around the team which we will discuss.
Skill Order:
Kindred jungle skill order is a bit different with the same Q max, but always W max second for
Timestamp: 01:31:07
Kindred Jungle is again able to run any variant of crit mythics BUT the most popular being
Kraken slayer. The reason behind this is because of the amazing clear speed alongside with
damage output you provide and being able to choose the fights you want in the jungle.
However there are certain people that love playing jungle kindred with divine sunderer with an
on-hit build. This is all mostly about preference, but just know that there are many high-elo
korean kindred one tricks playing the divine sunderer build as well. Trinity force may also
be a viable option, if you want tankiness, but extra damage compared to divine. Just skip
over muramana.
Runes Setup:
Timestamp: 01:31:49
Kindred Jungle rune situation is still always the precision tree. NO JOKE THIS TREE IS
GOOD!!! With the main keystone being conqueror like always. Alongside it you want to be
running triumph with legend alacrity, or tenacity, with cutdown / last stand. With the
secondary tree being your preference between Domination with Eyeball collection &
relentless hunter, or Inspiration with magical footwear and either future’s market, or
cosmic insight.
Summoner Spells:
Timestamp: 01:32:36

A necessary summoner spell for Kindred and there is no exception. This helps for a lot of cases
and also is just great versus other people’s flashes. Just take it.

I have seen Kindred’s run ignite on specific matchups like against Xin Zhao, however I
personally just can not recommend no flash. I think it is just bad… IDK THOUGH MAN

You are playing Jungle. Take this rune. No discussion.
Jungle Pathing Early:
Timestamp: 01:33:07
Kindred essentially has THREE DIFFERENT WAYS she can path throughout the early game
depending on your team composition AND the enemy team composition.
Full Clearing:
When you full clear on Kindred you are not going to be doing the full 6 camp clears that you
often see on every other jungler. This is because if you do a 6 camp clear optimally on Kindred
it will land you ~ 3:30 at the crab which is a bit too late. Instead you want to opt for a 5
camp full clear which can be optimally cleared at 3:12 into the game leashless, obviously
can be faster with a leash. When doing this clear optimally you want to double camp the
blue buff and gromp to finish on time on red side.
Three Camping:
When three camping on Kindred it does not matter if you double camp clear or even get a
leash. The biggest reason you three camp clear is less about yourself, BUT how your
teammates, and opponents are playing. Often more than not you will initiate a three camp
clear on the fly rather than having it premeditated. These ganks could be used to help out
your mid, top, and bot lanes PREFERABLY IF THEY HAVE CC.
Level Two Invade:
When you want to initiate on a Level two invade there are three things that you want to note.
1. Will the enemy jungler be low on his clear
2. Look at if bot leashed, and if top leashed to identify where their jungler started
3. Ask your lakers to give you a good leash on red buff.
These are all important tips to identify if a level two invade is good and if you could
potentially kill them and steal their gromp with smite, OR steal their blue, and gromp as
well. Both scenarios are both great, but depends on what side of the jungle they are on.
Look at matchups to see when you can pull off this strategy.
Other Stuff:
I KNOW I will be having comments and questions like: “Kindred’s level three is strong why
level two invade” or “your such a noob why dont you three camp red side into mid gank
into top gank into scuttle to secure the victory royale.” I hear you, I hear you, now please
be quiet. Kindred is ACTUALLY NOT STRONG LEVEL THREE compared to every other
jungle in the game, and often more than not when both jg’s are lvl 2 kindred will beat them
ESPECIALLY since they blow cooldowns on gromp. Also these are just the three most
common and utilized paths that every jungle kindred player should know.

Jungle Pathing Mid-Late:

Kindred’s Jungle pathing going into the mid-late game is just like every other jungler, however u
want to be playing with your laners for marks. Obviously there is no premeditated way to
know where marks are, BUT working with your team will do wonders. Just remember that
prioritizing first 4 marks IS THE MOST IMPORTANT, and you should not kill yourself over
marks post 4.
Timestamp: 01:37:31

Hardest Matchups:

#1: Kha’Zix 10/10

Kha’Zix is a champion that destroys you post 6, and if you are ever isolated you are dead.
With his ultimate you are never able to auto him after lamb’s respite making him the most
annoying champion to play against in the jungle. He is usually the champion that you want
to ban because of his strong dueling potential. 10/10 difficulty
#2: Xin Zhao 10/10

The zhao is a hard matchup for kindred because you virtually have 0 counterplay. His dash
is undodgeable and with his knockup beating you after the ultimate rendering both of
those abilities useless. The only thing you could do versus this champion is try standing
near walls, and hopping over the walls when he dashes. If you get caught out you lose.
10/10 difficulty
#3: Lee Sin 9/10

Lee sin is again a problem for kindred in the jungle especially in the early portions. You actually
are able to 1v1 him early game, BUT that is if he does not ward hop into Q and instead
misses. If he ward hops into a guaranteed Q you lose 100% of the time. Also with the fact
that his ultimate counters your ultimate you have to be cautious burning your cooldown.
Make sure to play on the opposite side of lee sin if you value your life. 9/10 difficulty
#4: Gragas 8/10

Graggy is a champion that is not menacing until you play against a good one. If gragas
builds an early lead on you this matchup is virtually unplayable and you can easily get one
shot without being able to react because gragas R. This is a matchup where you just want
to gank more than he does and hope it works because going even is losing. 8/10 diffuclty
Even / Skill matchups

Rek’sai 6.5/10

Rek’sai nowadays is more of an assassin with prowler’s claw which makes this matchup all the
more manageable. You are easily able to react your ultimate to prowler’s and can kite out
her tunnels. The hard part is making sure you DO NOT GET CAUGHT out by her in 1v1
situations instead opting for 2v2’s which is fairly hard. 6.5/10 difficulty
Diana 4/10

Diana is a full clear champion which if ahead is hard. This is a matchup where if you do not
impact lanes early you will have struggles. Look to 3 camp clear and start snowballing
lanes to gain an early lead. If you are having troubles make sure to go wit’s end second
item. 4/10 difficulty
Hecarim 4/10

A fairly easy matchup due to Hecarim’s R being predictable. As long as you dodge his R, and
kite to a sensible amount you can easily win trades versus hecarim throughout all phases of
the game. Also since hecarims tend to not take flash (like losers), a level two invade is great
to catch them off guard. 4/10 difficulty
Master Yi 7/10

In a nutshell, Kindred will never be able to beat Yi due to his alpha strike. So you always want to
be playing on opposite sides, and wait for him to alpha strike your teammates before engaging.
If he gets on you it is very hard to ever escape his gasp, and an even harder matchup if he goes
lethality due to his invisiblity. 7/10 difficulty
Udyr 3/10

With the amount of nerfs udyr has received he is just a running tank which you can easily
shred by kiting. He will NOT be able to bear slap you and you can decimate him. The only
reason he is actually 3 is because I have nightmares of udyr meta honestly… 3/10 difficulty
Kayn 6/10

Kayn is a very flippy matchup where if he does not get form, he will PERMANENTLY lose.
But, If he gets ahead on blue form it is unplayable. A sort of matchup where tabi’s and
sunderer helps, but if he reaches a certain amount of kills you can just ff. 6/10 difficulty
Rengar 7/10

Versus rengar you want a sensible amount of jungle tracking and making sure you DO NOT
STEP IN BUSHES WHERE HE CAN BE. That is the ONLY WAY you will lose 1v1 duels.
Otherwise you will never be able to lose 1v1’s even if he ultimates on top of you due to your
ultimate. 7/10 Difficulty
Olaf 4/10

An easy matchup where if you kite well, and use your Q to dodge his axes he cannot play the
game. Make sure to try to save your ultimate after his ultimate so he gets less attack
damage and you can easily finish him off. Also since he clears relatively low we can
easily exploit him by doing the level two invade. 4/10 difficulty
Elise 6/10

Elise is a matchup that is based around skill and if you dodge her cocoon with your Q. If
you guess correctly elise will die, and if you get hit you will die. But the best way to not
really flip is to try to fight around camps and not in the open. Also an alternative way if you
are having a lot of troubles is taking tenacity + mercury treads and out scaling her. 6/10 difficulty
Viego 7/10

Viego is a champion that you have to be careful about, because if he lands his stun you are
most likely dead. This means want to just play the range battle and not step into his mist
randomly. Try to save your teammates with your ulti, because if he obtains possessions it
may be bad. 7/10 difficulty
Warwick 5/10

If Warwick gets on to you, might as well sign your death warrant. However, he typically IS
NOT capable of getting on to you if you maintain your range. With red buff this is even more
exaggerated where he can never fight you. Fairly simple matchup. 5/10 difficulty
Shaco 4/10

Shaco is a matchup that is fairly easy, and honestly not much of a threat. The problem is how
your teammates interact with him and if he gets snowballed due to his great ganking. This
matchup is also very easy if he goes AD due to your ultimate, and slightly harder/annoying if he
goes ap. A tip to play against shaco is to mark him during teamfights to know which one is the
clone. 4/10 Difficulty
Evelynn 4/10

Evelynn if played against properly is one of the most useless early game champions in the
game and should never be able to get into the game. A good strategy to prevent this
rampant snowballing eve can cause is level 2 invading to take control over the game. This
will stop her early power farming, and gives you a lead you can translate to win the game.
4/10 difficulty
Graves 3/10

A matchup where you win 80% of the time unless you are standing near a wall, OR if he has
full grit. You can easily tell his grit stacks by clicking on him, and can not get bursted if you are
not near a wall. If he ever dashes forward just dash backwards, E and kill him with your
range. 3/10 difficulty
Fiddlesticks 3/10

The sticks is a matchup where you have to run tenacity + merc treads and just ulti after he
ultis. If you do a premature ulti in this matchup I guarantee your whole team will die.
Otherwise it is fairly easy, and you have a free 7 minutes to snowball. BUT fiddle often times
than not has very unpredictable pathing so try to get vision on him early so you can
exploit his pathing for double crab. 3/10 difficulty
Taliyah 4/10

Taliyah is a early game oriented jungler who relies heavily on teammates CC so in 1v1’s
she is not that bad. If you are cautious about dashing in her E and dodging her W with your
Q ( or by flashing forward) you can easily get a kill. Beatable if you play around vision and
be cautious of her teammates. 4/10 difficulty
Shyvana 0/10

One of Kindred’s easier matchups in this section, and that is because shyvana lets you do
whatever you want to her. Make sure to take both scuttles and snowball early. A Level
two invade would work wonders against mrs. dragon. 0/10 difficulty
Jarvan 3/10

Jarvan is a scary matchup due to how fast his EQ combo is, however AS LONG as your q IS
NOT INTERRUPTED does not matter if you Q after. You will be able to kite him and finish him
off. Also you can easily get out of his ultimate with a simple hop. 3/10 difficulty
Nocturne 6/10

A matchup where you can easily snowball early, and kite him out. You tend to prefer running
tenacity versus nocturne as a good one will force your ultimate and then fear you for a free
kill. With tenacity this makes this occasion preventable, and you can burst him at the end.
6/10 difficulty
Ekko 2/10

Ekko is a champion that loves to full clear and one that does it very slow. He also has a
projected cc spell which is super easy to dodge and beat. Ekko also LOVES to not power up
his dash for optimal full clearing so we can abuse that timer by level two invading as he
normally only has his Q + W. 2/10 difficulty
Easiest Matchups

#1: Tanks : Sejuani, Mundo, Zac, Skarner, Nunu 0/10

All the tanks matchups are really easy for Kindred due to the fact that you are playing an adc
in the jungle. You shred all these tanks through scaling, and early skirmishes at all points
of the game. 0/10 difficulty
#2: Karthus 1/10

One of the easiest matchups for Kindred because of how low your Q cooldown is. If you just
play to dodge karthus Q’s with your Q I guarantee this is a free win. Also he is very
exposable in the early game by a lvl 2 invade, or a lvl 3 invade. 1/10 difficulty
#3: Ivern 2/10

Ivern is THE ONLY jungle champion that cannot clear marked camps without smite which is
a HUGE benefit for you. He is very easily invadable and allows you to take over the game.
Just try to get early wards so your teammates don't die to his ganks, and you know his
pathing. 2/10 difficulty
#4: Lillia 2/10
Lillia is a deer and you are a hunter. Through Darwin's theory of natural selection this is
unloseable. (Also, since you can kite her out, and she has no way to kill you, this matchup is
easy.) The only real thing why the difficulty is higher is due to her ulti. Be very careful of your ulti
when lilia still has ulti. 2/10 difficulty
Top 5 Mid Synergies:
Timestamp: 01:47:33
Kindred Jungle when you are looking at synergies ideally wants to be paired with either an
enchanter, a priority mid laner, or a setup mid laner. This is so you have more options to be
playing aggressive with CC and can easily look for invades, and priority for marks.

Lulu 10/10

Lulu mid is the perfect champion to be pairing with kindred, due to being aggressive, having ap
abilities, and being an enchanter. She helps to open your options beautifully and allows you to
play aggressively. 10/10
Galio 10/10

Galio is the champion that you want to pair with Kindred if you need a frontliner, alongside
having AP. He serves both purposes beautifully, and as a bonus almost ALWAYS has priority
vs most picks. 10/10
Karma 9/10

Karma is another great enchanter mid laner that does perfectly with kindred, but albeit,
slightly worse than lulu deducting her down a point. This is because she does do more
damage on her own, however less in team fights. 9/10
Leblanc 9/10

The absolute BEST setup mid laner there is, and one that can set you up at any time. With her
distortion and her chain you can easily kill ANY enemies. Also since she has great early-mid
game you can easily contest every single mark getting you 4 marks As soon as possible. 9/10
Lissandra 8/10

Lissandra is one of the great setup mid laners that you can pair alongside with Kindred and
setups for fairly free kills. However, at the current moment lissandra is not doing too hot. If she
receives any buffs she can be in a beautiful spot and would definitely be rated higher in
the synergies list. 8/10
Timestamp: 1:49:24

Thank you guys all for reading my

guide. If you have an questions,
comments, improvements to make
to the guide or concerns, just
message me @trieuloo#7203 on
discord, OR on my stream /
youtube. Love you guys!

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