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In Pairs, choose ONE of the 30 articles in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

You will need to research your chosen right and present a PowerPoint

The four questions are listed below.

You can work in pairs or threes.

1. Title Slide: What article are you looking at? Who is the author/s of this

2. Question 1: Define your chosen article.

*Then rewrite the definition in your own words.

*Include visual aids that are relevant and help convey the meaning/ main
idea of your article.
*Explain why the UN General Assembly might have thought it was necessary
to include this article.

3. Question Two: Research and present one example from Australia’s First
Nations History when this article has been violated or abused.

*Explain the situation: When and where did this violation take place?
*Who were the abusers, and who was having their rights abused?
*What was the aftermath of this event?
*Insert visuals of the event (if available).

4. Question Three: Research and present one modern example from around the
world when this article has been violated or abused. Explain the situation:
When and where did this violation take place? Who were the abusers, and
who was having their rights abused? What was the aftermath of this event?
Insert visuals of the event (if available).

5. Question Four: List your sources (websites that you used) for this

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