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The concept of satisfaction

Nowadays, it is of great importance that successful organizations treat their
personnel as a fundamental source of competitiveness, since the human factor is
considered the most important asset of the organization; hence the need to obtain
and have at all times the most qualified, motivated and competitive personnel
possible, which is why it is considered a key factor in the development of
institutions and its in-depth study, diagnosis and improvement has a direct impact
on the so-called spirit of the organization.
Considering that job satisfaction is the positive feeling that results from the
evaluation of the characteristics of the person who performs. This definition is very
broad. But this is something inherent in the concept. Let's remember that a
person's job is more than just performing the obvious activities of sorting papers,
writing programming code, serving customers or driving a truck. Jobs require
interacting with co-workers and bosses, following organizational rules and policies,
meeting performance standards, living in working conditions that are often less
than ideal, and so on.
Stephen Kellogg recommendations
The company is an entity that can never achieve its objectives on its own, since it
always needs people to help it achieve its goals. The company needs people to
function normally, but if it wants to function excellently, these people need to be
motivated. Therefore, it is in the motivation of the employee where the company
obtains the key to success and the maximum economic benefits. When the
employee enters a phase of demotivation, he begins to lose the enthusiasm and
enthusiasm with which he started the first day. Their performance begins to be
reduced and the quality of the work they perform is affected and therefore they
begin to commit inefficiencies due to lack of attention to the tasks to be performed.
Thus, the recommendations offered by the exhibitors are based on doing what we
do with the necessary enthusiasm to define not only our determination, but also our
The salient point I take away from the talks
Unmet needs can lead members of an organization to adopt appropriate or
inappropriate behaviors. Successful managers minimize inappropriate behaviors
and maximize the appropriate behaviors of subordinates, thereby increasing the
likelihood of increased productivity and reducing the likelihood of decreased
People are motivated to adopt behaviors that satisfy their personal needs.
Therefore, from a management point of view, motivation is the process of providing
company personnel with the opportunity to satisfy their needs through productive
behaviors within the organization; in reality, managers do not motivate people, but
rather create environments in which the members of the organization motivate
themselves. members motivate themselves

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