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The Puppeteer

The Puppet Master

There's a knock at The Night-Club's backdoor. A human thug
answers, "Hello? Who's there?". "We're the new hired dancers
for tonight."- replies one of the women. The thug opens the
door and four women walk in, he closes and bolts the door.
"The boss wants to see you before you begin working this
evening, follow me." The women are led upstairs, passing
many heavily armed men along the way. The thug opens the
door at the end of a long hallway. There is a man sitting
behind desk, he spins his chair around. "Good evening ladies,
my name is Jack Clubs." The man begins explaining, "I own
this establishment, and every bar and brothel in this town."
Jack looks out his window at the dance floor downstairs as he
continues. "The same way i own this building, i now own all
of yo-" Jack is suddenly cut off mid sentence, as a dagger is
driven into his back. He spins around to see one of the
women standing in front of the others. The illusion fades as a
wooden mannequin stands before him. The doll's face has
tiny sharp metal studs in the shape of a smiley face. Jack
jumps back recklessly injuring himself on the blade still in his
back. Jack can read the message written on the doll's chest,
"Good Bye Jack." The dolls lunges forward grabbing Jack. A
man's voice is heard echoing out of the doll. "Good bye Jack!"
Says the man's voice. The doll jumps out the window with
Jack. Jack lands on blade dying instantly. The doll now lifeless
as well. The guards search the area and find no one else.
Meanwhile across the street at the bar, a man casually comes
out of the bathroom and orders another Ale. He downs his
Ale and then heads toward the next town.

Putting on a Show
Puppeteers started out as street performers. That began to
slowly change over time when spellcasters realized that
Puppets were not just toys or dolls but are in fact tools.
People begin hearing about these Puppets that were able to
blend in and infiltrate enemies ranks. Even when the Puppets
were discovered and captured there posed no risk to the
Puppeteer. Which in turn begins to cause unrest within the
hearts of all those who are targeted by these Puppeteers.
However not all Puppeteers are the same, some like combat,
some like entertaining, and some just love the process of
creation. Regardless, when a Puppeteer hit's the battlefield
people quickly realize these Puppets are not to be taken
Pulling the Strings
Puppeteers must be clever and creative when they are
deciding how to design their Puppets or what tasks their
Puppets will do. The more creative the idea, the more likely
it'll work. Puppeteers creativity is their strongest weapon.
Remember to always take the time to prep, haste makes
waste. Puppeteers are able to use their abilities to
manipulate not just their Puppets, but an entire conversasion
and even the flow of combat. When armed with a faithful
companion who will never betray you, and a silver tongue,
there is very little that can get in the way of a Puppeteer.

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Puppeteer Class
Proficiency Puppeteering Uses Cantrips
Level Bonus Features (minimum) Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2 Puppeteering, Spellcasting 1 2 2 — — — — — — — —
2nd +2 Magical Influence 1 2 3 — — — — — — — —
3rd +2 Puppeteer Calling, Puppet Shield 1 2 4 2 — — — — — — —
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 1 3 4 3 ─ ─ ─ — — — —
5th +3 Calling Feature 2 3 4 3 2 — — — — — —
6th +3 Puppet Spellcasting 2 3 4 3 3 — — — — — —
7th +3 — 2 3 4 3 3 1 — — — — —
Ability Score Improvement,
8th +3 2 3 4 3 3 2 ─ — — — —
Empowered Puppet
9th +4 — 2 3 4 3 3 3 1 — — — —
Ally Puppeteering, Calling Feature,
10th +4 2 4 4 3 3 3 2 — — — —
Puppeteering (Upgrade)
11th +4 — 3 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 — — —
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 3 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 — — —
13th +5 — 3 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 — —
14th +5 Enemy Puppeteering 3 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 — —
15th +5 Calling Feature 3 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 —
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 3 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 —
17th +6 — 3 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
18th +6 Tool Mastery 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20th +6 Puppet Master 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1

Quick build Tools: Choose two Artisan Tools to gain proficiency with.
You can make a Puppeteer quickly by following these Saving Throws: Charisma and Dexterity
suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest ability Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Arcana, Deception,
score, followed by Constitution or Dexerity. Second, choose Intimidation, Medicine, Performance, Persuasion,
the guild artisan background. Perception, Stealth.
Class Features You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
equipment granted by your background:
As a Puppeteer, you gain the following class features
(a) a shortsword or (b) a scimitar
Hit Points (a) leather armor or (b) padded armor
Hit Dice: 1d6 per Puppeteer level (a) a hand crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) a sling
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier (a) a entertainer's pack or (b) a explorer's pack
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution a crude/basic 25lb Puppet made from one of the tools you
modifier per Puppeteer level after 1st are proficient in.
Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Blowgun, Hand-Crossbow,
Longsword, Net, Rapier, Scimitar, Shortsword, Whip

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Magical Puppet Strings Spellcasting Ability
Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your Puppeteer
A Puppeteer using the Puppeteering feature, extends their spells. The power of your spells comes from your devotion to
hands and has Magical Puppet Strings spring forth. Your your deity. You use your Charisma whenever a Puppeteer
strings attach to each limb/edge of the object allowing you to spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use
properly control your Puppet's movements. Magical Puppet your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC
Strings maintain a direct path between you and your Puppet: for a Puppeteer spell you cast and when making an attack
cannot get tangled or be grabbed and can go through walls roll with one.
and other objects or creatures harmlessly. Magical Puppet
Strings have a different color for each caster. Regardless of
the color of the strings, they shed a faintly bright light making Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
it clearly visible. The strings exist on the ethereal plane as your Charisma modifier
well, and only break when the Puppet is more than 100ft
from you. If your Puppet is forced beyond it's maximum Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
range by an outside force, your strings automatically sever. If your Charisma modifier
a Antimagic field is between you and your Puppet, the strings
are severed. Magical Puppet Strings do not get in the way of Spellcasting Focus
somatic component for spellcasting. While being carried or controlled any Created Puppet is
considered your spellcasting focus for your Puppeteer spells.
Basics of Puppets
As a weaver of magical strings, you can cast Puppeteer
spells. See chapter 10 in the player's hand book for the Starting at 1st Level- you learn the basics of Puppet Magic,
general rules of spellcasting and Page 12 for the Puppeteer and how to control a object.
spell list. Puppeteering- as a Bonus action: You may expend a
Cantrips Puppeteering use, You then attach Magical Puppet
At 1st level, you know two cantrips of your choice from the Strings to a inanimate object that isn't being carried nor
Puppeteer spell list. You learn additional Puppeteer cantrips worn (The object cannot be a corpse.). The object
of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips becomes your "Puppet". The object may be suspended off
Known column of the Puppeteer table. the ground by your strings, as if floating. Your Puppet does
not have it's own turn, it moves/operates during your turn.
Preparing and Casting Spells Your Puppet has a movement speed of 25ft.
The Puppeteer table shows how many spell slots you have Actions- As a Action during your turn, You can operate
to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of your Puppet to perform any of your actions through it:
these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or Skill checks, Help action, Attack actions. etc.
higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish As a Free Action: You can have your Puppet follow you,
a long rest. maintaining it's distance to you without using it's own
You prepare the list of Puppeteer spells that are available movement.
for you to cast, choosing from the Puppeteer spell list. You can concentrate on Puppeteering for a number of
When you do so, choose a number of Puppeteer spells hours equal to half your Puppeteer level rounded down
equal to your Charima modifier + your Puppeteer level (minimum of one.).
(minimum of one spell). The spells must be of a level for (This feature requires both hands.) (The object must be
which you have spell slots. 100lbs or less.) (You can control the object up to 100ft away.)
For example, if you are a 3rd-level Puppeteer, you have Your Puppet uses your Charisma Modifier for any attacks,
four 1st-level and two 2nd-level spell slots. With a ability checks, Saving throws it might have to do.
charisma of 16, your list of prepared spells can include six Puppets can only perform actions that the Puppet's form
spells of 1st or 2nd level, in any combination. If you would allow.
prepare the 1st-level spell cure wounds, you can cast it Puppets cannot carry more then their own weight. (100lb
using a 1st-level or 2nd-level slot. Casting the spell doesn’t Puppet can carry 100lbs additional weight.) (Puppets cannot
remove it from your list of prepared spells. float when they're Max carrying weight.)
You can change your list of prepared spells when you You may use Puppeteering a number of times equal to your
finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of Puppeteer spells charisma modifier. During a Short Rest 2 expended uses of
requires time spent in meditation and pouring over Puppeteering are replenished. During a Long Rest, all
Puppet designs: at least 1 minute per spell level for each expended uses of Puppeteering are replenished.
spell on your list.
(Puppeteering in all of it's forms is treated as a spell.)
Ritual Casting (Puppets are considered Objects/Constructs when targeted
You can cast a Puppeteer spell as a ritual if that spell has the by a Spell.)
ritual tag and you have the spell prepared.

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Magical influence Puppet Spellcasting
2nd level- learn to become one with your Puppet, this helps 6th level- You are able to cast any 3rd Level spell or lower
you control your Puppet remotely. with the range of "Self" or "Touch" through any Created
Puppet as if it had cast the spell itself. This includes spells
Puppet Senses- As an Bonus action: You may link you that require a melee attack.
senses: See, Hear, and Speak through a Created Puppet.
(You may choose any or all Senses to be linked and you Empowered Puppet
may turn the senses on and off as you feel necessary as a 8th Level- You're able to channel your magic directly through
bonus action.) (Your body is Blind, Deaf, Mute depending your Puppet now. While your strings are attached to an object
on which sense is currently linked.) (If you have any it has resistance to nonmagical damage. When a
Mental Feats you may use them while you share senses Puppeteered Object makes an attack it counts as magical for
with your Puppet.) the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to
Hidden Strings- As an Bonus action: You may expend a nonmagical attacks and damage.
spell slot of 1st level or higher: make your strings
Invisible. (While the Magical Puppet Strings are invisible Puppeteering (Upgrade)
to everyone else, you and the creature the strings are 10th level- You've mastered Puppeteering inanimate objects.
connected to, can always see the faint color of the strings.) Puppeteering- No long requires concentration, also only
requires one hand to operate a Puppet. You can operate a
Puppet Shield second Puppet by expending another Puppeteering use.
At 3rd level- If you (or an ally within 25ft of your Puppet) are Controlling two Puppets requires concentration however.
targeted with a ranged attack or a spell that targets only one When you take the attack action with your Puppet while
creature; You may use your Reaction to move your Puppet in controlling two Puppets, both Puppets attack together on the
between You(Ally) and the source of the attack. The Puppet first attack of your turn. (You can still only control one Corpse
becomes the new target for the attack. (You may use this Puppet.)
reaction twice per a Long Rest.)

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Ally Puppeteering Enemy Puppeteering
10th Level- Now it's time to use your magic on ally creatures. 14th Level- Your Puppeteering magic works on all creatures.
Including the unwilling ones.
Ally Puppeteering- As an Action, You may expend a
Puppeteering Use: You may attach your Magical Puppet Enemy Puppeteering- As an Action, You may expend a
Strings unto an Ally within 50ft of you. While your strings Puppeteering Use: Target must succeed a Charisma
are connected, your Ally has their rate of descent while Saving Throw against your spell save DC or, You may
falling slowed to 60 feet per round. attach your Magical Puppet Strings unto an Enemy within
(Ally Puppeteering requires your Concentration up to 1 50ft of you. The target's movement is reduced by half
hour.) (This feature requires both hands.) while your strings are connected.
As a Action- If your Ally is willing, you may perform Your (Enemy Puppeteering requires your Concentration up to 1
attack action through your Ally. You use your charisma minute.) (This feature requires both hands.)
modifier for the attack and damage rolls. You may add As a Action- You may yank your strings and pull the
your's and your ally's features and feats or any other connected enemy 10ft towards you, target must succeed a
modifier that is applicable into this attack action. Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone as well.
As a Bonus action- You may expend a spell slot of 3rd As a Bonus action- You impose disadvantage on all
Level or higher give your connected ally resistance to all attacks of the connected opponent until the start of your
nonmagical damage for their next 2 turns. next turn.
As a Bonus action at the end of your turn- give your As a Bonus action at the end of your turn- You may
connected Ally a continuous Help-action effect until the impose disadvantage on all of the connected opponent's
start of your next turn. skill checks or saving throws until the start of your next
As a Reaction- If Your Ally is inside a spell's area of effect, turn. (Except against the Enemy Puppeteering saving
and isn't being targeted directly by the spell, you can pull throw.)
your Ally directly to you if you are outside of it's effects. (If you or the enemy step beyond 50ft of each other, the
(This movement doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.) strings will break, ending all effects.)
(If you or your ally step beyond 50ft of each other the Your opponent may attempt a Charisma Saving Throw to
strings do not break, but fade in color and your ally loses break free of Enemy Puppeteering at the end of their
all benefit's until you're within 50ft again then the effects turn.
Tool Mastery
18th level gain the following feature:
Double your proficiency bonus with all tools you already
have proficiency with at the time of gaining this feature.
Puppet Master
20th Level gain the following upgraded feature:
Ally and Enemy Puppeteering only requires one hand and
no longer requires concentration. Puppeteering 2 of any
combination of Puppets or Creatures requires concentration
however. While operating a Enemy and an Ally, you may use
all of Ally Puppeteering features as bonus actions (Except it's
reaction stays the same.) and all of Enemy Puppeteering
features become Actions. If you wish to use both of the "at the
end of the turn" effects, you may use your action and bonus
action at the same time to apply both effects and then end
your turn. If you are Puppeteering 2 Allies you must target
one of your allies when applying an effect. (Same goes for
Puppeteering 2 enemies.) You may however use your Attack
Action through both of your Allies, both attack but roll
seperate attack rolls. When you use your Action to yank the
Enemy's strings, the effect is applied to both enemies.
Puppeteers, no matter what their calling, unlock the ability
to install one Special Modification into a Created Puppet.
Calling of the Tinkerer can now install 3 Special
Modifications into a single Created Puppet. (See page9)

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Puppeteer Calling
Calling of the Warrior Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level- You can attack twice, instead of once,
Some Puppeteers are not as gifted with spellcasting as whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. This
others. So they make up for it by using their Puppet for close feature also applies to your Puppets.
quarters combat.
When you take this Calling, You become a Half-Caster. You Magical Swords
will continue your spell slot progression using the chart listed At 7th level- The spells- Flame Blade and Shadow Blade are
below. added to your spell list and are always prepared.
Weapon Puppets
Calling of the Warrior (Half-Caster) At 10th level- Controlling weapons is second nature to you.
You can use this feature once per a long rest to expend 2 uses
-Spell Slots per Spell Level- of Puppeteering to attach your strings onto 3 Weapons not
being carried or worn. This feature lasts up to 1 minute.
Level Cantrips 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th When you take the attack action you may make attacks equal
3rd 3 3 — — — — to the number of weapons you're Puppeteering. (Extra Attack
feature does not work with this attack action.) The number of
4th 3 3 — — — — weapons you can control increases as you level up: at level-15
5th 3 4 2 — — — control 4 weapons, and at level-20 control 5 weapons.
6th 3 4 2 — — — Enemy Puppeteering (Upgrade)
7th 3 4 3 — — — 15th Level- While your strings are attached to the enemy, all
attacks have advantage against them.
8th 3 4 3 — — —
9th 3 4 3 2 — — Calling of the Spellcaster
10th 4 4 3 2 — — Those who follow the Calling of the Spellcaster, have a strong
grasp of the arcane arts and use magic to empower their
11th 4 4 3 3 — — Puppets.
12th 4 4 3 3 — —
Novice Puppet Caster
13th 4 4 3 3 1 — When you take this Calling at 3rd level- You must choose one
14th 4 4 3 3 1 — cantrip and 1st level spell that inflicts damage from the spell
list of one of the following other classes: cleric, druid,
15th 4 4 3 3 2 — sorcerer, warlock, or wizard. You may only cast the 1st level
16th 4 4 3 3 2 — spell once per a day but you may upcast it. (The chosen
cantrip & spell count as Puppeteer spells for you but doesn't
17th 4 4 3 3 3 1 count against the number of Puppeteer spells you've
18th 4 4 3 3 3 1 prepared.)
19th 4 4 3 3 3 2 Magical Modification
20th 4 4 3 3 3 2 At 5th Level- During Downtime you may install a single
Magical Modification into a created Puppet. (Maximum of
one Magical Modification per a Puppet.) (see Page10)
Arcane Puppeteer
Brawn over brains At 10th level- You may choose two spells with the range of
When you take this Calling at 3rd level- Your Puppeteer Hit self/touch off of the sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell list.
dice become d10s. Hit Points at Higher Levels: This time and These Spells count as a Puppeteer spells for you but doesn't
Each time you level up: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution count against the number of Puppeteer spells you've
modifier per Puppeteer level after 3rd. prepared.
Puppeteer Cantrips Ally Puppeteering (Upgrade)
When you take this Calling at 3rd level - The Cantrips: 15th Level- Ally Spellcasting- You are able to cast any 5th
Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, Sword Burst, are added Level spell or lower with the range of "Self" or "Touch"
to the Puppeteer list and you may reselect all of your cantrips through a Puppeteered Ally as if they had cast the spell
at this time. themselves. (As long as the spell doesn't require

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Calling of the Tinkerer Force Shield
10th level- When Puppet Shield is triggered; you may expend
Those who follow the Calling of the Tinkerer, are Obsessed a 3rd level spellslot or higher: Your Puppet may create a
with tools and their Puppets are always, "Just a work in temporary Wall of Force effect to block the incoming attack.
progress". The wall creates a cone of safety for everyone behind the
Tool Expert Puppet. The wall then fades. (Puppet shield may also trigger
Starting at 3rd level- gain proficiency with tinker's tools, if if you or an ally is within an AoE, or cone effect.) (You may
already proficient with tinker's tools you may choose one only use this feature twice before needing a long rest.)
additional tool proficiency instead. Choose one tool you are Ally Puppeteering (Upgrade)
proficient with to double your proficiency modifier whenever 15th Level- At the end of each of your Ally's turns: If your Ally
you perform skill checks with that tool. has less then max HP; You may expend one of your hit die,
Special Modification Your Ally rolls the hit die and regains hp equal to the result +
At 5th Level- During Downtime you may install a single (your charisma modifier).
Special Modification into a Created Puppet. (Maximum of Calling of the Dead
one Special Modification per a Puppet. This number
increases to two Special Modifications when you reach 10th Those who follow the Calling of the Dead, use corpses as
and then a 3rd Special Modification at 20th level.) (see page9) their Puppets.
Constant Tinkering Puppeteering the Dead
At 10th level- During a Long Rest- When your Puppet is at Starting at level 3- You may target a corpse when choosing
full HP, Roll a d10 and add your tinkerer's tool modifiers to your Puppeteering target. You are not restricted by weight,
the roll. That Puppet gains Temp HP equal to the result. (You but rather by the size of the dead creature. You may control
may only use this feature once per a long rest.) up to a medium size corpse. The CR of the corpse must not
exceed your Puppeteer level. The corpse must be fresh, less
Ally Puppeteering (Upgrade) then 24hrs old. Corpse Puppets retain the attack actions they
15th Level- With a single cast of Ally Puppeteering, You may had while alive. All corpses AC=15. Corpse's Hp is
target a Puppet and an Ally. You manipulate each target with determined by their Size, Tiny=10HP. Small=20HP.
a different hand. If you use the Ally attack option: your Ally Medium=50HP. Large=75HP. Huge=100HP. (The size of
and your Puppet both attack but roll seperate attack rolls. Corpse you can control increases as you level up:level 10-
Large. Level 15-Huge.) (Corpse Puppets cannot gain temp
Calling of the Medic HP or regain lost health by regeneration, magic, or any other
Those who follow the Calling of the Medic, value the health means.) (When a Corpse Puppet's HP is reduced to 0, the
and welfare of their peers above all else. Puppet is destroyed and cannot be Puppeteered again.)
Puppeteer Lifeline Corpse Perservation
Starting at 3rd level- As a bonus action: you may expend one 5th level- The first time a Corpse Puppet lands a melee attack
use of Puppeteering: target an ally within 25ft, you connect on your turn, the Puppet regains hp equal to half of the
one magical string onto that ally. This effect lasts 1 minute. damage inflicted rounded down. When a Corpse puppet has
While the string is connected to your ally, any healing either full hp, they will instead gain 1 temp HP. While a corpse
player receives is shared. As a reaction: If your connected ally puppet has 1 Temp HP the corpse's decay is reset and cannot
receives damage, you may choose to take that damage resume until the temp hp is lost. (Temp hp is lost 1 hour after
instead. You may only connect with one Ally at a time. (The gaining it.) (This is the only way a Corpse Puppet can regain
Ally must stay within 50ft of you or the string will break.) HP or gain temp HP.)
Proactive Medic Corpse Self-Destruction
At 5th Level- When you cause a creature to regain Health, 10th Level- As an Action: You may expend a spell slot of 2nd
That creature gains temporary HP equal to (Your Puppeteer Level or higher: You accelerate the decomposition of the
level + proficiency Modifier + Charisma Modifier.) (This corpse, but you keep the gases contained and you build the
feature may only be used a number of times equal to your pressure up until the Corpse explodes and is destroyed. All
Charisma Modifier +1. If a creature already has temporary creatures within a 15ft radius must make a Dexterity save,
HP, this feature will not activate for them.) fail- take 2d8 acid damage and 2d8 poison damage. Save-
take half the damage. (The Acid damage goes up 1d8 for each
corpse size above medium.) (At Higher Levels. When you cast
this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the poison
damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 2nd.)
Enemy Puppeteering (Upgrade)
15th Level- While your Strings are attached, the creature is
unable to regain any lost health by regeneration, magic, or
any other means.

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Proficiency with Tools Repairing a Puppet d
If a Puppet is 0 HP it is considered "Broken". Broken
Crafting Tools puppets require materials and the tools used the craft the
When crafting Puppets, or Modifying Puppets, your Dm may Puppet to repair it.
have you make Tool Skill Checks. A failed skill check may set Tinker's tools may be used on your Puppet during any
you back some time or waste some of the material used. (Or Short/Long rest to repair any damages.
any other effect the Dm chooses.) If you cast "Mending", You may restore a Puppet to full
health. (Even if it's "Broken".)
You may craft Any parts required for a Puppet, as long as Repairing a Broken Puppet takes 3 hours, which can also
you have the appropriate tool proficiency to work with the be done during a long rest and you'll still receive the
desired materials. benefit's of the long rest.
Crafting a Puppet requires 1 full week of labor, also the
Materials and the tool proficiency to work those materials.
Modifying a Puppet with a (Magic) Special Modification Puppet Death!
requires 1 full week of labor, and the appropriate If your Puppet is reduced to 0 HP, it breaks. A broken Puppet
materials. loses 10% of it's material and must be repaired before being
The crafting time is Halved if you have expertise with the Puppeteered again. If an attack does double the Max HP of
tools you're working with.
When you are crafting a Puppet which requires Metal your Puppet in damage it is destroyed instantly. A destroyed
work done. You may have to craft it near a forge. Metal Puppet cannot be "fixed", it must be completely rebuilt.
Puppet maintenance doesn't require a forge however.

Puppet Weapons and Armor

Puppets can wear armor. If a Puppet doesn't wear armor
the material they are made of counts as natural armor.
Puppets can wield weapons. If a Puppet doesn't wield a
weapon it may use unarmed attacks. ( If the Puppeteer has
proficiency with the weapon the Puppet is wielding you
may add all normal modifiers to the attack roll and damage.
Puppets are proficient with unarmed attacks.)
Puppets can be designed with improvised hidden weapons
built in. These weapons you may add your proficiency
modifier to the attack roll and damage, only if you were the
one who crafted the Puppet.

Puppet Weight Limit's

Different materials, weigh differently. Be sure to watch your
Puppets weight limit during creation. Don't forget to include
hidden built-in weapons into the design, they count against
the puppet's carred weight. Objects that are picked up apply
to your Puppet's carried weight limit. Created Puppets cannot
carry more then their own weight. 100lb Puppet can carry
100lbs additional weight. Your Puppet's weapon/armor factors
into your Puppet's carried weight as well. (Puppets cannot
float when they're at Maxed carrying weight.)

Artificer Infusion Puppets

Artificers may use Infusion on any Puppet Created by you.
A Puppet may only have 1 Infusion applied to the body and
1 Infusion applied to a built-in weapon.
A Artificer may apply any weapon Infusion to any Built-in
weapon the Puppet has.

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Puppet Creation (DM Discretion!)
Based on your specific design Idea your Puppet's Need a quick fix for Object statistics?
HP and AC will be vastly different when compared Use the Spell- Animate Objects' Chart
the example below.

Basic Object statics

Your own Created Puppets have their own statistics. Here are
Rainbow Monkey some basic statistics from Dungeon Master Guide.
Substance Armor Class
(Cloth Puppet) Cloth, Paper, Rope 11
(Size) Huge, Alignment (PC)
Leather 12
Armor Class 11 Crystal, Glass, Ice 13
Hit Points 84 (12d12) (Reinforced object stats)
Speed 25ft Wood, Bone 15
Stone 17
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Mithral 21
(CHA) (CHA) (CHA) (PC) (PC) (CHA)
Adamantine 23
Saving Throws Charisma modifier All saving throws
Skills Same as (PC), may require your senses linked Size Fragile Resilient Reinforced
Damage Vulnerabilities Wood and Cloth are Tiny (Bottle or Lock) 2(1d4) 5(2d4) 10(4d4)
suseptible to catching fire (until level 8)
Damage Resistances Nonmagical Damage (gained at Small ( a Lute or Chest) 3 (1d6) 10 (3d6) 21(6d6)
level 8)
Medium (Barrel or
Damage Immunities Psychic, Poison 4 (1d8) 18 (4d8) 36(8d8)
Condition Immunities All conditions except:
Grappled, Restrained, Prone. Puppets are immune Large (a 10ft by 10ft
5(1D10) 27(5d10) 65(10d10)
to all mental manipulation. Window or a Cart)
Senses None (Unless linked with your own)
Languages Cant speak on it's own Huge (15ft by 15ft
6(1D12) 44(6d12) 84(12d12)
Window or a Boulder)
Challenge (PC)
Material> Cloth Leather Wood Metal
Puppet Stats
(Size) at 25lbs Medium Medium Small Small
Puppets physical stats are determined by your
charisma modifier, except for your puppet's INT and (Size) at 50lbs Large Medium Medium Small
WIS is your own stats because your puppet doesn't
(Size) at 75lbs Large Large Medium Medium
have a mind of it's own.
(Size) at 100lbs Huge Large Large Medium

Size/Weight/Material Attack Damage
Material and the Weight determine the Puppet's maximum Unarmed 1d4
Same Die as weapon normally (Player must be
Size determines the object's HP.
Weapon proficient with the weapon to add any
The Material Determines AC.
If you mix 2 or more materials you take the "Average" AC
value between the materials provided. (Example: Some Puppets have weapons built in to them.
Wood/Stone Puppet AC is 16) (DM Discretion)

Spells Targeting your Puppet.

Feats and Features Puppets are considered Constructs/Objects when
You are able to use any Feats or any attack based class targeted by any Spell.
Features through your Created Puppets.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Advanced Arts / Crafts of Puppets
Special Your Created Puppet can look humanoid, (Hol
Modifications Effect but as a bonus action: can transform into a Sp
ball shape (Puppet retains it's size category) M
(Must be a 100lb Created Puppet of wood
or metal.) You can craft a Beast of Burden: and it's movement increases by an
which can carry 600LBs total weight and additional 25ft. (Ball Form is limited to only Hol
Beast of can stand on it's own without taking movement actions.) Anytime the ball Pu
Burden Puppeteering. (Beast of burden however, moves 10ft, it may activate Charge!
cannot perform any actions, bonus actions, Charge!: Puppet uses it's movement and is
reactions nor can it defend it'self in any limited to a straight line. Each creature in
other way.) Ball Form the ball's path must succeed a Strength Pu
(Charge!) saving throw, Failure: target takes 3d10 Bl
Created Puppets default form can be any bludgeoning damage and is knocked away (Ho
Predator "Beast" you have seen. Puppet's from the ball 10ft and knocked prone. If the C
movement speed is 35ft and "Pounce". If target succeeds the save, target takes half Pup
Animal form:
the Puppet moves at least 10 ft. then damage, Charge! ends and the ball is
immediately hit's a creature with a Attack instead knocked away 10ft. (Attacks of
action, target must succeed a Strength opportunity do not trigger when ball is Pu
saving throw or be knocked prone. knocked away.) (Creatures a size larger then Exp
your Created Puppet have Advantage on the (Ho
(Retractable Spikes function as if
(un)sheathing a weapon.) If save.) Wo
grappling/grappled at the start of the
Special o
Spiked Body creature's turn they take 1d6 piercing.
(Retractable) When melee attacked without a weapon: Modifications Effect
Attacker takes 1d6 piercing each attack. Choose one your Puppet's senses to
Your unarmed melee attacks become a d6 Puppet
improve; eyes or ears. When you use
piercing. (Add 20lbs to the carried weight.) Senses
Puppet Senses you have advantage on skill
You can fill your Puppet with acids or checks with the chosen sense.
poisons, or oil or any other chemical and As an Action: Your Puppet can perform a
have them ooze out of every orifice. 1 Flask ranged attack up to 50ft to wrap the target
can coat your Puppet and lasts for 5 rounds in metal wires. Target becomes restrained
or until it's effects are used. Using these and anchored to the Puppet. As a bonus
flasks is the same as drawing a weapon and action: Puppet may reel-in a restrained
Chemical is considered a freeaction to do so. if your target. A creature can perform Str Save vs
Body Puppet lands/receives a melee attack or your spell DC, when reeling-in and at the
grapples/grappled the vial's effects are Puppet Wires start of each of it's turns to end the
applied. As a Bonus action: your Puppet restrained condition. As a bonus action: you
may ignite any flammable liquid it's may release a creature and reset your wires.
secreting. (Each flask weighs 1LB (unless (As a Reaction: your Puppet may sever the
otherwise stated) and adds to the Puppet's wires, but may not use this again until the
carried weight.) metal wire is replaced.) (Requires 55ft of
metal wire and 10lbs added to Puppet's
carried weight.)
If your Puppet has one creature the same
size or smaller grappled or restrained, as an
action: Puppet opens it's chest and the
target is swallowed, and the grapple ends.
The swallowed target is blinded and
Iron Maiden restrained, it has total cover against attacks
and other effects outside the Puppet, and it
takes (4d6) piercing damage from internal
blades at the start of each of the Puppet’s
turns. If the Puppet is reduced to zero
Health, the swallowed creature is released.
(10LBs Carried Weight added)

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
(Explosion) (Shrapnel) (Feet) Magical
Nonmagical Force Piercing Blast Modifications Effect
Material Damage Damage Radius
When your Puppet is hit with an attack that
(1LB+ of would reduce it to 0HP; the damage is
2d6 1d4 5
Either) negated, and your Puppet automatically
teleports it'self into a pocket dimension for
(5LB+ of one hour. When the time expires your
4d6 2d4 10
Puppet is teleported out of it's pocket
(10LB+ Quick Escape dimension to a open space located within
8d6 4d4 20 10ft of you. (This effect can only be
of Either)
triggered once every 24 hours.) (Must
(25LB of install a glyph of warding on your Puppet
12D6 8d4 30
Either) and on a bag of holding. The glyph is
permanent, and the bag of holding is
Puppet Special Modification Facts As an Action: You may expend a spell slot
Special Modifications add extra utility in various situations. of 1st Level or higher: Your Puppet's Eyes
Your dungeon master may choose to Allow or Restrict any glow red hot, the Puppet may focus on a
Modifications. single target within 60ft. The target must
Installing a single Special Modification or Magical succeed a Dexterity Saving Throw or catch
Modification into a Created Puppet requires one week of on fire. Creatures set on fire by this effect
downtime crafting. take 1d6 fire damage and then again at the
Magical Modification- Do not add enough weight to affect Ignition Sight start of each their turns. A creature may use
your puppet's size. As such, is treated as weightless. their action to pat out the flames, ending
Puppet explosion- The Explosive weight and the Shrapnel the effect. A creature may use their reaction
Weight are counted seperately. but both count toward your anytime they take the fire damage; to drop
Puppet's total weight during creation.
unto the ground and roll to extinguish the
flames, ending the effect. (This reaction
Animal forms- your Puppet moves very similar to the actual
does however trigger attacks of
creature it's based on. but if a creature investigates your
opportunity.) (Must install glass eyes.)
Puppet they must roll against your performance check to
discern any differences. (When Puppet Senses is active your voice is
Beast of burden- is a mobile Table essentially. passively projected far louder then normal.)
Charge!- still uses your movement, and is only limited by As an Action: You may expend a spell slot
your movement speed for your turn. If your Puppet runs of 2nd Level or higher: A wave of
out of movement for their turn "charge!" ends.
thunderous force sweeps out from your
Puppet. Each creature in a 20-foot cone
originating from your Puppet must make a
Magical Constitution saving throw. On a failed save,
Modifications Effect a creature takes 3d10 thunder damage and
is Deaf until the end of their next turn. On a
As an Action: You may expend a spell slot successful save, the creature takes half as
of 2nd Level or higher: You shrink your much damage and isn't Deaf. The
Puppet to a size of 5 inches tall. Weight of thunderous boom is audible out to 300
1LB. While your Puppet is shrunken: feet. When you cast this spell using a spell
Enemies have disadvantage on attack rolls slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage
against your Puppet. Your Puppet has increases by 1d10 for each slot level above
disadvantage on Strength checks and 2nd. (Must install a metal Voice-Box.)
saving throws. Your Puppet has advantage
on Stealth checks and Dexerity Saving As an Action: You may expend a spell slot
throws. This effect lasts 10 minutes or until of 3rd Level or higher: A 10-foot-radius
canceled as a bonus action. If this effect mobile sphere of force springs into
Puppet existence around your Puppet and remains
cancels and your Puppet doesn't have room
Reduction centered on your Puppet for the duration.
to regrow; Your Puppet will become
restrained and takes 2d6 bludgeoning Creatures and objects within the dome
damage until it can expand to it original when you cast this spell cannot exit the
size. If your Puppet's hp is reduced to 0 and dome. All creatures and objects are barred
Puppet Dome
it remains unable to regrow to full size: from passing through it. Spells and other
Your Puppet is destroyed and the material magical effects can’t extend through the
used to craft it is lost. (Clothes can shrink dome or be cast through it. The dome lasts
with your Puppet, but not weapons, armor for 1 minute, it can be cancelled using an
or anything carried.) (Must install a action, or if the Puppet's HP is reduced to
hollowed out gem worth 100gp and filled 0. (This effect can only be used once per a
with iron powder sealed inside.) Long Rest.) (Must install A Small Crystal

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Cantrips (0 Level) 3rd Level 6th Level 9th Level
Encode Thoughts Aura of Vitality Contingency Mass Heal
Light Blink Disintegrate Psychic Scream
Mage Hand Counterspell Flesh to Stone Weird
Mending Dispel Magic Forbiddance Wish
Message Enemies Abound Guards and Wards
Mind Sliver Fear Heal
Minor Illusion Glyph of Warding Investiture of Flame
Prestidigitation Haste Investiture of Ice
Produce Flame Hypnotic Pattern Investiture of Stone
Resistance Leomund's Tiny Hut Investiture of Wind
Shocking Grasp Major Image Mass Suggestion
Thaumaturgy Mass Healing Word Mental Prison
Vicious Mockery Melf's Minute Meteors Otto's Irresistible Dance
Pulse Wave Programmed Illusion
1st Level Sending
Absorb Elements Slow
7th Level
Burning Hands Tongues Crown of Stars
Cause Fear Vampiric Touch Etherealness
Charm Person Forcecage
Color spray 4th Level Mirage Arcane
Comprehend Languages Aura of Purity Mordenkainen's Magnificent
Cure Wounds Charm Monster Mansion
Detect Magic Compulsion Prismatic Spray
Disguise Self Confusion Project Image
Dissonant Whispers Dimension Door Regenerate
Faerie Fire Elemental Bane Resurrection
Frost Fingers Fabricate Symbol
Healing Word Fire Shield Teleport
Longstrider Freedom of Movement
Shield Greater Invisibility
8th Level
Sleep Hallucinatory Terrain Antipathy/Sympathy
Tasha's Hideous Laughter Leomund's Secret Chest Dominate Monster
Thunderwave Phantasmal Killer Feeblemind
Polymorph Glibness
2nd Level Shadow of Moil Illusory Dragon
Alter Self Stone Shape Maddening Darkness
Arcane Lock Mind Blank
Blur 5th Level
Calm Emotions Awaken
Crown of Madness Cone of Cold
Detect Thoughts Dominate Person
Dragon's Breath Dream
Heat Metal Far Step
Hold Person Geas
Invisibility Greater Restoration
Knock Hold Monster
Lesser Restoration Mass Cure Wounds
Locate Object Mislead
Mirror Image Modify Memory
Misty Step Rary's Telepathic Bond
Nystul’s Magic Aura Scrying
Pass without a trace Seeming
Phantasmal Force Synaptic Static
Rope Trick Telekinesis
11 Warding Bond
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