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Msubstance abuse

Substance abuse

Stimulants – Amphetamines

Increase alert, increase confidence, high energy, rapid speech, restless, irritable, aggressive
Control appetite, lose weight
Confusion, anxiety, depression, impaired judgment, delusion, hallucinations, paranoia
Insomnia, nausea, vomit, dilated pupils, nasal congestion, sore mouth

Solvents – Glue

Brain damage, euphoria, lack inhibition, dizziness

Tremors, nausea, vomit, slurred speech, poor coordination
Irregular heart beat, mouth rash

Cannabis, marijuana, hashish, ganja

Smoking, eating, inhaling

Euphoria, heightened sense of visual, auditory, taste, perception
Increase BP/HR, red eyes, dry mouth, decrease coordination, difficulty concentration, decrease
Anxiety, paranoid thinking, decrease mental sharpness, poor school performance, decrease interest
Slowed reaction time
Increase appetite

Opiods – heroin, morphine, codeine, methadone

Decrease pain, drowsy, slurred speech, decrease attention, decrease coordination, confusion,
constipation, running nose, needle marks
Constricted pupils

Complications – HIV, accidents, suicide, decrease work performance, crimes, debts

Prevention – quality communication, listen more, role model, bonding, compliance with treatment,
healthy life style, seek immediate help

Investigation – UA

Treatment – detoxification, methadone replacement (harm reduction), naloxone, psychotherapy,

self help groups

Alcohol – intoxication
Inappropriate behaviour, unstable moods, impaired judgment / attention / memory
Slurred speech, poor coordination, blackouts (cannot remember), coma, death

Alcohol – withdrawal (delirium tremens)

After last drink hours/days, sweating, increase HR, tremors, insomnia, nausea, vomiting,
hallucinations, restlessness, agitation, seizures

Causes – genetics, psychological, environmental

Medical disorders – hepatic steatosis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, gastritis, pancreatitis, HT, AF,
hypoglycaemia, ED, irregular menses, nystagmus, deficient vit B1, fetal alcohol syndrome,
osteoporosis, decrease platelets, neuropathy, dementia, decrease immunity, cancer risk, drug

Treatment – detoxification / withdrawal

BZ (diazepam), antipsychotics (haloperidol)
Disulfiram (antabuse)
Acamprosate –reduce craving
Support group – AA
Spiritual, healthy life style, meditations

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