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Kinetic Energy

and energy Transfers

Kinetic Energy

energy an object has

because it's moving.
The amount of energy is dependent
on the mass of the object and the
speed at which it is moving.

KE = 1/2 m v2
Energy Transfers
When an objects kinetic energy
changes, the energy transfers.
When you swing, you have
kinetic energy at the highest
point. As you go down, kinetic
energy changes into potential
energy.Then, as you swing up it
turns back into kinetic energy.
When a car stops, its kinetic
energy decreases.The brakes
transfer the car's energy into
heat energy. Energy is not lost; it
just changes forms.
How Would a
create Energy
With a Partner Come up
with another example of
kinetic energy transfer.
Kinetic Energy
1/2 m v2
Calculating the Kinetic
Energy of an object with
A MASS of 4kg
A VELOCITY of 25 m/s

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