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Unit 1 : Introduction to Open Source

What is open source software?

Open source term is used to describe computer software and products that can be download and
installed for free, giving full access to the source code for anyone to use and modify its features

"Source code" is the part of software that most computer users don't ever see; it's the computer
programmers who can manipulate to change how a piece of software—a "program" or
"application"—works. As open software have full access to a computer program's source code can
improve that program by adding features to it or fixing parts that don't always work correctly.

For example, Github is a community and task management platform for developers where they
can collaborate on open source projects by fixing bugs and contributing code. This allows people to
develop their skills and learn from other developers.

There are also companies such as Red Hat that specialize in open source technology, and they
build and support open source products.

The open source software must have the appropriate license that complies with open source
definition and is approved by OSI such as the GNU General Public License (GPL).


The success of open source software and initiatives can be attributed to several key factors/

Advanatges of open source/

Why do people prefer using open source software/

Cost Savings: Open source software is typically free to use. This means you don't have to spend
money buying licenses, which can be expensive based on type of software. It's like getting a useful
tool or application without having to pay for it.

Transparency: Open source software is like a glass window. You can see through it, meaning you can
look at the underlying code that makes the software work. This transparency is crucial because it
allows users and developers to inspect the code for security issues, bugs, or any hidden tricks.
Customization: Imagine you have a lego toy and make a car from in it,now that you can take apart
and build in different things. Open source software is similar. You can modify and adapt it in your way
that satisfy your specific needs.

Learning and Education: Open source software is like a classroom where you can learn how things
work. By examining the code and contributing to open source projects, you can gain valuable skills
and knowledge.

No Licensing Restrictions: Open source licenses typically permit unlimited use, distribution, and
modification of the software, as long as users stick to the terms of the license.

Global impact: Open source software has made a huge global impact in various areas. For instance,
Linux is widely used as an operating system, Mozilla Firefox is a popular web browser, and WordPress
serves as a content management system. The success of open source software can be attributed to
its widespread adoption, versatility, and cost-effectiveness, making it a driving force in the tech

Application of Open Source:

An excellent example of open source software is the Mozilla Firefox web browser:

1. Transparency: Mozilla Firefox's source code is available to the public. Users can examine it to
ensure there are no hidden functionalities, privacy concerns, or security vulnerabilities.

2. Collaboration: Firefox has a vast community of developers and volunteers who work
together to improve the browser. This collaborative effort results in regular updates,
enhanced features, and a faster, more secure browsing experience.

3. Cost-Efficiency: Firefox is freely available to users. They can download and use it without
paying licensing fees. This cost-efficiency makes it accessible to a wide range of users.

4. Customization: The open source nature of Firefox allows users to customize the browser
through add-ons and extensions, tailoring it to their specific needs and preferences.

5. Innovation: The open source model encourages innovation. Developers can build upon
Firefox's codebase to create new browsers or extensions. This fosters healthy competition
and drives improvements in web browsing technology.

6. Community Support: Firefox benefits from a dedicated user and developer community.
Users can report issues, request features, and provide feedback, while developers actively
address these concerns, resulting in a better product.

FOSS (Free and Open Source Software):

FOSS stands for "Free and Open Source Software." It refers to software that is both freely available
for users to access and use, and for which the underlying source code is open for inspection,
modification, and distribution by anyone. FOSS promotes transparency, collaboration

It is classfied into :

1) Free software
2) Open source software
3) Freeware

Open Source Software Freeware Free Software

Open source is a software, or The free software that can be The free software, it had can be
the computer program that freely downloaded ,install downloaded freely and can be
can be downloaded or and distributed. The free modified, It means that the users
installed for free. It also means that you don’t have to have the Freedom -to run, copy,
comes with a full access to pay for it for downloading. distribute,study, change and
the source code. So one can But it is typically a closed improve the software.
easily modify, enhance the source software.
code accordingly. , share
with others without any
licensing burden,but it has
some restricttions
Access to Source Code: No Modification: You cannot Access to Source Code: Free
Open source software modify or distribute freeware software, like open source
provides access to its source without explicit permission software, provides access to its
code, allowing anyone to from the author. source code, allowing users to
view, modify, and distribute view, modify, and distribute it.

License Flexibility: It uses Limited Rights: Users can use License Types: Free software can
open source licenses that freeware without payment, use various licenses, but the most
ensure the software remains but the software's author well-known is the GNU General
open and free, even when retains all rights and control Public License (GPL).
modified or redistributed. over it.
Examples: Linux operating Examples: Some free Examples: GNU/Linux
system, Mozilla Firefox web versions of commercial distributions, LibreOffice office
browser, Apache web server. software, like Adobe Acrobat suite, VLC media player.
Reader or Skype

Open source VS free software:

Open Source Software:

1. Philosophy: Open source software emphasizes practical benefits, such as collaboration,

transparency, and peer review. It focuses on the technical advantages of sharing source code.

2. Access to Source Code: Open source software provides access to the source code, allowing
anyone to view and modify it. However, it doesn't necessarily require software to be entirely
free or unrestricted in its usage.

3. Licenses: Open source software can use a variety of licenses, some of which may allow for
proprietary derivative works or have varying degrees of permissiveness. The Open Source
Initiative (OSI) approves licenses that meet certain criteria for open source status.

Free Software:

1. Philosophy: Free software is guided by an ethical philosophy that prioritizes user freedoms.
It views software as a matter of social and ethical responsibility, emphasizing the importance
of respecting user rights.

2. Access to Source Code: Free software mandates access to the source code. Users have the
freedom to study, modify, distribute, and improve the software. These freedoms are non-

3. Licenses: Free software often uses licenses like the GNU General Public License (GPL), which
enforces the four essential freedoms. These licenses prioritize user rights and prohibit
restrictions that would undermine those freedoms.
Open Source Ethics:

1) Commercial Consumer & Redistributors

2) Open Source Provider
3) Open Source Contributor

We focus on three core aspects that are required for the Open Source Model to function:

Respect – One role is aware of the others; their expectations and needs.

Moral – The Moral should be understood and accepted.

Compliance – All required actions are taken to enable compliance.

1. Commercial Consumers & Redistributors:

 Respect: When you use open source software, follow the rules that come with it (licenses)
and don't break the rules.

 Moral: If we are using an open source software,then it is our duty share consective
feedbacks. The moral is to contribute and share, not just take.

 Compliance: Make sure you follow the rules in the licenses. If you change something in the
open source software, share your changes as the rules say.

2. Open Source Providers:

 Respect: If you're offering open source software, be fair and clear about the rules (licenses).
Give credit to those who help to develop your software.
 Moral: Think of open source as a team sport. It's not just about winning; it's about playing
together and helping each other.
 Compliance: Make it easy for users and contributors to understand and follow your rules
(licenses). Be transparent about how your software can be used.

3. Open Source Contributors:

 Respect: If you are developing an open software with a team, then you must respect every
teammates effort equally.

 Moral: Think of open source like a community garden. Everyone helps it grow, and everyone
gets to enjoy the harvest. It's about working together for the common good.

 Compliance: Make sure your contributions follow the rules set by the project (licenses).
Provide clear explanations so others can use and understand your work.

Drawbacks of open software:

Limited Help: Open source software might not have as much customer support as paid software. If
you have a problem, you might have to rely on internet 1or documentation.
Hard to Set Up: Some open source software can be a bit tricky to install and use, especially if you're
not very tech-savvy. It might take more time and effort to get it running.

Bugs and missing features: in many cases FOSS has more unfixed bugs and missing features when
compared to similar paid commercial software.

Lack of Official Support: If you need official help or guarantees, open source might not provide that
level of support As it was develop by different developers.

Can Look Unfriendly: Some open source programs might not have easy-to-use interfaces, making
them less user-friendly.


1. Transparency: Open source is like a clear glass window. It means being open and showing
everything, so you can see how things work.

2. Participation: by participating any open source project group, you will add or contribute your
code and learn very valuable skill from other developers.

3. Collaboration: Collaboration is the fastest way to make an open source project where
everyone share their own ideas. Knowledge coding ability, skills, that makes the project

4. Free Distribution: Open source license comes with the unlimited use modification and
redistribution as soon as you stick to the license rule.

5. Derived Works: If you have a recipe, you can change it a bit and make your version. In open
source, you can do that with software. You can modify and share your improved version.

6. Principles of "Openness": These are like being fair and honest. In open source, people follow
these principles to make sure everyone can use, learn from, and improve the software.

Open Source Initiative (OSI):

The Open Source Initiative (OSI) is a California public benefit corporation. The Open Source Initiative
(OSI) is a non-profit organization dedicated in the promotion of open-source software

In commerical world.OSI was founded in 1998 by Bruce Perens and Eric Raymond.

To accomplish this goal, The OSI (Open Source Initiative) upholds and promotes the Open Source
Definition, along with providing the certification for OSI Certified Open Source Software.To be OSI
certified, the software must be distributed under a license that guarantees the right to read,
redistribute, modify, and use the software freely. The Open Source Definition provided by OSI
contains the following elements:

 Free redistribution
 Source code
 Derived works
 Integrity of the author's source code
 No discrimination against persons or groups
 License must not restrict other software
 License must be technology-neutral

Open Source Standards (OSS):

Open Source Standards (OSS) refer to a set of agreed-upon rules and guidelines that help ensure
consistency and quality in open source software projects.

"Open standard" must satisfy the following criteria:

1. No Intentional Secrets: The standard must not keep any essential information hidden that is
needed for compatible implementation.

2. Availability: The standard MUST be freely and publicly available (e.g., from a stable web site)
under royalty-free terms at reasonable and no cost.

3. Patents: All patents must be licensed under royalty-free terms for unrestricted use

4. No Agreements: There MUST NOT be any requirement for execution of a license agreement, NDA,
grant, click-through, or any other form of paperwork to deploy conforming implementations of the

5. No Incompatible Dependencies: Implementation of the standard MUST NOT require any other
technology that fails to meet the criteria of this Requirement.

Software Freedom

A particular user has software freedom with respect to a particular program if that user has the
following freedoms:

1. Freedom 0 - The Freedom to Run the Program for Any Purpose:

 This freedom ensures that users can use the software for any purpose they desire,
without any restrictions.

2. Freedom 1 - The Freedom to Study How the Program Works and Adapt It to Your Needs:

 This freedom grants users access to the source code of the software. You can see
through it, meaning you can look at the underlying code that makes the software
work. This transparency is crucial because it allows users and developers to inspect
the code for security issues, bugs, or any hidden tricks.
3. Freedom 2 - The Freedom to Redistribute Copies, So You Can Help Others:

 Users of free software are not bound by restrictions when it comes to sharing the
software with others. They have the right to distribute copies of the software to
anyone they choose, whether it's friends, colleagues, or the broader public. This
freedom encourages sharing, collaboration, and the broad dissemination of the
software's benefits.

4. Freedom 3 - The Freedom to Improve the Program and Release Your Improvements to the

 This freedom is at the heart of open and collaborative development. Users have the
liberty to not only modify the software to meet their needs but also to share these
improvements with the public. It promotes a culture of community-driven
development, where users can work together to enhance the software, ensuring that
it remains dynamic and up-to-date.

Software freedom is only complete when no restrictions are imposed .

In general, software for which any of these freedoms are restricted in any way is called “nonfree”

The Best Open Source Software at a glance

1. LibreOffice

2. VLC Media Player


4. Shotcut

5. Brave

6. Audacity

7. KeePass

8. Thunderbird

9. FileZilla


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