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Top 10 des aliments contenant de la

vitamine B12
Par le Dr Josh Axe, DC, DNM, CN
7 juillet 2022

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Liste des meilleurs aliments contenant de la vitamine B12

Sources végétariennes/végétaliennes
Aliments riches en vitamine B12 à éviter
Avez-vous besoin de compléter ?
Les avantages de la vitamine B12 et des aliments contenant de la vitamine B12 sont
vastes et incluent l’augmentation de l’énergie, la réduction de la dépression, la
diminution des envies de sucre et la diminution de la dégénérescence neurologique. Il
s’agit sans aucun doute d’une vitamine B (une sur huit) dont vous ne voulez pas
manquer pour de nombreuses raisons.

Comment pouvez-vous obtenir de la B12 dans votre alimentation ? Consommez des

aliments naturellement riches en vitamine B12 comme la viande, la volaille, le poisson,
les œufs et les produits laitiers.

Êtes-vous prêt à découvrir certains de mes meilleurs choix santé en matière d’aliments
riches en B12 ?

Liste des meilleurs aliments contenant de

la vitamine B12
Voici quelques-uns des aliments contenant de la vitamine B12 que vous pouvez
consommer régulièrement pour vous assurer d’avoir suffisamment de cette vitamine
essentielle dans votre alimentation :

1. Foie de bœuf : 1 once : 20 microgrammes (plus de 300 pour cent de la VQ)

2. Sardines : 3 onces : 6,6 microgrammes (plus de 100 pour cent DV)
3. Maquereau bleu : 3 onces : 7,4 microgrammes (plus de 100 % de la VQ)
4. Agneau : 3 onces : 2,7 microgrammes (45 % DV)
5. Saumon sauvage : 3 onces : 2,6 microgrammes (42 pour cent de la VQ)
6. Levure nutritionnelle : 1 cuillère à soupe : 2,4 microgrammes (40 % de la VQ)
7. Fromage feta : 0,5 tasse : 1,25 microgrammes (21 pour cent DV)
8. Bœuf nourri à l'herbe : 3 onces : 1,2 microgrammes (20 % DV)
9. Fromage cottage : 1 tasse : 0,97 microgrammes (16 pour cent DV)
10. Oeufs : 1 gros : 0,6 microgrammes (11 pour cent de la VQ)

1. Foie de boeuf
Le principal avantage de la consommation de foie est sa teneur très élevée en B12. Il
suffit d’une once de foie de bœuf pour dépasser largement les besoins quotidiens de la
plupart des gens en B12.

Assurez-vous simplement d’acheter du foie de bœuf de la plus haute qualité. Cela

signifie du foie biologique provenant de vaches nourries à l’herbe et élevées au
La consommation de foie de bœuf peut aider à prévenir l'anémie pernicieuse , car non
seulement il est riche en vitamine B12, mais il est également riche en fer et en folate.
Ce sont trois nutriments qui peuvent contribuer à une guérison naturelle de l’anémie.

2. Sardines
Les sardines sont très riches en vitamine B12, et elles sont également incroyablement
riches en autre chose vitale pour la santé humaine : les acides gras oméga-3 . Des
recherches ont montré que les oméga-3 contenus dans la nutrition des sardines
peuvent avoir toutes sortes d’avantages majeurs pour la santé, notamment améliorer
la santé cardiaque, réduire l’inflammation et soulager l’asthme.

3. Maquereau atlantique
Atlantic mackerel (not king mackerel) makes the list of healthiest fish because not only
is it super high in B12, but it’s also loaded with omega-3s, low in mercury and is rated a
top fish pick for health as well as sustainability.

4. Lamb
Lamb is not eaten as much in the U.S. as it is in many other countries, but it definitely
has impressive nutrition content. It’s one of the top vitamin B12 foods, and it’s also very
rich in protein, iron, selenium and zinc.

Selenium and zinc are two major immune-boosting nutrients.

5. Wild-Caught Salmon
Wild-caught salmon is one of the healthiest and most nutritious protein sources. Of
course, you need to choose wild and not farmed to make the most of this fish when it
comes to your health.

Wild-caught salmon is packed with vitamin B12 as well as vitamin D, which is another
common vitamin deficiency these days.

Research has demonstrated that 800 to 5,000 international units of vitamin D per day
can improve musculoskeletal health, naturally slow aging of the skeletal structure, and
reduce the rate of fractures and falls in older adults who are over 65.
6. Nutritional Yeast
If you’re a vegetarian or vegan looking for a way to get more B12 in your diet, nutritional
yeast is a great option. It’s typically fortified with B12 and other B vitamins.

Nutritional yeast is also considered a complete protein since it contains at least nine of
the 18 amino acids that the human body is unable to produce.

7. Feta Cheese
Feta cheese is a great source of vitamin B12 and many other nutrients, such as
riboflavin (vitamin B2) and calcium. Traditionally, feta cheese is made from sheep’s milk
or a mix of sheep’s and goat’s milk.
If you can find feta cheese made from raw sheep/goat milk, the nutrition and health
benefits are even better. Its high riboflavin content is excellent for headache sufferers,
since studies have shown that riboflavin can significantly reduce the frequency of
headaches, including migraines.

8. Grass-Fed Beef
Grass-fed beef is not just a top choice when it comes to vitamin B12 food sources — it’s
also one of the best animal sources of protein. Compared to grain-fed beef, it’s a much
healthier choice.

Research indicates that grass-fed beef is higher in precursors for vitamin A, vitamin E
and cancer-fighting antioxidants compared to grain-fed beef.

9. Cottage Cheese
Cottage cheese is high in vitamin B12 as well as protein and calcium. It’s also the star
ingredient of an alternative approach to cancer known as the Budwig Protocol or the
Budwig Diet.

10. Eggs
Eggs are a great non-meat source of vitamin B12. They also contain choline, which our
livers depend on to function properly.

Research has found a correlation between low choline levels and liver dysfunction and
possibly a higher risk of cancer formation.

If you still want to up your dietary B12 levels, you can take vitamin B12 supplements, in
addition to getting these forms of B12 from vitamin B12 foods. Some types of vitamin
B12 supplements available include:

intramuscular vitamin B12

cyanocobalamin (a manmade form of B12)
multivitamin containing B12

Related: Are Organ Meats and Offal Healthy to Eat?

Vegetarian/Vegan Sources
It’s important to make sure you get enough B vitamins in your diet, especially if you are
a vegan or vegetarian. Fortified foods help increase vitamin B levels in people who
don’t eat animal products, and some plant-based foods are naturally high in the

Some of the best vitamin B12 foods for people on a vegan or plant-based diet include:

Fortified Cereals
Although eating fortified foods like cereal products isn’t considered part of a whole
food, healthy diet because they contain refined and processed grains, for people
following a vegan or vegetarian diet, it’s a good way to maintain healthy B12 levels.

There are healthier breakfast cereals on the market, like those made with whole grains,
no added sugars and no harmful ingredients. Adding a serving to your plant-based
yogurt, açaí bowl or morning smoothie is a great way to get these fortified foods into
your diet.

Nutritional Yeast
Nutritional yeast is considered one of the best sources of vitamin B12, and it happens to
be vegan and vegetarian. Nutritional yeast is also an excellent source of vitamin B6,
thiamine, riboflavin, folate and zinc.

It can be added to rice, pastas, soups and salads for a nutritional punch without the
need for animal products.

Plant-Based Milks
Fortified, plant-based milks help increase vitamin B12 intake, even if you choose not to
consume dairy products. Many non-dairy milks, like almond, oat and coconut milks, are
fortified foods with vitamin B12.

Adding these milk products to smoothies, coffee and baked goods is a great for people
on a vegan or plant-based diet to increase their vitamin B12 levels.

Foods High in Vitamin B12 to Avoid

Although the vitamin B12 levels in these foods are high, they are not considered
healthy and should actually be avoided.

Fortified foods that contain refined carbohydrates, added sugars and artificial
ingredients are not healthy sources of vitamin B12 and should be consumed sparingly.

These foods include:

Fruit juices
Processed meats (like ham cold cuts)
Margarine or spreads high in trans fats
Unhealthy fish (tilapia, Atlantic cod, Atlantic flat fish and farmed salmon)

Related: What Is Tripe Meat? 4 Reasons to Eat This Offal

Do You Need to Supplement?

The current daily recommended value for vitamin B12 (based on a 2,000 daily calorie
intake for adults and children 4 years of age or older) is six micrograms per day. Are you
getting enough vitamin B12 from foods alone?

Whether or not you need vitamin B12 supplements depends on a few factors,
including your diet, general health status and if you’re deficient in the nutrient.

Who may benefit from taking vitamin B12 supplements?

Adults over 50
People with digestive disorders that impair nutrient absorption
People who don’t eat animal products
Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding
Those with a history of heavy smoking, alcoholism and long-term antibiotic use
People on stomach acid-controlling medications

Why is it so important to maintain healthy levels of vitamin B12? The nutrient has
many health benefits, and a deficiency can cause serious problems.

Here’s a quick recap of the many benefits of vitamin B12:

1. Possible cancer preventer

2. Boosts brain health
3. May prevent depression
4. Anemia prevention
5. Encourages optimal energy levels
6. Fights heart disease

Related: Best Vitamin B Foods, Plus Their Health Benefits + Recipes

If you want to ensure that you get enough B12 in your diet on a regular basis, you
definitely want to check out these recipes that include vitamin B12 foods:

Almond Crusted Salmon Recipe

Easy, Gluten-Free Beef Stroganoff Recipe
Stuffed Cabbage Rolls with Lamb Recipe
Turmeric Eggs with Raw Cheese Recipe

The best way to get enough vitamin B12 is through a healthy diet whenever
possible. This isn’t such a hard task once you know what foods contain this
essential vitamin.
The top foods high in vitamin B12 include beef liver, sardines, Atlantic mackerel,
lamb, wild-caught salmon, nutritional yeast, feta cheese, grass-fed beef, cottage
cheese and eggs.
As you can see, there are a lot of tasty options when it comes to foods high in B12.
For people who are not able to get enough vitamin B12 in their diets, there are
supplements available as well.

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