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Multicultural education is a popular term that educators increasingly use to describe education policies
and practices that recognize and acknowledge human differences and similarities in race, social class,
disability, gender, and sexual orientation.

According to Chen's definition, it recognizes the difference that exists between different people and
different groups. It also emphasizes the importance of respecting those who are different from oneself.
After all, it is the difference that makes up this different world. In this case, multicultural education is
very important for this adaptation process.

As a member of the society, the individual interacts with other individuals in the society, individuals
representing public institutions, at work, in leisure activities, and with family and friends. Individuals
establish social relationships that become a part of their culture through the various types of interaction
they have.

Social relations exist simultaneously with power relations. For this reason, a power scale is formed.
Certain rules emerge when different cultures and social groups live together. and those who decide the
rules according to the article create rules for their own interests or behavior. Since this is by the
dominant society mentioned in the article, there is a power difference. If the powers are equal, a system
can usually be established, but in the case of a power difference, that is, if one is dominant, they have to
assimilate because it disregards the other side's culture.

power forces the culture to assimilate or integrate. The withdrawal of members of subgroups into the
life of another culture is assimilation, typically leading to the complete disappearance of the culture.
Integration is when individuals from subgroups manage to preserve their cultural identity and
simultaneously learn to value the dominant culture. If there is a dominant society, power affects culture

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