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J. M.


Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


1.(A) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles: – 5

(i) This is _____ book I want.
(ii) My uncle is _____ doctor.
(iii) She is _____ untidy girl.
(iv) This is _____ best book on the subject.
(v) Please wait _____ minute.
(vi)Twelve inches make _____ foot.
(vii) He enjoyed ______ lunch.
(viii) He is _____ M.A. in English.
(ix) Future turns like ______ wheel.
(x) ______ cow is a useful animal.

1(B) Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:–5

(i) My sister is afraid _____ dogs.
(ii) The workers were _____ strike.
(iii) We usually go there _____ car.
(iv) I'll be with you _____ a minute.
(v) He is suffering _____ typhoid.
(vi) Children are fond ______ sweets.
(vii) Rajesh is senior _______ Shyam.
(viii) She invited me _______ dinner.
(ix) I will meet you _____ six o‘clock.
(x) He is suffering _____ typhoid.

1(C) Give synonyms for any five of the following: – 5

i. Answer
ii. Beautiful
iii. Strong
iv. Little
v. Idle
vi. Announce
vii. Finish
viii. Vacant.
ix. Battle
x. Assist
xi. Pity
xii. Freedom
xiii. Faith
xiv. Allow
xv. Joy
xvi. Begin.

1(D) Give antonyms for any five of the following :– 5

(i) Kind
(ii) Useful
(iii) Above
(iv) Forget
(v) Clean
(vi) Rich
(vii) Permanent
(viii) Wise.

(i) Able
(ii) Fast
(iii) Early
(iv) Cruel
(v) Young
(vi) Easy
(vii) Thick
(viii) Accept

2. (A) Answer the following questions in about 75 words each :–(Prose) 5

i. Describe the nature in Karnataka Forest .
ii. Describe the school in the village .
iii. Write about teachers and students in the village school ?
iv. What are the problems faced by the school during rainy season ?
v. Describe the environment of the forest after rainy season is over ?
vi. Why did Thandappa hesitate in accepting gifts ?
vii. What did the Writer decide after children demand for books ?
viii. What was the philosophy of Thandappa while accpepting a gift ?
ix. Describe the relevance of the title ?
x. There is a grace in accepting also : explain
xi. Describe the Selfish Giant's garden.
xii. How did the children feel after the Giant walled off the garden?

2(B) Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each :– (Prose) 5
i. Write the location of Sahyadri Hill .
ii. Who are Thandas?
iii. Why were the Thanda reluctant to talk to the writer?
iv. What gifts did Murthy bring when she visted the school in winter ?
v. Who is called Thandappa ?
vi. What is the place of Thandappa in his community ?
vii. What was his duty ?
viii. Why didn‘t a lady talk to the writer?
ix. What are the two reasons that a lady didn‘t talk to the writer ?
x. What was the response of an elderly man ?
xi. What were the different roles of an elderly man in the school ?
xii. What gifts did the children want from the writer?
xiii. What did Thandappa present a writer ?
xiv. Why did the Giant build a high wall around the garden?
xv. Who were the only two who were happy to see that there were no children in the garden?
xvi. Why did the little boy not run away when the Giant came out into the garden?
xvii. What made the giant say,' It is your garden now, little children'?
xviii. Who came to visit the garden of the giant at last to take him to paradise after his death?
xix. What is the moral of the story?

3. (A) Answer the following questions in about 75 words each :– (Poetry) 15

i. What are some of the qualities that land of freedom should have, according to Tagore?
ii. How does Tagore speak of sectarianism and communalism in the poem?
iii. How does this poem achieve meaning in the context of the freedom struggle?
iv. Is this the song of a patriot ? Give reasons for your answer.
v. What does Tagore say about stagnation and decay of the mind?
vi. How would you read this poem as a prayer ? Give reasons for your answer.
vii. Write a note on Tagore's concept to of 'the heaven of freedom'
viii. Why did the speaker punish his son?
ix. What did the speaker see when he went to see his son later?
x. Why had the boy put out all of his toys ?
xi. Explain the phrase 'of what toys I We made our joys'.
xii. What are the two person as that the speaker takes on in the poem?
xiii. What does the speaker learn from his experience as a father?
xiv. Why do you think God 'will be sorry for their childishness'?
xv. What do you understand of the speaker's conception of religion from the poem?

(B) Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each :–( Poetry) 5

i. What does Tagore mean by 'narrow domestic walls'?

ii. How can people achieve perfection?
iii. What importance does Tagore ascribe to knowledge, truth and reason?
iv. Why does the poet repudiate the idea of narrow domestic walls?
v. What type of strength does the poet pray for?
vi. Who does the poet describe the little boy's eyes?
vii. How many times did the boy disobey his father?
viii. Who was punished ?
ix. Where is the little boy's mother?
x. Why does the father go up to see the son?
xi. What was the father's reaction on seeing his son?

4. (A) Answer the following questions in about 75 words each :– (Short

i. Why did the garden fall into perpetual winter?
ii. How and when did spring return to the garden?
iii. How did the selfish giant turn into a self lesson?
iv. Describe the experience of Jesus that the giant had.
v. Comment on the title of the story.
vi. Why does the woman impersonate a person who needs a wife even though she is one
vii. What are some of the advantages that the woman will have if she possessed a wife ?
viii. What are the duties that a wife needs to perform for the sake of the children in her
ix. How will the presence of a wife enable the woman in handling the any needs of the
family ?
x. How will the presences of a wife help tackle the sexual needs of the Husband ?

4(B) Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each :– ( Short
Story) 5

i. Why does the woman impersonate a person who needs a wife even though she is one herself
ii. what are some of the advantages that the woman will have if she possessed a wife ?
iii. what are the duties that a wife needs to perform for the sake of the children in her family?
iv. How will the presence of a wife enable the woman in handling the any needs of the family ?
v. How will the presences of a wife help tackle the sexual needs of the Husband ?
vi. Why did the Giant build a high wall around the garden?
vii. Who were the only two who were happy to see that there were no children in the garden?
viii. Why did the little boy not run away when the Giant came out into the garden?
ix. What made the giant say,' It is your garden now, little children'?
x. Who came to visit the garden of the giant at last to take him to paradise after his death?
xi. What is the moral of the story?

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


1.(A) Rewrite the following sentences as directed :— 16

i. You can write faster than Gopal. (Change into Positive Sentence)
ii. Abdul is more honest than any other boy. (Change into Superlative Sentence)
iii. He denied beating the boy. (Change into Negative Sentence)
iv. If you don‘t run, you can‘t catch the bus. (Change into Affirmative Sentence)
v. Who can bear such cruelty ? (Change into Assertive Sentence)
vi. This is not the kind of dress to wear in College. (Change into Interrogative Sentence)
vii. How quickly he walks ! (Change into Assertive Sentence)
viii. The holiday has passed very quickly. (Change into Exclamatory Sentence)

1(B) Give one word for any FOUR of the following: — 4

i. The story of a person‘s life written by himself
ii. Occurring yearly
iii. Money paid for a piece of work
iv. One who trains people for games and sports
v. Line at which the earth and sky appear to meet
vi. A child whose parents are dead

2. (A) Answer the following questions in about 75 words each :–(Prose) 15

i. Whose conversation does the devil overhear? What does he decide to do?
ii. Why did Pahom and his wife decide to buy the first twenty acres of land?
iii. How did they manage it?
iv. What incident made Pahom think his place in the Commune was much worse than
v. WhatdidthetradesmanwhowasreturningfromthelandoftheBashkirstellPahom?
vi. At what price do the Bashkirs agree to sell the land to Pahom? How is it to be measured?
vii. What does Pahom dream of the night before he buys the land from the Bahskirs?
viii. Close to sunset what fears does Pahom experience?
ix. What is the significance of the argument that the two sisters have?
x. How is it related to what happens later?
xi. Why does Pahom buy more and more land ? What does this signify?
xii. Describe the life of the Bashkirs.
xiii. Describe Abdul Kalam's childhood house.
xiv. .Point out the chief qualities of Kalam's father.
xv. What kind of a person was Kalam's mother?
xvi. What was her line age ? Who were the people who influenced Kalam in childhood?
xvii. What is the power of prayer, according to Kalam's father?
xviii. How did Jalaluddin and Samsuddin influence the young Kalam?
xix. What are the good points of adversity, according to Kalam's father ?
xx. What were the two aspects of the sea that Kalam came to understand through his childhood

2(B) Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each :– (Prose) 5

i. Who alerted Pahom about the Bashkirs' land?

ii. How did the Bashkirs treat Pahom when he reached their area?
iii. What condition did the chief layout for selling the land to Pahom?
iv. Why did Pahom fail to reach the hillock in time to claim his land?
v. What were the qualities that Abdul Kalam's father possessed ?' When was Kalam's
ancestral house built?
vi. W'hat is Rameswaram famous for?
vii. How would you describe the relationship between the Hindu and muslim
communities in Kalam‘s Locality ?
viii. Who was one of Kalam's father's closest friends?
ix. What does Kalam's father believe one should do when faced with troubles?
x. What happened during the cyclone? What would Jallaluddin call Kalam?
xi. What did Jallaluddin and Kalam talk about?
xii. What happened as a result of lndia entering the World War?

3. (A) Answer the following questions in about 75 words each :– (Poetry) 15

i. What is the significance of the last four lines of the poem? How does it relate to the rest of the
ii. What is the attitude of the speaker towards the cutting down of the banyan tree?
iii. What lines and words in the poem reveals this?
iv. Bring out the symbolism of the banyan tree and how it is linked to the theme of the poem.
v. How was the banyan tree different from the ocher trees? How does the poet describe the tree?
vi. What are the ways in which an ordinary person can make the world a better place?
vii. Why is it better to laugh and be happy?
viii. Pick out the metaphors from the penultimate (next to last) stanza.
ix. What descriptions tell you that God created Heaven and Earth in joy?
x. How will partaking of the joys of the earth and the sky help humanity?
xi. The last stanza points to the brevity of life and the need to rejoice. Explain this with
reference to this stanza.
(B) Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each :–( Poetry) 5

i. Why do you think the poet's father requested the tenants to leave?
ii. What was the grandmother's opinion about the felling of the tree?
iii. What kind of a personality does the father have?
iv. How many days did it take the workmen to cut the branches of the tree? ·
v. What is referred to as a 'problem' in the poem?
vi. What was the children’s (including the narrator) reaction to the felling of the tree?
vii. What does the poet refer to as 'the sign of the joy of the Lord'?
viii. Who do you think is the poem addressed to?
ix. According to the poem, what did God fill the heaven and the earth with?

4. (A) Answer the following questions in about 75 words each :– (One Act Play )15

i. Why did Wasserkopf want the institution fee back?

ii. Why did Wasserkopf insist that the principal conduct a re-examination?
iii. Why was the Principal surprised and perplexed?
iv. How did Wasserkopf greet the teachers in the beginning of the play ?Why?
v. How did the mathematics teacher prove Wasserkopf to be an excellent student?
vi. How did the history teacher justify Wasserkopfs answer?
vii. How did the physics teacher justify Wasserkopfs answer ?
viii. How did the geography teacher prove Wasserkopfs answercorrect?
ix. How did the teachers save the reputation of the school?
x. How did the mathematics master crick Wasserkopf in to giving the right answer?

4(B) Answer the following questions in One or Two sentences each :– ( One Act Play) 5

i. Who was Wasserkopf ?

ii. What did Wasserkopf demand from the principal?
iii. Who gave Wasserkopf the idea of getting are fund from the school?
iv. What was the principal's reaction to the former pupil's demand?
v. Whom did Wasserkopf call a ‗numbskull‘?
vi. How many questions did the mathematic master ask Wasserkopf ?
vii. What was the 'difficult question' asked by the mathematics professor?
viii. Why did the principal congratulate his colleagues?
ix. According to the principal, what will be the school's' proudest boast'?

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Compulsory Paper–1

1. (A) Punctuate the following : 5

i. he took it very well and when I got off the bus he said good night quite amiably.

ii. I meet Todd very frequently only two nights ago I met him out at dinner and he was
talking apparently without self consciousness about Poland ?

iii. The conductor came to the door whats your number said one taking out a pocket book
with a gesture of terrible things

(B) Change the narration of any five of the following : 5

i. He said, "The film is interesting".

ii. "I have finished my work", said Gopal.
iii. "Post these letters", he said to his servant.
iv. Mary said she was going to Mumbai.
v. She said, "How lovely the house is!"
vi. "Thank you", he said.
vii. He said, "I am waiting for my brother".
viii. "You may go home", said the boss.
ix. He said, ―I am unwell‖.
x. He said, ―I‘m waiting for my sister‖.
xi. ―Padma took my pen,‖ said Rekha.
xii. The officer said, ―Some of the animals have been saved‖.
xiii. ―Where did I leave my coat ?‖ he said.
xiv. He told me he would meet me again.
xv. She asked me to sit down.
xvi. ―Please don‘t make so much noise,‖ I said to the boys.

(C) 10

i. Write a letter to your friend, describing the Independence Day celebrations in your
ii. Write a letter to your Principal requesting a day‘s leave.
iii. Write a letter to your cousin, inviting him/her to spend summer vacations with you.
iv. Write a letter to your cousin inviting him/her to attend your brother‘s birthday party.
v. Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him to grant you a fee
concession because of your financial difficulties.
vi. Write a letter to your Principal requesting for a transfer certificate.

2. (A) Answer the following questions in about 75 words each : 15

i. When and how did Todd borrow a dollar from Leacock ?

ii. How did the conductor try to justify his conduct to the author ?
iii. What was the painful thought that disturbed Leacock ?
iv. What happened when the lady with the dog re-entered the bus ?
v. In what ways does Leacock try to remind Todd about the dollar after his return from
vi. Bermuda ?
vii. Describe the circumstances that made the conductor stop the bus. 5
viii. Give an account of the circumstances under which Leacock lent a dollar to his friend

ix. Sketch the character of the bus conductor.

x. Summarise Leacock‘s reflections on his lost dollar.
xi. How did A.G. Gardiner make the bus conductor realise that rules are to be mixed with a
xii. little goodwill and good temper ?
xiii. Why does Leacock want to start a ―Back to Honesty‖ movement ?
xiv. How did the passengers react when the conductor refused to allow the bus to proceed ?
xv. Describe the circumstances in which Todd borrowed a dollar from Leacock.
xvi. ―There are rules and rules.‖ Elucidate.
xvii. What was the painful thought that disturbed Leacock ?
xviii. Describe the circumstances that made the conductor stop the bus.
xix. In what ways does Leacock try to remind Todd about the dollar after his return from
xx. Bermuda ?
xxi. What happened when the lady with the dog re-entered the bus ?

2(B) Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each: 5

i. What did Todd say to Leacock about Poland?

ii. Why is the bus conductor described as a "Resentful Employee‖?
iii. What did the bus conductor tell the lady, when she entered the bus with a little dog ?
iv. Why was the woman with the dog unwilling to go on the top?
v. What movement does Leacock want to start and why?
vi. Why did Todd borrow a dollar from Leacock?
vii. What did the bus conductor tell the lady when she entered the bus with a little dog ?
viii. Who is a resentful employee?
ix. What did Todd tell Leacock about Poland?
x. Did the passengers like the conduct of the bus conductor?
xi. Why did Todd borrow a dollar from Leacock?
xii. What did the bus conductor tell the lady when she entered the bus with a little dog ?
xiii. What did Todd tell Leacock about Poland?
xiv. Who is a resentful employee?
xv. Why was the woman with the dog unwilling to go on the top of the bus?
3. (A) Answer the following questions in about 75 words each : 15

i. What feelings were roused in Wordsworth's heart after hearing the song of the reaper?
ii. How, according to H. W. Longfellow, should one treat his life?
iii. Give a brief summary of the poem "The Solitary Reaper".
iv. What does H. W. Longfellow say about the purpose of life?
v. How does Wordsworth compare the reaper's song with that of the Cuckoo and
vi. What, according to H. W. Longfellow, do the lives of great people remind us of ?
vii. What feelings were aroused in Wordsworth‘s heart after hearing the song of the reaper ?
viii. What, according to H.W. Longfellow, is life?
ix. What does Wordsworth think about the subject matter of the reaper‘s song?
x. What does H.W. Longfellow say about soul and art in the poem ‗A Psalm of Life‘?
xi. How does Wordsworth compare the reaper‘s song with that of the cuckoo and the
xii. Nightingale?
xiii. How, according to H.W. Longfellow, should we act ?
xiv. How does Wordsworth compare the reaper‘s song with that of the cuckoo and the
xv. Nightingale?
xvi. How, according to H.W. Longfellow, should one treat his life ?
xvii. What does Wordsworth think about the subject matter of the reaper‘s song ?
xviii. What, according to H.W. Longfellow, is the purpose of life ?
xix. What was the impression of the reaper‘s song on Wordsworth‘s heart ?
xx. What, according to H.W. Longfellow, do the lives of great people remind us of ?

(B) Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each : 5

i. What is the solitary reaper doing while singing ?

ii. What does H. W. Longfellow say about "Art" and "Time" ?
iii. What effect did the reaper's song have over the surroundings ?
iv. What according to H. W. Longfellow, is not the goal of life ?
v. What did the poet tell the passers-by ? 5
vi. What is the solitary reaper doing in the field ?
vii. What message does H.W. Longfellow give at the end of the poem ?
viii. What effect, according to Wordsworth did the reaper‘s song have over the surroundings ?
ix. What, according to H.W. Longfellow, reminds us that we can make our lives sublime ?
x. What kind of a song was the reaper singing ?
xi. What is the solitary reaper doing while singing ?
xii. What does H.W. Longfellow say about ―Art‖ and ―Time‖ ?
xiii. Name the two singing birds referred to in the poem ‗The Solitary Reaper‘.
xiv. What request does Wordsworth make to the passers-by ?
xv. What, according to H.W. Longfellow, is not the goal of life ?
4. (A) Answer the following questions in about 75 words each : 15

i. Describe what happened when Chandu dressed himself in imitation of Kallan Khan.
ii. How did the narrator spend the morning time while he was at Bachhouta with his
grandparents ?
iii. Give a description of Kallan Khan, the dentist.
iv. Why did the narrator try to desist Moti from following them to the railway station ? 5
v. Describe the friendship between the narrator and Chandu.
vi. Why was the mother not ready to bring Moti with them ? 5
vii. Describe what happened when Chandu dressed himself in imitation of Kallan Khan. 5
viii. Why did the narrator try to desist Moti from following his family to the railway station ?
ix. Sketch the character of Chandu. 5
x. Describe the narrator‘s love for Moti.
xi. Why does Mulk Raj Anand say that among the makers of Modern India, Chandu
occupies an important place?
xii. Why was the mother not ready to bring Moti with the family ?
xiii. Why did the narrator think that Chandu was the embodiment of perfection ? 5
xiv. Why did the narrator try to desist Moti from following them to the railway station ?
xv. Give a description of Kallan Khan.
xvi. How did the narrator spend the morning time while he was at Bachhouta with his
grandparents ?
xvii. Why did the narrator freely, mix with Chandu, a low caste barber‘s son ?
xviii. How did the narrator react to the death of Moti ?

(B) Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each : 5

i. Describe Chandu's skill in doing sums and reciting poems.
ii. What did the narrator promise Moti ?
iii. Why did Chandu start a hair cutting shop ?
iv. Where did the narrator's mother work and in what capacity ?
v. Why was the landlord angry with Chandu ?
vi. What do you know about Chandu‘s skill in doing sums and reciting poems ?
vii. Where did the narrator of ‗Moti‘, his brothers and sisters stay for a month ?
viii. Why was the landlord angry with Chandu ?
ix. Where did the narrator‘s mother work and in what capacity ?
x. What was the narrator‘s promise to Moti ?
xi. What do you know about Chandu‘s skill in doing sums and reciting poems ?
xii. Where did the narrator, his brothers and sisters stay for a month ?
xiii. For what did the narrator envy Chandu ?
xiv. What is the name of the trade union started by the barbers of Rajkot ?
xv. How did the narrator‘s mother in ―Moti‖ address his grandpa ?

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


1. (A ) Fill in the blanks with appropriate tense form of the verbs given in brackets
(any five) : 5
i. The moon ———— round the earth. (move)
ii. He has ———— the match. (win)
iii. I wish I ———— a car. (have)
iv. My father for ———— a walk every morning. (go)
v. He ———— a new car tomorrow. (buy)
vi. Vaishnavi ———— the clothes now. (wash)
vii. I ———— this watch on Monday. (buy)
viii. We ———— the exhibition last Sunday. (see)
ix. I ______ this book for six days. (read)
x. Let us wait till he ______ back. (come)
xi. My father ______ for a walk every morning. (go)
xii. Rahul _____ your uncle tomorrow. (meet)
xiii. She was watching TV when I ______ in. (come)
xiv. I wish I _______ a car. (have)
xv. The sun ______ during the day. (shine)
xvi. We _______ the exhibition last Sunday. (see)

(B) Change the voice of any five of the following sentences : 5

i. Bees make honey.

ii. You may pay the money by cheque.
iii. My father will write a letter tomorrow.
iv. Where did you put the umbrella ?
v. Mohan is liked by everyone.
vi. My pen has been stolen.
vii. The police arrested the thief.
viii. Abdul broke the window.
ix. Rupa is washing the clothes.
x. The thief was arrested by the police.
xi. They offered me a chair.
xii. She has washed the plates.
xiii. They elected him President.
xiv. He is known to me.
xv. I will invite Mr. Joshi.
xvi. Oranges are liked by Anil.
(C) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below : 10

Ranjit Singh, the Lion of the Punjab, was once walking along the road with his
followers, when suddenly a stone struck him on the head. He suffered greatly and his
followers brought before him a woman bent with age and dressed in rags. The poor woman
was trembling. ―Your Highness,‖ said the woman with folded hands, ―my children have been
hungry for three days. In search of food I came here and saw ripe apples hanging from the
branches. I threw a stone at them in the hope of getting one or two to satisfy my children‘s
hunger, but the stone missed its aim and struck Your Highness. I am innocent. Please forgive
me‖. Pressing his wounded head with one hand, the Lion of the Punjab ordered his
Prime Minister to give the woman several bags of grains and pay her one thousand rupees.
The Prime Minister stared at The King. ―If the lifeless tree gave fruit when struck with
stones‖, said the King, ―I must give much more since I am alive and have reason. How can
I punish her ?‖
Questions :
(1) What happened when Ranjit Singh was once walking along the road ?
(2) Why did the woman try to get the apples ?
(3) What lesson did the King learn from the tree ?
(4) What was the Prime Minister asked to do ?
(5) Who is regarded as the Lion of the Punjab ?

2. (A) Answer the following questions in about 75 words each :15

i. Why did Tom feel miserable on every Monday Morning ?
ii. Why did patients come to Dr. Raman when they were on their last legs ? 5
iii. How did Tom make Sid believe that he was going to die ?
iv. Why was Dr. Raman‘s opinion valued by people ? 5
v. What excuses did Tom think of for staying away from school ?
vi. What was the reaction of Gopal‘s family when he showed a slight improvement ?
vii. How did Gopal recover from his illness ?
viii. How did Aunt Polly behave with Tom ?
ix. Briefly describe how Dr. Raman treated Gopal when the latter was seriously ill.
x. What was the condition of Gopal when Dr. Raman went to his house ?
(B) Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each :5
i. What kind of friendship did Gopal and Dr. Raman share ?
ii. How long had Gopal not called Dr. Raman ?
iii. What did Gopal want to do when he regained consciousness ?
iv. What is Aunt Polly‘s reaction to Tom‘s complaint ?
v. How did Aunt Polly treat Tom‘s complaint of toothache ? 5
vi. How long had Dr. Raman and Gopal been friends ?
vii. What was the condition of Tom on Monday morning ?
viii. Whom does Tom call for help ?
ix. When did patients come to Dr. Raman ?
x. What did Aunt Polly tell Mary to bring to treat Tom‘s toothache ?
xi. Was Tom successful in his attempt to avoid going to school ?
xii. Why did Gopal want to make a will ?
3. (A) Answer the following questions in about 75 words each : 15
i. Bring out after Goldsmith, the qualities of The Village Schoolmaster.
ii. The poem ‗Say not the Struggle Naught Availeth‘ is optimistic in nature. Discuss.
iii. What was the extent of The Village Schoolmaster‘s Knowledge ?
iv. What happens in the West when the Sun Rises in the East ? 5
v. What is said about the School building and students in the poem The Village
Schoolmaster ?
vi. What does the poet say about the breaking of the Sea Waves ?
vii. How does the poet convey the message of hope and courage through the poem, ‗Say not
the Struggle Naught Availeth‘ ?
viii. What is said about the school building and students in the poem ‗The Village
Schoolmaster‘ ?
ix. What are the examples used by the poet to illustrate the theme in the poem ‗Say not the
Struggle Naught Availeth‘ ?
x. What qualities of The Village Schoolmaster have been highlighted by the poet ?
xi. The poem, ‗Say not the Struggle Naught Availeth‘, is optimistic in nature. Discuss. 5
xii. Write a brief character sketch of the village schoolmaster.
xiii. What examples are presented in the poem ‗Say not the Struggle Naught Availeth‘ to
xiv. that struggle is always rewarded ?
xv. How could the students make out whether the village schoolmaster was happy or angry ?
xvi. What does the poet say about the breaking of sea waves ? 5
xvii. What do you learn about the village school and its students from the poem ‗The Village
Schoolmaster‘ ?
xviii. How does the poet convey the message of hope and courage through the poem ? 5

(B) Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each : 5

i. What made the Village Schoolmaster very ‗severe‘ or ‗strict‘ ?
ii. Where did the Village Schoolmaster teach his little children ?
iii. What had the children learnt to trace in the Village Schoolmaster‘s ‗morning face‘ ?
iv. What does the poet A.H. Clough say about breaking of sea waves ?
v. What, according to A.H. Clough, happens in the West when the sun rises in the East ?
vi. How does the poet describe the appearance of the Village Schoolmaster ?
vii. What is the message contained in the poem ‗Say not the struggle Naught Availeth‘ ?
viii. Why does A.H. Clough consider hopes as dupes and fears as liars ?
ix. What was the fault of the village schoolmaster ?
x. Do you think that the schoolmaster was skillful in arguing ?

4. (A) Answer the following questions in about 75 words each : 15

i. How did Abu Hassan and his wife escape punishment ?
ii. How did Abu Hassan win the prize of a thousand gold pieces ?
iii. What made the royal couple go personally to Abu Hassan‘s house ?
iv. What sort of life did Abu Hassan and his wife lead in the beginning ?
v. Describe, in short, the meeting between Abu Hassan and the traders.
vi. What was the plan conceived by Abu Hassan to overcome their plight ?
vii. Describe, in short, the meeting between Abu Hassan and the traders.
viii. What made the royal couple go personally to Abu Hassan‘s house ?
ix. How did Abu Hassan win the prize of a thousand gold pieces ?
x. What was the plan conceived by Abu Hassan to overcome their plight ?
xi. What sort of life did Abu Hassan and his wife lead in the beginning ?
xii. What made the royal couple go personally to Abu Hassan‘s house ?
xiii. What was the plan conceived by Abu Hassan to overcome their plight ?
xiv. How did Abu Hassan win the prize of a thousand gold pieces ?
(B) Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each : 5
i. Why was Abu Hassan annoyed with the food served to him by his wife ?
ii. What did the royal couple think about the two being dead ?
iii. What, according to Abu Hassan, is gold made for ?
iv. What did Abu Hassan intend to do after collecting gold from the royal couple ?
v. In which city does Abu Hassan live ?
vi. What was the curse that Abu Hassan showered on the traders ?
vii. How much gold did Abu Hassan and his wife collect from the royal couple ?
viii. What did the royal couple think about the two being dead ? 5
ix. What, according to Abu Hassan, is gold made for ?
x. What was the threat given out by the traders to Abu Hassan ?
xi. What was the curse that Abu Hassan showered on the traders ?
xii. Why did Messoor and Scheherade call on Abu Hassan‘s house ?
xiii. What did Abu Hassan intend to do after collecting gold from the royal couple ?

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Compulsory Paper–1
Time : Three Hours] Maximum Marks : 80
Note :— All questions are compulsory.

1. A 10
(i) You are the Office Superintendent of M. R. Gandhi College, Nagpur. Write an inventory
report of the furniture of your college to be submitted to your Principal.
(ii) Prepare an advertisement copy for the post of Junior Clerk in Vidya Bhavan High School,
(iii)You want to sell your flat at Bapuji Nagar, Pune. Write an advertisement copy with all
(iv) Prepare an advertisement copy for the post of Junior Assistant in Spring Dale School,
(v) You are interested to sell your house at Madhav Nagar, Nagpur. Write an advertisement copy
with all details.

B. Write an essay in about 300 words on any One of the following topics : 10

(i) Changing Status of Women

(ii) Pollution and its Effects
(iii) Impact of Demonetization
(iv) The need for Computer Education in the Present World.
(v) Social Media Addiction
(vi) My Favorite Author
(vii) Digital India
(viii) Impact of Cinema in life
(ix) Indian Heritage
(x) Youth of India

2. (A) Answer the following questions in about 75 words each: (5x3) 15

(i) Write in brief about the relationship that Gandhi and his friend shared.
(ii) Attempt a character analysis of Datta in the short story, 'The Golden Frame'.
(iii) Describe in brief, the theme of 'The Golden Frame'.
(iv)What were the attempts that Gandhi made to inculcate the qualities of an English gentleman?
(v) Gandhiji went to dinner with his friend. What happened at the dinner?
(vi)What happened after Datta ruined the picture?
(vii) What kind of a man was Datta?
(viii) Describe Datta‘s Shop in your own words?
(ix)Was Gandhi a perfect gentleman? Give reasons for your answer.
(x) What were the attempts that Gandhi made to inculcate the qualities of English Gentleman?
(B) Answer the following questions in One or Two sentences each : 5

(i) Why was Gandhiji's friend worried about Gandhiji's vegetarianism?

(ii) What usually happened when Datta lost a glass-cutter or a pencil stub?
(iii) What book did the elocution teacher recommend to Gandhi?
(iv) Why was the customer angry when he received the golden framed picture?
(v) What kind of mount did the customer want for the picture frame?
(v)What was Gandhi‘s main concern in his experiment with diet?
(vii) Why did Gandhiji summon the waiter?
(viii) Who encouraged Gandhiji to make a complete change?
(ix) What happened when Datta shook the folds of his dhoti violently?
(x) What was the request of the customer?

3. (A) Answer the following questions in about 75 words each: 15

(i) Write a note on the aspects of love and beauty in, 'She Walks in Beauty'.
(ii) Why does the poet wish that the leader should never come back to them?
(iii) What role does light play in Byron's description of beauty? What time of the day is it ?
(iv) The poem 'The Lost Leader' describes the poet's disappointment with Leaders. Elucidate
in your own words.
(v) Write the theme of the poem, 'She Walks in Beauty'.
(vi) What is the significance of the title 'The Lost Leader‘?
(vii) What does the poet value about his subject in 'She Walks in Beauty'?
(viii) What role does light play in the description?
(ix) What are the meanings of the word Lost that the poem hints at?
(x) Why does the poet wish that the leader should never come back to them?

(B) Answer the following questions in One or Two sentences each: 5

(i) What was the cause that the Lost Leader gave up?
(ii) When does the poet think that the Lady looks more beautiful?
(iii) What do the terms 'gold', 'silver' and 'copper' refer to in the poem 'The Lost Leader' ?
(iv) What do the words 'tender light' refer to in the poem 'She Walks in Beauty‘?
(v) Name the Lost Leader whom Browning indirectly refers to.
(vi) What does the poet at the beginning of the poem 'The Lost Leader‘?
(vii) What does the poet wants to suggest by invoking great poets?
(viii) Which two themes are covered in the in the poem 'She Walks in Beauty‘?
(ix) How is the tone of the poem 'She Walks in Beauty‘?
(x) What does the gold, silver and copper referred in 'The Lost Leader‘?

4. (A) Answer the following questions in about 75 words each: 15

(i) Discuss the character of the mother in 'Kabuliwallah'.
(ii)Why did Framton come to the Sappleton household ?
(iii) Describe the meeting between Mini and Rahman after the latter comes out of Jail.
(iv) What is the significance of the title 'The Open Window‘?
(v) How does the story reveal the class differences between the narrator and the
(vi)Describe the climax of the story 'The Open Window' in your own words.
(vii) How does the narrator trace growing affection between Mini and the Kabuliwallah?
(viii) Discuss the character of the mother in the story The Open Window?
(ix) Describe the two stories that Vera came up with The Open Window?
(x) What is the significance of the title The Open Window?

(B) Answer the following questions in One or Two sentences each: 5

(i) How did the Kabuliwallah overcome Mini's first terror?
(ii) How did the niece explain the hasty retreat of Frampton ?
(iii) What did Mini tell her father about Bhola ?
(iv) What did Mini say about Ramdayal, the door-keeper?
(v) How did the cyclist avoid colliding with Frampton?
(vi) What did Mini do when Kabuliwalla looked up to her the first time?
(vii) What did the narrator give to Kabuliwalla and why?
(viii) Among men of the Kabuliwalla‘s class, what is the meaning of father-in-law‘s house?
(ix) Why was Framton visiting total strangers?
(x) What was te niece‘s specially?

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


[Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80]

N.B. :— All questions are compulsory.

1. (A) 10
(i)You are preparing for UPSC Examination. You want to buy some books from Penguin India
Books. E-mail your order of books.
(ii)You have joined Mass Communication Course in Pune. E-mail your father informing him
about your college.
(iii)Write Curriculum Vitae for the post of Receptionist at a shopping mall.
(iv)Write a Curriculum Vita for the post of Junior Clerk in Navodaya College, Nagpur.
(v) You are preparing for CDS Examination. You want to buy some books from Blackswan India
Books. E-mail your order of books.

(B) Write a paragraph with the help of the given points : 10

A poor woodcutter –––––– cutting trees in a forest –––––– axe falls into the river ––––––
weeps –––––– God Mercury appears –––––– brings a golden axe –––––– woodcutter refuses
–––––– brings silver axe –––––– woodcutter again refuses –––––– brings iron axe ––––––
woodcutter happy –––––– takes his axe –––––– God is pleased –––––– rewards him.

2. (A) Answer the following questions in about 75 words each: 15

(i) How did the narrator react to the changes made to his features in the photograph ?
(ii) How, according to G.B. Shaw, should a foreigner speak when he wants to communicate or
ask for directions?
(iii) Why does the narrator refer to the photographer‘s changes as his ‗brutal work‘ ?
(iv) What was the purpose of the committee formed by the British Broadcasting
Corporation ?
(v) Bring out the humour in the photographer‘s explanations of what he had done with regard
to the features of Leacock.
(vi) G.B. Shaw describes the differences in the use of English within the British Islands. Explain
with examples.
(vii) Describe some of the initial preparations made by the photographer to take a photograph of
the writer.
(viii) How did the narrator react to the changes made to his features in the photograph?
(ix) How should a foreigner speak when he wants to communicate or ask for direction?
(x) The writer describes the differences in the use of English within the British Island. Explain
with examples.

(B) Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each : 5

(i) How long did the narrator have to wait before the photographer saw him?
(ii) Who was Sir Johnson Forbes Robertson?
(iii) What was the BBC Committee trying to do, of which Shaw was a member?
(iv) What does the narrator do at the end just before leaving the photographer‘s studio?
(v) What will happen if foreigners in England speak broken ungrammatical English with strong
foreign accent ?
(vi) How long did the narrator have to wait before the photographic saw him?
(vii) In the photograph, what feature had not yet been altered by the photographer?
(viii) What does the photographer suggest he could do with Leacock‘s ears?
(ix) What is the photographer‘s opinion of the narrator‘s face?
(x) Which adjective does the author repeatedly use to describe the photographer?

3. (A) Answer the following questions in about 75 words each: 15

(i) What is Ramanujan‘s attitude towards the poets of the city ? Justify your answer with
evidence from the poem.
(ii) List the opposing images used in the poem ―The Bird Sanctuary‖.
(iii) Write on the irony intended by the poet in the poem ―River‖.
(iv)What is the theme of the poem ―The Bird Sanctuary‖ ?
(v) How is the excitement of the people at the time of the floods depicted in the poem
―River‖ ?
(vi) Where does the poet find joy in the poem ―The Bird Sanctuary‖?
(vii) What does the image of the sand ribs convey in River?
(viii) What happens to the river in summer? What happens during the rainy seasons?
(ix) What is each bird mentioned in the poem doing?
(x) Where does the poet find joy? Explain.

(B) Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each: 5

(i) What did the river carry off in flood ?
(ii) Name any three birds mentioned by Sarojini Naidu.
(iii) What does the variety of birds in the poem symbolize ?
(iv) How does Ramanujan describe the city of Madurai ?
(v) What are the pigeons dreaming of ?
(vi) What are the parrots plundering?
(vii) What does the variety of birds in the poem symbolize?
(viii) How is the excitement of the people at the time of the floods shown?
(ix) What were the names of the two cows carried away by the flood?
(x ) What is Ramanujan‘s attitude towards the ports of the city?

4. (A) Answer the following questions in about 75 words each : 15

(i) What happens after Arjuna hears the praises of Princess Chitra from the villagers ?
(ii)Sketch the character of Vasanta.
(iii) What is Vasanta‘s advice to Chitra after her night of bliss with Arjuna ?
(iv) Sketch the character of Chitra.
(v) Write in short the conversation between Chitra, Madana and Vasanta when they meet for
the first time.
(vi)What is the play ―Chitra‖ about ?
(vii) Why is Chitra sad after her night of bliss with Arjua and what is Vasanta‘s advice to her?
(viii) What is the warning given by the begger?
(ix) Summarize the conversation between the king and the begger.
(x) What happens when the beggar is brought before the king?

Answer the following questions in One or Two sentences each : 5

(i) What did Lord Shiva promise Chitra‘s royal grandfather ?

(ii) Why did Chitra‘s father bring her up as a son ?
(iii) What was Chitra‘s prayer to Madana and Vasanta ?
(iv) What did the villagers tell Arjuna ?
(v) What did Arjuna ask Chitra when he met her in the temple of Lord Shiva ?
(vi) What annoys the king very much?
(vii) According to the servant what happens when the beggar is sent away?
(viii) What happens when the beggers tongue is cut?
(ix) What happens when the beggar is slain?
(x) What does the beggar command the king to do?

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Optional Paper

Answer the following questions in about 200 words each : 20

i. How does the poet, Robert Burns, express undying love for his beloved ?

ii. The poem 'To Science' reflects the opposition between science and poetry. Do you agree
iii. the poet that they are opposites ? Justify your views.
iv. Critically appreciate the poem 'A Red, Red Rose'.

v. The poem 'To Science' reflects the opposition between science and poetry. Do you agree
vi. the poet ? Justify your views.
vii. Attempt a critical appreciation of Sonnet 144.

viii. How does Robert Burns praise his lady love in the poem, ‗A Red, Red Rose‘ ?

i. Critically analyse the poem, A Lament'
ii. What is the central theme of the poem, 'The Ballad of Father Gilligan' ?
iii. Give the substance of the poem 'The Ballad of Father Gilligan' by W. B. Yeats.
iv. Critically appreciate the poem, ‗Ode to a Nightingale‘.

2. (A) Answer the following questions in about 200 words : 10

i. Write a note the origin and structure of the Lyric.

ii. What is Epic ? What are the conventions of the Epic ?
iii. What are the distinguishing features of an Ode ?
iv. What are the distinguishing features of the Sonnet ?

(B) Answer the following questions in about 100 words each : 10

i. Write a note on Syllable.

ii. Write a note on Free-verse.
iii. What, according to M.H. Abrams, are the four kinds of criticism ?
iv. Write a note on Rhythm.
v. Write a note on Blank verse.
vi. Write a short note on Stress
3. (A) Explain the following lines with reference to the context : 10

(i) And whether that my angel be turned fiend

Suspect I may, but not directly tell ;
But being both from me, both to each friend,
I guess one angel in another's hell :
As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,
So deep in love am I :
And I will love thee still, my dear,
Till a' the seas gang dry : 5
(ii) And fare thee well, my only love
And fare thee well, a while !
And I will come again, my love,
Tho' it were ten thousand mile.
Hast thou not dragged Diana from her car,
And driven the Hamadryad from the wood,
To seek a shelter in some happier star ?
Hast thou not torn the Naiad from her flood. 5
(B) Explain the following lines with reference to the context :
(i) Away ! away ! for I will Fly to thee,
No charioted by Bacchus and his pards,
But on the viewless wings of Poesy,
Though the dull brain perplexes and retards.
"I have no rest, nor joy, nor peace,
For people die and die";
And after cried he, "God forgive!"
My body spake, not I !" 5

(ii) O world ! O Life ! O Time !

On whose last steps I climb
Trembling at that where I had stood before,
When will return the glory of your prime
No more–oh, never more !
My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains
My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk,
Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains
One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk : 5
And whether that my angel be turned fiend
Suspect I may, but not directly tell;
But being both to each friend
I guess one angel in another's hell :
As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,
So deep in love am I;
And I will love thee still, my dear,
Till a' the seas gang dry : 5

(ii) Hast thou not dragged Dianna from her car,

And driven the Hamadryad from the wood
To seek a shelter in some happier star ?
Hast thou not torn the Naiad from her flood,
The Elfin from the green grass, and from me
The summer dream beneath the tamarind tree ?
Two loves I have, of comfort and despair,
Which like two spirits, do suggest me still;
The better angel is a man right fair,
The worser spirit a woman colour'd ill. 5

(B) (i) O, for a draught of vintage! That hath been 10

Cool'd a long age in the deep-delved earth,
Tasting of Flora and the country green,
Dance, and Provencal song, and sun-burnt mirth!
"Mavrone, mavrone! the man has died,
While I slept on the chair."
He roused his horse out of its sleep,
And rode with little care. 5

(ii) O World! O Life! O Time!

On whose last steps I climb,
Trembling at that where I had stood before;
When will return the glory of your prime ?
Forlorn! The very word is like a bell
To tell me back from thee to my sole self!
Adieu! The fancy cannot cheat so well
As she is fam'd to do, deceiving elf.

4. (A) Answer the following questions in about 100 words : 5

i. Write a note on The Dorian Ode.
ii. Write a note on the Pastoral Elegy.
iii. Write a note on the Italian Sonnet.

(B) Answer any five of the following questions in one or two sentences each : 10
i. What is an Idyll ?
ii. Name the classical examples of Epic composed by the ancient Greek poet, Homer.
iii. What is a Ballad ?
iv. Mention the rhyme-scheme of the English sonnets.
v. Who introduced sonnet into England ?
vi. Name any two notable satires in English poetry.
vii. What is an Elegiac measure ?
viii. Name the Famous Mock-Epic written by Alexander Pope. 10
ix. What are the two kinds of Epic ?
x. Name the two Epics by the ancient Greek poet Homer.
xi. What are the two features of the Lyric ?
xii. Give two examples of the earliest pastoral elegy.
xiii. What is caesura ?
xiv. Write two examples of English pastoral elegy.
xv. What is Mock-Epic ?
xvi. Mention the two kinds of Ballad.
xvii. What is the principal aim of satire ?
xviii. Mention any two great English masters of satire.
xix. Give two examples of the Idyll.

(C) Explain any five of the following literary terms : 5

i. Paradox
ii. Conceit
iii. Irony
iv. Blank verse
v. Allusion
vi. Metaphor
vii. Symbol
viii. Image
ix. Symbol
x. Irony

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Optional Paper–1

1. Answer the following questions in about 200 words each :

Write a critical appreciation of the poem ‗Do not Go Gentle into That Good Night‘.
Analyse the poem ‗The Last Ride Together‘ as a dramatic monologue. 10

(B) Do you think that the poem ‗Virtue‘ comments on the beauty and brevity of human existence
? Explain.
Bring out the central idea of the poem ‗In the Bazaars of Hyderabad‘. 10
2. (A) Answer the following questions in about 200 words each :

What are the characteristics of the Metaphysical School of Poets ?

Write an essay on the Pre-Raphaelite Movement. 10

(B) Read the following poem and answer the questions given below :

No longer mourn for me when I am dead

Then you shall hear the surly sullen bell
Give warning to the world, that I am fled
From this vile world, with vilest worms to dwell ;
Nay, if you read this line, remember not
The hand that writ it ; for I love you so,
That I in your sweet thoughts would be forgot,
If thinking on me then should make you woe
Oh if, I say, you look upon this verse
When I perhaps compounded am with clay,
Do not so much as my poor name rehearse,
But let your love even with my life decay :
Lest the wise world should look into your moan,
And mock you with me after I am gone.
Questions :
(i) What is the theme of the poem ?
(ii) What the listener should do to inform others about narrator‘s death ?
(iii) Give two examples of the alliteration used in the poem.
(iv) What is the rhyming scheme used in the poem ?
(v) ‗Lest the wise world should look into your moan,
And Mock you with me after I am gone.‘
3. (A) Explain the following lines with reference to the context :

(i) Though wise men at their end know dark is right,

Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
My last thought was at least not vain :
I and my mistress, side by side
Shall be together, breathe and ride,
So, one day more am I deified.
Who knows but the world may end to-night ? 5
(ii) If thou be‘st born to strange sights,
Things invisible to see,
Ride ten thousand days and nights
Till Age snow white hairs on thee ;
Thou, when thou return‘st, wilt tell me
All strange wonders that befell thee,
And swear
No where
Lives a woman true and fair.
Ten lines, a statesman‘s life in each !
The flag stuck on a heap of bones,
A soldier‘s doing! What atones ?
They scratch his name on the Abbey-Stones.
My riding is better, by their leave. 5
(B) Explain the following lines with reference to the context :
(i) Sweet day, so cool, so calm, so bright,
The bridall of the earth and skie :
The dew shall weep thy fall to–night ;
For thou must die.
What do you weave, O ye flower-girls
With tassels of azure and red ?
Crowns for the brow of a bridegroom,
Chaplets to garland his bed.
Sheets of white blossoms new-garnered
To perfume the sleep of the dead. 5
(ii) Dress in Sarees, be girl
Be wife, they said. Be embroiderer, be cook,
Be a quarreller with servants. Fit in. Oh,
Belong, cried the categorizer.
What do you sell O ye merchants ?
Richly your wares are displayed.
Turbans of crimson and silver,
Tunics of purple brocade,
Mirrors with panels of amber,
Daggers with handles of jade. 5

4. (A) Answer the following questions in about 100 words :

Write a note on the Terza Rima.

What are the important characteristics of Heroic Couplet ? 5

(B) Answer any five of the following in one or two sentences each : 10

(i) What is the rhyme scheme of the Ottavo Rima ?

(ii) Who used the term Metaphysical for the first time ?
(iii) What is Alexandrine ?
(iv) Name any two poems written in Spenserian stanza.
(v) Who coined the term Georgian poets ?
(vi) When was Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood formed in England ?
(vii) Name two major poets of the Classical Movement.
(viii) Name any two Romantic poets.

(C) Explain any five of the following literary terms : 5

(i) Metonymy
(ii) Personification
(iii) Paradox
(iv) Alliteration
(v) Simile
(vi) Apostrophe

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Compulsory Paper–1

1. (A) Answer the following question in about 200 words : 10

i. Write about any three members of The Trumpet Club.

ii. 'The essay 'Dream Children' is a mingling of humour and pathos'. Explain in detail citing
the examples.

iii. What ideas have you gathered of the Trumpet Club and its members ?

iv. How does 'Dream Children' reflect the personal elements from Charles Lamb's life ?

v. Narrate the incident which happened with the friend of E.V. Lucas and discuss how he
vi. the winner in the bargain with himself.

(B) Answer the following question in about 200 words : 10

i. What are individual and social liberties ? How can we enjoy both according to Gardiner ?

ii. How does will power help in fulfilling the resolutions ?

iii. Critically examine the views of A. G. Gardiner on liberty.

iv. What were the feelings of J. B. Priestly about Madame Dash as a Palmist ?

v. Critically examine the views of A.G. Gardiner on liberty.

vi. How many types of resolutions does Robert Lynd discuss in the essay ‗On Good
Resolutions‘ ?

2. (A) Answer the following question in about 200 words : 10

i. Sketch the character of Rosie.

ii. Discuss R. K. Narayan's depiction of Indian Life in 'The Guide'.
iii. Sketch the character of Raju in the novel 'The Guide'.
iv. Write a critical note on the title of the novel, 'The Guide'.
v. Attempt a character sketch of Rosie in the novel ‗The Guide‘.
vi. Discuss the novel, ‗The Guide‘ as a social satire.

(B) Answer the following question in about 200 words : 10

i. Describe the development of the novel in the Nineteeth Century.

ii. Describe the origin and development of the short story. 10
iii. Define the essay and discuss the different types of Essays.
iv. Write an essay on the Nineteenth Century Novel.
v. Write an essay on the origin and structure of the short story.
vi. Define the novel. Explain its structure.

3. (A) Explain the following sentences with reference to the context : 10

(i) I am not the least pleased with the Company, in that I find myself the greatest wit among
them, and am heard as their oracle in all points of learning and difficulty.
I missed his kindness, and I missed his crossness, and wished him to be alive again, to be
quarreling with him rather than not have him again. 5
(ii) Children love to listen to stories about their elders, when they were children; to stretch their
imagination to the conception of a traditionary great uncle, or grandma, whom they never
It is my destiny (said he) to buy in the dearest markets and to sell – if I succeed in selling
at all in the cheapest. 5

(i) 'We are not of Alice, nor of thee, nor are we children at all. The children of Alice call
Bartrum father. We are nothing; less than nothing, and dreams'.
The dealer asks as much as he thinks he can extort, and the customer, having paid it, is
under no obligation what ever to the dealer. The incident is closed. 5
(ii) I am not the least pleased with the company, in that I find myself the greatest wit among
them, and am heard as their oracle in all points of learning and difficulty.
Then I told what a tall, upright, graceful person their great-grandmother Field once was; and
how in her youth, she was esteemed the best dancer.

(B) Explain the following sentences with reference to the context : 10

(i) A reasonable consideration for the rights or feelings of others is the foundation of social

Good resolutions are too delightful a form of morality to be allowed to disappear from a
world in which so much of morality is dismal.
(ii) Liberty is not a personal affair only, but a social contract.
There was nothing of the alluring or sinister sibyl about Madame, who was short, plump,
middle-aged, with a round red face and eyeglasses drolly supported by a very snub little
nose. 5

(i) Everybody would be getting in everybody else's way and nobody would get anywhere.
Individual liberty would have become social anarchy.

Good resolutions are too delightful a form of morality to be allowed to disappear from a
world in which so much of morality is dismal.

(ii) Then she looked at my left hand. 'Well, yes, of course,' she began. It was just as if we had
been talking for hours. Her voice had plunged straight into an easy intimate tone. A very
clever opening, I thought it.

It is the little habits of commonplace intercourse that make up the great sum of life and
sweeten or make bitter the journey.

4. (A) Answer the following question in about 100 words :

i. Write a note on the Reviewers.

ii. Write a note on Character Writers.
iii. Write a note on the structure of the short story.
iv. Write a note on the Periodical Essay.
v. Why is the short story popular in modern times ?
vi. Write a note on the Aphoristic Essay.

(B) Answer any five of the following in one or two sentences each :
i. Who introduced the essay into England ?
ii. Name any two novels of Thomas Hardy.
iii. Who was the famous Russian short story writer ?
iv. Write the names of the periodicals started by Richard Steele and Joseph Addison.
v. Give names of any two novels of Charles Dickens.
vi. Who formulated the modern theory of short story writing ?
vii. Who wrote the novel, Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded ?
viii. Give the names of any two novels of Jane Austen. 10
ix. How did Dr. Johnson define the essay ?
x. Name the author of "Twice Told Tales".
xi. Who wrote the novel "The Lord of the Flies" ?
xii. Who wrote Sherlock Holmes stories ?
xiii. Who was the author of the novel, "Lady Chatterley's Lover" ?
xiv. Who introduced the Critical Essay in England ?
xv. Who wrote the book, 'Citizen of the World' ?
xvi. Who was known as "the prince of personal essay" ?
xvii. Name two Roman essayists.
xviii. Who wrote the ―Essay of Dramatic Poesy‖ ?
xix. Who was the author of ―Essays of Elia‖ ?
xx. Name any two novels of Charles Dickens.
xxi. Who wrote ―Gulliver‘s Travels‖ ?
xxii. Who was the author of ―Decameron‖ ?
xxiii. Name any two novels of Thomas Hardy.
xxiv. Name the author of ―Canterbury Tales‖.

(C) Explain any five of the following Literary Terms :

i. Archaism
ii. Point of View
iii. New Criticism
iv. Narrative
v. Stock Characters
vi. Ambiguity
vii. Gothic Novel
viii. Euphuism.
ix. Ambiguity
x. Archaism
xi. New Criticism
xii. Narrative

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


1. Answer the following questions in about 200 words each : 20

i. How does Gangu convince the narrator that it is not wrong to marry Gomti in the story
The Child' ?
ii. Describe the life and work of Srijut Sudarshan Sharma.
iii. How did Srijut Sudarshan Sharma react to his premature retirement ?
iv. Give an account of Gangu‘s life in the first six months of his marriage to Gomti.
v. How does Premchand portray the character of Gangu ?
vi. How did Srijut Sudarshan Sharma react to his premature retirement ?

i. Summarize the contents of the letter the prisoner had written. How did it affect the
banker ?
ii. Give the significance of the title of the story ―The Last Leaf‖.
iii. Give the significance of the title of the story 'The Last Leaf'.
iv. What do you know about Rosemary Fell from the story 'A Cup of Tea' ?
v. How did the lawyer spend his years of confinement ?
vi. Give the significance of the title of the story "A Cup of Tea".

2. Answer the following questions in about 200 words each : 20

i. What are the commandments Major gives to the animals ? Discuss.

ii. Discuss the relevance of the novel 'Animal Farm' in the modern world.
iii. Compare and contrast the characters of Napolean and Snowball.
iv. Justify the title of the novel, ‗Animal Farm‘.
v. Explain how power corrupts with illustrations from the novel, 'Animal Farm'.
vi. Write a note on the human characters in the novel, 'Animal Farm'.

(B) Write a note on the style. What is grand style ?

i. What is an autobiography ? What are the problems an autobiographer faces while writing
his autobiography ?
ii. What is autobiography ? What are the difficulties of the autobiographer ?
iii. What is style ? What are its peculiarities ?
iv. Define Biography. What is Pure and Impure Biography ?
v. What is the function of criticism ? What are the qualifications of a good critic ?
3. Answer the following questions in about 100 words each : 20
i. Write a brief note on the character of Gomti in the story 'The Child'.
ii. How did Srijut Sudarshan Sharma spend the weekend before his retirement ?
iii. How did the villagers show their reverence to the Swamiji ?
iv. Why did Mr. Akton present a Golden Watch to Srijut Sudarshan Sharma ?
v. Why did Gangu want to leave his job ?
vi. Why did Mr. Acton‘s wife leave him ?
vii. How did Srijut Sharma spend the weekend before his retirement ?
viii. What kind of life did the Swamiji lead in the Forest ?
ix. What advice did the Swamiji give to the peasants ?
x. What were the reactions of the office staff to Srijut Sudarshan Sharma's gift and
retirement ?
xi. How did Gangu defend his decision to marry Gomti ?
xii. What kind of life did the Swamiji lead in the forest ?

i. What did Johnsy feel on seeing the vine through her window ?
ii. What were the conditions for the lawyer's solitary imprisonment ?
iii. Why did the Banker decide to kill the prisoner ?
iv. What did Philip say about the beggar girl in the story 'A Cup of Tea' ?
v. How did Behrman save Johnsy‘s life ?
vi. What were the conditions under which the young lawyer had to spend the years of his
captivity ?
vii. How did Philip react when he saw the poor girl ?
viii. How did Behrman paint his masterpiece ?
ix. Describe the box that Rosemary Fell wanted to purchase.
x. How did Behrman save Johnsy's life ?
xi. What were the conditions for the lawyer's solitary imprisonment ?
xii. What was the doctor's opinion about Johnsy's condition ?

4(A) Answer the following question in about 100 words each : 5

i. What is the difference between a biography and an autobiography ?

ii. Write down the qualifications of a critic.
iii. Write a note on Pure and Impure Biography.
iv. Write a note on the function of Criticism.
v. Write a note on the Grand Style.
vi. What are the difficulties of the autobiographer ?
(B) Answer any five of the following questions in about one or two sentences
each : 10
i. What is a Biography ?
ii. Give any two names of the famous Autobiographies.
iii. What are the two types of Biography ?
iv. What is an objective Autobiography ?
v. What are the two types of criticism ?
vi. Write down the names of any two critics.
vii. What are the three elements of styles ?
viii. How did the French Revolution affect criticism ? 10
ix. Who wrote ‗Essay of Dramatic Poesy‘ ?
x. What, according to Walter Pater, is Criticism ?
xi. With whom the word Grand style is associated.
xii. What is meant by ‗Debunking‘ ?
xiii. Who wrote ‗Samson Agonistes‘ ?
xiv. Who is the first user of the term, ‗Biography‘ ?
xv. Who started the movement Deconstruction ?
xvi. Which movement began in the work of Roland Barthes and Claude Levistrauss ?
xvii. What is an Autobiography ?
xviii. Who said that an autobiography is a product of first hand experience ?
xix. Who wrote 'Essay on Criticism' in 1688 ?
xx. Which according to W.H. Hudson are the three main elements of style ?
xxi. Who wrote the biography of Dr. Johnson ?
xxii. Who is the writer of 'Defence of Poetry' ?
xxiii. Who wrote the book the New Criticism ?
xxiv. What is meant by 'debunking' ?

(C) Explain the following terms (any five) : 5

i. Plot
ii. Parable
iii. Stream of Consciousness
iv. Picaresque Novel
v. Utopia
vi. Novella
vii. Decorum
viii. Sentimental Novel
ix. Novella
x. Parable
xi. Utopia
xii. Decorum
xiii. Picaresque Novel
xiv. Sentimental Novel
xv. Stream of Consciousness Novel

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Optional Paper–1

[Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80]

Note. :—All questions are compulsory.

1. Answer the following questions in about 200 words each : (10X2=20)

i. Give the dramatic significance of 'The Trial Scene'.
ii. 'Merchant of Venice' is a happy blend of the tragic and the comic elements. Discuss.
iii. Sketch the character of Portia.
iv. Write a critical note on the character of Shylock.
v. What line of reasoning is followed by Bassanio in the choice of a casket?
vi. State the conditions in which the bond was signed in the play.
vii. Write a character sketch of Antonio.
viii. 'Merchant of Venice' is a happy blend of the tragic and the comic elements. Discuss

ix. Discuss the story of play The Merchant of Venice as having the theme of good versus
x. How does Gratiano explain the state of people in love in The Merchant of Venice?

2. Answer the following questions in about 200 words each : (10X2=20)

i. Give the significance of the title of the play 'Old Stone Mansion'.
ii. Attempt a character sketch of Bhaskar.
iii. Give an account of origin and development of the English Drama.
iv. Write a brief essay on the Tragi-comedy.
v. Write about financial condition of Deshpande family.
vi. Describe the different features of Tragi-Comedy.
vii. Describe the characteristics of the Dramatic Monologue.
viii. Attempt a character sketch of Prabha
ix. How the hypocrisy leads to the downfall of Deshpande Family?
x. Write a character sketch of Vahini.
3. (A) Explain the following lines with reference to the context : 10

(i) I hold the world but as the world, Gratiano–

A stage where man must play a part,
And mine is a sad one.

(ii) The quality of mercy is not strained

It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the places beneath : It is twice blessed ;
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes :

(iii) I would my daughter were dead at my foot,

and the jewels in her ear ! would she were hearsed at my foot and the ducates in her coffin!

(iv) Therefore prepare thee to cut off the flesh.

Shed thou no blood, nor cut thou less nor more But just a pound of Flesh : if thou cut'st
more or less than just a pound, be it but so much.

(v) The quality of mercy is not strained

It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the places beneath : It is twice blessed ;
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes :

(B) Explain the following lines with reference to the context : 10

(i) When Tatyaji was alive, you couldn't hear Vahini's footfall on the verandah. But within five
days her orders are heard way outside the wada.

(ii)Who'd want to buy a tractor in Mumbai ? And anyhow, there isn't much left of it now. It's
half buried in the ground. Every time I come, it's sunk a few inches more. The body's rusted
and rotting.

(iii) Prabha, Tatyaji took all the decisions affecting you. Why harass us with these things ? Fact
is that Sudhir was also studying at that time. It wouldn't have been possible to send money
for both of you.

(iv) My life is nothing but a blank page. Will all of you miss me terribly when I'm dead ?

(v) I'm also the daughter of a Deshmukh. I know what's done and not done. But if the girl
passes this year, we can marry her off. Poor man, he's teaching her for free because he
hasn't forgotten past favours he says.
4. (A) Answer the following questions in about 100 words : 5
Write a note on the main features of the Masque.
Write a short note on the Melodrama.

(B) Answer any five of the following questions in one or two sentences each : 10

(i) According to Aristotle, what is the purpose of tragedy ?

(ii) Name the two dramatists who established the Tragi-comedy in England.
(iii) Give any two examples of the Farce.
(iv) What is the maximum number of characters in the Masque ?
(v) Name any two dramatic monologues of Robert Browning.
(vi) What is the basic difference between a drama and a novel ?
(vii) Give any two examples of the Melodrama.
(viii) What are the two main features of the Classical Tragedy ?

(C) Explain any five of the following literary terms : 5

(i) Hamartia
(ii) Three unities
(iii) Catharsis
(iv) Intrigue
(v) Anti-hero
(vi) Sub-plot
(vii) Suspense
(viii) Surprise.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Optional Paper—1

[Time: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 80]

Note: — ALL questions are compulsory.

1. Answer the following questions in about 200 words each: — (10x2=20)

i. ‗Macbeth‘ is a tragedy of fate‘ Discuss.
ii. Write how Shakespeare made use of the Supernatural in ‗Macbeth‘.
iii. Sketch the character of Lady Macbeth
iv. Sketch the character of Banquo.
v. Discuss whether Macbeth is truly a tragic figure.

2. Answer the following questions in about 200 words each: — (10x2=20)

i. Explain the meaning and significance of the title ‗She Stoops to Conquer‘.
ii. Attempt a critical analysis of Marlow‘s character.
iii. Write an essay on the origin and development of the English Theatre.
iv. What are the salient features of the Shakespearean Comedies?
v. In what ways is Tony Lumpkin a hero in the play ‗She Stoops to Conquer‘?

3. Explain the following sentences with reference to the context :

(i) Fair is foul, and foul is fair :

Hover through the fog and filthy air.

(ii) Come, thick night,

And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell,
That my keen knife see not the wound it makes,
Nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark,
To Cry ‗‗Hold hold‘‘.

(iii) Yet do I fear thy nature, it is too full o' th' milk of heaven
Kindness to catch the nearest way.

(iv) Glamis hath murdered sleep, and therefore Cawdor

Shall sleep no more, Macbeth shall sleep no more.

(v) Pardon me Madam, I was always willing to be amused. The folly of most people is rather an
object of mirth than uneasiness.
(vi) And I love it. I love everything that's old. Old times, old manners, old books, old wine; and,
I believe, Dorothy (taking her hand), you'll win I have been pretty fond of an old wife.

(vii) True Madam; those who have most virtue in their mouths, I have least of it in their bosom.
But I am sure I tire you, madam.
(viii) And to crown all, Kete, he's one of the most bashful and reserved young fellows in all the

4. (A) Answer the following questions in about 100 words each:—

Write in brief about the Irish Theatre.

Write a note on ‗Shakespearean Romance‘.

(B) Answer any Five of the following in One or Two sentences each:—

(i) Name any two comedies of Shakespeare.

(ii) Who wrote verse drama ‗Murder in the Cathedral‘?
(iii) Name the first permanent playhouse.
(iv) Give any two examples of Shakespearean Romance.
(v) Where was the drama used to be performed at the earliest stage?
vi) Write three constituents of the Plot in tragedy.
(vii) Name the angry young man in John Osborne‘s play ‗Look Back in Anger‘.
(viii) To whom was Shakespeare indebted about historical material ?

(C) Explain any five of the following Literary Terms :—

(i) Heroic Drama
(ii) Comedy of Manners
(iii) Comic Relief
(iv) Folk Drama
(v) Domestic Tragedy
(vi) Closet Drama
(vii) Existentialism
(viii) Comedy of Humours.

Bachelor of Commerce (B. Com.)


Answer the following question in about 150 words: (08 Marks)

1.Describe in detail the problems presented by John Galsworthy in "Quality". 2.How does the
story "The Gifts" show the love between Jim and Della ?

3.Highlight the theme of the poem, "The Unknown Citizen" relating to the conflict between the
outer and inner appearance and reality.

4. How does Kabir talk to his inner lover?

5.Why does Sheen say that pleasure is conditioned by contrast ?

6. How does A.G. Gardiner deal with a familiar event in the "On Painted Face" ?

7. Comment on the significance of the title of the story 'The Axe'.

8.Narrate briefly the story of 'The Gifts' in your own words.

9. Elucidate the central idea of the poem, 'Mending Wall'.

10. How does W.H. Auden project the crisis of identity in the poem, "Unknown Citizen" ?

11. How does A.G. Gardiner deal with a familiar event in the "On Painted Face" 12. What does
E.M. Forster say about the quality of tolerance ?

13.How does the story 'The Gifts' show the love between Jim and Della ? Describe in detail the
problem presented by John Galsworthy in the story 'Quality'.

14.According to the poet Kabir, what are the reasons for man's 'weird failure' ?

15. Elucidate the central idea of the poem 'Mending Wall'.

16. With reference to A.G. Gardiner's essay 'On Painted Face', explain the lines "The paint on the
face does not stop at the cheeks. It stains the soul."

17. Why does Sheen say that pleasure is conditioned by contrast ?

18.Why did Jim and Della look at each other like two stupid children who had been tricked when
they saw the Christmas gifts ?

19. State Velan‘s condition after the death of his master.

Answer the following questions in about 75 word each : (04 Marks)

1.What did Jim purchase for Della ? How ?

2. Why did the Gesslers not sell boots made by others ?

3. How did the master's sons treat Velan after the master's death ?

4. Describe the two things in which Jim and Della took pride.

5. Why does A.G. Gardiner write that the beauty of the sunset is deeper and more spiritual ?

6. What is the Nazi solution to world problems and what is the other solution ?

7. How does pleasure resemble beauty ?

8. What does A.G. Gardiner write about a young lady in the street ?

9.Describe the two things in which Jim and Della took pride.

10. Why did customers go to Gessler Brothers as they would go to a church ? 11. What did the
astrologer foretell about Velan ?

12.How did people react to the astrology ?

13 What happened at Madame Sofronel's shop ?

14. What did A.G. Gardiner notice about the face of a young lady ?

15. What is the second law of pleasure, according to Sheen ?

16. What is the difficulty in nations loving one another ?

17. How does A.G. Gardiner describe the beauty of Sunset ?

18.What did the astrologer foretell about Velan ?

19. How did people react to the astrologer's prediction ?

20. What did Jim purchase for Della ? How ?

21. How did the master's sons treat Velan after the master's death ?

22. Why did customers go to the Gessler Brothers' shop as they went to a church ?

23.What is the Nazi solution to world problems and what is the other solution? 24. According to
Sheen, how does pain help pleasure ?
25. What is Forster's attitude to militant ideals ?

26. How does A.G. Gardiner describe the beauty of the sunset ?

27. What was the causes of the elder Gessler‘s death ?

28. Describe the combs bought by Jim for Della.

29. How does Galsworthy describe the tenement of the Gessler Brothers ? 30.Why did Velan
leave his home ?

31. Summarize the poem ‗Mending Wall‘.

32. How does the poet project the crisis of identity in the poem ‗The Unknown Citizen‘.

33.Who are the great men who have recommended tolerance ?

34. Why does Forster say that love cannot succeed in public affairs ?

35.How does A.G. Gardiner write that the beauty of the sunset is deeper and more spiritual ?

36.Why does Sheen say that the real joy of marriage is born out of some pain ? 37.What is
Forster‘s attitude to Militant ideals ?

38. What does A.G. Gardiner write about the young lady in the street ?

Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each : (any four)

(02 Marks)

1.What was the price offered by Madame Sofronie for Della's hair ?

2. For how many years could the narrator not go to Mr. Gessler's shop ?

3. Who was Velan ?

4. What is the second law of pleasure ?

5. What does A.G. Gardiner abominate above all ?

6. What was the name of the saloon where Della sold her hair ?

7. Who was Mr. Gessler ?

8. How old was Velan when he left home ?

9. What is the third law of pleasure ?

10. What is the only way to proper reconstruction, according to E.M. Forster ?
11.How much money did Madame Sofronie offer for Della's hair ?

12. Why was it not possible for the writer to go often to the Gessler Brothers' shop ?

13. What did Velan say to the tree-cutters ?

14.According to A.G. Gardiner, what is painting the face or dyeing the hair like?

16. Which gift and Jim purchase for Della ?

17. What was Gessler‘s opinion about big firms ?

18. What did the Astrologer foretell about Velan ?

19. Is tolerance an exciting virtue ?

20. What, according to Sheen, is the great value of the marital vow

Match the words in column A with their synonyms in column B. (04 Marks)

1. Column A Column B

(i) Assist (a) War

(ii) Costly (b) help

(iii) Battle (c) cruel

(iv) Savage (d) kind

(e) expensive

2. Column A Column B

(i) Entrance (a) comic

(ii) Tragic (b) poor

(iii) Rich (c) pain

(iv) Pleasure (d) exit

(e) Spend

3. Column A Column B

(a) success (a) cruelty

(b) strange (b) innocent

(c) weakness (c) failure

(d) guilty (d) pleasure

(e) strength (f) familiar

4.Column A Column B

(a) Detest (i) Dirty

(b) Grumble (ii) Respect

(c) Announce (iii) Hate

(d) Soiled (iv) Complain

(v) Fragrance

(vi) Declare

Give one word for the following groups of words (any four) : (04 Marks)

1. A person aged between 13 and 19.

2.One who lives on vegetables.

3. One who acts as middle man for buyers and sellers.

4. A school for very young children.

5. Unable to pay one's debts.

6. A period of a hundred years.

7. List of items to be considered at a meeting.

8.A place where milk is kept and butter is made.

9. One who prepares plans for new buildings.

10.To rise in value.

11.Money paid to a person doing a piece of work.

12. A child whose parents are dead.

13.Money system used in a country.

14. One who looks at the bright side of things.

15. People working in the same office or department.

16. A period of hundred years.

17. A place where bread is made and sold.

18. Sound which can be heard.

19.One who believes in the existence of God.

20. A handwritten copy of a book.

21. One who is financially ruined.

22. A room or cupboard in which one hangs up clothes.

23. Incapable of being moved.

24. One who flies aeroplane.

Letter Writing (08 Marks)

1. Draft a job application in response to the following advertisement : Wanted-An experienced

candidate for the post of an Accountant. Apply with biodata to the Manager, C.J. company,
2. You are the Personnel Manager of J.K. Tea Company, Hyderabad. Write an interview call
letter to Mr. Satish Shah, Trimurti Nagar, Akola, inviting him to attend an interview for the post
of Assistant Manager.

3.Wanted–An experienced candidate for the post of a salesman. Apply with biodata to the
Personnel Manager, Bipro and Co., Gandhi Marg Nasik.

4. You are the Personnel Manager of Mumbai Soap Company, Nehru Road, Mumbai-400210.
Write a job letter to Mr. Suhas Pande, New Laxmi Nagar, Near Gandhi Marg, Pune, appointing
him as an Executive Assistant in the company. Mention the terms and conditions of services.

5. Draft a job application in response to the following advertisement – Wanted – An experienced

candidate for the post of Accountant. Apply with biodata to The Manager, Surya Exports,

6. As the Personnel Manager of Rainbow Textiles Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, write a letter to Mr. Arun
Naik, asking him to appear for a personal interview for the post of Sales Officer in your

7. Write a letter of application to the Principal, National College, Shivaji Road, Akola, for the
post of a Clerk.

8. Imagine that you are the General Manager of Mumbai Soap Company. Write a job offer letter
to Mr. Harilal Rao, Nehru Nagar, Gandhi Marg,, Nagpur, appointing him to the post of
Executive Assistant in your company.

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow : (04 Marks)

When the morning work is over, the boys have a bath and go into their meal. About two O' clock
in the afternoon the school classes begin again ; but at this time the work is chiefly with the hand
as well as with the mind. Handiwork is practised, and a boy's own natural tastes are very soon
discovered. Some prefer carpentry ; others prefer mechanical work ; others become skilled
draughtsmen or painters or musicians.

There is very little book-work in the afternoon. School is over at about four O'clock and there is
a rush to get first into the open fields for football. Our Shantiniketan boys are famous for their
skill at sports and games. In the evening, at sunset, they return from the fields and sit down for a
short time to meditate in silence.

As night comes on, Fairy Tales are told ; short plays are rehearsed ; songs of Gurudev are sung ;
and the different school-gatherings are held.
By nine O' clock, all are glad to retire to rest ; and the choristers go around the ashram singing
their last evening hymn. There can be no question as to happiness of the life of these boys. Their
faces tell the story of their joy in their Freedom.

1.What kinds of handiwork were practised by Shantiniketan boys ?

2.What do the boys do when school is over ?

3.What do the boys do at sunset ?

4.What entertainments do the boys have at night ?

2.The 'standard of living' of any country means the average person's share of the goods and
services which the country produces. A country's standard of living, therefore, depends first and
foremost on its capacity to produce wealth. "Wealth" in this sense is not money, for we do not
live on money but on things that money can buy : "goods", such as food and clothing and
'services' such as transport and entertainment. A country's capacity to produce wealth depends
upon many factors, most of which have an effect on the another. Wealth depends to a great
extent upon a country's natural resources, such as coal, gold, and other minerals, water supply
and so on. Some regions of the world are well supplied with coal and minerals, and have a fertile
soil and a favourable climate ; other regions possess perhaps only one of these things and some
regions possess none of them. The USA is one of the wealthiest regions of the world because she
has the vast natural resources within her borders, her soil is fertile, and her climate is varied. The
Sahara Desert, on the other hand, is one of the least wealthy.

1. What does a country's standard of living depend on ?

2. What are the important natural resources of a country ?

3. How do the different regions of the world vary ?

4. What has made the USA a very wealthy country ?

3. 'Prevention is better than cure'; and it is recognized that the only way to get rid of malaria
completely is to get rid of the mosquitoes which cause it. Malaria is always associated with damp
and marshy land. This is not because the land is damp but because the standing water is the
breeding ground of the mosquito, which begins its life as a larva living in the water. Malaria does
not frequently occur in dry desert countries because mosquitoes cannot breed there. The only
way to destroy mosquitoes is to prevent their breeding in standing water. This can be done by
draining all ponds and pools; and by keeping them covered in the breeding season with a layer of
kerosene oil, which, by depriving the larvae of air, kills them.

Questions :

1. Which is the only way to get rid of Malaria ?

2. What type of place is associated with Malaria ?

3.Why does malaria not occur in dry desert countries ?

4.How can malaria be prevented ?

4. Trees give shade for the benefit of others and while they themselves stand in the sun and
endure heat, they produce the fruit which others profit. The character of good men is like that of
trees. What is the use of this body if no use of it is made for the benefit of mankind ?
Sandalwood, the more it is rubbed, the more scent does it yield. Sugar-cane, the more it is peeled
and cut into pieces, the more juice does it produce. Wood, the more it is burnt, the more brightly
does it shine. The men who are noble at heart do not lose these qualities even by losing their
lives. They dwell forever in a world of bliss because their noble qualities do not die with them.
What matters is whether we praise them or not. Good men are indifferent to praise because their
goodness does not depend upon man‘s empty praise. To live for the sake of mere living till the
end of life is to live the life of dogs and crows.

Questions :

(1) What do the trees give to mankind ?

(2) What is the characteristic of sandalwood ?

(3) What is said about men who are noble at heart ?

(4) How is ‗to live for the sake of mere living‘ described ?
Precis Writing (08 Marks)

Make a precis of the following passage and suggest a suitable tittle :

1.We sometimes think it would be very nice to have no work to do. If only we had not to got to
school and do our lessons, we could have holidays from January to December ! If only we had
not to work in the fields, or go to the office every morning, but can do just what they please all
the year round. When we feel like this, we make a mistake. Perhaps rich people are not as happy
as we think they are. Very likely they are tired of having nothing to do. Of course there are some
people who have too much work, or who have to do very unpleasant work. But most of us are
really happier if we have regular work to do for our living, especially if the work is work we like.

2. Never speak anything for a truth which you know or believe to be false. Lying is a great sin
against God, who gave us a tongue to speak the truth, and not falsehood. It is a great offence
against humanity itself ; for, where there is no regard to truth, there can be no safe society
between man and man. And it is an injury to the speaker ; for, besides the disgrace it brings upon
him, it occasions so much baseness of mind, that he can scarcely tell truth, or avoid lying, even
when he has no colour of necessity for it ; and in time, he comes to such a pass that, as other
people cannot believe he speaks the truth, so he himself scarcely knows when he tells a

3. Health is the most valuable of all earthly possessions. Without it all the rest are worth nothing.
To enjoy good health we should avoid eating in excess. We should eat moderately and not
devour whatever we get. When you sit among many for a dinner, do not reach your hand out first
of all. A little food is sufficient for us. Sound sleep comes of a light stomach. Such a man rises
early in the morning and is at ease with himself.

4. Electricity is a form of energy which has been extremely useful to human beings. In older
days, people had to depend on fire-wood, char-coal and various kinds of oil for lighting and
heating. The discovery of electricity was a great boon to humanity. We have been using electric
energy not only for heating and lighting but also to run our industries both large and small. This
new energy revolutionized industrial production throughout the world. We have electric lights,
fans, stove and countless other appliances that have rendered our life easy and comfortable.
Power-stations generate electricity and it is supplied to us. Electric lights brighten not only cities
but also villages and rural areas. Indeed, the world would have been backward if we did not have
electric energy at our disposal.

Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.)


Answer the following question in about 150 Words :

1. Describe how a positive change occurred in the attitude of Okeke towards the end.

2. Narrate the story of ‗The Taxi Driver‘ in your own words.

3. How does the poetess contrast horses‘ lives and human life ?

4. What according to Tukadoji Maharaj, is the regulation in life ?

5. What is Indianness, according to Sheila Dhar ?

6. In what spirit, according to Einstein, should youth be taught ?

7.What was the encounter of Dittu with the unknown passengers ?

8. Describe how a positive change occurred in the attitude of Okeke towards the end.

9.How did Paul give the Bard its new vocabulary ?

10. What were the two objectionable things Okeke found in Nene ?

11. In what way was Paul superior to Niccolo ?

12.What did Dittu dream of ?

13.Narrate the story ‗The Taxi Driver‘ in your own words.

14. What information did Nnaemeka give his father about Nene ?

15. What was the latter‘s reaction to it ?

16. How does Tukadoji Maharaj stress that human life is not mere physical existence but more
than that ?

17. Summarise the Poem ‗Swan and Shadow‘

18. What, according to Russell, are the factors which constitute wisdom ?

19. In what spirit according to Einstein, should youth be taught ?

20. What information did Nnaemeka give to his father about Nene?
21. What was his father's reaction to it? OR How does Dittu react to his wife's proposal?

22. What is the real art of life, according to Tukdoji Maharaj?

23. Write the central idea of the poem 'Swan and Shadow' by John Hollander. 24. Point out
Russel's suggestions to achieve freedom from prejudice.

25. Describe the important qualities of Indian Culture as described by Sheila Dhar.

Answer the following questions in about 75 words each :

1. What is the sign of wisdom in private life ?

2. How can knowledge of truth be preserved ?

3. What is the nature of tradition as reflected in ‗What is Indianness‘ ?

4. What does ‗egoism of the senses‘ mean ?

5. Why did Nickie agree to learn the squiggles ?

6. What did Nnaemeka know about Ugoye Nweke, the girl proposed by his father ?

7. What did Nnaemeka‘s father write to Nnaemeka after receiving the wedding picture sent by
him ?

8. In what way was Paul superior to Nickie ?

9.How did Paul give the Bard its new vocabulary ?

10. What were the two objectionable things Okeke found in Nene ?

11. In what way was Paul superior to Niccolo ?

12. What did Dittu dream of ?

13.How does Tukdoji Maharaj stress that human life is not mere physical existence but more
than that ?

14. Write the central idea of the poem ‗Horses Graze‘.

15.What is the method suggested by Russell to cure personal prejudice ? 16.Describe the
important qualities of Indian culture as described by Sheila Dhar.

17.When does love of the neighbour become real ?

18. What is Einstein‘s idea of the power of the school teacher ?

19. What is the sign of wisdom in private life according to Russell ?

20. What is Indianness, according to Sheila Dhar ?

21.What did Nnaemeka‘s father write to Nnaemeka after receiving the weding picture sent by
him ?

22. Why was Nickie afraid of Paul ?

23. What was the incident that Dittu remembered when he had someone‘s wallet in his hand ?

24. What did Paul do to the Bard to make it more effective ?

25. What are the important qualities of Indian Culture ?

26. What are Russell‘s suggestions to achieve freedom from prejudice ?

27. How does Einstein associate the school with tradition ?

28. What is Indiannes according to Sheila Dhar ?

29.In what way was Paul superior to Niccolo?

30. What did Nnaemeka know about Ugoye Nweke, the girl proposed by his father?

31. How did Paul give the Bard its new vocabulary?

32. How did Banti plant to spend the money in the Wallet?

33. When does love of the neighbour become real?

34. What is the most important method of Education, according to Einstein?

35.What is the sign of wisdom in private life according to Russell?

36.How does Sheila Dhar explain the strong belief of Indians in sacredness?

Change the degree of comparison in the following sentences (any FOUR) :

1. India is one of the largest countries in the world. (Make Comparative degree)

2. The rose is more beautiful than the lily. (Make Positive degree)

3. No other animal is as big as the elephant. (Make Superlative degree)

4. The sun is the brightest star. (Make Comparative degree)

5. Sita is not cleverer than Rani. (Make Positive degree)

6. Very few metals are as useful as copper. (Make Superlative degree)

7. Ahmed is taller than Anand. (Change into positive degree)

8. Very few boys are as honest as Gopi. (Change into superlative degree)

9. Ravi is the strongest boy in the class. (Change into comparative degree)

10. No other country in the world is as rich as the USA. (Change into
superlative degree)

11. The pacific is the largest ocean in the world. (Change into positive degree)

12. Very few cities in India are as big as Chennai.

(Change into comparative degree)

13. The Pacific is deeper than many other oceans in the world.

(Make Positive Degree)

14. Kolkata is the biggest town in India. (Make Comparative Degree)

15. No other king of India was so great as Ashoka. (Make Superlative Degree) 16. Very few
countries are so rich as Japan. (Make Comparative Degree)

17. Light travels faster than sound. (Make Positive Degree)

18. India is larger than any other democracy in the world. (Make Superlative Degree)

19. Very few countries in the world are as big as America.

(Change into Comparative degree)

20. Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Solar System.

(Change into Positive degree)

21.Ram is better than Shyam in studies. (Change into Positive degree)

22. No other girl in the class is as tall as Rani. (Change into Superlative Degree)

23. Rahul is the strongest boy in the class. (Change into Comparative Degree)

24. Africa is one of the biggest Continents in the world.

(Change into Positive Degree)

Fill in the blanks choosing the correct option from the words given in brackets (any FOUR)

1. I asked the tailor to _____ my dress. (altar/alter)

2. A ____ cannot get a driving licence. (minor/miner)

3. Motivation helps to boost the _____ of workers. (moral/morale)

4. The _____ of this bag is approximately 10 kg. (wait/weight)

5. Since I was very busy I decided to have my lunch _____. (latter/later)

6.They had to _____ the door to enter the house. (brake/break)

7. I asked the doctor for his ———— . (advice/advise)

8. She ———— everyone with film stories. (boars/bores)

9. Seema went to a ———— shop to buy a pencil. (stationery/stationary)

10. Rice is the ———— food of Andhras. (principal/principle)

11. My mother wants to read my ———— . (dairy/diary)

12. He ———— in the accident. (died/dyed)

13.I visit my _______ for treatment regularly. (Physicist, Physician)

14. Raju and Rajesh visit me on ______ days. (alternate, alternative)

15.The boys are going on a long _______ to the USA. (vocation, vacation)

16. The _______ of the College was present at the University. (Principle, Principal)

17. One has to ______ himself to new conditions. (adapt, adopt)

18. As a minor, he is not ______ for the post. (illegible, eligible)

19. A person below the age of twenty years is not _______ for this job. (Illegible/ eligible)

20. The birds ______ high in the sky. (Sore/Soar)

21. My Scooter has a big ______. (Carrier/Career)

22. We should ______ the coconut for making the sweets. (Great/Grate)

23. Alok has a big ______ shop. (Stationery/Stationary)

24. The man went to a tailor to _____ his clothes. (altar/alter)

Letter Writing :

1.You are Rahul Patil, proprietor of Global Stations, Gandhi Vihar, Mumbai. Write to Ajanta
Paper Mart, New Delhi, placing an order for stationery items for your shop.

2.You are the director of Aimsoft Computer Institute. You need desk top computers for your
institute. Write a letter to the manager of Orient Systems. Nagpur, inviting a quotation for the

3.You are the manager of Pragatishil Co-operative Society, Gandhibag, Nagpur. Place an order
for different types of furniture needed for the conference hall with the Sales Manager, A1
Furnitures Sitabuldi, Nagpur.

4. You are the sales manager of Rajat Appliances, Andheri, Mumbai. Write a sales letter to
Seema Enterprises, Modi No. 3, Sitabuldi, Nagpur promoting a new range of water purifiers
launched by your company.

5.You are the Sales Officer, Mahalaxmi Traders, 20, Narayan Nagar, Pune. Your firm deals in
Air Conditioners (A.C). Write a sales letter to the Manager of HDFC Bank, Ram Nagar, Akola.

6. You are the Sales Manager of Vidarbha Book Depot, Sanjay Nagar, Nagpur. Write a letter to
Kamal Book Depot, 15-Shivaji Road, Pune, placing an order for B.Com. I books.

7.You are the owner of Darpan Cosmetic Stores, Sadar, Nagpur. Place an order for different
types of cosmetic items like talcum powder, shampoo, hair oil and face cream with the Sales
Manager, Ponds Cosmetic Company Limited, Juhu, Mumbai-10.

8. You are the sales manager of Godrej Appliances, Bandra, Mumbai-01. Write a sales letter to
customers promoting a new range of Washing Machines launched by your company.

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below :

There was once an honest gentleman who took for his second wife the proudest and most
disagreeable lady in the whole country. She had two daughters exactly life herself. He himself
had one little girl, whoresembled her dead mother, the best woman in all the world. Scarcely had
the second marriage taken place before the stepmother became jealous of the good qualities of
the little girl, who was so great a contrast to her own two daughters. She gave her all the hard
work of the house, compelling her to wash the floors and staircases, to dust the bedrooms and
clean the grates. While her sisters occupied carpeted chambers hung with mirrors, where they
could see themselves from head to foot, this poor little girl was sent to sleep in at attic, with only
one chair and not a looking glass in the room. She suffered alone in silence, not daring to
complain to her father, who was entirely ruled by his new wife. When her daily work was done
she used to sit down in the chimney-corner among the ashes; from which the two sisters gave her
the nickname of ‗Cinderella‘. But Cinderella, however shabbily clad, was handsomer than they
were, with all their fine clothes.

Questions :

1. What kind of woman did Cinderella‘s father marry after her mother‘s death?
2.What sort of work was Cinderella made to do ?

3. What did she use to do after her daily work ?

4. Who give her the nickname of ‗Cinderella‘ ?

2.Ranjit Singh, the Lion of the Punjab, was once walking along the road with his followers, when
suddenly a stone struck him on the head. He suffered greatly and his followers brought before
him a woman bent with age and dressed in rags. The poor woman was trembling. ―Your
Highness‖, said the woman with folded hands, ―my children have been hungry for three days. In
search of food I came here and saw ripe apples hanging from the branches. I threw a stone at
them in the hope of getting one or two to satisfy my children‘s hunger, but the stone missed its
aim and struck your Highness. I am innocent. Please forgive me.‖ Pressing his wounded head
with one hand, the king ordered his Prime Minister to give the woman several bags of grains and
pay her one thousand rupees. The Prime Minister staredat the king. ―If the tree gave fruits when
struck with stones‖, said the king, ―I must give much more since I am a human being and have
reason. How can I punish her ?‖

Questions :

1.What happened when Ranjit Singh was once walking along the road ?
2.Why was the old woman brought before Ranjit Singh ?
3.Why did the woman try to get the apples ?
4.What lesson did Ranjit Singh learn from the tree ?

3.Have you heard the story of Isaac Newton and his little dog, Diamond ? The incident happened
when Newton was fifty years old. He had worked hard for twenty years, studying the theory of
light. One day he went out of his chamber, leaving his little dog asleep in front of the fire. On the
table lay a heap of manuscript papers containing all the discoveries which Newton had made
during those twenty years. When his master was gone, little Diamond rose, jumped upon the
table and overturned the lighted candle. The papers immediately caught fire. Just as the
destruction was completed, Newton opened the chamber door and noticed that the labours of his
twenty years had been reduced to a heap of ashes. There stood little Diamond, the author of all
the mischief. Almost any other man would have punished the dog with death. But Newton patted
him on the head with his usual kindness, although his heart was full of grief, ―O, Diamond,
Diamond !‖, he exclaimed, ―You don‘t know the mischief you have done !‖ This incident
affected his health and spirits for some time afterwards, but from his conduct towards the little
dog, you may judge the sweetness of his temper.

Questions :

1. For how many years had Newton been studying the theory of light ?
2. Where was the dog, Diamond, when Newton went out of his chamber ?
3. What happened when Newton was out of the room ?
4. What was the effect of this incident on Newton
4.In pre-historic times, man was virtually a beast going about naked, living in caves and
killing animals to satisfy his hunger. Charles Darwin held that man had descended from
animals and his nearest ancestor was the ape. Evolution thus represents man's growth from
the animal stage to the present civilized state existence. Though man emerged from a beastly
existence into that of a rational life thousands of years ago, yet he has not been able to shed
completely the influence of his earliest ancestors. He is still swayed, to a considerable extent,
by animal instincts such as selfishness, cruelty, lust, greed and the rest of the lower poisons
which are responsible for bloodshed, war, injustice, in short, misery and unhappiness. Hence,
the aim of man's progress is, on the one hand, to eradicate all traces of beastly passions, and
on the other to imbibe the virtues of love, justice, truth and kindness. The epitome of
civilization will be attained when man cuts himself apart from his animal past and cultivates
the virtues which are associated with the Divine being.

Answer the following :

1. How was man in pre-historic times?

2. What do you mean by evolution?
3. Which animal instincts are still present in man?
4. What should be the aim of man's progress?
Write an essay on any ONE of the following topics in about 380 Words:
1. Pollution and its ill-effects.
2. Terrorism – a threat to society.
3. An Ideal citizen.
4. My aim in life.
5. Computer Revolution
6. Save the Environment
7. Population Explosion
8. Child Labour.
9. The importance of discipline in one‘s life.
10. Problems of Indian Farmers.
11. Save Trees, Save Life.
12. E-Commerce and its advantages.
13. India–A land of unity in Diversity.
14. Mobile phones–A Boon or Bane]
15. Demonetisation–A step to control Corruption.
16. Save the environment.
Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each (any FOUR) : 1.According to
Einstein, who is a successful man ?

2.How does a great Indian leader describe the huge dams and factories in India ?

3. Did Niccolo like Paul telling him that the Bard was an old model ?

4. Who was Nene ?

5. What would Dittu first ask his passengers ?

6. What was the location of Nnaemeka‘s room ?

7. Which disease did Dittu‘s wife had contracted ?

8. According to Einstein, who is a successful man ?

9. Where do we need wisdom ?

10. To which tribe did Nnaemeka belong ?

11. Name the disease that Dittu‘s wife had contracted.

12. What is the essence of wisdom ?

13. According to Einstein, what is the motivation behind the pupil‘s work ?

14. How difficult is an attempt to describe a typical Indian?

15.Where did Dittu find the Wallet?

16.Who was Nene and where did she live?

17.According to Einstein who is a successful man?

18.Why does the world need wisdom more than ever today?
19. What does Sheila Dhar mean by the word 'Tradition'?

Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.)


Answer the following questions in about 150 words :

1. Give an account of the major events involving the narrator and his grandmother.
2. Why, according to Karan Singh, should young people equip themselves in the physical
3. ―We have got something rather unpleasant to say to you‖. Explain this statement
addressed to the Verger.
4. Attempt a summary of ‗The Eyes are not here‘, highlighting the climax in it
5. Summarise the claims made in ―Money Madness‖.
6. Describe what the poets would remark about the river, flood and the after effects of flood.
7. Attempt after Khushwant Singh, a character sketch of his grandmother.
8. Why does Karan Singh give emphasis on the spiritual dimension ?
9. Describe the origin and evolution of Albert Edward Foreman as a flourishing
10. Narrate the instances in ‗‗The Eyes are not Here‘‘ which indicate that both the narrator
and the girl are visually challenged. How do they try to mislead each other ?
11. Describe the process of felling the Banyan Tree. What does the act of cutting down the
tree signify ?
12. Summarise the claim made in ‗‗Money Madness‘‘.
13. Describe Khushwant Singh's grand mother and grandfather.
14. Why does Karan Singh put emphasis on the spiritual dimension ?
15. Describe the origin and evolution of the verger as a flourishing businessman.
16. Write a note on the talk between the narrator and the girl about Dehra and Mussoorie.
17. Sketch the central idea of the poem 'Money Madness'.
18. Attempt a summary of the poem "The Felling of the Banyan Tree".
19. Give an account of the major events involving the grandmother and Khushwant Singh.
20. Why, according to Karan Singh, should our young people equip themselves in physical
21. Narrate the thoughts that crowded the verger's mind after he locked the door for going
22. Narrate the instances in "The eyes are not here" which indicate that both the narrator and
the girl are visually challenged. How do they try to mislead each other?
23. Summarise the poem 'Money Madness".
24. Write about the remarks of the new poets and old poets concerning the river, flood and
after– effects of flood.
Answer any FOUR of the given questions in about 75 words each :

1. Write a note on the talk between the narrator and the girl about Dehra and Mussoorie.
2. Why did the Verger say, ‗Strange how things come to you when you least expect it‘?
3. Which reason did the Verger assign for his ignorance of reading and writing?
4. For what purpose does Karan Singh want our youth to be intellectually alert?
5. What does Khushwant Singh say about his grandfather and grandmother?
6. What changes did Khushwant Singh see in his grandmother‘s conduct on coming back
from abroad after few years?
7. Comment on Khushwant Singh‘s grandmother‘s relationship with dogs and sparrows.
8. For what purpose does Karan Singh want our youth to be intellectually alert?
9. Where did Albert Edward Foreman serve before he was appointed as Verger?
10. Write a note on the talk between the narrator and the girl about Dehra and Mussoorie.
11. What was the advice of Sri Aurobindo Ghosh to students?
12. Which reason did the Verger assign for his ignorance of reading and writing?
13. Write a gist of the conversation between the narrator and the man who had entered the
train compartment.
14. What was the verger looking for on his way back home?
15. What, according to Karan Singh, is the advice of Sri Aurobindo Ghosh to students?
16. For what purpose does Karan Singh want our youth to be intellectually alert?
17. How would Khushwant Singh's grandmother prepare him for going to school?
18. Write about the grandmother's illness and death.
19. Write about Khushwant Singh's grandmother's illness and death. How did the sparrows
mourn her loss?
20. Why, according to Karan Singh, is patriotism essential?
21. What did the verger say when the vicar directed him to learn reading and writing within
three months?
22. Comment on the grandmother's relationship with dogs and sparrows.
23. What did the vicar say on getting the verger's confession about his inability to read and
24. Write a gist of the conversation between Ruskin Bond and the man who entered the
Read the following passage and answer the given questions :

1.Everyone has got into the habit of thinking himself to be different and separate from others,
and wholly dependent on himself for his security, subsistence and progress. On the foundation of
this narrow, selfish conception people have erected the structure of human existence and even
inspite of the many evil consequences that flow from it, they have habitually stuck to this
tradition. From time to time saints and sages have preached the gospel of oneness but this was
considered to be merely a theoretical ideal which was never even attempted to be brought into
actual practice. The very idea that mankind can march forward by facing all joys and sorrows in
unity and thereby solve automatically the problem of common security and peace, was alien to
the minds of the people. Man has got into the habit of oppressing and exploiting others for his
own benefit and has transformed this paradise into a fierce ‗struggle for existence‘.


1. What is the foundation on which the structure of human existence is erected?

2. What have the saints preached?
3. Which idea is alien to the minds of the people?
4. What is the result of oppression and exploitation?
2. People work hard and complain that either they have failed or they have not got a reward in
proportion to their labour. Many toil with ultimate intention of immense gain. From the practical
point of view, it is true that we must get rewarded for the effort we make. But our scriptures tell
us that we must put in hard work without the expectation of an immediate award. A farmer sows
seeds in the month of July. Does he get a crop instantly? He has to wait for germination of the
seeds and the growth of the plant for some months. The same is the case with any work
undertaken by us. We must work hopefully. Our optimism is important. This optimism will
prevent us from worrying about our goal. This tendency of looking at the brighter side of life
wills still our thoughts about the goal, end or target of our actions. Robert Louis Stevenson was a
famous English essayist. One of his essays concluded with, To travel hopefully is a better thing
than to arrive, and the true success is to labour? The words offer a valuable piece of advice. They
ask us to adopt a healthy attitude towards life and lend a new perspective to labour and its
reward. There is joy in hard work. Your hard work itself is success.

Questions :

1. What is the complaint of people who work hard?

2. What do our scriptures tell us?
3. Why is optimism necessary with regard to our work?
4. What do words ask us to adopt?
3. In a small court-room, a short middle-aged man with grey hair, and small blue eyes was
standing before the judge. The man had a foolish expression on his face and he kept looking
stupidly as if he was trying hard to understand what was going on. The man was accused of
breaking into a house and stealing a cheap watch. The witness, who was called, did not give a
very clear account of what had happened. He claimed to have seen a man outside the house one
night, but on being questioned further, he confessed that he was not sure whether this was the
man. The judge considered the matter for a short time and then declared that as there was no real
proof, the man could not be found guilty of any crime. He said that the case was dismissed and
then rose to go. Meanwhile, the accused looked very puzzled. It was clear that he had not
understood a thing. Noticing this, the judge paused for a moment and then the man said
suddenly, "Excuse me, Sir, but do I have to give the watch back or not?‖

Questions :

1. Briefly describe the man standing before the judge in the case.
2. What was the he accused of?
3. Why was the case dismissed?
4. Was the accused actually innocent?
5. Character is destiny. Character is that on which the destiny of a nation is built. One cannot
have a great nation with men of small character. We must have young men and women who look
upon others as the living image of themselves as our shastras have so often declared. But
whether in public life or student life, we cannot reach great heights, if we are lacking in
character. We cannot climb the mountain when the ground at our feet is crumbling. When the
very basis of our structure is shaky how can we reach the heights we have set before ourselves?
We must all have humility. Here is a country which we are all interested in building up for
whatever service we take up, we should not care for what we receive. We should know how
much we can put into that service. That should be the principle which should animate our young
men and women. Ours is a great country, we have had for centuries a great history. The whole of
the East reflects our culture.

Questions :

1. When can we not climb the mountain ?

2. What kind of young men and women must we have ?
3. How can we reach the great heights we have set before ourselves ?
4. Why is ours a great country ?
Do as Directed :

1. I was doubtful whether he would marry here. (Change into negative sentence)
2. Karim is stronger than Abdul. (Change into negative sentence)
3. No sooner had we started than it began to rain. (Change into affirmative sentence)
4. I will never forget that terrible day. (Change into affirmative sentence)
5. Everyone knows Mahatma Gandhi. (Change into interrogative sentence)
6. Prevention is better than cure. (Change into interrogative sentence)
7. Can I ever forget his help ? (Chanage into assertive sentence)
8. It is not bad to bet on horses ? (Change into assertive sentence)
9. He denies stealing the purse. (change into negative sentence)
10. Mathematics is a difficult subject. (change into negative sentence)
11. I did not forget her face. (change into affirmative sentence)
12. No sooner did I see the snake than I ran away. (change into affirmative sentence)
13. Pratap will never misbehave. (change into interrogative sentence)
14. Everyone cannot go to the United States. (change into interrogative sentence)
15. Can we live without oxygen ? (change into assertive sentence)
16. Will he ever become the captain of the team ? (change into assertive sentence)
17. There is no smoke without fire. (change into affirmative sentence)
18. They are not so stupid as to trust you. (change into interrogative sentence)
19. I will always remember that terrible day. (Change into negative sentence)
20. All were present at the meeting. (Change into negative sentence)
21. There is no smoke without fire. (Change into affirmative sentence)
22. I am not sure that she will agree to it. (Change into affirmative sentence)
23. Prevention is better than cure. (Change into interrogative sentence)
24. That is not the way a gentleman should behave. (Change into interrogative sentence)
25. Do we live to eat ? (Change into assertive sentence)
26. Is there anything nobler than love ? (Change into assertive sentence)
27. Anil is sometimes foolish. (Change into negative sentence)
28. We can never forget our national heroes. (Change into interrogative sentence)
29. Atul is taller than Vijay. (change into negative sentence)
30. Shakespeare is the greatest of English poets. (change into negative sentence)
31. Rekha is not so pretty as Padma. (change into affirmative sentence)
32. No one but a fool would do it. (change into affirmative sentence)
33. Everyone wants to be happy. (change into interrogative sentence)
34. The leopard cannot change his spots. (change into interrogative sentence)
35. Do we live to eat ? (change into assertive sentence)
36. Can I ever forget those happy days ? (change into assertive sentence)
37. Tom is as clever as Dick. (change into negative sentence)
38. An honest man can become rich. (change into interrogative sentence)
Letter Writing / Notice /Minutes :

1. As the Purchase Officer of an organization you had ordered 10 dozen bed sheets after
examining the samples sent by the wholesaler. When the consignment arrives you find
neither the texture nor the shades match the samples you had approved. Write a claim
letter demanding their replacement.
2. The Librarian of a college has claimed a compensation for 39 books which arrived in a
damaged condition. As the wholesaler, draft a suitable adjustment letter. Refuse to
replacement as the damage occurred in transit but offer to pay binding charges.
3. A meeting of the Executive Committee of Maitreyi Co-operative Stores, Nagpur was
held at 4 pm on 7 September, 2017, at which the following business was transacted :
Minutes of the Meeting, Treasurer‘s Report, appointment of an additional accountant,
raising of annual subscription, any other matter. Assume that you are the Secretary, write
the minutes of this meeting. Invent necessary details.
4. Imagine that you are the Secretary of the student association of your college. Write a
notice giving the agenda of the first meeting of the General Body convened to elect the
office-bearers. The notice should contain dates of nominations and withdrawals, time,
date and place of elections.
5. You are the proprietor of M/s Roopam Electronics, Medical Square, Nagpur. You have
received ten units of washing machines from Bharat Suppliers, Delhi, in a damaged
condition. Write a claim letter demanding their replacement.
6. The Librarian of a college has claimed a compensation for 25 books which arrived in a
damaged condition. As the wholesaler, draft a suitable adjustment letter. Refuse to
replace as the damage occurred in transit but offer to pay binding charges.
7. Imagine that you are the Secretary of the staff association of Bhawani Cement Industries
Limited, Raipur. Prepare the Agenda for the first business meeting of the General Body,
to be held at 11.00 am on Friday, at the Meeting Hall of the company, The following
business is to be transacted : Organization of shopping week, report of the Finance
Committee, estimate for renovation of the building.
8. Write down the minutes of the monthly meeting of the Pragati Co-operative Housing
Society held at 3 : 00 PM on Sunday, 4th November, 2018. Assume the agenda to be as
follows :— 5.01 Minutes of the previous meeting. 5.02 President‘s Report 5.03
Appointment of a new Secretary 5.04 Solving Complaints 5.05 Discussion of new land
acquisition with society members. 5.06 Distribution of dividend on shares to Society
9. Draft a claim letter to a company for the loss incurred by you, due to their negligence in
not delivering the product in the right quantity
10. You ordered 2000 bedsheets from a wholesale distributor, but you received 1500
bedsheets only. Write an adjustment letter to the distributor for adjustment of remaining
11. Assuming that you are the Secretary of Axis Publishers Ltd., draft the notice and agenda
of the Annual General Meeting.
12. A meeting of the Executive Committee of Stay-Well Cooperative Bank, Nagpur was
held at 5.00 p.m. on 12 September, 2018 at which the following business was transacted :
Minutes of the meeting, Treasurer's report, appointment of an additional accountant,
appointment of a clerk, appointment of a C.A., any other matter. Assume that you are the
Secretary and write the minutes of this meeting.
13. Write a letter to S. Gulab Publication House, claiming to resend some of the books to
your college as the parcel you received had a few books in a tattered condition.
14. In the capacity of Customer Care Officer, S. Gulab Publication, write a letter to the
customer offering assurance to replace the books that were tattered in a parcel sent by the
publication house.
15. A meeting between the teacher-in-charge of Cultural. Activities were held with the
Students Representative group to organize a one day workshop on Personality
Development. Write minutes of the meeting.
16. As Secretary of the Cultural Committee of the college, draft the agenda of the
forthcoming meeting of the committee to plan an inter-collegiate cultural fest.

Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each:

1. How did Khushwant Singh come to live with his grandmother?

2. According to Karan Singh which are the four dimensions that our youth must equip
themselves with ?
3. What business did Albert Edward Foreman set up?
4. How did the grandmother spend her time after Khushwant Singh went to the University ?
5. Who, over half of the century ago delivered a speech at the Bengal National College?
6. What was Albert Edward Foreman looking for on his way back home?
7. Name the Church where the verger worked.
8. How did the grandmother feed the dogs and sparrows?
9. For what purposes does Karan Singh want our youth to be intellectually alert?
10. Why was Khushwant Singh's grandmother unhappy when he told her what his teacher
taught him in school?
11. Why did the verger say, " strange things come to you when you least expect it" ?
12. For what purposes does Karan Singh want our youth to be intellectually alert?
Do as Directed :

1. There is no smoke without fire. (Change into affirmative sentence)

2. Who can bear such cruelty ? (Change into assertive sentence)

Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.)

Semester - IV

Answer the following question in about 150 words

1. Justify the claim that 'Go, Kiss the World' is about looking beyond yourself, broadening
your vision and giving back more to life than what life has given you.
2. Relate the instances of humour in 'The Gold Frame'.
3. What happened one morning when the narrator was correcting proof sheets in his study ?
4. "One experience I shall long remember". Describe this experience of Booker T.
which enabled him to find out "what the colour of skin meant".
5. Write about Bagchi's father. What lessons Bagchi had learnt from his father ?
6. Give an account of the conversation between Datta and the customer.
7. Describe the Cabuliwallah's visit to Mini's house after he was released from jail.
8. Give detailed account of the best examination Booker T. Washington ever passed.
9. What, according to Kipling, are the qualities needed for becoming a man ?
10. In the opinion of Kleiser, which is the most vital thing in life ? Why must a person master
it ?
11. Attempt a summary of the poem, 'If'.
12. What according to Kleiser, are the advantages of calmness ?

Answer any FOUR of the following questions in about 75 words each :

1. What impact did the habit of reading the newspaper have on Bagchi ?
2. What had Datta learnt by experience about the customers who brought pictures for
framing ?
3. What was his experience about the new customer ?
4. Why did the narrator say that he was also a father ?
5. How did Booker T. Washington reach Richmond, Virginia ? Write about his bitter
experiences when he was tired, hungry and penniless.
6. Describe how 'a sense of connectedness' was created in Bagchi during his stay at
7. "At the back of his mind an idea began to take shape". How has R.K. Laxman elaborated
the statement ?
8. What does Bagchi tell us about the "Jeep" episode ?
9. Describe how the shop of Datta was highly congested.
10. Describe the appearance of the Cabuliwallah and write about his first meeting with Mini.
11. How did Booker T. Washington find shelter for the night in Richmond ?
12. How did Bagchi's mother tend the Government houses they were allotted ? What was her
reply to the neighbours ?
13. How did Datta try to remove the stain of the paint on the picture ? What was the result ?
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :

1.The "standard of living" of any country means the average person's share of the goods and
services which the country produces. A country's standard of living, therefore, depends first and
foremost on its capacity to produce wealth. "Wealth" in this sense is not money, for we do not
live on it but on things that money can buy : "goods" such as food and clothing, and "services"
such as transport and entertainment. A country's capacity to produce wealth depends upon many
factors, most of which have an effect on the another. Wealth depends to a great extent upon a
country's natural resources, such as coal, gold, and other minerals, water supply, and so on. Some
regions of the world are well supplied with coal and minerals, and have fertile soil and a
favourable climate ; other regions possess perhaps only one of these things, and some regions
possess none of them. The U.S.A. is one of the wealthiest regions of the world because she has
vast natural resources within her borders, her soil is fertile, and her climate is varied. The Sahara
desert, on the other hand, is one of the least wealthy.

Questions :
(1) What does a country's standard of living depend on ?
(2) What are the important natural resources of a country ?
(3) How do the different regions of the world vary ?
(4) In what respect is the Sahara Desert contrasted with the U.S.A. ?

2.The cinema is a very valuable aid. Historical films help the teacher of History. A couple of
hours spent in the company of historical characters dressed in the costumes of the period can
teach us far more than we can learn from a whole week's study of a history book. Science can be
taught very effectively through films. There are educational film companies which devote their
time to the filming of the habits and customs of animals, insects, fish, germs and numerous other
branches of scientific life. We can see the hatching of the eggs of fish and their gradual
development into large fish; we can see the hatching activity of many kinds of germs and their
effects on water, milk or blood. We can watch the opening and closing of flowers and leaves, and
the growth of grass and weeds. All these actions and movements are greatly magnified on the
screen. Such pictures are intensely interesting and are a very great help in the cause of education.

Questions :

(i) What are the two great advantages of cinema ?

(ii) How do historical films help the teacher of history ?
(iii) How can science be taught very effectively ?
(iv) How are the actions and movements of animals and insects shown on the screen ?
Do as Directed :
(i) What a scholar he is! (Change into Assertive sentence)
(ii) How funny! (Change into Assertive sentence)
(iii) It is very sad that he has failed in the examination. (Change into Exclamatory
(iv) It is a very poisonous snake. (Change into Exclamatory sentence)
(v) How pleased he was to see us ! (Change into Assertive Sentence)
(vi) What a good idea ! (Change into Assertive sentence)
(vii) She dances very well. (Change into Exclamatory sentence)
(viii) The dog is a very faithful animal. (Change into Exclamatory sentence)

Change the voice :

1.When did he sell his car ?

2. I was leant a pen

3. People consider him to be a great patriot.

4.They say ghosts live in the house over there.

5.He speaks French.

6. Buses were burnt by protestors.

7. I am writing a novel.

8. Let a lie never be told

Letter Writing :

1.Assuming that you are the Sales Officer of one of the companies producing water-coolers, draft
a quotation letter in response to the above enquiry. Invent necessary details.

2. As Sales Manager of Jupiter Company draft a reply offering replacement.

3.Assume that you have been appointed Secretary of a Committee comprising management, staff
and workers' representatives to advise the company to produce a handbook containing
information about conditions of service, rules and regulations, fringe benefits and other related
matters. The Committee held its first meeting on 12 March 2018 and discussed the procedures
for the collection of information and its organization for the handbook. Invent the necessary
details and draft the agenda and minutes of this meeting.
4. You are Managing Director of Apex Infra Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai. Issue an Office Order granting
20% hike in the monthly salary of the employees of the organization as company has earned a
huge profit on account of dedication and excellent performance of them.

5. Mr. Balwant Tukaram Thakre has a Kirana shop in Girgaon. He wishes to enlarge his stocks
of vegetable oil. Draft a letter from him to Ahmad Mills, Mumbai-400008 requesting a credit up
to Rs. 2 Lakhs for six months on each consignment.

6.M. B. Vaish, a customer of Mehta & Sons, has neither settled his account with them nor given
any reply to their reminders. Write a sympathetic letter to M. B. Vaish from the Manager, Mehta
& Sons inquiring whether he is in any difficulty and suggesting payments by installments.

7. You are Chief General Manager of Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Ltd. Head
Office, Santacruz, Mumbai. It has come to your notice that some employees are wasting their
valuable time on social websites during office hours neglecting their duties. Issue a memo to all
the employees giving a warning of initiating a strict action against those who involve in such
activities during office hours.

8. You are Managing Director of Apex Infra Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai. Issue an office order granting
20% hike in the monthly salary of the employees of the organization as company has earned a
huge profit on account of dedication and excellent performance of them.

Answer the following questions in ONE or TWO sentences each :

1. "The ritual was meant for us to know that the world was larger than Koraput district".
What was the "ritual" ?
2. How far was Hampton from Richmond ?
3. How was the sacred photograph of the old man defaced ?
4. What was Bagchi's father ?
5. How far was Hampton from Richmond ?
6. What was the name of the shop owned by Datta ?
Do as directed :

(i) Don't cut it. (Change the voice)

(ii) What a piece of work man is ! (Change into Assertive sentence)
(iii) He gave me a gift. (Change the voice)
(iv) What a good boy Rajesh is! (Change into Assertive sentence)

B.Sc. - Compulsory English


Q1. Answer the following in 150 words. (6 marks)

1. Summarize the ideas contained in ‗Eyes Immortal‘.

2. Describe the situation in the bank after the spread of the rumour.
3. ‗Ulysses is a man rather than a hero‘. Discuss.
4. Sketch the character of a Giant.
5. Describe the story of the selfish Giant in your own words.
6. Portray the picture of Ulysses.
7. How did people of the town contribute to the collapse of the Pipalnagar bank.

Q.2 Answer the following in about 75 words : (3 marks each)

1. What are the sights mentioned in the poem which a blind man misses?
2. How does Gray create a sad atmosphere in the beginning of the poem?
3. What does poet say about flowering of the champak trees?
4. What was the most wonderful sight the giant saw in the garden?
5. Write a note on the experiences Ulysses had.
6. How did Parveen escape from her husband‘s house in Dubai?
7. Why did Mahadaven Sells his house?
8. How does Thomas gray caution that the wealthy and powerful people should not look down
on the poor?
9. How did Champak trees come into existence? How does it benefit the poet‘s family?
10. What is the intention of the poet behind the donation of his eyes?
11. How does Ulysses distinguish works of Telemachus from his own?
12. How did Mahadevan feel after selling his house?
13. Why Parveen was not ready for her cousin‘s marriage with her husband?
14. Why did the Giant hope for the change in the weather?

Q.3 Answer the following in a sentence or two : (1 marks each)

1. Who was Seth Govind Ram ?

2. Who touched the knee of Mahadevan?
3. Why did the poet‘s mother not allow the champak trees to be cut?
4. How does the mopping owl complain to the moon?
5. Where did Seth Govind Ram go?
6. What did Ulysses drink with his peers?
7. How were the romantic dreams of parveen shattered?
8. Where are the swallows twittering from?
Q4. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions : (1 mark each)

a. The Seth was holidying ........Kashmir.

b. Before he walked away, he stopped.......the front gate.
c. Mahadevan lapsed.......a doze.
d. He theretned .......kill me.
e. The customer yelped.......pain and distress.
f. A sense of insecurity was clearly writ large....... her slim face.
g. It has been raining _____ last night.
h. Children are fond _____ sweets.
i. The teachers were _____ strike.

Q. 5 Change the voice of the following sentences :

1. The weddings of his three daughters had flattened him financially.

2. He used the small broom to sweep the steps.
3. People were turned back from the counters.
4. He look a little liberty.
5. He was carrying a ration card.
6. They were waving their arms gently.
7. He cannot allow you to live with your child in the hostel.
8. People were turned back from the counters.
9. He used the small broom to sweep the steps.
10. He took a little liberty.
11. He cannot allow you to live with your child in the hostel.
12. He built a high wall.

Q6. (A) Make use of the correct tense in each of the following sentences :

(i) That evening he _____ an irrepressible urge to see his old house. (feel)
(ii) His creditors _____ in droves, each asking for his pound of flesh. (come)
(iii) Sitaram _____ the lady of the house mention that she was in need of a sweeper. (hear)
(iv) He was really very sorry for what he _____. (do)
(v) When the people _____ to market at twelve o'clock they found the Giant playing with the
children. (go)
(vi) Parveen _____ as modestly as she thought she would be able to drive her concern home
to the Director. (reply)
(i) The house _______ desolate, abandoned. (look)
(ii) When he _______ his work, he sat down on the highest step, to await the arrival of the
manager. (finish)
(iii) Away he went next morning and I ________ out from the apartment and reached the
airport office. (sneak)
(iv) He ______ really very sorry for what he did. (be)
(v) He sat at the window and ______ out at his cold white garden. (look)
(vi) The furrows on her face _______ out instantly. (smooth)

Q7. 1) You borrowed something from your friend and you lost it. Write a letter to him
apologizing for the loss
and offering to pay for it.

2) Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on getting Gold Medal in his State level
Chess Competition.

3) Write a letter to NMC complaining about the street lights your sector.

4) Write a letter to the Principal of your college requesting him to grant you leave of absence
to the wedding in the family.

Q8. Do as directed :

(Give Synonym)
(i) Bias
(ii) Error
(iii) Power

(Give Antonym)

(i) Ability
(ii) Tragedy

Q. 9. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow –

There are houses all over the world. Some houses are large. Some are small. Some are made of
wood. Some are made of rock. Some are made of mud. Some are made of cloth. In cold places,
some houses are made of ice – frozen water! People usually build their houses with something
that is easy to find. For example, there are many trees in the forest. So people who live there
might build a house made of logs. Some houses have one room. Some houses have many rooms.
There is usually a bedroom for sleeping. There is often a kitchen for cooking. There is usually a
bathroom. There is often a living room for sitting and talking. Some houses have basements. The
basement is under the main part of the house. Some houses have attics. The attic is above the
main part of the house. Most houses have a door so people can enter and exit the house. Most
houses have windows so the people can look outside. Windows also let air into the house from
outdoors. Some houses are fancy. They are painted bright colours and are very decorative. Some
houses not fancy –– they are plain and simple. Houses look very different in different parts of the
world. But, people who live in a house probably all agree that there is no place like home!

1) Why are many forest houses made of logs?

2) Why do houses have bedrooms?

3) Where is the basement of a house?

4) Houses have door so that...

5) Houses have windows to…

5*2- 10 marks

B.Sc. - Bachelor of Science


Q1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :

(6*1-6 marks)

1. What must we do, according to Dr. Ambedkar, to maintain democracy ?

2. Sketch the character of the Duke.
3. What efforts did Boota Singh make to get back Zenib ?
4. Summarize the poem 'Up-Hill'.
5. How does Dr. Ambedkar prove that hero-worship in politics in India is a ‗sure road to
degradation and to eventual dictatorship‘ ?
6. How did the two children in the ‗Two Gentlemen of Verona‘ become homeless orphans ?
7. What message does the poet want to convey through the poem, ―Where the Mind is
Without Fear‖ ?
8. How does the poet console disheartened human beings through her poem ‗Up-Hill‘ ?

2. Answer the following questions in about 75 words each :( 3*4-12 marks)

1. Why did Albert Edward lose his job as a verger ?

2. How does Dr. Ambedkar show that political democracy cannot survive without social
democracy being its base ?
3. What kind of mental state does the poet pray for?
4. Write a note on the village schoolmaster's skills of debating and calculating.
5. Write a short note on the Duke's dead wife.
6. How and why did Jacopo and Nicola earn their money ?
7. Describe the wedding ceremony of Boota Singh and Zenib?
8. Will the darkness hide a resting place ? Discuss.
9. Describe how Albert Edward lost his job as a Verger.
10. How does Dr. Ambedkar prove that liberty, equality and fraternity are interdependent
in a democracy ?
11. What changes did Zenib bring about in Boota Singh‘s life ?
12. Describe the circumstances which made the author take Jacopo and Nicola to
13. What does Tagore mean by ‗heaven of freedom‘ ? Explain.
14. What does the Duke expect of his future wife ?
3. Fill in the blanks with appropriate form of the verbs given in brackets :(1*6- 6 marks)

(i) More than one minister _____ going to resign. (is/are)

(ii) One of my brothers _____ in England. (live/lives)
(iii) My friends _____ gone to Chennai. (have/has)
(iv) Twenty kilometers ______ a long way to walk. (is/are)
(v) The cattle _____ grazing in the field. (was/were)
(vi) ____ your son have a car ? (Do/Does)

(i) A large number of people __________ arrived to see the match. (has, have)
(ii) ___________ you wish to return with them to India ? (do, does)
(iii) One of my sisters ______________ in England. (live, lives)
(iv) My trousers ___________ getting too small round the waist. (is, are)
(v) Neither the manager nor the workers ___________ present. (was, were)
(vi) Mr. Ramesh, with his wife and children _________ gone to Mumbai. (has, have)

Q4. Rewrite the following sentences as directed: (1*6-6 marks)

(i) The Pacific is the largest ocean in the world. (Change into Positive Degree)

ii) Poison is not more dangerous than wine. (Change into positive degree)

(III) My pen isn‘t so good as yours. (Change into Comparative Degree)

iv)No other boy in the group is as good as Ram. (Change into superlative degree)

(iii) I was doubtful whether he would marry her. (Change into Negative Sentence)

(ii) I was doubtful about my result. (change into negative sentence)

(iv) Prevention is better than cure. (Change into Interrogative Sentence)

Everybody has read Jungle book. (change into interrogative sentence)

(v) What a good boy Praveen is ! (Change into Assertive Sentence)

(vi)Can I forget the insult heaped upon me ? (change into assertive sentence)

(vii) Gopal writes very beautifully. (Change into Exclamatory Sentence)

(vii) It is very cold. (Change into exclamatory sentence)

Q5. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each : (1*3-3 marks)
(i) What does social democracy mean ?
(ii) What was Lucia suffering from ?
What does trinity mean ?
(2) Who is Albert Edward ?
(3) How old was Boota Singh ?
(1) Who is the ‗Father‘ mentioned in the poem by Tagore ?
(2) Who is Fra Pandolf ?
(3) What does the Inn denote
(iii) How much money did Boota Singh pay Zenib‘s captor ?
(i) What does the ―resting place‖ mean in the poem, ‗Up-Hill‘ ?
(ii) What does the Duke tell the envoy about the Duchess ―Spot of Joy‖ ?
(iii) What kind of words did the schoolmaster use while arguing ?

Q6. A)Rewrite the following sentences with appropriate corrections :( 1*3-3 marks)

(i) She had three sister-in-laws.

(ii) After he finished his work, he went home.
(iii) He didn‘t knew it.
(iv) She is having a car.
(v) He has seen the film last night.
(vi) I am hearing a strange noise.

(B) Write sentences of your own using each word given below : (1*3-3 marks )

1. Purchase
2. Judgement
3. Abducted
4. Liberty
5. Delicious
6. Democracy
7. Refugee
8. Opportunity
9. Ignorance

Q. 7. A)Prepare a curriculum vitae (bio-data) for the post of Senior Clerk in Collector
Office, Amravati.

B) Prepare a curriculum vitae (bio-data) for the post of High School teacher, Nagpur.

C) Prepare your curriculum vitae (bio-data) for the post of Junior Assistant in TCS.
( 6*1-6 marks)

Q8. Unseen passage questions (1*6-6 marks)


Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Compulsory Paper–I

[Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80]

Note :– Attempt ALL questions.

1. (A) Read the passage and answer the questions that follow: 8

(i) Some people think that the aim of education is merely to give knowledge. These people
want students to read books, books, books, and do nothing else but add to their knowledge.
Others believe that knowledge alone is not enough; only that which enables a man to earn his
living can be called education. Such people think that bread is more important than anything
Still others believe that education should aim solely at making good citizens and good patriots.
All these people see only one of the several purposes of education. As a matter of fact, education
should aim at all these three things together. It should give men knowledge, make them self-
and be able to serve others. Education should not produce citizens who, while they love their
own freedom take away the freedom of others. It should produce men who love their own
country but who do not want to harm other countries.

Questions :
(i) What do some people want students to do ?
(ii) Mention two purposes of education.
(iii) What should be the true aim of education ?
(iv) What kind of citizens should education produce ?

(ii) Ranjit Singh, the Lion of the Punjab, was once walking with his followers, when suddenly
a stone struck him on the head. He suffered greatly and his followers brought before him a
woman bent with age and dressed in rags. The poor woman was trembling. ―Your Highness‖,
said the woman with folded hands, ―my children have been hungry for three days. In search of
food I came here and saw ripe apples hanging from the branches. I threw a stone at them in the
hope of getting one or two to satisfy my children‘s hunger, but the stone missed its aim and
Your Highness. I am innocent. Please forgive me.‖ Pressing his wounded head with one hand,
the Lion of the Punjab ordered his Prime Minister to give the woman several bags of grains and
pay her one thousand rupees. The Prime Minister stared at the King. ―If the lifeless tree gave
fruit when struck with stones,‖ said the King, ―I must give much more since I am alive and have
reason. How can I punish her ?‖
Questions :
(i) What happened when Ranjit Singh was once walking along the road ?
(ii) Why did the woman try to get the apples ?
(iii) Did Ranjit Singh punish the woman ? What did he do ?
(iv) What lesson did he learn from the tree ?
(iii) No one in the village remembers if ever a peacock was harmed in Chincholi Morachi. The
only instance that a few villagers can recall happened almost can recall happened almost 25-30
years ago, when a boy from a neighboring village, who had come as part of a marriage party,
threw a stone at a peacock and injured it. The peacock died soon after. The incensed villagers
filed a case with the district administration against the boy's family. Only when the family
apologized saying that the boy was a minor, were matters sorted out, says P.S Mehta, the
Principal of the local school.
The peacocks, too, have repaid the villagers in their own way. Not only do they help in
keeping snakes at bay, they also act as a natural biological control by eating the insects on the
crops. In addition, the village has now be come something of a tourist attraction, thanks to the
peacocks. Last year, for instance, the Maharashtra tourism department gave Chincholi Morachi
the status of a tourist village. Work has been completed on a tourist bungalow and already, say
villagers, there have been a few tourists from abroad. People from nearby areas, especially
school children, are regular visitors too.

Questions :
(i) What was the only instance that the villagers remember of a peacock getting harmed in
Chincholi Morachi ?
(ii) How did the villagers react to the death of the peacock and how were matters finally
sorted out ?
(iii) How have the peacocks helped the village ?
(iv) What did the Maharashtra Tourism Department do for Chincholi Morachi ?

(iv) Voting is the privilege for which wars have been fought, protests have been organised, and
editorials have been written. "No taxation without representation" was the battle cry of the
American Revolution. Women struggled for suffrage, as did all minorities. Eighteen-year-olds
clamoured for the right to vote, saying that if they were old enough to go to war, they should
be allowed to vote. Yet Americans have the deplorable voting history.
Interviewing people about the voting habits is revealing. There are individuals who state that
they have never voted. Often, they claim that their individual vote doesn't matter. Some people
blame that their absence from the voting booths on the fact that they do not know enough about
the issues. In a democracy, we can express our opinion to our elected leaders, but more than
half of us sometimes avoid choosing the people who make the policies that affect our lives.
Questions :
(1) What was the battle cry of the American Revolution ?
(2) Who had to undergo struggle apart from the women ?
(3) What did the eighteen-year-old people contend on denial of the voting rights ? Why ?
(4) How do you find the different voting habits of the people ? What do they say ?
(5) Do you think that absence from voting does not affect us much ? How ?

(B) Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions (any FOUR): 4

(i) My sister is afraid _______ dogs.
(ii) I pay the house rent _______ advance.
(iii) Anil is very different _______ his brother.
(iv) The brave officer died _______ his country.
(v) The river flows _______ the bridge.
(vi) He bought a watch _______ 4000 Rupees.
(vii) My sister is afraid _______ dogs.
(viii) I pay the house rent _______ advance.
(ix) Anil is very different _______ his brother.
(x) The brave officer died _______ his country.
(xi) The river flows _______ the bridge.
(xii) He bought a watch _______ 4000 Rupees.
(xiii) Call _____ man standing outside.
(xiv) Ram is _____ cleverest boy in the class.
(xv) What _____ ugly word that is !

(C) Give ONE word for the following (any FOUR): 4

(i) One who does not believe in God.
(ii) Occurring yearly.
(iii) An unmarried woman.
(iv) A place for storing grain.
(v) Taxes paid on goods entering a country.
(vi) Against the law.
(vii) A period of hundred years
(viii) A garden where fruit trees are grown
(ix) An unmarried man
(x) A woman whose husband is dead
(xi) A place where milk and milk products are sold
(xii) One who cannot read or write.
(xiii) Life history of a person written by another.
(xiv) People working in the some office or department.
(xv) One who looks at the dark side of things.

2. (A) 8
(i) You are the proprietor of Vijay Construction Company, 12, Sadar, Nagpur. Write a letter to
the Manager, Sunrise Lights and Fittings, Gandhi Road, Mumbai, enquiring about the price, time
required and other terms of sale for brass fittings.
(ii)As sales officer of a company that manufactures office furniture, write a letter to the company
Managers to promote the sale of your new range of light weight steel furniture.
(iii) Sales Officers required for Johnson Electronics, S.P. Road, Mumbai. Candidates must have
at least two years experience. Salary no bar for deserving candidates. Apply within 7 days to
the Manager.
(iv) You are the Manager of Vidarbha Traders, Nagpur, dealing in computers and printers. Write
a letter of complaint to Intel Computers, 15, Dadar (East), Mumbai, stating that some
computers supplied by them are defective.
(v) Wanted a Clerk with good knowledge of English and Accountancy. Apply within 7 days to
the Manager, Hindustan Industries Ltd., Regent Chambers, Mumbai.
(B) Write an application in response to the following advertisement : 8

(i)Accounts Officer required for Bharat Electronics Ltd; Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad. Candidate
should be an M.Com. with at least 5 years experience in costing, budgeting and compilation of
accounts. Apply within 7 days to the Manager.

(ii)As the librarian of your college, write a letter to Pustak Mahal, Mumbai, claiming
compensation for 50 text books on International Business Laws which arrived in a damaged
condition or as an alternative demand replacement at the publishers‘ cost.

(iii)You are the Manager of Anand Enterprises, Sadar, Nagapur. Write a reply to an enquiry from
Shakti General Stores, Akola, giving details of prices and other terms and conditions of sale
for office stationery.
(iv)As Purchase Manager of S.P. Textile Co. Ltd., Ahmedabad, place an order for ten water
coolers and five air-conditioners, with Jupiter Refrigeration Corporation, Mumbai, whose
quotation was accepted by the management.

(v) On behalf of Krishna Stores, Rukmini Nagar, Nagpur, place an order with Sales Manager,
Shakti Street, Jabalpur, for some stationery items.
3. (A) Answer the following questions in about 150 words : 8
i. Explain what is meant by body language.
ii. Write a note on E-mail etiquettes.
iii. What are the important rules to be followed when a person makes or answers a telephone
call ?
iv. Explain how careful cultivation of one‘s body language can enhance one‘s oral
v. Explain how careful cultivation of one's body language can enhance one's oral
(B) Answer the following question in about 150 words: 8
i. How does Chekov‘s story ‗The Bet‘ convey the point that wealth alone cannot give one
ii. According to Socrates, what are the duties of the schoolmaster in the village?
iii. Narrate the circumstances that led the banker to feel a great contempt for himself.
iv. What were Socrates‘ views on education and the responsibilities of the schoolmaster ?
v. How does Anton Chekov point out that wealth alone does not constitute true happiness ?

4. (A) Answer any TWO of the following questions in about 75 words each : 8

(i) Why did the young lawyer agree to spend fifteen years in solitary confinement ?
(ii) Why did the banker want to kill the young prisoner ?
(iii) Why did Socrates ask the schoolmaster to lay stress on practical education ?
(iv) What were the views of the young lawyer on the death penalty and imprisonment for
life ?
(v) How did the young man spend the first five years of his captivity ?
(vi) According to Socrates, what is the difference between teaching and educating ?
(vii) What were the conditions under which the young man had to spend the years of his
captivity ?
(viii) Describe the banker's state of mind after he read the prisoner's letter.
(ix) What, according to Socrates, are good and evil habits ? Give two examples.
(x) What does the banker feel after reading the prisoner's letter ?

(B) Answer the following question in about 150 words : 8

(i) Describe Leacock‘s experience when he went to get himself photographed.
(ii) Why did Jim and Della look at each other like two stupid children who had been tricked
when they saw the Christmas gifts?
(iii) Give a gist of the conversation between the astrologer and his client, Guru Nayak.
(iv) How does the story ‗The Gift of the Magi‘ show the love between Jim and Della ?
(v) Write a note on the astrologer's way of dealing with his clients.
(vi) Write a note on the ending of the story "The Gift of the Magi".
(vii)Write a note on the astrologer's way of dealing with his clients.
(viii)Write a note on the ending of the story "The Gift of the Magi".
(ix)What do you think about the astrologer ? Attempt his character sketch in brief.
(x) Describe the love between Jim and Della.

5. (A) Answer any TWO of the following questions in about 75 words each: 8

(i) Where did the astrologer practice his trade? How did the setting help in attracting customers?
(ii) What was Leacock‘s reaction when he saw his photograph?
(iii) What was Jim‘s gift for Della? How did he buy it?
(iv)Why did the astrologer feel relieved after winning the bet with the stranger?
(v) Describe the two prized possessions of Jim and Della.
(vi) Why did the writer wish to be photographed? Was the purpose served?
(vii) Why did Della feel nervous?
(viii) Why did Stephen become agree with the photographer?
(ix) How do you find the working of an astrologer?
(x) How did Della select and buy a befitting gift for Jim ?
(B) Answer the following questions in ONE or TWO sentences each (any FOUR) : 8

(i) How does the writer describe the appearance of the photographer?
(ii) Why did the banker keep the prisoner‘s letter in his fire-proof safe ?
(iii) What advice did the astrologer give to Gurunayak ?
(iv) How did Socrates react when he saw obvious evils and cruelties?
(v) How much did Della pay for Jim‘s gift ?
(vi) What would have been the nature of the man‘s life if he had not become an astrologer?
(vii)How much money did Madame Sofronie pay for Della‘s hair?
(viii) How did the banker‘s fortune decline ?
(ix) Why did Socrates oppose the use of jewellery?
(x) How does the writer describe the appearance of the photographer?

Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.)


[Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80]

N.B. :— ALL questions are compulsory.

1. (A) Fill in the blanks choosing the correct option from the words given in the brackets (any
five) : 5
(i) One of my sisters ———————— (live/lives) in Pune.
(ii) Bread and butter ———————— (was/were) given to the travellers.
(iii) The committee ———————— (want/wants) to go through all the reports.
(iv) Both my friends ———————— (work/works) for the same company.
(v) Neither my friend nor his sister ———————— (know/knows) the answer.
(vi) The data ———————— (is/are) ready for analysis.
(vii) Every cloud ———————— (has/have) a silver lining.
(viii) The general, with all his soldiers, —————— (was/were) killed in the attack.
(ix) People often —————— (say/says) such things.
(x) 25 kilometers —————— (are/is) a long way to walk.

(B) Spot the errors in the following sentences and rewrite them correctly (any five) : 5
(i) He is having a large family.
(ii) I found an one rupee coin in my bag.
(iii) If I will go to Kolkatta I will meet my uncle.
(iv) Where is my spectacles ?
(v) This is a good news.
(vi) He has sold all the furniture in his house.
(vii) He is working here since 2006.
(viii)One must keep one‘s words.
(ix) Gopal was appointed on the post.
(x) He has read each book of this library.

(C) Fill in the blanks choosing the correct phrasal verb from the options given in the brackets
(any five) : 5
(i) I don‘t know the kind of people she ———————— with.
(hangs out/hangs on/hangs about)
(ii) Now that you have taken a decision, ———————— it.
(stick out/stick for/stick by)
(iii) When you are in difficulty, you can ———————— your friend.
(count up/count on/count with)
(iv) Let‘s ———————— the meeting until next week. (put on/put up/put off)
(v) He ———————— college long ago and started working.
(dropped off/dropped out of/dropped in)
(vi) Don‘t get ———————— by the rumours around you.
(carried away/carried on/carried out)
(vii) He wanted to come for the picnic but then ———————— in the last minute.
(backed off/backed up/backed out)
(viii) He —————— his parents very well. (looks for/looks back/looks after)
(ix) They often meet because they —————— well. (get ahead/get around/ get on)
(x) —————— yourself what I just told you. (keep to/keep with/keep for)

(D) Fill in the blanks choosing the correct option from the words given in the brackets (any five)
(i) We play cricket on ———————— days. (alternate/alternative)
(ii) He decided to go to his village during the summer ————————.
(iii) The children wore ———————— shoes to school. (canvass/canvas)
(iv) Please ———————— that you fill the application form correctly. (insure/ensure)
(v) The camel is the ship of the ————————. (dessert/desert)
(vi) Nowadays, students have many ———————— options. (carrier/career)
(vii) The students must submit their ———————— certificate at the time of admission.
(viii)I keep a —————— of daily happenings. (dairy/diary)
(ix) The brain needs a —————— supply of blood. (continuous/continual)
(x) —————— helping me with money, he gave me advice. (Beside/Besides)

2. 20
(i) As Office Manager of Royal Food Products, Nagpur, write a memo to the Purchase Officer to
procure the following items of furniture for the additional staff members who have been
appointed recently—8 office tables, 15 chairs, 3 file racks. Your memo should refer to the fact
that administrative approval for these items have already been obtained. Assume also that a copy
of this memo is to be sent to the Finance Manager.

(ii)It has been noticed that a sizeable number of employees take leave on certain occasions such
as cricket matches, national sports events etc. This hampers the smooth working of the office and
tells upon the efficiency of the organization. Assuming you are the Personnel Manager, write a
memo to the Sectional Heads of the company asking them to take suitable action to prevent mass

(iii) At the fifth meeting of the Board of Directors of Indian Oil Industries Ltd., New Delhi, to be
held at 11:00 am on Tuesday, September 10, 2017 at the registered office of the company, the
following business is to be transacted :
Appointment of the Accountant, purchase of latest computers and printers, renovation of
administrative office, any other matter with the permission of the chairman.
Assuming that you are the Secretary in attendance draft the agenda for this meeting inventing
the necessary details.
(iv)The Executive Committee of Bhivani Industrial Corporation, Bhivani, held its fifth meeting
on 10th December, 2016 at BIC Headquarters, Bhivani. The agenda was as follows :
5.01 Minutes of the last meeting
5.02 Addition of two rooms to the building—one for general stores and the other for
office workers.
5.03 Opening of a teastall
5.04 Appointment of two peons and one treasurer
5.05 Setting up a paper mill at Bhivani
5.06 D.A. to the employees
5.07 Any other matter with the permission of the chair
As Secretary of the Executive Committee write the minutes of the meeting.

(v) You want to sell your Honda Activa scooter as you are going abroad for higher studies. Draft
an advertisement to be published in the classified columns of a local daily.

(vi)You are the manager of Ajay Textiles Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur. You want to appoint an Accountant
for your company. Draft an advertisement to be published in a local newspaper.

(vii) The head of your organisation is worried about the amount of time employees are spending
during the ‗tea break‘. Draft a memo to be signed by him and circulated to all employees,
asking them to be at their desk during duty hours.

(viii) Imagine that you are the secretary of the staff association of Triveni Cement Industries
Limited, Bhopal. Prepare the agenda for the first business meeting of the General Body, to
be held at 10:00 am on Monday, at the Meeting Hall of the company, the following business
is to be transacted : Organization of shopping week, report of the Finance Committee,
estimate for redecoration of the building.
(ix) Write an advertisement copy for the post of Mechanical Engineer in Amrita Steel Works,
Mumbai, to be published in the classified columns of a local daily.
(x) You want to sell your 2 BHK flat, draft an advertisement to be published in the classified
columns of a local daily.

3. (A) Answer any one of the following questions in about 150 words : 20

(i) What are Manish Sabharwal‘s views on the job market in India ? What are his five
suggestions for someone who wants to stand out in the job market ?
(ii) How did Alf Agar prepare Billy for the interview ? Narrate Billy‘s encounter with
Mr. Bidwell ?
(iii) What emotions did Billy have at the time of leaving the school ? What were his parents, plan
for his future ?
(iv) Why does Dinesh Kumar think that most of the youngsters today are evasive or
irresponsible ?
(v) Describe the narrator‘s attempt to rob Arun.
(vi) Why did Billy join the spinning mill ? What good news did Alf Agar bring for him ?
(vii) Why did the narrator almost get thrown out by Arun the first night ? Why did Arun change
his mind ?
(viii)What emotion did Billy have at the time of leaving the school? What was his parents‘ plan
for his future ?
(ix)Why does Dinesh Kumar think that most of the youngsters today are evasive or
irresponsible ?
(x) What was Arm‘s attitude towards the narrator the next morning?
4. Answer any One of the following questions in about 150 words. 20
(i) What prompted Bagchi to spend time under a water tank ? What does he mean by the
idea : ‗Imagination is everything‘ ?
(ii) How did Washington spend his night out at Richmond and how did he get his best ever
(iii) What appeal does the Chief make to the President of the United States towards the end
of the letter ?
(iv) What would Bagchi‘s mother do every time they shifted to a new house? What did she
(v) What kind of a lady was Mrs. Ruffner? What did Washington learn from her?
(vi)What, according to Bagchi, is the true meaning of success ?
(vii) What did Washington feel at the first sight of Hampton Institute? How did he get
admission in that institute ?
(viii) Why did Bagchi spend time under a water tank during the Indo-Pak war?
(ix) Why does the chief say that the sight of the cities ‗pains the eyes of the red man?
(x) What discrimination did Washington experience on his way to Hampton?

Bachelor of Commerce (Computer Application)

(B. C. C. A.)
Semester-I (CBCS)
ENGLISH–I (Communication Skills)
Compulsory Paper–1

Q1.(i) Match any two of the following words in column A with their correct synonyms
given in column B :

confess. Custom
excuse. Admit
liberty. Pardon
tradition. Freedom
jealous mercy
option envious
pity choice

(ii) Match any two of the following words in column A with their correct antonyms given
in column B:

agree Rural
bright. Differ
Remember dull
urban forget
clever light
exterior. stupid
fair. interior
heavy fool

(III) Give one word substitution for the following group of words (any two) :

i. A place where coins are made.

ii. One who practises law.
iii. A large sports-ground with seats all round it.
iv. A person who always thinks that good things will happen.
v. Taxes paid on goods entering a country.
vi. A place where birds are kept.
vii. One who makes things out of wood.
viii. The scientific study of animal life.
ix. A list of subjects to be considered at a meet
x. A woman who has never married.
xi. Someone who travels in space.
xii. A place where fruit-trees are grown.

Q.(iv) Change the following nouns into adjectives (any two) :

i. boy
ii. wood
iii. merit
iv. parent
v. child
vi. hero
vii. music

(v) Change the following adjectives into nouns (any two) :

i. brutal
ii. wise
iii. loyal
iv. kind.
v. broad
vi. just
vii. pure
viii. strong

Q. Write a job application for the post of Junior Clerk to the Manager of Ordance Factory Ltd.,
Bhandara by providing your Bio-data in response to an advertisement in 'The Times of India'

(a) Write a letter of enquiry asking for a quotation to a firm which deals in sports goods and
(c) Write an application letter with a resume for the post of Sales Manager at Shakti Motars,

(d)You are the Manager of Apna Bazar, Nagpur. Write a job offer letter to a candidate who has
been shortlisted in an interview held recently for the post of Computer Programmer by inventing
all details regarding the post.

(e)Write a letter of inquiry to the Manager of Hyundai Auto Ltd., Pune for the procedure of
gaining an agency of the company in your locality.

(f) You are a dealer of Phillips Electronic Goods. As per your order placed before 10 days, you
have received the consignment from the company and found 4 tower speakers in complete
damaged condition. Write a letter to the Manager of the company claiming the replacement of
the damaged products.

4. (A) Answer the following question in about 150 words :

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Written communication.

2. What is communication ? Describe the essential elements of the process of
3. What is the difference between oral and written communication ? State the advantages
and disadvantages of written communication.
4. Discuss the elements of communication process.

(B) Answer any two of the following questions in about 75 words each :

(i) What is the importance of feedback in the process of communication ?

(ii) Why is written communication necessary ?

(iii) Mention the types of communication according to direction.

(iv) Give a short note on the electronic medium of communication.

(v) Write a note on electronic and print media.

(A) Answer the following questions in about 75 words each : 4*5-20

(i) Why was Stephen Leacock angry with the photographer?

(ii) Describe the appearance and behaviour of the photographer.

(iii) What, according to Socrates, does ‗practical education‘ mean ?

(iv)What are the revolutionary views of Socrates ?

(v) What, according to Nehru, are the challenges to be faced in future ?

(vi) How does Nehru describe the past of India ?

(vii) Describe Nehru's vision of India.

(viii) What, according to Roald Dhal, are the adverse effects of watching television?

(ix) Enumerate the humorous instances described by Leacock in 'With the Photographer'.

(x) How can a schoolmaster influence the village?

(xi) Why does the poet want to keep children away from television?

(xii) What are the benefits of staying calm?

Q. 5 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow –

There are houses all over the world. Some houses are large. Some are small. Some are made of
wood. Some are made of rock. Some are made of mud. Some are made of cloth. In cold places,
some houses are made of ice – frozen water! People usually build their houses with something
that is easy to find. For example, there are many trees in the forest. So people who live there
might build a house made of logs. Some houses have one room. Some houses have many rooms.
There is usually a bedroom for sleeping. There is often a kitchen for cooking. There is usually a
bathroom. There is often a living room for sitting and talking. Some houses have basements. The
basement is under the main part of the house. Some houses have attics. The attic is above the
main part of the house. Most houses have a door so people can enter and exit the house. Most
houses have windows so the people can look outside. Windows also let air into the house from
outdoors. Some houses are fancy. They are painted bright colours and are very decorative. Some
houses not fancy –– they are plain and simple. Houses look very different in different parts of the
world. But, people who live in a house probably all agree that there is no place like home!
1) Why are many forest houses made of logs?

2) Why do houses have bedrooms?

3) Where is the basement of a house?

4) Houses have door so that...

5) Houses have windows to… 5*2- 10 marks


Bachelor of Commerce (Computer Application)

(B. C. C. A.)
ENGLISH–I (Communication Skills)
Question Bank

Q1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow –

There are houses all over the world. Some houses are large. Some are small. Some are made of
wood. Some are made of rock. Some are made of mud. Some are made of cloth. In cold places,
some houses are made of ice – frozen water! People usually build their houses with something
that is easy to find. For example, there are many trees in the forest. So people who live there
might build a house made of logs. Some houses have one room. Some houses have many rooms.
There is usually a bedroom for sleeping. There is often a kitchen for cooking. There is usually a
bathroom. There is often a living room for sitting and talking. Some houses have basements. The
basement is under the main part of the house. Some houses have attics. The attic is above the
main part of the house. Most houses have a door so people can enter and exit the house. Most
houses have windows so the people can look outside. Windows also let air into the house from
outdoors. Some houses are fancy. They are painted bright colours and are very decorative. Some
houses not fancy –– they are plain and simple. Houses look very different in different parts of the
world. But, people who live in a house probably all agree that there is no place like home!

1) Why are many forest houses made of logs?

2) Why do houses have bedrooms?

3) Where is the basement of a house?

4) Houses have door so that...

5) Houses have windows to…

5*2- 10 marks

Q2. i) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. (1 marks each)

1. She has to go to Mumbai next _____. (weak/week)
2. I asked the doctor for his ______. (advice/advise)
3. His suggestion had a good ______ on me. (affect/effect)
4. Malvika is writing a ______. (dairy/diary)
5. The tent is made of ______. (canvas/canvass)
6. Bank have ______ his property. (ceased/seized)
7. I asked my students to ______ their hands. (rise/raise)
8. The actress plays a _____ role in the film. (dual/duel)
9. We sell _____ in this shop. (stationary/stationery)
10. English language is to be ______. (practiced/practised)
11. My teacher asked me to come ______. (later/latter)
12. He couldn't stop the truck because the _____ failed. (break/brake)
13. She was pleased with my _____ about her dress. (complement/compliment)
14. They have decided to _____ a child. (adapt/adopt)
15. The President gave his _____ to the bill. (ascent/assent)

(ii) Punctuate the following sentences : (1 marks each)

(1) Vikas where have you been

(2) Mr sawant who lives opposite is fifty
(3) Be quiet please
(4) What a lovely flower he exclaimed
(5) He is going to the office isnt he
(6) Yes ma'am she said ill meet you again
(7) We have been to bangalore benares and mysore

Q3 . (a) You are going to start a computer institute in your locality. You require 50 units of
desktops along
with essential accessories to be installed in the institute. Invite quotations from the authorised
dealer of Lenovo Company in Indore Division for the purpose.

(b) You are the Credit Manager of Central Book-Stall, Nagpur. Write a letter to Asian Books,
Nagpur, informing them about the grant of 30 days credit subject to a maximum limit of 2 lakh
(c) You have a current account in State Bank of India and you are in need of overdraft facility
from the bank. Write an application to the Manager of the concerned branch of S.B.I. to grant
you overdraft facility.

(d) Being a cloth merchant you maintain a current account in State Bank of India and you are
urgently in need of overdraft facility. Write an application to the Manager of the concerned
of Bank for granting you overdraft facility.

(10 Marks)

Q4. (A) Answer the following question in about 150 words : 10 marks

1.What are the essentials of effective communication ? Discuss.

2. Discuss the main barriers in communication process.

3. Explain in detail the characteristics and scope of communication.

4. Discuss different types of communications.

(B) Answer of the following questions in about 75 words each :

1. What are the elements of communication ? Discuss in brief.
2. Why is feedback necessary in communication process?
3. State the importance of gestural communication.
4. How would you overcome the barriers of communication ?
5. State the precautions that should be taken to ensure smooth and effective
6. Explain the objectives of business communication.

Q 5.(A) Answer the following questions in about 75 words each ( 5 marks each)

1. Describe the astrologer's meeting with Guru Nayak.

2. Write a note on the astrologer's way of dealing with his clients.
3. Why did Jim stare blankly at Della ?
4. Describe the astrologer‘s appearance.
5. Why did the astrologer run away from his village ?
6. What was the topic of discussion at the party
7. What was Jim's reaction on seeing Della after the haircut ?
8. How did Della console Jim ?
9. How did Della manage to buy a gift for Jim
10. What were the different views on capital Punishment ?
11. How does the poet convey the message of hope and courage through the poem "Say Not
the Struggle Naught Availeth" ?
12. What are the commonalities James Kirkup highlights to prove that all human being are

B.Voc. I
Compulsory Paper-I

1. (A) Fill in the blanks with suitable articles: - 14

1. _____ cow is a useful animal.

2. It was _____largest ship.
3. One evening _____ beggar came to my door.
4. Sri Lanka is _____ island.
5. There is ____ horse in the field.
6. Gardening is ______ good hobby.
7. He is _____ M.P.
8. He is --------M.L.A. of this area.
9. There is ___ white tiger in the zoo.
10. What is ___exact cause of illness?
11. ___pen is mightier than the sword.
12. It is ___easy task.
13. China is to ____north of India.
14. ___ dog is a friendly animal.
15. Picasso was____artist.
16. My cousin is___Surgeon
17. ____Americans earn more money.
18. It was __ honour to meet you.
19. The horse is ___noble animal.
20. The rose is___ sweetest of all flowers.

B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:- 14

1. Jack is senior ______ Fred.
2. I have known him ______ five years.
3. The boy is suffering _______ fever.
4. He has many pencils ______ his bag.
5. It has been raining ______ yesterday.
6. Put this picture ______ the wall.
7. I am not afraid _____ dog
8. Let's meet____ six o'clock.
9. I am not afraid ____dog.
10. I went to Scotland_____1980.
11. I was looking ____my lost key.
12. We ran_____ the bushes.
13. My sister looks____ my grandmother.
14. He sat ____ the chain.
15. I prefer coffee_____ tea.
16. She is fond ___ music.
17. We should have complete faith _____ God.
18. He has many pencils ___ his bags.
19. Distribute these chocolates ____ all poor children.
20. I go to school _____ bus.

2. (A) Letter Writing 14

EITHER (any two)

1. Place an order for a smart watch (specifying its functions that you require) with 'Lunix
Watches', asking for delivery 15 days before Diwali.
2. Write a letter to a railway company, complaining that your furniture has been damaged
in transit, and claiming damages.
3. Write to the manager of a factory asking permission for your class to visit.
4. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper, calling attention to the bad conditions in
government hospitals.
5. Draft a letter of complaint for installing faulty water purifier.
6. Write a letter placing an order for toys for your school.
7. Prepare a body of letter of enquiry to buy water coolers for your office.
8. Write a formal letter to the principal of your college to request him to start a canteen in
college premises.
9. Write a complaint to the Branch Manager of Bank of Maharashtra, for not getting SMS
alert facility properly. You had requested the bank orally.
10. Write to the Manager of LIC enquiring about new Insurance Policy at minimum EMI,
terms and conditions related to the policy.
OR (any two)
11. Write a letter to the Principal of M.N.C. College, Mumbai for an appointment as
Computer Maintenance Officer in his college.
12. Write to a bookseller, ordering books.
13. Write to the postmaster of your town, complaining that the registered parcel sent by you
has not reached the addressee.
14. Write to your Principal asking for a transfer certificate.
15. Write to the editor of a newspaper on the nuisance of beggars.
16. Write an application for a post of clerk.
17. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper on reckless driving.
18. Write a letter to the Zonal Secretary, M.S.E.B., complaining about frequent instances of
power failure during examinations.
19. You have changed your residence. Write a letter to the Post Master of your town /
village about the change in your address and requesting him to redirect all our mail
20. Write a letter to the newspaper editor, making the public aware of increasing air and
noise pollution in your area.

3. (A) Skim and scan the following passage:- 14

Of men's earliest inventions we know very little. The first may have been the use of a stone to
crack a nut. The next was possibly the use of a stick to strike an enemy. Once man found that
stick and stone were useful, it was only a step further to the making of a rude weapon by
fastening a stone to the end of a stick.
Man used stick and stone long before he dared to middle with fire. Fire, of course,
existed; for lightening must sometimes have set the forests ablaze just as it does today; and in
those days volcanoes were much more active than they now are. The forgotten hero who first
dared to tame fire to his own use was the greatest of early inventors, for once man had fire, he
was the master of all lower creatures.


(B) Make a precis of the following passage. Supply a suitable title:- 14

Over eating is one of the most wonderful practices among those who think that they can
afford it. In fact, authorities say that nearly all who can get us much as they desire, over eat-to
their disadvantages. This class of people could save a great more food than they can save by
missing one meal per week and at the same time they could improve their health.

A heavy meal at night, the so- called "dinner", is the fashion with many and often it is
taken shortly before retiring. It is unnecessary and could be forgone, not only once a week but
daily without loss of strength. For three to five hours are needed to digest food. While sleeping,
this food not being required to give energy for work, is in many cases converted into excess fat,
giving rise to over-weight. The evening meal should be light, taken three or four hours before
retiring. This prevents over-eating, conserves energy and reduces the cost of food.


4. (A) Answer the following questions in a dialogue form:- 14

You reached to Nagpur and went to see important places in Nagpur. You hire an auto.
Write a conversation on the same.

(B) Your friend wants to invite you on his birthday party. You are willing to go but unable due
to busy schedule. Write a brief dialogue apologizing him/her.

(C) Your teacher have asked you to introduce yourself in the class. Write a brief introduction
on the same.

(D) Develop a dialogue between a doctor and a patient.


(E) Develop a dialogue between two friends who are discussing their future career plans.

(F) Develop a conversation between a mother and her son on reducing the use of Cell phone
during the examination.

(G) Write a brief dialogue between a fruit seller and a customer.

(H) Write a dialogue between a teacher and a pupil on public speaking.

5. (A) Change the following into Adjective 14

1. Add
2. Bleed
3. Choose
4. Confuse
5. Sun
6. Nature
7. Trouble
8. Meaning
9. Use
10. Care
11. Hope
12. Know
13. Admire

14. Modernize
15. Activity
16. Reality
17. Purity
18. Attract
19. Simplify
20. Skill
(B) Write important parts of letter writing .

(C) Explain the functions of articles.

(D) Write short note on scanning and skimming.

(E) Write a short note on importance of English in Business Communication.

(F) Write a short note on body language.

(G) Write a short note on structuring a Resume.

B. Voc.
Semester- III
Compulsory English

1. Form Questions for the following. (1*7-7marks)

(I) They go to work by bus.
(II) We are going to the cinema.
(III) The children are sitting in the class.
(IV) She walks home from market.
(V) Rahul runs with his dog on Sunday.
(VI) Radha is doing her homework.
(VII) My rabbit has a cage in the garden.
(VIII) Rohan likes cats because they are nice.
(IX) She never cleans the van.
(X) They are running school.
(XI) The students play football.
(XII) John isn‘t sleeping late today.
(XIII) I am leaving now.
(XIV) Sam and Tina are playing in the garden.
(XV) They are school friends.
2. Do as directed. (1*7-7marks)
(I) Imagination is everything. (Make
question Tag)
(II) They have played cricket. (Make
question Tag)
(III) Birds are happy in the sky. (Make
question Tag)
(IV) He never returned. (Add
question Tag)
(V) Something is wrong. (Add
question Tag)
(VI) She is running very fastly0. (Add
question Tag)
(VII) There are 50 students in my class. (Add
question Tag)
(VIII) I am going to the cinema. (Add
question Tag)
(IX) She has done her homework. (Add
question Tag)
(X) Suman decided to continue a dairy. (Make
‗Wh‘ question)
(XI) Mona gave me a Chocolate Ice-cream.
(Make ‗Wh‘ question)
(XII) He defeated the devil. (Make
‗Wh‘ Question)
(XIII) Sanjul is the elder sister of Manit (Make
‗Wh‘ Question)
(XIV) If I had known that he was in the party last night, I ________ him.(Meet) (Solve
the Conditional)
(XV) Unless poor are fed properly, there _________ peace in the country.
(Solve the Conditional)
(XVI) If I had known about your problem I _______ you. (Solve
the Conditional)
(XVII) If you give me some money, I _______ buy a scooter.
(Solve the Conditional)
3. (A) Make four sentences with conditionals of type one (open condition) and three
sentences with conditions of type III (unfulfilled condition).

(B) Make four sentences with conditionals of type second (imaginary condition)
and three sentences with conditions of type III (unfulfilled condition).

4. (2*7-14marks)
(I) Write a paragraph on, ―A friend in need is friend in deed.‖
(II) Write a paragraph on Impact of Television on the society.
(III) Write an illustrative paragraph using the topic sentence: Cleanliness is our
(IV) Write a paragraph on Casus and effects of Sound Pollution.
(V) Write an illustrative paragraph using the topic sentence: Wearing helmets is very
useful for riders of two wheelers in spite of the nuisance.
(VI) Write a paragraph on your favorite historical place.
(VII) Write an illustrative paragraph using the topic sentence: Importance of sports.
5. (A) The given table shows the features of an i phone and an i pad. Develop a
paragraph based on the information given: (2*7-14marks)
Iphone Ipad
1. Smartphone Tablet PC
2. Small screen 3.5 inch 9.7 inch screen
3. Allow to make and receive call Cannot make calls
4. Can view video but on small Good to view video
5. Difficult to operate Allows better computer work
6. Quite different from an ipad Closer to netbook and laptop

(B) Write a paragraph for your small sister’ school magazine, telling something
about the sources of vitamins and effects due to lack of these vitamins. The
following table will be helpful to you in writing the paragraph:
Vitamins Their Sources Effects due to their
Vitamin A Milk, Butter, Egg Blindness
Vitamin B Meat and Egg Disorder of nervous system
Vitamin C Fruits and Vegetables Skin diseases
Vitamin D Sunlight and Fish oil Bone diseases
(C) Develop a short paragraph on the importance of sports with the help of the
points given in the chart below:

(D) The pie-diagram given below shows the percentage break-up of Gross Tax
Revenue. Write a paragraph reflecting the data.
Excise Duties

17% Corporation Tax


Income Tax

(E) Read the following tabular data and prepare short paragraph regarding
‘Overcoming Fatigue’.

Physical Fatigue Mental Fatigue

*Proper rest * Complete relaxation

* A hot bath * Listening to music

* A well balanced diet * Pursuing a hobby

* Regular Exercise * Change in work

* Increase endurance * Have a snack

* Watch or play games

6. (I) Write a news paper report for the annual cultural festival which was organized in
your college. (2*7-14marks)
(II) You are a staff reporter of the Times of India. Write a report for your news paper
on a Road Safety Week organized in your city recently.
(III) Write a report on ‗Save Girl Child‘ program organized by the women‘s club in
college to be published in college magazine.
(IV) Prepare a news paper report on the topic of ―Chain Snatcher Nabbed‖.
(V) Write a report of about 20 lines on a tree plantation program organized by the
science club of your college to be published in the science Bulletin.
(VI) Prepare a news paper report on the topic of: ―Jewellery worth ₹ 10 Lakh Looted.
(VII) Imagine that you are a journalist: you have visited flood affected area and also
interviewed flood affected victims. Write a report for the news paper on the basis
of your personal investigations.
7. (I) Write a conversation between you and your teacher, where you want to take
permission from your teacher to go home from middle of your college hours.
(II) Write a conversation between the grocery shop owner and yourself on the effects
of GST implementation.
(III) Write short conversation between you and your friend, in which you both are
planning to go to Mumbai for a short holiday trip.
(IV) You were standing at the railway station waiting for your train. Some people
started talking about increasing petrol price, Write in a dialogue form.
(V) Your friend purchased a latest mobile phone. You expressed your happiness.
Write a conversation.
(VI) ―Suman, your friend is wearing a special saree and diamond necklace. Pay
compliments on her saree and necklace and her looks. How will she respond to
your compliments?‖ Write a conversation using appropriate expression.
(VII) You are attending a wedding ceremony. Some guests are talking about a recent
cricket match. You do not have conversation companion. You join their
conversation write this in a dialogue form.
(VIII) Write brief dialogue on the following: you want to use your friend‘s computer for
an hour. Your friend permits you to use it.
(IX) Introduce yourself in such a way as if you have been asked in an interview to do
(X) Introduce yourself in front your class with family background without mentioning
anybody‘s name.
(XI) Introduce yourself in front of an interview panel of advertising company in
dialogue form.
(XII) You want laptop of your friend for an hour to prepare PPT. Write a brief dialogue.
8. (I) Explain Question Tag with suitable examples. (3.5*4-14marks)
(II) Write short note on English conversation skill.
(III) Illustrate W/H question and verbal question.
(IV) Write short talk between two friends wishing Happy Diwali.
(V) Write a short note on paragraph writing.
(VI) What are the tips for writing a report for news paper?
(VII) What does it mean to interpret a graph?
(VIII) Write a short talk on the topic of situational conversation.

B. Voc.
Semester - IV

1. A. Fill in the blanks with suitable Modal Auxiliary. (1*7-7 marks)

(XVI) You _______ have good manners. (ought to/need to)
(XVII) He said that he _______return tomorrow. (would/should)
(XVIII) If I _______him, I might have helped him. (may/might)
(XIX) She things she _______speak English. (may/can)
(XX) Be careful, you _______fall. (should/would)
(XXI) One of my friends_______ visiting me this afternoon. (is/are)
(XXII) Ram said that he _______ to KolKata. (has been/had been)
(XXIII) Good advice _______ not always needed. (is/are)
(XXIV) You _______ return my book tomorrow. (shall/will)
(XXV) He _______ left for America. (must have/would have)
(XXVI) I was afraid that if I asked him again he_______ refuse. (may/might)
(XXVII) The messenger _______hardly read or write. (can/could)
(XXVIII) He _______ apologies for his mistakes. (may/might)
(XXIX) If you want to succeed, you _______ have strength of character.

B.Write sentences using modal auxiliaries showing following expressions on

each. (1*7-7 marks)

(I) Moral obligation

(II) Order
(III) Request
(IV) Physical Capacity
(V) Past Habit
(VI) Mental Ability
(VII) Lack of necessity

C. Rewrite the sentences using proper Modal: (1*7-7 marks)

(I) He would get up before dawn.

(II) Man is able to express all ideas.
(III) Children should obey their elders.
(IV) It is not necessary for you to wait.
(V) India was able to ply game.
(VI) They are unable to read post cards.
(VII) I am going to watch a movie.
2. Change the voice of the following. (1*7-7 marks)
(I) Rajesh kills a snake.
(II) Some members did not attend the meeting.
(III) Give the order.
(IV) He can play on the guitar.
(V) Who wrote ‗Hamlet‘?
(VI) You must look after the boy.
(VII) I will clean the house.
(VIII) Why did you steal this car?
(IX) Have you taken my pen?
(X) She sent her application.
(XI) The novel was read by mom.
(XII) They must send a reply.
(XIII) The mission is building the house.
(XIV) Some boys were flying kites.
(XV) The police arrested the thief.
(XVI) We hope that they will call of the strike.
(XVII) They introduce the bill.
(XVIII) Somebody was calling me.
(XIX) She is writing poem.
(XX) We do not save water.
3. A. Read the following the article and write a short review.(2*7-14 marks)
B. Summaries the following passage with suitable title.
C. Discuss the important stapes of summary writing.
4. A. Write synonyms of the following. (1*7-7 marks)
(I) Smart
(II) Important
(III) Hide
(IV) Destroy
(V) Help
(VI) End
(VII) Enormous
(VIII) Quick
(IX) Cold
(X) Total
(XI) Tale
(XII) Joy
(XIII) Pretty
(XIV) Abode
(XV) Blame
(XVI) Lament
(XVII) Lazy
(XVIII) Advantage
(XIX) Nice
(XX) Good

B. Write antonyms of the following. (1*7-7 marks)

(I) Arrive
(II) Attack
(III) Beautiful
(IV) Borrow
(V) Doctor
(VI) Ability
(VII) Cheap
(VIII) Energetic
(IX) Help
(X) Major
(XI) Poor
(XII) Sink

C. Give the meanings of idioms and phrases into plain English.(1*7-7 marks)

(I) An axe to grind

(II) A fish story
(III) Up to the mark
(IV) Carry off
(V) Eye for Eye
(VI) To go to bath
(VII) Apple of my Eye
(VIII) A piece of cake
(IX) Close but no cigar
(X) Burst your bubble
(XI) Don‘t pull all your eggs in one basket
(XII) Once in a blue moon
(XIII) Whole nine adds
(XIV) Make a long story short
(XV) Not playing with a full deck
(XVI) Apple of discard
(XVII) Break down
(XVIII) Fall back on
(XIX) Hen Pecked
(XX) Man of straw
5. (7*2-14 marks)
(I) Write some important tips for effective participation in a group discussion for job
(II) What are the effective steps of short presentation?
(III) Define the concept of group discussion and highlights the purpose of it.
(IV) What is the concept of presentation? Explain in brief along with the different
types of presentation?
(V) Write a group discussion on the topic-,‖use of mobiles by tweens (8-12 years)
Good or Bad‖
(VI) Explain use of PPT and audio and videos in PPT.
(VII) Discuss the important points for preparing a PPT.
6. Write short notes on: (3.5*4-14 marks)
(I) Use of modal auxiliaries
(II) How to write short review
(III) Converting idiomatic into plain English
(IV) Group discussion

Compulsory Paper-I
Time: Three Hours

1. (A) Identify the sub-ordinate clause and state its name: (Any Seven) 14

1. If you are unable to work well, you will be fired.

2. I will wait until the next bus comes.
3. Pay heed to what the teacher says.
4. The time, which is lost, is lost forever.
5. This is the house that Jack built.
6. What he said was interesting.
7. This is the place where the accident happened.
8. It is the freedom that we must protect.
9. Even though they enjoyed them he was not attached them.
10. He is the boy who broke the window.
11. Tell me where you have been.
12. This is the man whom I met yesterday.
13. Come in when I ring the bell.
14. The boy who found the wallet was rewarded.
15. If you don't hurry, you can't meet me.
16. I can't understand what he says.
17. Do you know who she is?
18. The girl who has won the prize is my sister.
19. He asked why I was late.
20. He worked so hard that he made himself ill.
21. My belief is that he is innocent.
22. The snake that bit my dog was killed.
23. It is a mystery who can have stolen the watch.
24. That was what he said.
25. This is the man I met at the theatre.

B. Use the Sentence Linkers to rewrite a single sentence

1. Why are you late? Tell me.

2. The police arrived. The mob dispersed.
3. He has an unpleasant duty. He has to do it.
4. The Chief Minister is going to visit our town. Tom says so.
5. You gave me a pen. It is a very good one.
6. He will deceive you. It is certain.
7. I have met a man. He knows your uncle.
8. He is intelligent. He does not work hard.
9. He sent me a book. This book was a best seller.
10. This was a bright night. We could see the things around.
11. He was poor. He was not greedy.
12. You are sad. Can you tell me the reason?
13. My mother advised me so. It did accordingly.
14. He is very old. He cannot walk.
15. I shall get the job. I hope so.
16. He bought a new car. Its cost was Rs. 1,20,000.
17. He lost his balance. He fell off the bicycle.
18. I went to the station. I wanted to see him off.
19. He felt tired. He put away his books.
20. He has a large family. He must provide for them.
21. I heard the noise. I woke up.
22. He will deceive you. It is certain.
23. He was sent to prison. He had stolen money.
24. Somebody called. I did not know him.
25. He is in many difficulties. He is cheerful.
26. I did not go. He did not call me.
27. He has not done the work. I want to know the reason.
28. Who wrote David Copperfield? Can you tell me that?
29. I went to the shop. I bought a pen.
30. He is guilty. That is clear.

2. (A) Draft a notice to call a meeting of customer service committee of JKL BANK which
includes bank staff and members of the Public. The issue - modernization of banking service
(B) Define the purpose of meeting with example
(C) What are notices? Explain the prerequisite of Notices.
(D) An effective meeting is a high mark of spoken and written communication. How?
OR 14
(H) What are the qualities of good notice?
(I) What are the items generally appear in minutes?
(J) What are the different techniques to solve the questions of the comprehension?
(K) Discuss in brief the interpretation skill of English language.
3. Any Two 14
A. Write a short note on 'practice' as one of the presentation skills.
B. Write in brief the techniques and tips to improve the interview skill.
C. What are the effective ways to perfect our presentation skill?
D. Explain in detail the interview methods and types.
E. Write a note on 'the need of presentation skill'.
F. Read the following passage and answer the questions below:-

One day a king had a misfortune. He cut off one of his fingers by accident. When his
minister came, the king showed him his bleeding hand and exclaimed, "See what I have done!"
The minister was a very jolly person. With a smile on his face he replied, "Sir, it is all for the
best." "All for the best? What do you mean?" exclaimed the king. "I cut off my finger and you
say, 'It is all for the best.' Go away! Never let me see you again."
A few days later, the king went hunting alone. The king hunted all the day. In the evening
he lay beneath a tree and fell asleep. While he was asleep, a lion came there. The king had lost
one of his fingers. So the lion smelt him, and went away. The minister's words proved to be true.


1. What misfortune happened to the king?

2. How did his minister react to the king's fortune?
3. Why did the king not take his minister with him when he went hunting?
4. What happened when the king was sleeping?
5. Why did the lion not kill him?
6. Find the words from the passage which means.
(i) bad luck (ii) merry
G. Explain the concepts of consecutive interpretation and simultaneous interpretation.
H. Imagine yourself to be the Sport Secretary of your college. Write a notice to be put up on
your college notice board, regarding the Annual Sports Meet to be held next week.

4. (A) Write a short note on the usage of clauses. 7

(B) Co-relatively and co-usage of P.P.T. in preparation of interview. 7


(C) Discuss any two skills, in brief in the interpretation skill of English language. 7

(D) Write in brief the methods of Interview. 7

5. (A) Write a short note on sentence expansion. 14

(B) Why are the minutes written?
(C) Discuss in brief the difference between comprehension and interpretation.
(D) Explain the Interpretation Skill. Also write the different types of interpretation skill.
(E) What is comprehension? Explain the different techniques to solve the questions of the

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