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UNIT 6: Skills


Name: ________________________
Class: ________________________

1 [WIDGB3_Utest_6_Dictation.mp3] Listen and 2 [WIDGB3_Utest_6_Listening.mp3] You will
write the sentences that you hear, including hear an interview with a woman called Karen
the punctuation. Jackson who runs a holiday company for
teenagers with special needs. Decide if each
_______________________________________ sentence is True (T) or False (F).
_______________________________________ 1 Karen was working on planes when
she got the idea for her company. _____
2 Karen saw that people with special
_______________________________________ needs require help when they
were travelling. _____
3 Karen says that teenagers can go
_______________________________________ skiing in the winter on her holidays. _____

_______________________________________ 4 Karen says they try to make the

holidays as cheap as possible. _____
_______________________________________ 5 Karen thinks that staff in museums
_______________________________________ should do more to help visitors with
special needs. _____
_______________________________________ 6 One teenager called Nina on one of
_______________________________________ Karen’s holidays was blind. _____
7 A member of Nina’s family went into the
_______________________________________ water with Nina. _____
_______________________________________ /7


© 2017 Pearson PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

UNIT 6: Skills


Reading An unusual education

3 Read the newspaper article below about by education correspondent Martin Palmer
children who aren’t educated in schools.
Choose the correct answers to the questions Many teenagers attend secondary school. But some
– A, B or C. find that big schools with lots of other teenagers
1 According to Martin, what problem do some just aren’t the right places for them to learn, and
teenagers have with school? they don’t do very well. Others need a more
A They think studying there doesn’t suit their practical, hands-on way of learning than through
learning style. reading and writing.
B They find it hard to make a lot of friends there
C They need to do more reading and writing.
So one choice is for their parents to teach them at
home. One parent may stay at home and do the
teaching, which many children prefer to going to
2 What do some parents feel about teaching their school. But parents often worry that they can’t
children at home?
cover all the subjects that children get in school,
A They don’t have the right skills to do it. and the cost of private teachers can be high.
B They don’t have the time to do it.
C They don’t think their children will enjoy it. But there have been stories recently about families
who, instead of spending money on holidays
3 Martin says some parents choose to educate their abroad, give up their homes to go on round-the-
children by world journeys to allow their children to see the
A sending them to live abroad with relatives. world for themselves rather than reading about it in
the classroom. Some have relatives abroad to stay
B going on holidays to different countries.
with, but many just travel.
C travelling with them on journeys of adventure.
One family that has done this is Ray and Carla
4 The Ross family got the idea for their journey from Ross and their teenage children Jack and Hannah.
A a TV programme they saw. They’ve travelled around France and Spain with a
B some friends that had done the same thing. caravan – and two horses! Some friends knew they
C a website specially for travelling families.
were thinking of doing the trip, and told them
about a documentary on TV about another family
that had done the same thing. They watched it, and
5 What has Jack particularly enjoyed about the trip? after more research on the TV channel website, off
A being out in the countryside they went!
B learning to look after horses
C having time to do some art Says Jack, ‘It’s wonderful that we’re not limited to
the classroom. I’ve learnt about geography, history,
6 How has Hannah felt about the trip?
wildlife, you name it. We all share tasks, although
it’s mainly Dad who looks after the horses. I’ve
A surprised at the languages she’s learnt
done some great drawings of them, though, and of
B proud of the skills she’s got better at the fields and woods we passed. That’s been
C disappointed at the distance they’ve covered brilliant!
Hannah agrees. ‘We’ve travelled miles across
/20 Spain and France, so I really thought I’d be better
at speaking French and Spanish by now! But my
cooking’s improved, and I’m pretty good at driving
the horses, too, so I’m pleased with myself!

© 2017 Pearson PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

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