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IDS 100 6-2 Short Answer: Similarities and Differences

Carmen Mendez

SNHU Undergraduate


My chosen topic is Climate Change, viewing my topic through the natural and social sciences lenses.
Through the social science lens, all sorts of life are influenced by the effects of climate change. “The
most important thing to remember is what we do, what we eat, where we live. Climate change is as
much an issue in our weather patterns as it is a question of everyday lifestyles” (Social Science Division,

The Natural sciences lens is relevant to climate change since natural sciences and society contribute
to it. However, volcanoes and changes in the orbit of the Earth are some natural causes (Turrentine,

 Similarities exist between the two lenses. Both sciences employ the same scientific model to
obtain information. Some branches of each science even employ both natural and social science
components. Examples of natural sciences include biology and ecology, while economics and
psychology are examples of social sciences.

 Both have general laws that have numerous applications.

 Both use practical and measured data that is observable by the senses. Additionally, theories in
both sciences can be tested to produce theoretical statements and general propositions
(Franscisco 2017).

“It is important that organized science, across the social and natural science disciplines, respond by
engaging with innovative initiatives wherever they may be found, to test and validate new ideas, new
methods, and new practices” (Leyshon, 2014).

While there are many similarities there are also differences between the social and natural sciences
when it comes to climate change. the main difference between natural science and social science is that
natural science studies natural events whereas social science studies human society.
Natural science involves the comprehension, description, and prediction of natural phenomena using
empirical and observational evidence. Social Science is a vast field that is concerned with human society
and the relationships among individuals within it.

Social scientists use scientific methods that resemble those used in natural sciences to
understand society; however, social critique and interpretive methods are also used in social science
(Hasa, 2017).

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