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Instinct and Intuition

The Sixth Sense

M editation Techniques

Understanding Color

The Aura

The Chakras

M anaging Energies

Introduction to M ediumship

M eeting Your Spirit Guide

What Psychics Do

Divinatory Tools






sychic development involves learning about and training yourself in the many different facets of the spiritual arts, including tarot, clairvoyance, mediumship,
P healing, astrology, palmistry, dowsing, and runes. This book will provide you with the core skills you’ll need to develop yourself intuitively, psychically,
spiritually, as a medium, and personally. As a result, you will be able to give intuitive readings and then decide which of the specialist divination methods you
would like to explore further in each instance.
If you practice all the exercises in the book, you will be able to manage your energy, see or sense auras, connect to your higher self, link with your spirit guides,
and give readings. You’ll also develop a much deeper understanding of yourself, the world, and everything around you. Developing these skills will take practice,
and mastery won’t happen overnight, but it is also great fun. By the time you finish reading this book, you will be able to use your intuitive and psychic ability to
help yourself and others.

Are You Intuitive?

You may not realize that you are intuitive already, but I will show you how to develop your abilities, help you discover where your natural talents lie, and teach you
how to enhance them. Whether you are simply curious about this subject or you hope to become a professional, all the skills and exercises in this book will be

Soul and Spirit

Having recently discovered that my sister and I have totally different understandings of the words soul and spirit, I want to take a moment to define how I
will use each within the context of this book. The word soul refers to the divine essence within each of us that lives on after death. The word spirit refers to
a discarnate energy, which may be a deceased loved one, a spirit guide, or an ascended master.

Keep in mind that everything in the world is interconnected, and as a physical, emotional, thoughtful, and spiritual being, you cannot develop one ability without
improving the other abilities as well. If you train to become a healer, for example, you will develop intuitive and mediumistic abilities, and as you start to develop
your intuition, you will also build your psychic, mediumistic, and healing abilities. By practicing the exercises in this book, you will discover your natural abilities and
develop the basic skills for whichever psychic path you want to explore in the future.

Discarnate means something that isn’t alive, something literally not incarnated at this time.

Enclosed Psychic Development Wall Chart

Included in this book is a psychic development wall chart that serves as a quick and handy reference guide.
ome people believe that humans can develop instinct, while others believe we are born with it. Some believe instinct is part of the DNA coding in the brain that
S alerts humans to danger so we can be prepared to fight, hide, or run away. Others believe that over the millennia, our environment has played a part in
developing our instinct, and that people living in dangerous environments have honed intuitive skills to protect themselves. Hunter-gatherers of old and modern
soldiers develop an “edge” that many call the sixth sense. A common phenomenon is that immediate sense people sometimes have when they walk into a room
that something is wrong.
To many, the words instinct, intuitive, and psychic have similar meanings. Intuition is often understood as an unconscious function of the mind that offers
glimpses of greater knowledge. Sometimes intuition is understood to be the same as instinct. Intuition has been a subject of discussion in ancient philosophy,
modern psychology, and across many religious traditions throughout history.

The intuitive process is associated with the right hemisphere of the brain, the creative feminine side, rather than the masculine, logical, left hemisphere. Many
women are naturally right-brained, hence the common saying women’s intuition. When faced with a problem, a person who tends to be right-brained will come
up with a creative solution, whereas someone who relies more on left-brained functioning will devise a logical solution.
Many people claim that if you sense something, it must exist and be obvious enough for others to detect it, but I am sure you’ve sometimes sensed something
others didn’t notice until you mentioned it. Some people are able to pick up on small, nonverbal signals that others don’t spot, so it may seem to those others that
those signals were detected out of the blue or by guesswork. But the reality is that some people sense things on a deeper level, which is what many refer to as
being intuitive.
Intuitive people often get a flash of insight that doesn’t always make sense, but this insight becomes the basis of an inner knowing. The intuitive person
eventually learns to trust these feelings.

How Intuitive Are You?

The following quiz is designed to determine how intuitive you are. Each question is followed by a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 indicating you don’t identify with the
question at all, and 5 indicating you strongly identify with it. Consider each question carefully and select the number that best applies to you.
There are twenty questions in all, so a full house would amount to a total score of 100, which might make you oversensitive, while a score of between 80 and
100 would indicate terrific intuition. A score in the 40–50 range demonstrates a fair level of intuition, while a total of 20 suggests you don’t give yourself credit for
the perceptions you have. After all, people who are interested only in practicalities would hardly choose to read a book of this sort, would they? Be sure to read
through the key at the end of the quiz, as it may help you understand yourself and gauge your level of perception.

The Quiz
1. I am an intuitive person.

2. I enjoy doing things on the spur of the moment instead of always sticking to the same routine.

3. When I meet someone new, I immediately notice whether I feel a strong connection or no connection.
4. I prefer to do work in which I have the freedom to make my own decisions, instead of work that is laid out for me.

5. I tend to know how other people feel without them telling me.

6. I enjoy learning how to do new things.


7. I am inclined toward the arts.


8. Others would describe me as being creative.


9. I wake up in the morning with answers to problems I’ve been thinking about.

10. I enjoy being in nature.


11. I am comfortable experimenting when preparing food.


12. I believe there is order to the universe.


13. I am an optimistic person.


14. I am comfortable exploring how I feel.


15. I like to guess how things are going to turn out.


16. I enjoy the journey as much as the destination.


17. I like animals.


18. I enjoy playing with children.


19. I enjoy thinking about what my dreams mean.


20. I would rather decide for myself how intuitive I really am rather than do this test.

How do you rate on the intuition scale? Tally your results and see below.

20-40 You are being too hard on yourself.

41-60 You are sensitive but you don’t yet trust yourself, so keep going.
61-80 You have some successes but then you start to doubt yourself.
81-99 You are very sensitive, so you should start to develop your gift.
100 You are a natural, so keep exercising your sixth sense and you will excel.
e use our five physical senses—sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell—to gather information and form our perception of the world, but we also have what is often
W referred to as a sixth sense. Call this sense what you wish—intuition, a hunch, a feeling, a perception, sensitivity, inner knowing, or even psychic ability—but it’s
the sense you have that doesn’t have any rational or physical explanation. Often it is so subtle that we quickly dismiss it as our imagination, and even when
events prove it to be right, we may push it out of our minds and consider it pure coincidence. The fact is, though, that we are all born with this subtle side of our nature
and the ability to perceive beyond our five physical senses.
Animals have a much stronger sixth sense than humans because they have had to rely on it for survival. Animals don’t question their senses; they act on them. Far
fewer wild animals were reported to have been killed in the 2004 tsunami that devasted parts of Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Maldives, and Thailand, because most of
them took to higher ground before the waves came.

Those with a strong sixth sense are either fascinated or fearful about their so-called gifts, though there are those who simply accept them as part of the way they
perceive the world. Some may be so accepting of their intuitive sense that they believe it is nothing extraordinary and that everyone else perceives things the same way.
The truth is that everybody perceives things in their own unique way, and as with any talent, this sense needs to be developed if you want to use it effectively and
responsibly. Some people are frightened of these abilities because they don’t appear to make sense, but the more they learn about them, develop them, and take
control of them, the more comfortable they become.

What Is Psychic Ability?

Most people fear the unknown. They don’t understand how a psychic is able to know information they clearly don’t have physical access to, and that worries them.
People think psychics know everything and are privy to all their secrets. But the way psychics and fortune-tellers have been depicted over the centuries, and how they
continue to be portrayed in television programs, is overly dramatic. In reality, a psychic is just someone who has a natural, intuitive gift and who has spent time and
money developing it, much in the same way an artist or an athlete practices to improve in their particular area.
In reality, then, everyone is psychic—the only difference is how much we use and trust our psychism. Like any other muscle in the body, it needs to be exercised.
As you go through this book, you will discover your natural talents, rather like an athlete who tries out a variety of sports before choosing to specialize in one.
Coincidence or Psychic Reality?
Psychic reality is extrasensory perception—it is something we just know, without a logical explanation for why we know it. For example, psychic reality is at play when
people walk through a house they are considering buying and feel either happy and comfortable in the space, or like they can’t wait to get out of it. How can you tell if
a sense that you have is coincidence or psychic reality? Here are some questions to consider.

Have you ever:

Heard the telephone ring and known who was calling?
Received a letter, call, email, or text from someone you have not been in touch with in ages, after thinking of them out of the blue?
Driven on a different route from your usual one for no apparent reason and then discovered there was an accident or a traffic jam on your usual route that would
have held you up?
Dreamed about a person or an event that proves to be true?
Walked into a place for the first time and picked up a feeling about it, only to later discover the building or area has a history that explains your strange feeling?
Been sitting next to someone and begun to have sensations such as aches or pains that you do not normally have, only to have them tell you that they experience
those aches and pains?
Had a gut feeling about someone or something that eventually proves to be true?
Thought that you saw something or someone out of the corner of your eye but when you looked there was nothing there?
Had a feeling that it was going to be a really rotten day when there was no reason for you to know this in advance?

These are common experiences, and they are not coincidences. We feel them because all of our senses are at work every minute of the day.

An Exercise
Keep a journal of your own experiences over the next two weeks and pay particular attention to the so-called coincidences that occur.
Psychics, Mediums, and Clairvoyants
While the terms psychic, medium, and clairvoyant are sometimes used interchangeably, they do not have the same meaning. But these psychic abilities do overlap a
bit. Psychics use their senses and acquire information in a variety of ways, and then pass it on to their clients, whereas mediums connect to discarnate spirits who may
be deceased loved ones, spirit guides, ascended masters, or angels, depending on the medium’s ability. Some psychics will develop mediumistic abilities and become
mediums, and some mediums also work psychically, but not all psychics are mediums and not all mediums are psychic.
Clairvoyance, which means clear seeing, refers to the way in which a person receives information. If someone is clairvoyant, they receive messages in the form of
pictures. Intuitive people, psychics, and mediums can get their information clairvoyantly or by using the other senses. (See here for more about this.)

How We Process Our World

Our six senses are constantly taking in all sorts of information and sending it to our brain, which sorts and files the data according to what we have learned and
experienced in our lifetime. Sometimes, our brain filters this input by the beliefs we’ve inherited from our family and the society into which we’re born. We also process
information through our five physical senses of touch, sight, hearing, taste, and smell, as well as our emotions and subtle bodies. Our subtle bodies are the parts of our
being that can’t be seen, including the aura, the chakra system, our intuition, and our psychic ability. Whenever we encounter new situations, we unconsciously switch
back and forth between all these ways our bodies process information before we react. Everyone has one or two more dominant physical senses, and the same is true
of our subtle senses, which receive and process this information.

Your Higher and Lower Selves

We have two separate vehicles for dealing with information—our lower self and our higher self. The lower self handles day-to-day matters of survival, so it is constantly
busy, noisy, and repetitive. Known as the conscious mind, the lower self keeps us organized and on track in the physical plane.
The higher self handles subtle information. The files of the higher self reach back beyond our birth to a kind of astral database that we can draw upon, as well as
the knowledge of all the experiences of the soul that we carry inside ourselves. The higher self is not necessarily better than the lower self, but it is less cluttered, making
it more capable of having a wider perspective. The higher self utilizes our subtle senses, including our energy and auric field (for more about this, see here). It
communicates with us through our senses, feelings, thoughts, and memories, and, above all, in symbols and dreams. The higher self is characteristically slow, quiet, and
unobtrusive—it is also fleeting. In Jungian terms, it is often referred to as the unconscious mind.
he foundational skills for psychic work are meditation, reading, and healing. Just as a child learns how to cross the street safely, you need to learn the correct way
T navigate the inner realms, the world that exists within the mind. Within that world is psychic energy, which can feel overwhelming until you learn how to contain
and control it. The exercises in this section will also help you manage your energy.
Meditation is more than just a relaxation technique, although that is one of many beneficial side effects. Meditation is also an essential part of all spiritual
practices. Spiritual teachers around the world have been teaching “going into the silence” for thousands of years, and people have been gathering to meditate and
pray together for just as long. Science, too, has discovered the beneficial effects of meditation. In The Hidden Messages in Water, author Masaru Emoto explains
that the composition of water changes when prayers are said over it. So if you wish to develop your spiritual gifts and connect to your higher self, make meditation
part of your daily life.
If meditation is new to you, begin by taking baby steps. Focus on attainable goals that you can achieve. Start with five minutes a day and work up to an average
of twenty minutes. The exercises on the pages that follow will make it easy to incorporate a meditation practice into your life.

How Meditation Works

When we meditate, we slow down the mind and body and enter a state of deep relaxation and peace. When we are in a relaxed and somewhat meditative state, it is
easier for us to engage in psychic or spiritual work, so it is worth learning how to do this. As with anything else, it takes practice, and the more you do it, the easier it
People often say, “I can’t meditate. I have tried, but I just can’t stop my mind from wandering.” It’s true that no one can ever really stop their mind from
wandering. The voices in our heads are invariably always there, but the key is to practice noticing those thoughts and voices and then to let them go, refocusing the
mind on the meditation.
People also say, “I don’t have time.” I recommend meditating for just twenty minutes, once a day. When you do it is entirely up to you. Many find that sitting first
thing in the morning or just before going to bed at night is the most convenient, while others prefer to meditate after work as a way to separate the work day from
private time. They find this practice gives them more energy for the evening.

Benefits of Meditation
Meditation improves general health by lowering stress and blood pressure and allows us to develop the necessary control to slow down our brainwaves from the
waking state of beta to the deeply relaxed state of theta—the level we reach just before sleep.
Meditation improves concentration, creativity, and self-awareness. It helps us see our world and ourselves more clearly. As we let go of our everyday worldly
fears and stresses and enter an altered state of consciousness, our psychic and spiritual awareness is enhanced. As our vibrations rise, we connect with our spirit
guides and angels and receive spiritual guidance for ourselves and others. Meditation is an essential tool for both personal and spiritual development.
Relax and let go of any expectations you might have about what meditation should be. There is no right or wrong way to meditate, and learning to control and
focus the mind is not easy; it takes lots of practice.

Different Types of Meditation

Most of us lead busy lives, and we may become stressed about coping with everything we have on our plates. The following section explains a few of the different
types of meditation, many of which can be incorporated into your daily life very easily.

Principles of Breathing
The simplest form of meditation is just focusing on your breathing. Pausing to take a few deep breaths will bring you back to yourself and instill a sense of calm. That
sounds too simple, right? But it works. The easiest things are often the hardest to understand, but they bring the most rewards. We start at the beginning, with
breathing. The breath is the link between our inner life and our ability to manifest it outward.
Adherents of Hinduism developed an in-depth, methodical approach to breathing into a spiritual art, which they called Pranayama, a combination of the
Sanskrit words paraná, meaning “life force,” and yama, meaning “control.” The study and practice of Pranayama, or the science of breath control, brings the
practitioner to different states of consciousness through methodical manipulation of the phases within the cycle of breathing. This ancient art has much to teach us at
every level of psychic work. Although the method is simple, the results are profound.
The prime saying in Pranayama teaching is, “Breath follows mind as mind follows breath.” In other words, our state of mind affects our breathing while our
breathing affects our state of mind.
For example, if we are anxious, our breathing pattern is irregular, shallow, and rapid. When we are calm, our breathing pattern is regular, deep, and slow. This
means that we can learn to calm our anxiety by consciously slowing, deepening, and regularizing our pattern of breathing. A regular breathing rhythm creates order
and stability of thought.
To focus on our breathing, we need to understand the cycle of breath, which includes rhythm, depth, and duration.
The rhythm of our breath refers to its regular or irregular patterns.
The depth of our breath refers to how deeply the air descends into the lungs, or which part of the lungs is most active in the physical process of breathing. Many of
us use only the top section of our lungs and rarely take a full breath, one that extends to our lower belly and rib cage. If you have practiced Yoga or Pilates, you will
have learned these breathing techniques.
The duration of our breath is how rapidly or slowly each phase within a breathing cycle is completed.

There are four phases of a natural breath.

The intake of air into your lungs, called inhalation, is usually automatic.
Keeping the air within your lungs for a period of time is called holding your breath. This is usually a conscious act, except in times of stress.
Releasing air from your lungs is called exhalation. This is automatic unless you are focusing on a total exhalation.
The gap is the space between when you inhale and exhale.

There are no hard and fast rules about how you should meditate. In Eastern cultures, it’s traditional to sit cross-legged in an upright position with your eyes closed
and your hands resting lightly on your knees, your index fingers and thumbs lightly touching. This is the classic pose, but for some people it is extremely
uncomfortable, especially if they have a weak back. If you are not comfortable, you will not be able to focus. The aches and pains in your body will intrude on your
meditation and make it more difficult for you. It’s most important to sit in a position that’s comfortable for you.

It is perfectly acceptable to sit on a chair, with your feet flat on the floor and your back straight, although many people prefer to lie flat on the floor or on a bed
or sofa. As long as your back is straight and you feel comfortable, safe, and secure, the position you choose makes no difference.

Breathing Exercises
Close your eyes and make yourself comfortable. Relax physically and observe your breathing—its natural rhythm, depth, and duration. Breathe in through your
nose, as this is the organ constructed for that purpose. Some people say you should exhale through your mouth, but do what feels natural to you. This way of
breathing may feel awkward at first, but with practice it will become second nature and you will soon start to experience benefits. Make a mental note of the nature
of your breathing for comparison at the end of each of the exercises.

Exercise One: Simple Conscious Breathing

Focus on breathing rhythmically, slowly, and deeply. Do this for several minutes, concentrating on the physical sensations of the breathing process, including the
different physical sensations in your nose as you inhale and exhale. Then revert to natural breathing and observe any changes. You may notice that you feel relaxed
and more introspective, even after a very short time. This is meditating at its most basic level.

Exercise Two: Practicing Breath Control

The purpose of this exercise is for you to become aware of using the full capacity of your lungs in the breathing process and to notice any particular areas where you
are and are not breathing fully.
Place one hand firmly on your chest and the other on your belly. Breathe slowly and notice which of your hands moves in with your breath. Now shift your focus
to the top of your chest. Practice breathing deeply into your chest, then practice breathing deeply into your belly, which will fill your lungs more effectively.
Exercise Three: Breathing Patterns
Sit in a comfortable upright position. Remember to notice what is happening within you; observe yourself as you breathe in the following patterns:
Inhale for a count of two.
Hold for a count of one.
Exhale for a count of one.
Pause for a count of two.
Repeat at least ten times.
Allow your breathing to return to its normal rhythm while you make a mental note of anything you felt or saw in your mind’s eye.
Inhale for a count of four.
Hold for a count of two.
Exhale for a count of four.
Pause for a count of three.
Repeat at least ten times.
Allow your breathing to return to its normal, unmanipulated rhythm and note what you observed, such as whether you felt happy, depressed, or concerned in
any way and whether you saw something in your mind’s eye.

Inhale for a count of four.
Hold for a count of four.
Exhale for a count of four.
Pause for a count of four.
Repeat at least ten times.
Allow your breathing to return to its normal, unmanipulated rhythm and note what you observed, such as anything that felt good or odd or that made you feel

How did each rhythm affect you?

Which pattern did you find most comfortable?
Exercise Four: Duration
Experiment with lengthening the duration of your breath. First, notice your natural breathing rhythm and then change it. A good way to do this is to breathe in for the
count of three, hold for three, exhale for three, and pause for three, before starting the cycle again. Try this. This exercise may be easier if you record audio
instructions for yourself before you begin.

The Breathing Meditation

Relax and make yourself comfortable, then focus on your breathing. Imagine that you are breathing in peace and love and breathing out peace and love. If you have
any difficulty with this, just remember a time when you felt peaceful and loving. Remember how it felt and notice how you are feeling now.
Continue breathing peace and love in and breathing peace and love out. Without changing your breathing in any way, begin to notice your breath. Notice the
sensation of the air as it goes up into your nose. Is it warm or cold? Observe the rise of your chest and the warmth of your breath as you breathe in and out. Is your
breathing becoming slower and deeper or higher and more shallow? Are your ribs expanding sideways or lifting slightly upward?
Take a moment to feel what you feel. When your mind begins to drift, gently bring your attention back to your breathing. Deepen your breathing slightly and
breathe in for a count of two and out for a count of three.
Now breathe in for a count of three and out for a count of three. Do this for a few moments.
Now breathe in for a count of four and then out for a count of four. Whenever you notice your mind wandering off, bring it back.
Continue breathing in peace and love and breathing out peace and love. When you are ready, slowly come back to the room and open your eyes. Drink some
water and write down your experiences.

A Walking Meditation
If you are having trouble fitting meditation into your everyday life, try what is known as a walking meditation. Slot this in as you go to and from the bus or train on
your way to work or during your lunch hour. You can either observe the things that you see around you or focus on the movement of your body. Ask yourself
questions to focus your mind. For example, how do you walk? Where does the movement start? Does it start in your hips, shoulders, or knees? Where does the
movement finish? Does it finish in your ankles, heels, or toes? How does the ground feel beneath your feet? Is it hard and pebbly, or is it soft and cushioning, like
Just bringing your attention to the here and now will relax you and improve your health and happiness in general as you practice the tools necessary to develop
your psychic and spiritual self. Some people meditate on the train going to and from work. Where there is a will, there is a way. There is always time to meditate and
to incorporate spiritual practices into your day.

A Candle Meditation
This exercise helps increase your focused awareness. Start with a few minutes at a time and gradually increase the duration of the exercise. Place a candle or tea
light on a flat surface and in a safe location. Light the candle, darken the room, and then sit comfortably, two or three feet away from the candle. Close your eyes
and take a couple of deep breaths to relax and settle yourself. When you are ready, open your eyes and gaze gently into the flame and simply observe it. If outside
thoughts intrude, let them drift away with the smoke and heat from the candle. Keep your eyes relaxed, and blink when necessary. If your eyes are tired, close them
for a moment or two and see what you notice behind your eyelids. Can you still see the candle in your mind’s eye? Perhaps close your eyes slightly and see how the
candle flame changes shape and color. Notice the individual shafts of light, and imagine the insight they may bring you.
Enjoy the meditation for as long as you wish. When you are ready, gently close your eyes again for a few minutes, relaxing the muscles around your eyes before
reopening them and blowing out the candle.
Sound Meditation and Mantra
Chanting is a cornerstone of many religions, as reciting particular phrases over and over again enhances the energy vibration of the sound. In Eastern traditions,
chants are called mantras, a word that comes from the Sanskrit meaning “a sacred word or text.” Sound is a vibration, and by increasing vibrations through
chanting, we are able to experience a rise in energy level, whether we are part of the chanting or listening to it.
There are many popular chants available on sites like YouTube, but it might be more meaningful to make up your own. The chant must evoke the feelings you
hope to experience and share, for it is the feeling that allows you to transcend. Try each of the examples on the next page for five minutes and note how they make
you feel. Remember to write down your experiences with each mantra.

Exercise One
The simplest mantra of all is chanting a particular sound or note. Om is a very popular one, as it is said to be the sound of the universe. There are many recordings of
the sacred Om available to download from the Internet.

Exercise Two
One of my favorites is the Hebrew word shalom, meaning “peace.” It incorporates both the Ah of creation and the Om of the universe, the alpha and the omega
representing the circle of life and rebirth.

Exercise Three
Of all the Buddhist mantras, Om Mani Padme Hum is the most widely admired and chanted. It connects us to the vibrations of infinite love and compassion and is
said to bring peace and prosperity to all beings. Its literal meaning is “the Jewel in the Lotus,” and the six syllables have the following symbolic meanings:

Om is composed of three letters, A-U-M. These symbolize the pure exalted body and the speech and mind of a Buddha or a bodhisattva.

Mani, meaning “jewel,” symbolizes the method, great compassion, and love. Just as a jewel can fulfill our outer needs, so then do love and compassion
fulfill our inner needs.

Padme, meaning “lotus,” symbolizes wisdom. As a lotus flower grows from mud (earth), through water (emotions), and up to air (thoughts) and is not
polluted by them, so then does wisdom, known as “supreme knowledge,” grow from the mind that is not polluted by ordinary thoughts.

Hum indicates union. Hum may indicate joining and union, but it also represents a seed and all the potential it contains. It also links directly to the
Buddha, so it is a powerful form of spiritual energy.

Sound holds vibration and using mantras can be a very powerful way to transcend our fears, connect to our divine selves, and live from the heart.
Mindfulness is a form of meditation with a focus on staying in the present. If you find yourself beginning to worry about either the past or the future, simply bring your
attention to the here and now. Notice where you are and what is around you. Are you indoors or outdoors? Is the sun shining? Focus your attention on the things
you see around you at this moment. Make some notes about your experience.
If you are stuck in a traffic jam or at traffic lights and are worrying about being late, shift your attention to your surroundings. If it is warm, open the window and
smell the air. If it is cold, open the window a little and feel the cold. See the light, observe the color and the way the sun shines on the grass or buildings, or the way
it’s reflected in shop windows. What do you see, sense, and feel around you right now?
By bringing your attention to the present and considering the things that are good right now, you’ve already moved your attention away from stress and calmed
your mind and your body. Let go of judging whether your situation is good or bad and accept it as it is.

Note: Never meditate while driving or operating machinery.

As you become more experienced in meditation, the practice can take you deep into yourself and help you develop a connection to the divine source, and yet it can
be very difficult to quiet the mind and keep it focused. Visualization is a way of seeing things in your mind’s eye. Depending upon what you choose to visualize, it can
be a way to focus your mind and calm it down. The more often you do these types of exercises, the more you will get out of them and the quicker and deeper you
will be able to go.
The Importance of Imagination
People often ask how to tell whether the information coming to mind during meditation is from their imagination or from their unconscious mind, their intuition, or
their guides and angels. Think of imagination as the umbilical cord to the esoteric world, our link to the universal creative energy of which everything is a part. You
will soon learn to trust your imagination.
It’s often said that what we can imagine and believe in, we can make happen. In the physical world, we use our hands and many different tools to create things,
but in the astral world we must rely on the mind and the power of our imagination. This is why we have to be careful not to impose our own thoughts and ideas on
others during psychic readings.

Voices, Theory, and Reality

One way to sort the information entering your mind is to focus on where you notice it. If, for example, you hear voices on the right side of your head, this is a
message from your right brain, which is the intuitive, creative, psychic part of the brain that is your link to the universe. The left brain, on the other hand, is your
connection to the physical world. It controls your mind and personality and stores everything you have learned. If you sense information floating into the left side of
your head, then it is a thought, but if it comes into the right side of your head, it is an answer.
With practice, identifying where information is coming from gets easier. One way to practice is to remember something mundane from your everyday life, such as
what you had for breakfast, then notice which side of your mind the information first appears. Now be creative and dream something up or have an imaginary
conversation in your mind. Can you see the difference? This is a difficult exercise and takes a lot of practice, but it will be invaluable later in your development when
working with spirit guides.
Keep in mind that the psychic side of your brain and the real-world side can vary from person to person. A right-handed friend of mine who has always been
able to hear spirit messages says the voice always comes to her from somewhere behind her left ear. You may need to identify what’s true for you and adjust what
you may read or encounter to fit your experience.

An Experiment with Sound

Settle yourself comfortably, relax, close your eyes, and simply breathe for a few minutes. Take a moment to notice how you are within yourself, physically,
emotionally, and mentally. Now play some music and sit down comfortably with your eyes closed. After a while, pay attention to the feelings that come over you,
physically, emotionally, and mentally.
Write down your experiences, making note of any particular memories or imaginings. Now think about how these memories or imaginings came to you. Was it
visual (as a picture), auditory (as a sound), or kinesthetic (as a feeling)? This exercise helps identify your primary sense—the way you receive information—and it
will be useful later in this book.
Repeat this experiment with different musical styles, and then review your notes to see how different types of music affected you. Consider how you could use
music to help you in your life. For instance, many psychics and healers use certain kinds of music to create a calm, peaceful environment within which to work.

Positive Thinking
Many books have been written about positive thinking. Religious traditions also teach thoughtfulness, the use of positive language, and kindness toward others over
negative thoughts, gossip, and anger toward others. There’s a good reason for this. When we routinely send negative thoughts—such as worry, guilt, or self-
condemnation—out into the world, we create negative thought forms that have us as their object. In other words, we make ourselves unnecessarily miserable.
Taking a positive approach is increasingly important as you become more consciously connected to the astral realm. And your thoughts have a much greater
effect, because choosing to be positive makes you feel better about yourself and others. But being psychic also makes you more vulnerable to the negative thoughts
that others have about you.
Two types of positive thought forms are prayer and distant healing, which involve sending healing thoughts and energies out to those who need it. These forms
combine strong emotions and vivid imagery with words of intent and are absorbed by the person’s energy body or sent to the higher powers. Bear in mind that it is
important for us to carry out our spiritual work with only the best of intentions.
Staying grounded in the physical world is a key element of psychic and spiritual development. We are spiritual beings who have a physical human life. We manifest
our spiritual being into the physical world as souls. Many people start down the road of psychic and spiritual development because they want to connect to spirit
guides and angels or read cards and do psychic readings. There is nothing wrong with this, and as we develop our meditative skills, making these connections
becomes possible. But it is also important that we are firmly planted in the reality of this world, which is what makes incorporating your spiritual practice into your
daily life most critical. As in Buddhism, being spiritual is more a way of life than a religion. Our role is to manifest our spiritual being into the physical world as best
we can.

Exercise One
This short grounding meditation is the foundation of many other meditative exercises in all forms of psychic and spiritual development training, so practice it regularly.
This meditation focuses on physically relaxing your body as you ground yourself. The more you practice, the quicker you’ll be able to ground yourself. This exercise
works best if you record the instructions and play them when you’re ready to begin.
Close your eyes and relax. Make yourself comfortable and focus on your breathing.
Say, “I am breathing in peace and love and breathing out all negativity, breathing in peace and love and breathing out everything I don’t need in my mind right
Leave behind all problems and worries, leave them all behind you, just breathe them all away, breathe them out, and as you breathe out you become more and
more relaxed, more and more relaxed.
Now focus on your face and just feel the muscles around your eyes, your nose, and your mouth relaxing, releasing all tension.
Focus on your neck and allow your neck muscles to relax and feel your head get heavy. Notice your shoulders and just let your shoulders drop, feeling more
and more relaxed.
You may feel your hands and fingers getting heavier and heavier or lighter and lighter.
Feel the big muscles in your back release and relax, then feel your ribs, one by one, as you breathe a big sigh and let your diaphragm relax down into your
Feel the tension release from your lower back. Let go and relax. Sense the tension leaving your thighs and your calves as the relaxation spreads down to your
feet and your toes.
Feel your feet on the ground and imagine your feet having roots.
Picture those roots growing deep into the ground, pushing down deep into the ground, taking any negativity with them. With each exhale, push those roots
deeper into the ground, deeper and deeper into the ground, down to the Earth’s core.
Now focus on the base of your spine. With each exhalation, imagine the base of your spine getting longer and longer, pushing down deep into the earth, deep
among the rocks, pushing down and wrapping around something very solid so you are truly connected to the earth.
Now you feel very safe and grounded. Imagine all negativity, any negative thoughts, feelings, or worries, flowing down through your legs, down through your
roots, down your elongated spine, and down into the heart of Mother Earth, where they are all transformed into pure, positive energy by her unconditional
Exercise Two
One way to test the effectiveness of this grounding meditation is to try it out with a friend. Ask a friend to relax and stand still. Stand behind them, bend your knees,
and reach up to clasp your arms around your friend’s waist. Now as you stand up, lift them off the ground. Then gently put them down again.
Now talk them through the first grounding exercise. Ask them to anchor their spine around something strong and try to lift them again. It should be a lot more
difficult. Now change places and let them try to lift you.
ou may wonder why I’ve included a chapter on color. Believe it or not, color plays a big part in reading cards and in clairvoyance and healing. I recommend you
Y take as much time as you need to familiarize yourself with your connection to color and learn about any unconscious responses you may have to particular
hues. The exercises that follow will help you identify your feelings about all colors.

About Color
Colors are really difficult to describe, so often we use objects to provide a common point of reference. Examples include grass green, forest green, blood red,
battleship gray, sky blue, and sunflower yellow.

Primary colors of red, yellow, and blue are those that cannot be reduced to any other color. If you mix any two primary colors together you get the secondary
colors, such as red and yellow to make orange, yellow and blue to make green, and blue and red to make purple. The various shades are dependent upon the
quantity in which each of the primary colors is mixed. These are known as the bright colors.
Varying shades are produced when a bright color is mixed with either black or white, and each shade can have a different meaning. Mixing a bright color with
black suppresses the expression of the color, making it earthier. Mixing a color with white dilutes the power of expression, making it softer and eventually more
Colors in themselves are neither good nor bad. They are simply expressions of energy. It could be said that brights mixed with black are negative, which may
be construed as bad, but that is misleading, because black is created by mixing all the primary colors together. Conversely, colors mixed with white are not
necessarily more spiritual simply because they are more ethereal. Pure white is often seen as the most spiritual color because it is all the colors mixed together. But a
very pale color can have a wishy-washy expression or appear noncommittal.

Shared Color Meanings

Over time, colors have come to represent or symbolize certain ideas, feelings, or moods. These commonly held beliefs about colors and what they mean can affect
the way we personally feel about colors. Here are each of the colors, their related shades, and some of the generally accepted meanings.


Bright vermillion (yellow/red)

Crimson (blue/red)

Strawberry red
Tomato red

Blood red


Fever, rash, anger, rage, irritation, a stop light, passion, sexuality, energy, or a hurried feeling. Also fire, passion, love (red rose), lust, fear, aggression, outgoingness,
impulsivity, or volatility.
Money worries, obsessions, anxiety, nervousness, or lack of forgiveness.
Red is also a color of manifestation, so we feel good when we think something up and make it happen.
When receiving messages from spirit, you are manifesting their energies, and therefore when people are channeling, their auras often can be very red.
Earth energy is associated with red, as well as with brown and green.



Healthy blood supply, rosy, love, innocence, femininity, and blushing.
Bright and light, joy, love, warmth, compassion.
New or revived romantic relationship, self-respect.
Can indicate intuition, clairaudience (the ability to hear the voice of the higher self, God, the angels, ascended masters, or spirit guides).
Dark and murky pink might represent an immature and/or dishonest nature.



Masculinity, earthiness, and sensuality. Hidden motives.



Unconditional love, deep healing, and connection to higher dimensions.



Community spirit.



Ambition, self-expression, imagination, an outgoing social nature, people-oriented, highly sexual nature, currently experiencing stress related to appetites and
addictions (food, alcohol, or drugs.)
Can indicate an extremely creative or artistic person or a person of great passion and extremely intense emotions.
Political, able negotiator, self-opinionated, prideful.
In some schools of thought, it is also the color of psychic ability.



Intellect, analytical, joy, optimism, imagination, growth, harmony, liveliness, rationality, attention to detail, clear thinking, discriminating, judgmental, and sickly.
Light or pale yellow can mean positive excitement about new ideas.
Bright lemon yellow can indicate struggling to maintain power and control in a personal or business relationship, as well as fear of losing control, prestige,
respect, or power.



Pure intuition, psychic abilities, self-knowledge, cleansing, healing, joy, wisdom, and abundance.
Shiny and bright gold can indicate intellect, happiness, spiritual energy, and power that is activated and awakened; an inspired person.
Dark brownish yellow or gold can mean a student, one who is straining at studying, being overly analytical to the point of fatigue or stress; trying to make up
for lost time by learning everything at once.



Healing, teaching, nurturing, balance, nature loving, practical, naive, empathic, jealous, difficulty setting boundaries, over-responsible, or smothering.
Electric bright emerald green can indicate a healer (possibly a professional healer, a natural healer, or one who is unaware of his or her healing abilities).
Healing hands usually have an emerald green aura around the fingertips. Also indicates a loving person.
Light green suggests tranquility, harmony.
Lime green suggests divine feminine leadership.
Jade green indicates wisdom, abundance.
Forest green can mean jealousy, resentment, feeling like a victim, blaming self and others, insecurity and low self-esteem, a lack of understanding of personal
responsibilities, and sensitivity to perceived criticism.



Combination of any three colors that make it fixed, grounded, earthy, insecure, and materialistic. When you mix colors together they form different colors or shades.
When red, blue, and green are mixed together, they make brown. The proportion of each color used in the mix affects the mood and feeling of the color they create.
Taupe brown is the color of the earth, which supports us and allows us to grow. It speaks of fertility. If the mix is a dirty brown, it could indicate trouble with
Chocolate brown creates warmth and sweetness, like chocolate brownies. It’s grounding and relaxing.
Chestnut brown contains more red and brings even warmer images of chestnuts roasting by the fire. It has fire and energy and indicates grounded action.
Russet brown represents autumn and letting go. If it is bright and vibrant then letting go comes easily. If it is dark and murky, it indicates problems with letting
go of the past.


Protection, peace, piety, harmony, loyalty, devotion, detachment, melancholy, sensitivity, reserve, stubbornness, strong opinions, and caution.
Light blue can indicate intuition, expressivity, truthfulness, and someone who may enjoy a career involving communication.
Bright royal blue suggests clairvoyance, a highly spiritual nature, generosity, being on the right path, and new opportunities coming.
Dark muddy blue means a fear of the future, fear of self-expression, fear of facing or speaking the truth.



Communication, expansiveness, expressivity, avant-gardism, risk-taking, networking, travel, exoticism, freedom, restlessness, an initiating energy, and interest in
Turquoise often indicates a time of transition and change.
Often associated with the archangel Gabriel, angel of water, emotions, and communication.



Spiritual guidance and transformation, luck, charm, clairvoyance, mysticism.
Purple has a practical meaning, in that the person is moving up in the world, but it also shows a growing ability to link with the spiritual realm.

Blue Cobalt Purple


Theatricality and ambition.

Clear or Bright Electric Purple


Being in tune with the divine spiritual realm, enlightenment, claircognizance.

Dark or Muddy Purple


A cry for love and attention, arrogance, ambition.
Reddish Violet


Clairaudience (the ability to hear the voice of the higher self, God, the angels, ascended masters, or spirit guides).



Intuition, spirituality, psychic awareness, intensity, idealism, sincerity, deep thinking and feeling, reserve, a loner tendency, rigidity.



Intuition, spirituality, religious devotion, magic, sincerity, psychic ability, and healing.



Tranquility, inner peace, and connection to higher dimensions.



Purity and truth.
White allows other colors to be set off against it and is neutral in this sense.
White can suggest blandness, reflectiveness, and can act as a barrier by suggesting purity and detachment.
It can also indicate enlightenment, meditation, and spiritual qualities.
White sparkles or flashes of white light mean that spirit or angels are nearby. It can also indicate that a person is pregnant or will be pregnant soon.



Depression, sickness, new changes, or rebirth.
Black usually indicates a long-term lack of forgiveness (toward the self or another) that has collected in specific areas of the body, which can lead to health
challenges, past-life hurts lodged in the body, and unreleased grief.
Where black is within the aura, it may indicate the emotional issue it is attached to; for example, black in the ovaries can indicate unprocessed grief from a
miscarriage or abortion.
It is important to remember that black is not a negative color; it is made from the primary colors (red, yellow, and blue) mixed together.
Black can be protective.
Black can be serious and businesslike.



Astral travel, unity, strong psychic powers, clarity, and abundance.

Bright Metallic


Receptivity to new ideas, intuition, and nurturing.

Dark and Muddy Gray


Combines more black than white. It indicates boredom, malaise, masking fear or emotion.
Residue of fear is accumulating in the body, with potential for health challenges.
This is especially true if you see gray clustered in specific areas of the body.



Colored stripes sticking out like sunbeams from the hand, head, or body denote a star-person, someone who is in their first incarnation on Earth.

Color in Different Cultures

In addition to these shared meanings, colors often have different meanings from one culture to the next. For example, in Europe it is common to wear black as a
color of mourning, whereas in India white is the color of mourning. In Europe, brides traditionally wear white, but in India they wear red. Because colors have
different meanings in different cultures, it is extremely important to know what a particular color means to you, in your culture.
Many expressions in our language link states of consciousness to specific colors, but you may never have given thought to the origin of these sayings. Some
examples are:
He is a yellow belly.
She is red with anger.
He is in a brown study.
She is green with envy.
I am feeling blue.
I am in the pink of health.

Personal Associations
Against the backdrop of a color’s shared meaning and cultural meaning, each of us has our own associations with each shade of color. These personal meanings are
shaped by our life experiences. Because of this, any interpretation of color must take into account our own experience.
Each of us will conjure up a slightly different shade of color in our minds, and the shade we see is the one that is right for us. There are no right or wrong
answers when spirit is using color to communicate with you or when you see color in someone’s aura. The following exercises can help you gain a better
understanding of your feelings about different colors.

Exercise One: Color Diary

Make a color reference book for yourself to help you to become aware of your experiences and associations with colors. Using a loose-leaf binder, dedicate one
section to each color, as that way, you can add pages to each section. Collect color samples of fabrics and hold one in your hand and notice how it makes you feel.
Then hold another color and notice how it makes you feel. Notice the differences. Notice colors in nature and how they combine. Consider how they make you feel.

Exercise Two: Meditate on One Color

Close your eyes and visualize the color in your mind’s eye. Allow all your associations to float into your awareness. Do not try to control the thoughts that arise; just
observe them. You may be aware of music coming to mind, or a feeling, sensation, or particular aroma. Tell yourself you will recall them when you return to waking
consciousness. Stay in this state for as long as you wish, then write down your experiences. I suggest you do one or two colors per day.

Exercise Three: Word Association

For each color, make a word list of your associations with the color’s physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels of meaning.

Exercise Four: Draw with Color

Using pastels, draw a circle and color it, noticing what colors you use. How do the colors reflect your current mood? What do they tell you about how you feel right
now? Try using various colors and notice how you feel. Think of each shade of color and go within to find your experience of the color.
Visualize a colored cloud around you.
Focus on your breathing and imagine yourself breathing in the color.
Breathe it into every part of your body and your being.
Notice how you feel, notice what images, thoughts, sounds, and smells come into your consciousness, notice whether the color is going to one particular part
of your body and, if so, what this might mean for you.
Write down notes about what you experienced.

To understand the symbolism of secondary colors, think about combining the key meanings of the two primary colors.

Use of Color and Your Psychic Self

There are many ways color can be used within all forms of psychic development work. The more you know and have experienced, the more you will be able to use
color with any tools you employ in the future. Color is essential in all forms of healing work.
Color in Meditations and Dreams
To address how to interpret colors within the context of dreams and meditations, you must:
Know what the color means to you.
Look for colors that repeat in the context of your inner experience.
Think about how a color provides insight into the story, based on how and where it shows up within the context of the inner experience.

Remember that colors represent psychological and physical states that are intimately linked to emotions. Colors can appear in the landscape, in decor, in clothing, or
in the atmosphere. The way they show up can be so varied. Remember that your inner mind selected them quite deliberately to convey information, and they must
be viewed within this context.

Other Practical Applications

Color not only represents specific psychophysical states but also influences the energetic environment. Become aware of how you can use color to change how you
feel about yourself and how it will influence those who interact with you. Send out more conscious messages about yourself by applying your understanding of color.

Increased Color Awareness Meditation

Sit, relax, and close your eyes.
Imagine yourself standing in front of your closet.
Imagine reaching out and opening your closet doors and beginning to look through the clothes hanging on the rail.
What is the dominant color of the clothes?
Are there any colors missing?
Are the colors different for day or evening wear, work or leisure wear?
Now go to your chest of drawers and look through them.
Again, note your answers to the above questions.
Ask your inner self what these color choices say about you.
Observe the answer.
When you are ready, take a deep breath in, raise your arms above your head, stretch and exhale, lower your arms, and open your eyes.
Write down your observations and impressions.
What did you learn about yourself regarding the colors you prefer to wear and those you do not? Look back at the color list in this chapter and think about what
those colors mean to you. Not liking a color at all means you are not in touch with the positive aspects of that energy in your life.
Think back. Have you noticed a change in the predominant colors you have worn over the book of your life? What does this tell you?

Purposeful Color Dressing

When you are going to a business meeting or on a date, consider not only what clothes you will wear but also what colors. Color is more important than style
because it sets up a psychological energy field around you that has an unconscious impact upon the observer.
Experiment with what you know about color to create impressions and see if it makes a difference in how people see and relate to you. Here are some simple
Fade into neutrality and wear gray or pastel shades.
Be bold and wear bright shades or black and white.
Be in control and wear darker colors.
Be cool and wear cool blue and white tones.
Be warm and wear red, orange, yellow, or black.

Color All Around You

Consider what the decor of your home or workplace says about you. Alter the energy of your environment by using color. Think of what function the room has and
what you want to do in that room, and then choose the right color and shade.

Sales, Marketing, and Advertising

Think about what you do and choose the color that is right for the profession. Then use that color in your stationery, business cards, and so on. This is just the
beginning of your adventure with color. Make color an integral part of your communication with spirit, yourself, and others, whether you are reading cards or auras,
or healing.
e are more than just a physical body, and all esoteric teachings through the ages have affirmed this reality. For any form of personal and spiritual development or
W healing to occur, we need to understand the body’s energy system, which consists of the aura and the chakras. The aura is an energy field that surrounds each
living thing, while the chakras are energy centers that run through the body from front to back along the spinal column and up to the head. You’ll discover
more about the chakras in the next chapter.
The aura and the chakras have a direct connection to our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Understanding the functions of the aura can help us
respond to life with awareness rather than simply unconscious reaction. Physical, mental, emotional, and past life traumas are stored in the different layers of the aura
and chakras; clearing them can help us move forward with our lives.
We are, in fact, fourfold beings who are interconnected and function as one. We are made up of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. We know
we have a physical body because we can see it, touch it, and feel it. We know we are emotional beings because we experience many emotions, such as sorrow,
jealousy, excitement, fear, and joy, that are affected by various stimuli. We are mental beings as well; we learn, we think, we evaluate, and we reach conclusions
subject to our knowledge and experience. However, we are also spiritual beings, and regardless of our religious beliefs, we know there is also a part of us that is
unique. Some call this spirit and others call it soul; for the purposes of this book, we will refer to this unique part as soul.
Personally, I believe in reincarnation, which means that when we die our personality dies as well but our soul lives on in the astral plane. We then reincarnate as
another personality, allowing us to continue to experience and learn while we evolve.

I also believe each of us is interconnected to all things and that everything is part of everything else. For the sake of simplicity, I call this everything God, the
Creator. There is only God. There is nothing else. People are made up of trillions of cells all working together to create one human being, containing heart cells, brain
cells, nerves, bones, muscles, and so on. Therefore, God is also made up of trillions of cells, some of which become planets, some stars, some angels, some people,
some trees, some animals, some water, and so on.
In other words, not only is our physical body layered with bones, muscles, and skin, but our auras are also layered. The aura itself is made up of different layers
—the etheric, lower astral, higher astral, and spiritual bodies. Each has its own particular structure and function, interpenetrated by the chakras, which allow the
layers to communicate with one another. The diagram below shows how everything fits together. Much has been written on this subject, but here is everything—plus
a bit more—that you will need to know.

The Aura
Everything—people, animals, trees, plants, even hills—is made up of energy, and that energy emits an energy field around it. This energy field is called the aura.
Some people can see this aura, while others can sense it, and it can be photographed using special cameras. The aura is a manifestation of our energy, and it varies
according to our mood, emotions, and health. When someone is happy and vibrant, their aura will be bright and clear, but if they are depressed or worried, their aura
may be murky and dark. Our aura holds all the information, both positive and negative, from our past, present, and future lives, and it interacts with everything around
us. The aura connects to our chakras, which provide a link to our physical body. This is what makes healing in the aura so powerful.
The Physical Body
The physical body is the densest aspect of our energy field. Most people see their physical body as emanating their energy field, but it is actually the other way
around. The body is our life energy’s final manifestation into the physical plane. The healthier we are physically, the more universal energy will flow effortlessly through
us, creating harmony and balance in our bodies and our lives.

The Etheric Body

This is the densest of the seven subtle fields and is our electromagnetic body. The etheric layer exists within us, around every cell, and emanates three to five inches
around the physical body. It has been called the etheric double, as it provides the template for the structures of the physical body. Everyone’s etheric body, which is
made up of tiny hairlike structures that store electromagnetic vitality, is unique. These structures are apparent on Kirlian photographs, a method developed by the
Russian scientist Semyon Kirlian in 1939. To take a Kirlian photograph, high voltage and low amperage current is brought into contact with the body and exposed to
a photographic plate.
Aside from storing vitality, the etheric body circulates energy via pathways known within the Eastern traditions as meridians. Like arteries circulating blood and
oxygen around the physical body, meridians circulate pranic energy within our body and interface with our skin at points of greater electrical resistance. In most
forms of Eastern medicine, these are known as acupuncture points. Stimulating these points in a systematic manner treats physical systemic problems as well as
emotional, mental, and spiritual difficulties. Keeping the meridians clear of blockages ensures free movement of energy and keeps us in good health.

Feeling the Aura

Because the etheric field is the densest of the subtle fields, it is the easiest to experience. With practice, you will be able to focus on all the other layers as well,
especially the astral layer.
Prepare yourself to become energy aware by rubbing your hands together and then holding them about six inches apart with palms facing each other. Close your
eyes and focus on the space between your palms. What do you feel? It could be heat, tingling, magnetic attraction or repulsion, resistance, throbbing, pulsing, or all of
these. Now slowly pull your hands apart. What can you feel? Slowly bring them in again and consider anything you can sense and feel. If you felt warm, tingly, or
pulsing sensations, this means you are feeling your etheric field. Now imagine the space as a ball; if you have someone with you, see if you can pass the ball of energy
to them. What do they feel?

Aura Exercise
The etheric field appears as a colorless glow around people, animals, plants, and energy hotspots such as Avebury, UK and Sedona in Arizona, USA. Some see it as
a heat haze and others as a white or blue-gray mist. To see an etheric field, soften your focus and look through the scene, using the same technique you would to see
an image in a picture made up of dots. You can do this on your own out in nature by looking at trees, plants, hills, and so on, or inside by looking at someone else.
Concentration Tip

This aura exercise is a great one to try if you are in a boring meeting, as it even gives the impression you are very interested and concentrating on the

Get a friend to sit across the room from you and stare at the space around him or her, keeping your eyes relaxed. Don’t focus on anything; just let your mind drift
as though you’re daydreaming. You should see the energy as a heat haze or glow around your friend’s body. Repeat this with other people, houseplants, or pets.
Trees work well, as they have a much larger field than we do.

Color Exercise
Even if you can’t see the aura, you can pick up clues about people’s personality from the clothes they choose to wear. Relax your eyes to see through a scene, as you
did in the earlier exercise. To see someone’s basic aura color, focus on a person such as a friend, colleague, or even a total stranger on the bus or train. Direct your
eyes to their head and shoulders and stare at them for thirty seconds or more and then close your eyes for a moment. You will see a head and shoulders image
imprinted on your retina, but you will also see at least one color, or perhaps many colors, swirling around.
he Sanskrit word chakra means “wheel.” The chakras are spinning energy vortices that are shaped like funnels, with the wider end interacting with the auric field
T and the stem embedded in the spine. From the spine the vortices extend through the body in both directions to emerge from the front and the back. Chakras
can be seen with the aid of special cameras.
Chakras act as step-down transformers, converting subtle energy into a form that can be used by the hormonal, nervous, and cellular systems of our physical
body. This energy is known in different parts of the world as prana, chi, Reiki, universal cosmic energy, or source energy.
In the etheric body, there are said to be seventy-two thousand chakras, and the spinning action of the chakras moves energy along the meridian lines around the
body. For an individual to experience well-being on all levels—physical, emotional, spiritual—all the chakras must be energized, balanced, and functioning
There are many minor chakras, including those in the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet, behind the knees, the elbows, and other places throughout the
body at strategic positions that are relevant to the functioning of our physical and etheric bodies. Therapies such as shiatsu and acupuncture aim to clear blockages
in the body by tapping into these positions.

Chakras and the Aura

The chakras and the aura take in the subtle energy as we encounter it. In addition to being linked to the physical functioning of our bodies, each chakra holds a key
to understanding our relationships, our strengths and weaknesses, and our sense of who and what we are in the world. Each chakra is connected to the aura, which
holds unconscious information, including about our health, our experiences, our worries and fears, and our past lives. Psychics, intuitive people, and clairvoyants
sense and receive information by connecting with the aura.
If during a reading you can see astral colors, those colors can provide insight into the types of experiences the person is attracting. Each of the chakras is
associated with a color, and they interact with the aura, affecting its color. The colors present in the chakra and the quality of the color also reveal the basic health of
the individual. If the chakra is large, strong, and energetic, for example, then the person’s constitution is strong, but if it is weak, then the person is weak. The energy
state can also explain how well grounded that person might be.

The Seven Major Chakras

The seven major chakras are located along the center of the body and operate in both the etheric (aura) and astral (spiritual) fields. The chakras are centers of
consciousness, and each one can rotate in either direction (clockwise or counterclockwise) or even in all directions simultaneously, albeit at different rates.
Each chakra tells us about the part of the life cycle the person is currently undertaking. Each cycle lasts about two and a half years and relates to a specific set
of lessons that the individual must pass through, both as a result of his or her internal growth and development and through life experiences.
Each of the seven main chakras has its own unique:
Frequency, called Solfeggio, after the scientist who discovered them
Relationship with different emotional and spiritual issues
Connections to different organs, glands, and nerves
Developmental age
Types of stored traumas
Element, such as earth, air, fire, water, and spirit
Base Chakra
Also known as the root chakra.
Number: One
Key words: I
Element: Earth
Hindu name: Muladhara
Frequency: 396 hertz

Key Ideas: Physical survival.

Sense: Smell.

Color: Red bears a metaphorical relationship to this center in that red represents pure energy. It is the lowest
vibrational frequency of the spectrum and it is hot, dense, and physical. It also represents fight or flight and
nervous irritability. Too much red is overstimulating.

Psychic Function: The physical plane and survival.

Location: The base chakra extends from just below the pubic bone to about halfway down the thighs. It has the slowest rate of rotation and it is concerned with
our survival within the physical plane. It connects us to the planet.

Developmental Age: Zero to three years. At this stage, people think the whole world revolves around them, but they slowly become aware of separateness from

Glands/Organs: Adrenal glands; these are located above the kidneys in the mid back. The adrenal glands govern the fight-flight-freeze response for survival in the
physical world. This is the only chakra where the endocrine gland is not directly over the chakra’s physical zone. This chakra is also responsible for the elimination
of solid waste. Its guiding metaphor is that of eliminating things that are no longer useful and letting go. The base chakra governs the kidneys, colon, spinal column,
legs, and bones.
Being overly concerned with material security
Fighting over everything
Being impractical and disconnected or discombobulated
Feeling unsafe, having a lack of security
No sense of belonging
Bowel spasm
Crohn’s disease
Irritable bowel syndrome
Good health
Matters relating to the material world
Being overly concerned with one’s physical survival
Tension in the spine

Soul Issue: To acknowledge that the soul inhabits a body that is part of the living universe. Through the body, the soul is brought into
matter and has experiences.
Sacral Chakra
Number: Two
Key words: We
Element: Water
Hindu name: Svadhisthana
Frequency: 417 hertz

Key Ideas: Governs and reflects our relationship with our self and then the range of relationships we have with
others, including intimacy, self-respect, sharing, creativity, and childlike mystery.

Sense: Taste.

Color: Orange. This is the color of ambition, politics and negotiation, appetite and motivation.

Psychic Function: Physical plane. This rules the survival of the species through reproduction and relationships.

Location: Lower abdomen, between the navel and the pubic bone.

Developmental Age: Three to six years old, which is a time when children realize they are separate from their
parents and learn to fit in with the family and wider world.

Glands/Organs: Reproductive system, ovaries, testicles, prostate, genitals, spleen, womb, bladder, gonads. These glands ensure the perpetuation of the species.
They also define our biological being and influence our sociological functions and activities, from how we relate to our self to how others relate to us.
Low self-esteem
Creative blockage
The need to possess another person
Fear of intimacy
Lack of respect for self and others
No sense of mystery and magic
Problems related to the reproductive system.
Giving and receiving
Desire, pleasure, sex, and passionate love
Change, movement, assimilation of new ideas
Good health
Family life
Working harmoniously and creatively with others
Being stuck in rut

Soul Issue: To experience intimacy with another with a sense of self-respect. Expressing creativity and using one’s imagination in some
form or other.
Solar Plexus Chakra
Number: Three
Key words: I will
Element: Fire
Hindu name: Manipura
Frequency: 528 hertz

Key Ideas: Self-worth, determination, identity, personal power. Also rules creativity and decision-making,
productivity, and the digestion of information. How we make choices depends on the way we take in information
and then break it down into component pieces and decide what to do with it, such as to retain, use, or eliminate

Sense: Sight.

Color: Yellow. The color relates to mental processes, list-making, and analysis.

Psychic Function: The emotional plane. Clairsentience. This is the ability to have clear sensations relating to subtle physical matter. For example: sensing people’s
feelings, sensing energy, feeling ley lines and earth energies, and when picking up on health issues, being able to duplicate physical sensations in your body that are
happening in others.

Location: The soft tissue over the stomach that is located just above the naval and just below the diaphragm.

Developmental Age: Five to twelve years, approximately. This is when we become aware of the wider world and how we fit into it.

Glands/Organs: Pancreas, spleen, adrenals, stomach, liver, gallbladder, nervous system, and muscles. The digestive system is responsible for breaking down food
and converting it into energy, so this relates metaphorically to the way energy is utilized by the body and how we use our energy for our soul’s purpose.
No sense of identity
Need to control
Need to take care of others
Liver disease
Problems with stomach, spleen, and small intestine
Personal power
Mastery of desire
Taking in more than one can assimilate and utilize
Too much emphasis on power and/or recognition
Digestive problems

Soul Issue: To experience a sense of self-worth, self-empowerment, and purpose.

Number: Four
Key words: I feel
Element: Air
Hindu name: Anahata
Frequency: 639 hertz

Key Ideas: This chakra has two elements. The lower heart chakra governs the physical heart and our ability to
love ourselves and others, while the higher heart chakra governs our ability to feel and demonstrate unconditional
love and compassion for all. The heart chakra is the link between the lower chakras and the higher chakras and
so connects the physical aspect of life with the spiritual aspect of life. The will to live with a sense of purpose and
direction is a spiritual and psychological matter translated into physical activity. Feeling compassion for yourself
and others aids decision-making processes.

Sense: Touch.

Color: The higher heart chakra is magenta. The lower heart chakra is green.

Psychic Function: The emotional plane. This chakra represents empathy, understanding the feelings and motives of others, and a sense of purpose. It links the
higher and lower chakras; therefore, when the heart is balanced, the body, mind, and spirit are also balanced.

Location: Center of the chest under the breastbone.

Developmental Age: Twelve to sixteen years old. This is when we are learning to love others.

Glands/Organs: Thymus, heart, circulatory system, arms, hands, and lungs. Governs heart and lung function. We cannot live without oxygen, so breathing and
heart function work together to pump life force through the physical body, thus making life possible.
Inability to give or receive love
Expectations of others
Inability to love or accept yourself
Heart and vascular disease
Diseases of the immune system, such as allergies and intolerances
Fatigue syndromes
Unconditional love
Divine love
Group consciousness
Oneness with life
Too much detachment
Repression of love
Emotional instability
Lack of balance

Soul Issue: To give and receive love without condition and to find strength in vulnerability.
Throat Chakra
Number: Five
Key words: I express
Element: Ether
Hindu name: Vishuddha
Frequency: 741 hertz

Key Ideas: Freedom of expression, self-expression, speech, and conceptual creative activity. We can turn our
heads when we wish to look around, and our arms and hands allow us to manipulate tools but also to defend
ourselves or to reach out to others. This chakra refers to thinking and the application of knowledge and
experience. It allows us to communicate our thoughts and feelings.

Sense: Hearing.

Color: Blue. This is a well-known healing color that can be used for healing, calming, and relaxation.

Psychic Function: Mental plane. Clairaudience. The ability to hear spirit voices and/or to speak their words as
in a trance.

Location: The throat.

Developmental Age: Seventeen to twenty-one years old. It is a time of learning to express oneself.

Glands/Organs: Thyroid, parathyroid, hypothalamus, throat, mouth, neck, arms, and hands.
Incessant chattering
Feeling choked off
Inability to speak up and speak out
Keeping quiet
Not expressing grief
Problems of the thyroid
Sore throat
Hearing difficulties
Power of the spoken word
True communication
Creative expression in speech, writing, and the arts
Communication or speech problems
Knowledge used unwisely
Lack of discernment

Soul Issue: To feel free to speak honestly and openly, to trust the soul to speak its truth, and to experience and express all our feelings.
Third Eye Chakra
Also known as the brow chakra.
Number: Six
Key words: I have vision
Element: Ether
Hindu name: Ajna
Frequency: 852 hertz

Key Ideas: Governs inner vision, image-making, and imagination, so it links to the things we
perceive, and it determines our viewpoint and our actions. Our ability to imagine and create is
fundamental to our being.

Sense: None.

Color: Indigo blue.

Psychic Function: Mental plane. This links to clairvoyance, seeing clearly, and seeing images, patterns, colors, and symbols.

Location: The brow between the eyes. The center of the forehead.

Developmental Age: Twenty-one onward. This is when we grow up and make important relationships of our own, and some will start our own families, so it
relates to cooperating with others in love, at work, as neighbors and so on.

Glands/Organs: Pituitary gland, left eye, nose, and ears.

Lack of trust in intuition
Inability to let go of logic
Always in another world
Tension headaches
Visual problems
Ability to concentrate
Peace of mind
Cannot understand the way the soul learns and develops
Lack of insight
Lack of imagination
Lack of concentration

Soul Issue: To trust the insight and intuition that comes from the perspective of your soul. To see beyond everyday limitations.
Number: Seven
Key words: Me and the planet
Element: Ether
Hindu name: Sahasrara
Frequency: 963 hertz

Key Ideas: Dreams, sleeping and waking cycles, and our connection to the astral planes. This chakra denotes
connection with the divine. It connects us to the universal matrix of energy and the Divine Creator, the collective
unconscious, and the knowledge of all things. Thus it rules our ability to know what is to come based on our
connection to our inner source of knowledge.

Sense: None.

Color: Violet or white as all colors of the rainbow merge.

Psychic Function: Spiritual plane. This suggests intuition and the ability to perceive the truth or facts psychically
or spiritually rather than by using pure logic.

Location: Crown of the head.

Developmental Age: This chakra is open in young children, closes during childhood, and opens again in adulthood when we clear our lower chakras and raise our
vibrations to the spiritual realms. It is believed the soul leaves the body through the crown chakra after death, although some cultures believe the soul leaves through
the heart, some believe it is through the throat, and yet others believe the soul leaves through the navel.

Glands/Organs: Pineal gland, cerebral cortex, central nervous system, and right eye. Located in the center of the brain, this chakra connects and manages right-
brain and left-brain functions.
No sense of connection to a higher power
Parkinson’s disease
Senile dementia
Stroke and brain hemorrhage
Brain disorders
Unification of higher self with the human personality
Oneness with the infinite
Divine wisdom and understanding
Selfless service
Perception beyond time and space
Lack of inspiration
Reluctance to help others

Soul Issue: To become at one with our soul self.

pace relates to the area extending around us, and a boundary is a line or border. Boundaries are tied up with our sense of self, our limitations, and the way we
S allow others to enter our space and influence us. Most of us have clearer boundaries in our working lives, where protocols and limitations are already
demarcated by our professional roles. Boundaries are far less clear in our personal and emotional lives. Generally speaking, the more confident we are, the
more established our boundaries are, and the more likely we are able to say “no” and to not allow others to take advantage of us.
Our bodies take up physical space, and our auras have a natural space, shape, or sphere of existence and influence within the space around us. Since life
means change, the space and shape of our aura change to reflect this. Being aware of and in control of our aura can be extremely beneficial. I am sure you have
experienced someone being in your space, not just physically by being jammed together in a crowded bus or train, but also emotionally or mentally by dumping
their emotions on you. Learning to manage your energy is important.

Aura Exercise
Imagine your aura and focus on your breathing. Picture yourself breathing in all the layers of your aura until the outermost layer is only an inch or two away from
your body. Imagine it forming a hard shell around you through which no negative energy can penetrate. With practice, this will enable you to feel in control of your
personal space even when you are in a crowded space. Now breathe your aura back outward to a more normal two to four feet, and watch others step back out
of your personal space.

Everyone’s need for personal space differs, so identifying yours and ensuring that you do not crowd others will help you maintain positive friendly relations with
others. Defining your boundaries is a useful way to strengthen and energize your energy field, but it is also a means of psychic protection and a useful tool in healing
practice. It provides the starting point for all psychic and healing work, as well as the basis of cleansing and protecting.
Cleansing and Protecting
We all pick up negative energy during the day just by being in the world. For instance, you can be the most positive person under the sun, but there are those
around you who are not. Those who have low levels of energy can draw away your positive energy, leaving you feeling depleted and negative while they become
more positive as a result. We have all had the experience of being in a good mood when a friend visits, bringing their problems with them, and then feeling
exhausted by the time they have left. Meanwhile, they have gotten a few things off their chest and are feeling so much better. They have inadvertently been leaching
our energy.
It is important to cleanse your energy field from time to time and to cleanse your environment. The energy people leave behind can get stuck—especially in the
corners of rooms. In this section, we will be looking at a variety of ways to cleanse your environment and yourself while also connecting to the earth and to the
universal energy. This will allow you to help energy leeches without depleting yourself.
Importance of Protection
By lower energies, we do not mean evil entities or demons but simply the lower negative energies of other human beings, whether they are on this side of life or the
other side. As we develop spiritually, we raise our vibrations and attract other higher vibrational beings, such as others who are on their own spiritual pathway, or
spirit guides, ascended masters, and angels. It is like turning up a dimmer switch. We each have a light inside us, and as we raise our vibration, the light brightens
and intensifies, attracting other lights that give us messages of love, support, and guidance.
When we open our chakras and aura and connect to spiritual energy, we raise our vibrations. We cleanse ourselves and grow and live more in line with our
spiritual nature, allowing our spiritual light to shine more brightly. Those who need our help both on this plane and in the other planes are attracted to that light like a
moth to a lamp, while we in turn become more sensitive to those around us and to their needs. The real problem comes from other people, particularly those who
are in bad health or who are feeling negative, tired, and emotional. Unconsciously, they latch onto us and sap our energy. If we are not protected, these people
drain our energy and leave us feeling very tired. They are sometimes called energy vampires. Here are a variety of ideas, some of which will suit you better than

Protection Exercise
Imagine yourself in a bubble of energy that forms a protective shield around you. It can be any shape and any color, but many people choose bright white light in
an egg shape or gold in a pyramid shape. You can imagine it as being reflective, so only the highest vibration of unconditional love can penetrate it. Any unwanted
or unpleasant vibes will hit the energy bubble and go back to the person they came from. Take notes on your experience.

Some people find wearing a talisman helps, so find a piece of jewelry in the form of an angel, an image of the All-Seeing Eye, or any religious symbol that is
appropriate to you. Others like to keep a crystal either in their pocket or in a metallic crystal “basket” as a necklace pendant.
The most useful crystals for this purpose are black tourmaline; hematite, which absorbs negativity; and fluorite, which transforms negative energy into positive

Crystal Exercise
Pick two of the above crystals and hold one in each hand. Close your eyes and sit with them for a while. Take notes on what you experience, how they are
different, which you prefer, and why.
Cleansing Your Space
The following exercises are all ways you can cleanse your space. Experiment with each of them, as some will be more appropriate for certain needs and situations
than others.

Air Element Exercises

Imagine a cool breeze blowing into your space and carrying away all stagnant or negative energy.
Any kind of room spray will do for this, but one that has been specially created for clearing, cleansing, and protection will work best. You can find these in New
Age shops, at psychic festivals, or on my website at Set your intention and then spray each corner of your room as you imagine the spray clearing and
transforming any negative energy into positive energy. Then spray some over your head so it falls through your aura while you imagine it cleansing and protecting
Smudging is the burning of herbs to cleanse a person or place of negative energy. Traditionally, you would use white sage or incense purchased from any New Age
shop or mind, body, and spirit show. Native Americans use white sage and an eagle feather. In the Himalayan regions, people use incense. Light the sage or
incense and blow it out so it is just smoldering, then waft the smoke around the room, paying particular attention to corners and behind furniture. Then smudge
through and around someone’s aura. Imagine the smoke cleansing and lifting any negative energy and converting it to positive energy.
Make yourself comfortable, either sitting upright with your back supported and your feet placed firmly on the floor or lying down flat on your back. Focus on your
breathing for a few minutes until you feel yourself relaxing and letting go. Imagine that you are breathing in positive, happy, loving energy and breathing out all
negativity, letting go of everything you don’t need, and with each exhalation, imagine yourself getting lighter or heavier until you find yourself in a very safe place. It
may be an imaginary place or it may be a familiar place from your past where you felt safe, a place that is just right for you. Stay in this place for as long as you
wish, become familiar with it, and know that you can return to it whenever you wish. Then come back to your normal life.
Room Space
You can create a sacred space in your home, but this depends upon the amount of space you have available. If you can set aside a room especially for yourself
and your spiritual work, so much the better. Fill it full of everything that appeals to you, including your most beautiful things, such as crystals, flowers, pictures of
angels, or religious iconography if you are religious.
If you can’t set aside a whole room (and most people can’t), then a corner or a shelf will do just as well. Others make their living room or bedroom their
sacred space by placing items representing each of the elements in their appropriate corners. For instance, put crystals in the north, fountains or flowers (anything
with water) in the west, candles in the south, and incense in the east. This also ensures that the energy in your home is constantly cleansed and balanced.

Cleansing Your Energy Field

Just as we cleanse our physical body on a daily basis, we need to cleanse our energy field of accumulated grime, known as stagnant energy, from a variety of
sources. The cleansing process does not take long, so it can be incorporated easily into your daily life. This cleansing ritual has several benefits. On a short-term
basis, it clears stagnant psychic energy from the system, making you feel lighter and better. On a long-term basis, it frees the circulation of your energy system and
strengthens it, giving you clarity of thought and more capacity for energy storage and channeling. This is advantageous whether you are just going about your daily
business or you are specifically doing psychic or healing work.
There are many methods of cleansing to choose from, and they all begin with setting your intention, using your imagination, and being centered.

Cleansing Techniques
There are times when we need to cleanse our auras of contamination from simply being around or dealing with other people. The following will show you some
practical ways to clear your aura of other people’s unwanted energies.
We are made up of the four elements of fire, earth, air, and water. Each element is associated with different parts of our being, such as our physical, mental,
emotional, and spiritual functions. By noticing where we are out of balance and using complementary elements, we can drain away negative energy while we
charge our energy fields.
If you find yourself feeling sluggish, mentally paralyzed, or unable to work up any enthusiasm, you may simply be overtired, but if this goes on too long and you find
yourself unwilling to get up from the couch, try one of these energizing fire-cleansing methods to rectify the situation.
Burn incense and candles
Stare at a fire
Meditate on a candle flame
Do a vigorous sports activity with running involved
Cup your hands three to five inches around the flame of a candle and exchange energies
Eat red meat protein (peas, beans, or soya if you are vegetarian/vegan), sugary, or spicy foods
Wear or look at the color red
When beginners get into psychic work, they can find themselves feeling fuzzy and spaced out and can even end up with a headache. This can also happen when
we spend so much time over-thinking our problems that we can’t make decisions or get clarity. In these cases, we need to bring ourselves back down to earth by
doing something practical. The following can help:

Do some gardening
Tend a houseplant
Hug a tree
Imagine yourself as a tree, with roots going into the ground and branches in the air
Lie on the floor or on the earth
Walk barefoot
Do some carpentry, crafts, or cookery
Play gentle sports
Eat vegetables, seeds, nuts, and grains
Imagine yourself breathing in the emerald green energy of healing
Wear something green
It is an odd thing, but doing simple mental activities can be relaxing, which is why so many of us enjoy jigsaw puzzles and crosswords. If you find that you need to
change gears and relax in a fresh way, try some of the ideas listed below. Another really simple but effective idea is to open a window or step out of the house or
the workplace when you can and enjoy a breath of fresh air.
Meditate and contemplate
Do puzzles and crosswords
Open windows
Stand in the wind and blow the mental cobwebs away
Wear something blue or white
We all consider water an agent for cleansing, especially when we are preparing food or washing ourselves and our children, but it does have a psychic application
as well. Water can literally wash away psychic matter that sticks to us during the course of a day. Here are a few helpful ideas:

Take a shower and imagine pure divine energy cleansing your aura of negativity
A shower in the morning to cleanse your energy field
If you are short of time, wash your hands in running water
Go for a swim in a river or lake
Sit by a lake or the sea and watch the ripples on the surface of the water
Breathe in sea air
Take a walk in light rain or walk the dog
Take a ten-minute walk in the snow
Drink spring water to cleanse and detox
Wear something light blue

Simple Methods
Negativity and tension are signs that stagnant mental and emotional energy is being held within the astral and etheric fields. This is usually mirrored in the physical
body in muscular tension, stress, and feeling out of sorts or just plain tired.
In cleansing, breathing is by far the most important and powerful technique, especially when used in conjunction with visualization, and it can be done at any
time of day or night, whenever and wherever the need arises. The goal is to stimulate the flow of life force energy through each field, releasing blocks, increasing
the flow, and revitalizing the whole energy field. This brings about greater balance and harmony within and between each body. The breath links the mind and body
and the inner and outer worlds. The Yogic Vedas teach, “Mind follows breath as breath follows mind.” This is such a simple technique and it costs nothing; you
simply have to do it consciously!
The Simplest Thing to Do: Breathing
Focus on your breathing. Set your intention to breathe in the pure white light of peace and love and breathe out all negative energy and tensions. See, sense, and
feel the light moving through you, pushing out darkness and tension and drawing in light and vitality. Whether you sit for one, five, or ten minutes, this simple
exercise cleanses, revitalizes, and refocuses you. It brings peace and it is really useful to do in the middle or at the end of a busy and stressful day. Take a minute
alone and try it out.

Never underestimate the power of a smile! The corners of the mouth are linked to a part of the brain that controls the release of natural happy endorphins. Smiling
lifts your mood and your spirit, and it can help you to breathe more deeply and rhythmically. Even faking a smile releases the mood-enhancing endorphins and does
the job! Frowning is a symptom of worry and it can also cause worry, while too much thinking and analyzing makes you uptight physically, emotionally, and
mentally. So just lift the corners of your mouth a little bit three times; grin and bare your teeth for a few moments and observe what happens. You probably won’t
be able to suppress a big grin. Take a deep breath in and wiggle your fingers and toes while still smiling, and then get on with whatever you are doing. Try it now
and see how it changes the way you feel.

Energy Protection
Are you a psychic sponge who picks up on the moods and energies of others?
Do you sometimes feel invaded by other people?
Do you sometimes feel that you are too influenced by the negativity of others?
If you answer yes to these questions, a little psychic protection could decrease your sensitivity to the vibrations of others and help you avoid absorbing the
energy states of other people. Some psychics imagine a protective mirror around them that transforms negative energy into positive energy and sends it back
where it came from.
It is important to remember and maintain proper ethical boundaries, keeping in mind that you can never act with the intention of harming another person.
Always set your intention for the highest good. We are all human, and we all feel anger, resentment, and even jealousy in those moments before we have cleared
ourselves of low frequency energies. Our emotions and feelings are powerful, and they can affect us and those who are around us. Spiritual tools contain powerful
techniques that can be used positively or negatively. So be careful, and take responsibility for the way you use them. Protection needs to be created on the astral
plane, so when you set your intention in conjunction with your imagination and your thoughts, you create that same reality in the astral plane.

As usual, there are a number of different techniques to choose from. Some are simple and quick, while others take longer. Do practice them all so you can
discover which are the best for you.

Protective Visualization
You will probably find it easier to use the following meditation if you begin by recording the visualization for yourself first. Then relax, make yourself comfortable,
and imagine yourself fully grounded, visualizing roots growing from the soles of your feet down into the ground below. Also imagine your spine growing, drilling into
the ground, and firmly connecting you to the center of the Earth below.
Focus on your inhalation and breathe in positive earth energy up through your roots.
Feel that energy coming up, up, and into your feet, warm and relaxing.
Feel your feet relax and become warmer and warmer, noticing that warm, earth energy coming up through your feet, up into your calves, feeling warm and
As you breathe in, breathe the energy up through your knees and up into your thighs, feeling those thigh muscles relax; feel them become both warm and
heavy, letting go of all tension.
And as you breathe in, feel the energy come up into the base chakra and feel the base chakra open, turning a brilliant shade of red. Some people see their
chakras as flower buds opening, some as crystals taking on color, some as spinning vortices. Whatever you choose to see is just right for you. Feel that
energy spreading around your base, filling your bones, warming and relaxing.
Now breathe the energy up into the sacrum, just below the navel. Feel that sacral chakra turning a beautiful shade of orange, a brilliant orange, and then feel
that chakra spread that orange all the way around—around your hips, around the lower belly, relaxing and warming.

As you breathe the energy up into the solar plexus, feel the solar plexus open and start to turn a brilliant shade of yellow, warm and happy. Feel that energy
spread around your midriff, around your back, taking you to new levels of relaxation.
And as you draw that energy up, up into the heart chakra, feel the heart chakra open, feel your heart open, feel the unconditional love in your heart pouring
out into your aura, into the world. Feel the energy relaxing and warming through your chest, both front and back.
And as you breathe in again, breathe in the energy up to the throat. Feel the throat chakra open, turning a brilliant shade of blue, feeling the throat chakra
As you begin to draw the energy up into your face and up toward the third eye, feel all the muscles in your face relax, those little muscles around the mouth,
nose, and the eyes relaxing; and your jaw relaxes as you draw the energy to the third eye and you feel the third eye open, turning purple.
As you draw the energy up to the crown, feel the energy. You may feel the fontanel on the top of your head begin to tingle and know that beautiful earth
energy is coming out of the top of your head, tumbling down around you and cleansing your aura.
And as you draw this energy together, you are feeling deeply relaxed, very safe, and very secure. You see the energy form a big stream of light going up out
of your head and up into the sky to join with the universal matrix of light and energy. You begin to breathe in the silver golden energy of the universe, down
through your crown, down through your body to your heart, and you know you are drawing down the pure unconditional loving energy from source, from
the godhead.
Fill your body and your aura with unconditional love. The energy passes straight through you and down through your feet to replenish the energy of Mother
See that energy coming out of your crown, filling your aura and forming a hard, transparent shell all around you. Notice the shape and color of this shell.
Whatever shape or color it is, it is just right for you right now.
Know that only the energy of unconditional love can pass through this shell. Anything unpleasant or unwanted will soon go back to the person or place that it
came from. You are truly protected from both deliberate and accidental negative energies affecting you or your life. This shell is so impenetrable that nothing
that is not for your highest good can pass through.
Withdrawing from the Influence of Others
During our day, we automatically connect with others, whether it’s through being with them or by thinking of them. Focusing your attention on an object or person
initiates an energetic relationship even when the other person or thing isn’t aware of your thoughts.
An energy link is established with every person we come into contact with or think about during our day, and this is when energy cords develop, either
consciously or unconsciously. The deeper our involvement, the greater the number and depth of the cords that develop between our energy fields. These
connections unconsciously drain our energy. Have you ever been in a good mood and then suddenly felt dispirited for no apparent reason? This is likely happening
because someone connected to you energetically is feeling angry. They may not be angry with you, but their feelings are hooking into any residual anger you may
have inside yourself. It is therefore useful to consciously disconnect from everyone and everything at least once a day to bring your own energies back to yourself.
It is also essential when doing spiritual work with others to disconnect from the energies of the people you have been working with. This connection also
happens with people, objects, and places we’ve become attached to, whether in this life or a previous one and whether the people are alive or dead.
Disconnecting Exercises
This is the quickest and easiest exercise. Just use a chopping motion in your aura. Professional healers and readers routinely need to cut themselves off from one
client before connecting to the next, and some use this method. Set your intention to cut the energy focus. Then look down toward your heart and solar plexus
chakras and, with your dominant hand, use a chopping motion in a forty-five-degree angle. Slice downward, then up, then down again, to cut away the energy.
Sit opposite someone or hold the person in your mind’s eye.
Close your eyes and become aware of your own energy and space.
Look downward, open your eyes slightly, and be aware of your energy.
Now look up and out at the other person and imagine the flow of energy between you.
Sense how close you feel to them.
Now, close your eyes and maintain the energy connection by continuing to hold your head in an upright position.
When you are ready, set your intention to withdraw from their field, focus on your breathing, and start to draw your own energies back to yourself.
You will feel the moment of disconnection as you become aware that nothing of the other person’s energy is left.
Continue to breathe slowly to reintegrate and circulate the energies around your field.
Breathe normally and observe your state of being.
When you are ready to come back to your day, take a deep breath, stretch, exhale, and open your eyes.
Discuss your experiences with your friend.
This is a great exercise when decluttering your home and throwing things away, especially if you want to withdraw your energy from an object.
Hold the object in your hands or put it down in front of you and look at it.
Close your eyes and become aware of your own energy and space.
Start to remember all the wonderful things about this object and as you remember, breathe all that positive energy into your aura and body.
Be aware of the connection you have to this object.
As you breathe in the energy, notice the energy leaving the object and coming to you.
Continue this process until you are no longer receiving energy from the object.

Alternatively, depending upon the type of object, you may cleanse it using the elements as appropriate. This is essential when purchasing or using secondhand
goods. Some of the following ideas are so sensible you would probably do them anyway, but what makes them work is the intention you place in the process. Set
the intention for the cleansing process to clear all negative energies from something, then either wash it under clean running water, smudge it with incense or sage,
or spray it with a cleansing spray. At the same time, say the following three times: “I hereby cleanse [name the item] of all negative energies.”

Experiencing the Energy of Places

In the chapters covering auras and chakras, we learned about the energy around living things, but places also have their own energy. Natural sites are influenced
not only by their topography and geologic structure but also by the energies of the things that have happened on that land over time. Buildings will concentrate and
influence the natural energies of a site. The construction and design will influence the flow of energy, which affects those who reside within them. Feng Shui and
Geopathic Stress are some areas you may wish to investigate further.

Raising Awareness of Place Energy

Sit comfortably in your chosen place with your feet flat on the ground, hands in your lap, and eyes closed. Activate your chosen protection and see what you
notice. How do you feel? What do you feel? As you breathe, expand your aura out in all directions, filling and becoming at one with the space. Be aware of any
thoughts, images, feelings, or emotions that you have. When you feel you have experienced all there is at this time, gently come back to yourself and breathe your
aura back to yourself and disconnect. Take notes on your experience, then move on to another place, repeat the exercise, and measure the difference in the way
each feels.
here is a lot of misunderstanding about what is meant by the clairs. Most people use the word clairvoyant when they mean mediumship. A medium is someone
T who can connect to a discarnate spirit and bring a message through, whether that spirit is a spirit guide, a nature spirit, an angel, or a person who has passed.
If you have ever been to a spiritual church, you will have been to an evening of clairvoyance where a medium brings through messages. The medium will
probably be using all the clairs to bring that message through, not just clairvoyance.
Psychics and intuitives will use the clairs to get their information. It can be very confusing, because mediums are not always psychics and psychics may not be
mediums, but many are both.
It is generally accepted that everyone is intuitive, and many people have the experience of hearing the phone ring and knowing who the caller is before they
answer. In the days when people corresponded by letter, the letters of friends would often cross in the post. It is just a matter of using your intuition for it to grow.
If you are sensitive, you are intuitive. Many sensitive people are more connected to their inner knowing than others are, and psychic ability is just a deeper
level of intuitive ability. Psychics are extremely sensitive to what is known as the field—the energies that are around people in their auras. The aura is the energy
field surrounding all living organisms. Psychics also tap into the unconscious and even the collective unconscious. A psychic just knows without necessarily
understanding how they know.
Mediums connect to discarnate spirits in the other dimensions, whether they are spirit guides in the fourth dimension (the dimension nearest to us) or angels in
the fifth dimension or higher. Some even contact extraterrestrials.

There are three different levels of mediumship: mental mediumship, overshadowing, and trance mediumship. Here are the differences and similarities among the
three types.

Mental Mediumship
Mental mediumship, which denotes working with spirit guides and the spirits of departed loved ones, is what most people do and are familiar with. Your own spirit
guide will allow other spirits to come forward and give you messages from those spirits who have passed.
When a spirit comes particularly close and can be seen on the medium’s face, it’s called overshadowing. The spirit can give messages directly, but it does not take
possession of the medium. The medium needs to be very relaxed and open to allow a guide to come that close.

Trance Mediumship
Instances when the spirit enters the medium’s body (usually from the back) and possesses the medium are referred to as trance mediumships. This is when the
medium’s voice and mannerisms take on those of the spirit who is giving the message. This is often known as channeling. There are also various levels of trance,
ranging from very light to a state of deep hypnosis.
Some mediums specialize in working with bringing messages from passed loved ones, while others will work more closely with spirit guides and angels. But
how do we receive the information?

The Six Clairs

The six clairs are: clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance, clairscentience, clairgustance, and clairsentience.
Although commonly known collectively as clairvoyance, all the senses are used when developing our psychic, intuitive, and mediumistic abilities. All of us are
capable of all the above types of psychism, but we usually have one predominant sense. One sense will dominate, but the more you practice them, the more each
of them develops.
Even under normal circumstances, when not doing psychic work, a smell or taste can take us back to a particular time and a specific memory. We are all
different, but memory often brings with it an image that conveys a memory or feeling so vividly, it’s as if you are reliving it. A picture speaks a thousand words;
therefore, visual images (clairvoyance) are often a big part of the way we communicate. This is why the more you learn, read, and discover, the more memories will
be stored for you to recall your consciousness.
Sixth sense combines information from all of the clairs to make an inner connection to ourselves. Incarnate spirits, which include people who have passed,
spirit guides, ascended masters, nature spirits, and angels, use all of our knowledge, experience, and all six clairs to get their messages across.

People who are clairvoyant see things in their mind; that is, a picture appears in their head and/or they sometimes (though rarely) actually see people, things, or
places as vividly as if they were real. Very few people see things physically; it is usually an image that appears in their mind’s eye. Some people see someone or
something in their peripheral vision when they are in a deeply relaxed state, either mindlessly watching TV or just falling asleep or waking up. However, most
people see pictures in their head.

Some people are clairaudient, which means they are clear hearing, and manifests as hearing a voice in their head. Sometimes, but very rarely, this can be as clear
as having a telephone conversation with someone, but usually it is like hearing the medium’s own voice in the mind, giving key words or snippets of what spirit is
trying to say. Sometimes it sounds like the voice of someone else rather than their own voice.
Spirit can only work through a medium’s own personal knowledge and experience, so the more widely read and the more you have experienced in your own life,
the more information you can tap into and the easier it is for spirit to communicate with you. Therefore, if you have never spoken or heard a certain word or know
of its use in a particular context, you will not be able to pass it on.
For instance, you may have a Chinese guide, but if you have never learned to speak Chinese, then your guide is very unlikely to be able to get you to speak in
Chinese. There are documented cases of this happening, but it is extremely unusual. Ultimately, it comes down to a spirit using what you know to pass on their
message. The spirit messages will come as thoughts, as remembered experiences, or as things you know from your own database.
Spirit will often work in advance as well. I have sometimes picked up a book and read something that turned out later in the day to be appropriate for the
reading or coaching I was giving to a particular person. Why did I pick up that book and read that chapter that morning? Because spirit knew I would need that
particular piece of information in order to communicate what was necessary to the student. Over the years, that sort of thing has happened so often that I have
ceased asking why, how, or anything else; I just accept it.

Children and Clair Senses

Sometimes children whose crown chakra is more open will actually see passed loved ones sitting in the room with them, and they will even have a
conversation with them. They will see other children and play with imaginary friends. Children are at a stage in their lives when they are naturally more
accepting and willing to believe. However, some children are more sensitive to spiritual manifestation than others.

Clairscentience and Clairgustance

Psychics and mediums may also receive smells, such as particular perfumes people wore, particular flowers, cigarette or pipe smoke, or the smell of the sea. They
also sometimes receive tastes. I remember suddenly getting the taste of brie cheese in my mouth and I could not get rid of it. My client had just lost a cat named
Brie, and one of her questions was whether her Brie was all right. As soon as I mentioned it, the taste in my mouth went away. The cat had given its message.

The vast majority of mediums are clairsentient, which means they sense the energies around their client or nearby and describe what they feel. Spirit will work with
all the senses, both conscious and unconscious, to pass on information. If someone had or has a bad back, for example, they will give the medium a pain in their
own back. Once this part of the message has been passed on, the pain in the medium’s back will disappear. For clairsentients, therefore, it is particularly important
to notice everything that is happening both within and around them, for whatever they notice, remember, see, hear, taste, think, feel, and know will be part of the
Even when not working, intuitive people feel the things that are going on in their world. For example, they would jump out of the way before a car came
careering down the road and save themselves from being hit.
In most cases, spirit does not leave the medium until the message has been passed correctly. Spirit may tap into a combination of senses and the medium’s own
memories to get the message across.

Which Clair Are You?

There are a number of ways you can discover your predominant clair. Look at the following questions and decide how you find the answers—for instance, as a
picture, a voice, a thought, a feeling, a smell, and so on.
What did you have for breakfast?
What is your favorite holiday?
What is it like in some place in the world where you have yet to visit?
What will your next home be like?

Study the kinds of words you use to describe your answers—for instance, are they seeing words, hearing words, or sensing words?

How Do You Approach a Project?

Here is another test to define your primary sense and identify the chakras through which you operate. You may use one chakra for the most part, but you will also
use others, although to a lesser degree. Here is the exercise:
Have you ever purchased one of those flat pack, assembly required, shelving units or pieces of furniture? If so, which of the following best describes your
approach to assembling it?
Type A: You take only a cursory look at the instructions, because you prefer to get stuck into the project, figuring out how it goes together as you

Type B: You look at the pictures to get a sense of how it’s supposed to go together and then maybe read the instructions briefly.

Type C: You read the instructions twice to make sure you understand them, sorting out the pieces as you go along, so that once you start you know
exactly what you have to do.

Type D: You take a quick look through the instructions and all the bits and pieces to get your bearings and it all seems perfectly clear to you, so away
you go.

What Does Your Approach Say About You?

Type A: You are an active person who likes to get things done. You relate more to the sensation plane. What you feel physically is important to you. You have gut
feelings and are sensitive to the energy of places. You may sense the physical conditions of people or even of animals within yourself. A type A person is dominantly
clairsentient and operates mainly from their sacral and solar plexus chakras.

Type B: You are an emotional person who relates to the emotional content of people and situations. You can become over-involved with people or you may be
hypersensitive to the moods of others. You may find crowds difficult because you are easily influenced by the dominant emotional mood of the people around you
and find it hard to differentiate your feelings from those of others. You are dominantly empathic and you operate from your heart chakra.
Type C: You are a logical thinking sort of person. You think about and analyze information before speaking. You may or may not have lots of images in your mind,
but you certainly have lots of thoughts! You operate from the mental plane and predominantly work from the solar plexus and third eye chakras.

Type D: You tend to be an intuitive person who gathers information as a mental impression, which then becomes an image and then an emotion and then a
sensation. You perceive a pattern and process most information through your crown chakra.

Exercises for Developing Your Senses

These exercises not only develop your senses but also help you widen your spiritual knowledge, thus giving you more experience to draw on. All of the following
exercises can be done alone, but if there are friends and family with whom you can practice, so much the better. Take lots of notes so you can check your
Not only do these exercises develop all your clair skills, they are also the basis for more advanced work as a healer and reader. The more often you practice
these exercises, the better you will become. You will find some of these exercises easier than others, but I urge you to persevere through those you don’t care for
as well, because persistence and perseverance will make it all worthwhile in the end. What you gain from these exercises will enhance all areas of your personal
and professional life, not just your psychic and spiritual development. Remember to keep notes on your experiences with each exercise.
Visual Sense: Clairvoyance
Sit with a friend and stare gently past them. The best place to focus is the gap between the head and shoulder. Soften your gaze slightly as if staring into space.
Eventually you will begin to notice their energy, either as a shimmering energy like a heat haze or as color. This is their aura.
Check your chakras by sitting quietly and focusing your mind on each chakra in turn. See if anything comes to mind, such as whether each one is spinning freely or
whether one or two of them feel sluggish. If you are really lucky, you might get a sense of a color in one or two of the auras; take a mental note of dark blobs or
shapes in any of them.
Sit in a comfortable meditative state with your eyes closed and “look” at the inside of your body, part by part, organ by organ, imagining what each looks like on
the inside.
If the weather allows, sit in the garden or park and gently stare at a tree or a bush that is clearly outlined against the sky. Watch the clouds and see what shapes
they make.
The next time your phone rings, resist the urge to look at the caller ID. Before you answer it, close your eyes and imagine who is on the other end of the line.
Another way to do this exercise is to imagine who will be the next person to call you.
Auditory Sense: Clairaudience
Go outside, find a comfortable place to sit, close your eyes, and just listen. What can you hear? First notice the sounds closest to you, then focus your attention
and become aware of sounds farther away. Are you hearing birds, rain, wind, trees, traffic, or airplanes flying three miles above you?
Make a special point to listen carefully when people are talking to you. Can you identify their predominant sense? What type of words are they using? Are they
using seeing, hearing, or feeling words? For instance, are they saying, “I see what you mean,” or “I hear what you say,” or “I know how you feel?” What type of
words do they most often use?
Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and focus on the inside of your body. Listen to what you can hear. Is your stomach rumbling? Can you hear your heart beat? Is
there a ringing in your ears? Can you hear a high-pitched hum? Many people who are naturally clairaudient will, occasionally, hear a high-pitched hum. This is the
hum above the normal human hearing range and the vibrations come from the higher dimensions. If you can’t hear it now, don’t worry; it will develop with time and
Kinesthetic Sense : Clairsentience
Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and focus on your body. What do you feel? Start at the top of your head, the crown, and work down to your toes. If it helps,
touch the part of the body you are sensing and notice how it feels. What sensations are you experiencing?
Imagine white light streaming down through your crown and illuminating your entire body. Notice how it feels. Is the light flowing freely? Are there any parts of the
body where it seems to get stuck?
Take a crystal and hold it in your hand. Close your eyes and notice what you feel. Is it cold? Warm? Does it have a vibration? If so, how does the vibration feel? Is
it just in your hand or is it passing up through your wrist and the rest of your arm? Now try holding a different crystal. What do you feel with this one? How
different is it? Take notes after you have practiced with various crystals, holding each one at a time and then holding them in your other hand as well.

Montessori Schools

Interestingly, Montessori schools concentrate on allowing children to develop all their senses during their lessons and natural periods of rest from an early
age, in order to encourage their spiritual development.

Gather a few envelopes or bags and items of various colors, such as paper or ribbons. Place each color in an envelope or bag and mix them up so you don’t know
which is which. Pick up one of the envelopes or bags and hold it between your hands. Close your eyes and focus on the energy between your hands. What do you
sense? How does it feel? What color might it be?
You can develop your sense of taste and smell as well. As you are preparing a meal, notice what each individual vegetable feels like, what it smells like, and once
cooked, focus on the flavor of each individual mouthful. Notice how it feels in your mouth, what it tastes like, and how it changes as you chew. Try this with lots of
different types of food and drink. Not only will you discover what you like most and appreciate it more, you will probably spend more time chewing, getting more
enjoyment from each meal while also improving your health and diet.

Psychometry, the art of tapping into the energy of an object, is a common method used to connect to people, places, and things. It’s also very easy to do. Take an
object in your hand and see if you can pick up on something. This could be a feeling, a mental picture of something happening, or even a feeling that the person has
an illness or a weakness in a particular part of their body.
Ask someone (preferably someone you don’t know very well) if they have a watch or a piece of jewelry that only they have worn. Hold it in your hands and see
what pictures, feelings, words, or memories start coming to mind. Ask all those inner questions we have practiced, such as whether they are healthy or otherwise,
happy or otherwise, or whether something interesting is happening in their lives. You can imagine what the object tells you about someone. After all, not only does
the person wear it, allowing the object to absorb their energy over time, but they also probably chose it. Even if it was chosen for them, they must like it, or they
wouldn’t wear it.
While people are developing their clairs, they often get together and sit in what is called a development circle, or simply a circle.
While sitting in your circle, you can hold articles people have brought that have been worn by their loved ones who have passed. Alternatively, they might bring
a photograph to help you connect to someone in the spirit world. Hold the article of clothing or the photo and ask yourself what kind of person this was, what was
going on in their lives, and what they might want to say to those left behind.

This exercise will help you develop your mediumistic abilities. The thoughts that come to you, and the things you remember, hear, feel, taste, smell, or
experience, are part of the message you can pass along to the client. Developing your clairs will make you more aware of the world around you and of the energy
and feelings of those with whom you interact.
here are a number of different ways of finding your guide, and everyone has their own personal preference. Many people use a pendulum, but for most the best
T way is through a guided visualization. In this chapter, we will work with both of these methods. Meeting your spirit guide is a very personal experience. Once
you have experienced meeting him or her, you can return to the moment very quickly in your mind’s eye or by using any of the other methods described on
the following pages.

What Is a Spirit Guide?

Spirit guides are human beings who have lived many lifetimes, acquiring great knowledge and wisdom along the way. As part of their own soul evolution, they’ve
agreed to assist people who are living today. They offer love, guidance, and wisdom, and they help you reach your full potential. They can help you see the
direction your life will take as it follows your soul’s plan for this lifetime. Guides are very wise and loving, and they will always answer your questions, as long as
knowing the answer serves your highest good. They will offer guidance, inner knowledge, and inner peace, but they will not make decisions for you. You are the
creator of your life and only you can choose whether you heed their advice or not.

Spirit Guides

Spirit guides can be a family member who has passed, but they must have passed before you were born.

Finding Your Spirit Guide

You have one main guide for all of this lifetime. (It might be helpful to know that your guardian angel is with you for all of your souls’ lifetimes, however many
incarnations you might have.) He or she is often referred to as the doorkeeper. This spirit is appointed at your birth to assist you in drawing up this lifetime’s
contract. Your contract is an outline of the experiences you intend to have, and it lists the main players you intend to interact with at certain times in your life.

Those who have passed during your lifetime can come into your life and watch over and guide you through the rest of your life, depending upon their own
evolutionary level and growth. Many do, but they are not your main guide and doorkeeper.

Guardian Angels

Your guardian angel cannot be a loved one, because angels are not human; they are energy.
You may have other guides assisting you with different phases of your life, depending upon your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs at any given
If you find yourself being drawn to different countries or interests, such as Egypt, shamanism, crystals, or healing, you will be experiencing the energies of
guides who have that particular knowledge and experience. It is also possible that they will have guided you through lifetimes that are linked to their own fields of
knowledge. They will guide you through acquiring and reconnecting to the knowledge and experience that you need for your contract in this lifetime. They will also
show you how to deal with any associated karma. This is the generally accepted view of a guide and their role.
Another school of thought is that you have just the one guide and they appear in different guises from their own different lifetimes and bring the appropriate
knowledge and information as needed. Whether there is one guide or many is not important; it’s your connection to your guide and the clarity of your channel if
you wish to receive the love, wisdom, and guidance they have to share with you.
Each individual’s soul experience and evolution depends upon the vibration at which he or she is operating and the vibratory level at which the guides will be
working. Hence the different energies we experience as we work with them.

A quick and easy method of connecting to your spirit guide is to use a pendulum, but keep in mind that this works only for simple yes or no questions. This is a
form of dowsing, a method in which a wooden or metal rod is used to discern physical items within the energetic field, such as the Earth’s ley lines or water that is
below ground. But pendulums are used instead of a rod for connecting to your higher self or spirit guide and for getting yes or no answers.
There are a number of different types of pendulums available on the market, and the best are made from natural elements such as crystals, wood, or metal. The
chain or string should be about six inches long with a weight that isn’t too heavy. In fact, any kind of weight on a chain or string will work. Some people say you
should use different pendulums for different types of work; for example, one for questions to spirit guides, one for questions to your higher self, one for healing, and
so on. I have known workmen to use a plumb line for spiritual work, while I tend to use whatever necklace I happen to be wearing. The important point to
remember is that there are a limited number of questions you can ask with a pendulum, so formulating your questions in just the right way becomes very important.

Pendulum Exercise
Set your intention so that you know what you want the pendulum to do. Now, in your mind ask if your spirit guide will answer some questions for you on that
topic. Ask what it will do for a yes answer and what it will do for a no answer.
Many purists will tell you that you have to start the pendulum moving by swinging it back and forth. In my experience, this is not necessary and it limits the
number of responses that the pendulum can give. Try beginning by swinging the pendulum back and forth, and then try it again while keeping the pendulum still to
see what works best for you.
1. Hold your pendulum in your left hand at the top of the chain.
2. Rest your elbow on a surface so you are comfortable.
3. Ask your spirit guide which way it is going to swing for yes, and then watch to see whether it swings back and forth, swings side to side, or spins
clockwise or counterclockwise. Whatever it does is your answer for yes.
4. Then repeat the process by asking which way it is going to swing for no. Watch carefully for the response.
You are now ready to ask simple yes or no questions. This approach has its limits, however, because many questions aren’t answerable with a yes or a no.
Sometimes the answer is maybe or even it doesn’t matter. This is why beginning from a standing start gives you more options; now your pendulum can move in
four different directions. If your pendulum is rotating clockwise for yes and counterclockwise for no, then it could choose to go back and forth for maybe and side
to side for it doesn’t matter. Sometimes another good answer is not yet.

Your Spiritual Journey

Not all spirit guides choose to communicate through pendulums, so don’t worry if you don’t get anything at first. Move on to the spiritual journey work
instead and come back to this later.

For instance, take a question like, “Should I change my career?” This is obviously the start of many different associated questions, and you need to be very
specific to ensure you do not misunderstand the answers. Remember there is no linear time in spirit, or clocks or calendars, so you may want to refine the answer
with other questions such as, “What type of work should I do?” but revised to allow the pendulum to provide a yes or no response. Instead you could ask,
“Should I do spiritual work?” Again, you may get a yes answer. But, as much as you may want to quit your job right now, the time may not be right, so always
clarify by asking something like, “Will this happen within three months?” or “Will this happen within six months?” and so on. Now practice with some questions of
your own. Take notes on your experiences and how they develop.

Meditation for Meeting Your Spirit Guide

Take the time to record this exercise first so that you can play it back to yourself. This will allow you to focus on the experience of meeting your guide, asking
questions, and taking in the answers you receive rather than trying to remember the exercise. You can also download a meditation for meeting your spirit guide
from my website,
By now, you will be very familiar with some parts of the process, and you should be able to do them quickly, but you will see more benefits if you take your
time and return to the basics.

Make sure you are comfortable and that you have at least half an hour of undisturbed time. Turn off the phone and create a relaxing atmosphere. If you have
been burning incense or aromatherapy oils with other exercises, feel free to continue, but make sure it’s not likely to set something on fire. Start by using a
grounding meditation, opening your chakras, breathing out your aura, and protecting yourself.
Imagine yourself in a safe place, and while you are in your safe space, notice a pathway leading off in one direction or another, perhaps going up a hill.
Start to follow the path and see what you notice about the trail. Is it wide and easy to follow? Is it straight or does it meander?
Does it pass through forests or does it keep to meadows, or a little of both?
How do you feel as you walk the path of your life?
Take as long as you wish for the journey.
As you continue walking, you see, sense, or feel a building ahead of you; this is where you will meet your spirit guide.
Take time to observe the structure. What type of building is it? What is it made of? Is it large or small?
What type of doors and windows does it have?
Remark on what you notice as you approach the building and knock on the door.
Your guide opens the door and invites you in.
What does he or she look like?
If you can’t see anything, imagine what your guide might look like.
If you can’t sense anything, ask what lifetime he or she is in at present, and imagine his or her answers.

Tuning In

You will be able to return to this place quickly in the future, just by tuning in.

Notice what you see about the inside of the building as you follow your guide and settle down somewhere within to talk.
Visualize the place you are in and look around you.
Ask your questions of your guide, then ask if there is anything he or she would like to say to you.
Spend as much time as you like with your guide. When you are ready, return back down your pathway to your safe space.
Notice the path is easier now; close down your chakras, breathe in your roots, and gently come back into your room.
Well done.

Have a glass of water and write down some notes. Maybe draw a picture of your journey, including the building and your guide, because many more
unconscious truths are revealed in a drawing than in words. There may be a lot that you do not understand, as there will be several layers of information for you to
connect to within this journey, and not all of them are obvious. Learning how to decipher the deeper unconscious meanings of this experience will be invaluable for
your future development. As you practice, you can return to this exercise whenever you wish.
e are all psychic to some degree, and while training, you will identify and hone your natural abilities. Whether you choose to use them to enhance your own life or
W become a professional psychic is up to you. Whatever techniques you use, you will be attuning yourself to those around you, whether they are loved ones,
friends, colleagues, or clients. You will be opening yourself to their vibrations on many levels and feeding back to them what you perceive in a compassionate
and sensitive way.
Psychics act as mirrors to clients. We empower them to see things in new ways, to take different, more informed approaches to their choices, and to reflect
thoughtfully on the way those different views affect their lives. By reading the patterns of the past, a psychic can help the client look back on those choices and their
outcomes. The psychic can identify repeating negative patterns and help the client take more personal control over their decisions and their future. It is often a matter
of reframing a situation to give the client a different perspective on what is troubling them.
Everyone is different and unique, yet we each unconsciously assume others will react and feel as we would when, in fact, they rarely do. This sounds simple, but
it’s not. Even professionals appreciate the validation they get from clients who call up later to say, “You were right!”

Is This Real?
One commonly asked question is, “Is it real or just my imagination?” Look back over your experience and see the many times that you have been “right.” This kind of
thing will happen more often as you develop, so accept the results as being true and don’t deny them.
Since childhood, we have been taught to accept as valid the things that can be proven by science, and yet we know a lot that cannot necessarily be explained by
science. Through the ages, people have reported and experienced things that are not easy to explain scientifically. This does not mean it is untrue or “just your
imagination”; it simply means there is currently no scientific explanation. The hardest thing to do is not only to learn to be attentive to your inner perceptions but also to
have the courage to act upon your internal knowledge.
In ancient Greece, astronomers believed the Earth orbited the sun, but this knowledge was somehow lost. By the Middle Ages, most people believed the sun and
stars orbited the Earth. Now science has proven that the ancient Greeks were correct, and we “know” the Earth orbits the sun. Yet our eyes still tell us that everything
in the sky revolves around us.

What are messages, and how do we receive them? We communicate all the time, and not just verbally. We communicate subliminally as well by using body language,
tone, facial expressions, and more. We are in constant communication with others and with the world around us, both consciously and unconsciously. This includes the
subliminal information we receive through the energy around us, through our higher and lower selves, and through spirit guides and other spiritual beings.
We receive some messages from out of the blue, while others are processed through our senses, thoughts, and experiences. We can also ask for messages. When
we ask ourselves questions, we create an etheric pathway on the astral plane, and our intent draws the answer to us. This may come from deep within our unconscious
selves or from spirits who inhabit another dimension.
You can get lost in theory if you try to discern exactly how you receive these messages, but rest assured you will receive them in myriad ways from different
sources. The “how” becomes a lot less important than the “what.” What we do know, however, is that the more relaxed you are, the easier it is to receive messages.

Mental Messages (Claircognizance): These come in many different ways, the easiest of which are answers to inner questions, which often turn up as a random
thought. I have had messages just pop out of my mouth as well, and I wonder where they came from.

Image Messages (Clairvoyance): These appear unbidden in your mind’s eye. They often come in dreams or in guided meditations. If you are a visual person, you
can use an image to kick-start a chain of images that will impart information to you. For instance, you could imagine a series of events appearing on a television in your

Feeling Messages (Clairsentience): These are physical sensations or emotions within the body. For instance, if you are particularly clairsentient, when you step into
a room and pick up the emotional atmosphere of the room itself or of the people in it, you may feel people’s physical symptoms, such as backaches, headaches, and
so on. If you are psychically protected, you will experience this only when doing a reading. Should you be in a crowd and experience aches and pains that are unusual
for you, ask yourself if these sensations do not apply to you and, if so, for them to be removed. When giving readings, I invariably find myself experiencing a variety of
aches and pains, and once I have given the message and the client has understood it correctly, the feeling disappears. If the pain doesn’t go away, then I know there is
a message for me there as well. For instance, a headache is often a sign of dehydration. It can be reminding me I need to drink more water rather than sending me the
message that my client has a headache.
Signs, Portents, and Coincidences: These happen when events seem to be linked by repeating patterns or when you ask for signs to be given to you. People who
need to make decisions often ask for signs to show them the way.

Interpreting Messages
If you receive a message when giving a reading, you need to respect it and to deliver it, even if the message is difficult to understand. Often when doing readings, we
do not necessarily understand the meaning of the messages ourselves, which is why it is so important to just pass on what you are getting without trying to interpret it.
It is natural to try to interpret something according to our own experience, but the message will be clearer if you just pass it on.

When Training and Practicing

When trying your hand at giving readings, remember that everything that crosses your mind is important, whether it is a personal memory, a pain, an example, or a
When I was training, I remember apologizing to one sitter because I couldn’t seem to get any psychic information for her. All I could think about were my own
memories. I found myself remembering my grandmother, family holidays to Switzerland, speaking four languages at lunch, going to Champéry, taking chairlifts, learning
to ski, and the pain as my knees gave way whenever I tried to stop the skis. When I explained all this, the woman smiled at me and said, “But that’s my life. I live in
Switzerland, and we all use whichever language best conveys what we want to say, which means we use any of Switzerland’s four official languages, plus English. We
live in the adjacent valley to Champéry and I have never been able to ski properly because I hurt my knee as a child when trying to stop sliding down a hill!” This
shows that when you find something entering your head, you should always pass it on to a client, because what you say will be relevant to your client, even when it
makes no sense to you.
Literal messages are usually straightforward and relate to something obvious, but sometimes they don’t make any sense. I remember bringing a client’s late
husband through and I clearly saw a bunch of pink roses. I interpreted this to mean that pink roses were her favorite flower, but she denied this. I set the image of
roses aside and we went on to talk about other things, but the vision of a bunch of pink roses stayed with me. Twenty minutes after we ended the reading, she
telephoned me to say a friend of her husband’s whom she had recently helped had just sent her a bouquet of pink roses as a thank you.

Symbolic messages, such as seeing a white dove, are usually more complex and often appear out of context. For me, a white dove means peace and love. But for
those in other cultures, it could mean life or death instead. There is an enormous margin for error in trying to interpret the meaning of a white dove, but telling someone
about a symbol you have seen allows the client to make his or her own interpretation. Sometimes when giving a reading, I receive a message that I don’t understand,
but when I share it with my client, they know exactly what I am talking about.

Our higher selves, spirit guides, and angels often use symbols, and sometimes dreams, to send messages. Pictures speak a thousand words. Caduceus, the staff
carried by Hermes in Greek mythology, is a symbol commonly used in the medical profession to represent healing. Two snakes entwine around a central rod with
wings at the top. The snakes cross each other at all the chakra points, from the base to the third eye. The rod can represent the body, the snakes activate the chakras,
the third eye opens to cosmic knowledge, and Kundalini, a form of divine feminine energy, rises up the rod and out of the crown, forming the wings.
I always notice the wings, so I have to consider what wings mean to me. Wings symbolize being a free spirit, so they remind me of restrictions on my life. Snakes
may be what someone else notices, and therefore they need to consider what snakes mean to them. For instance, a snake sheds its skin as it grows, so perhaps it is
time to shed the skin and let the spirit fly to a new place or to open a new chapter in life. The rod may indicate that the person has the strength and backbone
necessary to make it happen. Or it may mean that they need to strengthen their backbone before they begin.
Symbols have different meanings across cultures, which is yet another reason to interpret symbols according to what they mean to you. For instance, in Western
cultures, owls usually mean wisdom, but in Native American cultures, the owl may indicate deception. In most stories, horses mean power, but for others they are
about freedom. By focusing on these meanings, you will begin to see a pattern emerging that will point you in the direction you need to take in life or confirm that
where you are and what you are currently doing is just right. This is why it is so important to interpret symbols yourself.

What to Do with the Information We Receive?

Once information has been received, we have various options. Keep in mind, though, that it is important to think before blurting something out that might upset a client.
We can tell the client right away.
We can hold on to the information until a more appropriate moment arises.
We can save it for future consideration or reference, either by remembering it or by writing it down.
We can discard it as useless.

Interpretation Skills—Practice Makes Perfect

Once you’ve received information from upstairs, the next step is to learn how to interpret and express it with confidence. At this point, it can be so useful to work
with a group. Others in the group will often get similar information, and sharing these experiences can spark a memory or an idea. Sharing ideas and brainstorming
about what messages may mean can help build your confidence and that of the others in the group. The more you express your inner perceptions and have them
validated, the more confident you will become in the truth of your perceptions and in sharing them with others.

Asking Inner Questions

Asking inner questions is a very important part of psychic work. It is like opening the door to receiving the information that you want and that your client requires. For
instance, most clients want to know about their relationships. Formulating and asking your guides if the client wants to know about relationships builds a bridge
between your conscious mind, your unconscious mind, and spirit. If the answer is no, you can ignore that area of the client’s life and move on, but if it is yes, then you
will need to go into more detail. It is therefore very important to ask clear and precise questions of your guide.
Avoid vague words or phrases and be precise about the questions you or your clients have for spirit to answer. People invariably want to know about all areas of their
lives. Asking general questions such as, “What is the way forward?” is too vague, and any information that you receive from spirit will be difficult to apply. Ask a
precise question such as, “What is the way forward with regard to my career?”
It is often best to start with a yes or no question and then drill down for more detailed information.
When asking yes or no questions, make sure you frame them in such a way that they can only be answered with a yes or a no. This pattern is a good example:

Will my client move to a new house?

When? Within three months?
Six months?
Within a year?
Where will the house be?



This country?


Which country?
What type of home will it be?
Is it a bungalow, flat, house, how many bedrooms does it have, what color is it, what does the surrounding area look like? (Follow questions about numbers and
colors with a list of specific options, pausing after each for the answer.)
I sense a white building, high on a hill overlooking the sea, or a four-bedroom house on a road near the center of town.

Learning to ask spirit clear, focused questions will also be useful as you learn other kinds of divination techniques, such as card reading or I Ching.

Identifying Patterns
In addition to interpreting inner information, it is important to identify any patterns that appear in the answers you receive. Patterns are always an indication of
something significant, and they may suggest that something needs to change. Make it a point to notice what is repeated in the images, thoughts, or feelings you receive.
Recognizing what a particular symbol means for you and identifying it is key. For instance, seeing green around someone may mean they are a natural healer and
that they need to be working in the healing professions. It may mean this is a grounded person. An owl may mean wisdom, but combined with a book, it could mean
learning new things and developing wisdom. Trash bags could mean it’s time to clear out unused items and get organized.
Keep an eye out for repetitions of colors, people, or places that you know, because symbolic or literal, the repeated pattern will be important in the way you
interpret the information.
When giving a reading, tell a story, taking the different elements and linking them together in a logical flow of information. There is nothing more frustrating than
receiving bits of information without any context.

Giving a Reading
First, ensure you are fully open and protected. While centering yourself, notice how you feel physically, emotionally, and mentally. Then connect to your client and take
note of the difference as you tune into their energy.
Readers use many different means of divination, but an easy way at this stage is to hold the client’s hand or to ask them if you could hold their watch, a piece of
their jewelry, or a bunch of their keys. Ensure that whatever you hold belongs to them and has only ever belonged to them and been used by them.
See what you can pick up and communicate everything you are experiencing. If nothing is coming through, ask those inner questions. If you can practice telling a
story, start by explaining the way the client feels right now. This will help the client relax, and it shows you are connected to them, which will make it easier for them to
accept the information you relate next. Then move on to the past, present (again), and future. Cover all areas of their life in the present, and give probable outcomes
for the future, focusing on relationships, work, career, family, and perhaps health.
Ask the client if the information is making sense to them. If not, go back to when it last did and begin again, formulating clearer questions. When you have finished,
always ask a client if they have any other questions they need to have answered. This is particularly important because they might have something on their mind that
you haven’t yet identified. Sometimes the client may be so worried about an important question that he or she is holding it tightly in the mind and energy field, making it
much more difficult to pick up. Alternatively, it may be something they are embarrassed about and prefer to keep hidden.
Remember that everything you experience while you are doing a reading is relevant in some way or other, even when a client does not readily accept it.
The only way forward is to practice, practice, practice. With each exercise you do and with every reading you give, you will discover more about how you receive
messages and what they mean to you and to others. Over time, you will perfect your own individual strengths and style.
When you finish, remember to disconnect from your client, cleanse yourself and your aura, and close yourself down.
verything you have learned thus far is essential to your psychic, spiritual, and personal development, but it also applies if you choose to become an energy healer or
E counselor. You might also like to work with a method that aids or kick-starts your psychic readings, that complements them, or that is so different that it adds a
fresh touch to your usual psychic work.
The following are the most common forms of divination, though many other methods can be found around the world. Some systems, like astrology, numerology,
and palmistry, are technical by nature and do not require any psychic ability to carry them out—though this usually develops naturally over time.

You Can Read Anything

It is possible to read anything. You can learn to read tea leaves, coffee grounds, sand, grit, bones, stones, or anything else. Once, when I was put on the spot, I
read the froth from a latte! The late Dave Bingham once handed a client a bag of what people in the United States call chips and what we in the United
Kingdom call potato crisps. He asked the client to squeeze the bag in order to break up the contents, and then to pour them out onto a plate, whereby Dave
read the result!

Astrology involves reading the placement and movement of the planets in relation to the Earth and someone’s specific time and place of birth. A natal chart is a map of
the person’s incarnating energies at birth, and it describes the main issues the client has come to you to discover. Astrology traces personality and sometimes karmic
purpose. It has been used throughout the ages and developed in different ways around the world. Astrology is a very mental type of divination that is a craft—perhaps
even a science— and it takes a great deal of study. The most common forms of astrology are Western astrology, Chinese astrology, and Vedic astrology, which is also
called Hindu astrology.

You probably already know a little about astrology, such as your own sun sign and those of your family and friends, and you may already have had an astrology
reading. You may be interested to know that your rising sign has more influence on your early programming than your sun sign, and you may know how each planet
affects your character. You may realize that each planet and each feature on your chart moves by progression and transit and that this affects your life and your future.

Aura Reading
Someone who connects to the client’s aura, and who can specifically see or sense the colors of the astral field, can tap into the physical, emotional, mental, and
spiritual bodies and interpret their meaning. By now, you should be able to connect to people’s auras even if you can’t see them, but if you are lucky enough to see the
colors in auras, your knowledge of color will create a deeper and more meaningful reading.
There are many types of cards, and they are used as aids. They fall into four main categories.

Oracle Cards
These cards come in many shapes and sizes, and some have a lot of text on them. They are very easy to read, but they don’t allow much room for intuitive
interpretation. They can be applied to all areas of day-to-day life, such as career, relationships, family, health, money, work, moving house, and so on. Some sets of
oracle cards are specifically geared toward spiritual growth.

Energy Cards
These are usually abstract in style. They are very colorful, and they rarely have more than one word on them, if that. They can be a useful way of kick-starting a
thoughtful interpretation.

Angel Cards
Angel cards usually hold a higher vibration and can be used for inquiring into spiritual development and soul journey, although many people also use them for more
general day-to-day matters, such as careers and relationships.

Tarot Cards
Tarot cards are the most common and the oldest cards. Myriad card decks have been developed over the years and around the world. A tarot deck consists of a set
of seventy-eight cards, split into what is known as twenty-two Major Arcana cards and fifty-six Minor Arcana cards. Each card carries illustrations and symbols, and
each represents a different type of energy or condition. Each card includes a vast amount of symbolism, creating particular meanings in themselves as well as feelings
that may be associated with those meanings. This is the most important aspect of tarot. Each card holds its own energy, and the key factor is the way the card feels to
you, your own take on the symbols.

There are a number of different ways of laying out the cards. The layouts are called spreads, and there will be yet more meanings, depending upon the context
and position of the card within any spread and reading. Some readers allow the clients to shuffle the cards, while others prefer to shuffle them themselves. The cards
are then laid out in whichever spread pattern the reader prefers, and the reader then starts the interpretation.
Most decks come with a written booklet explaining the meaning of each card, but it isn’t necessary to learn all the meanings. You can use your own intuition and
knowledge to interpret the cards, or you can learn the basic meaning of each card and use it as a jumping-off point to energize your own intuition.
Tarot cards allow you to look into the life and the opportunities around your client and to show what went on in the past, what is happening in the present, and
where things will go in the future. A reading will show you the likely outcomes of different courses of action, thus allowing you greater control and choice in your life.
Tarot readings cover all aspects of life—spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental—both by the meanings of cards and the specific layout that you use. You can
also use more cards to look into a particular area of a client’s life. Such foreknowledge allows a client to obtain greater control and choice in life. A general reading
will give more of an overview of life, while an in-depth tarot reading will provide a psychological profile, a month-by-month breakdown, or even a kind of astrological

Color Readings
The reader asks the client to choose three colors from a selection of colored cards, ribbons, or crystals. The reader then interprets the colors chosen by the client.
Obviously, this requires an in-depth knowledge of colors, their meanings in different cultures, and their psychological meanings.

An empath uses the ability to tune into emotions. We are all empaths to some degree. It is essential for those who are particularly empathetic to protect themselves
and to separate their own emotions from those of their clients.

Face Readings
Face reading is a science that can be learned, but it is amazing how much you already know unconsciously. Face reading has developed in different forms around the
world, so, for example, the Chinese methods are very different from the Western methods, but they are both very accurate. With face reading, you can connect to a
client’s health, psychology, ego, and soul preferences. You can see major trauma and even tell when the trauma occurred and whether the issue has been released and
dealt with or not.

Mediums and Channelers

Mediums connect to discarnate spirits, people who have passed, spirit guides, ascended masters, and angels. They use all their senses, especially clairvoyance and
clairaudience, and their psychic ability. They act as a medium between the spirit and the client by transmitting information either by reporting what the spirit says or by
directly channeling the message through their voice. Channeling occurs when the medium allows a spirit to enter into the medium’s own energy field and share the
medium’s etheric body. This enables the spirit to speak directly using the medium’s physical body through gesture and voice. The medium then shares the thoughts and
emotions and any physical sensations obtained from spirit with the client.
The best way to continue developing your mediumistic abilities is to contact your local New Age shop, as they will know of someone who is running a
development circle. Most spiritualist churches have circles and mediumship development classes.

Trance Mediums
Trance mediums allow the energy of the spirit to enter their etheric field at a deeper level. The medium is usually in a light trance where they retain their own awareness
and consciousness. Very rarely, they may enter a deep trance state where they completely lose contact with their own awareness and are taken over almost entirely.
To become a trance medium, you will need to sit in a circle and practice. Like everything else, this skill comes more naturally to some than to others.

Mental Intuitive
Mental intuitive people perceive mental patterns. Information “drops into their minds,” and they receive mental impressions that are not primarily pictures or feelings.
They do not hear other spirit voices but their own voice in their heads, because this is the way the spirits have chosen to communicate with them. This is quite
common, as many spirit guides are highly intelligent and have very strong minds.
Nature Readings
With nature readings, you need to be particularly versed in the element you are using, be it flowers, crystals, bones, matchsticks, or some other natural material. Hence
if you are using flowers, then not only is the color of the flowers an important part of the reading but also its energy, its psychological properties, and even a certain
amount of its symbolism. With crystals, you need to know what each crystal represents and what each color means. Bone reading, a skill that is part learned and part
intuitive, is surprisingly accurate.

This is the science of reading the shape, color, lines, and texture of the hands. The hands will reflect not only the chosen life path of the client but also their experiences
and changing consciousness and their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. As with other divination methods, differing styles of palmistry have
developed around the world, including Ayurvedic palmistry, Chinese palmistry, and Western palmistry.
Our hands give off energy, so some readers tune into them not by actually reading the hands, but by using psychism. Everyone reaches out and holds someone’s
hand to give them comfort or to lead them. Hands are a natural part of our lives.

A psychometrist takes an object, such as a watch, a piece of jewelry, or a bunch of keys, and tunes into it. The idea is to determine the history of the object or to use
it as a link to the client. The reader would perceive the information via their own psychic strengths.

Before the Germanic peoples of Western Europe adopted the Latin alphabet, pictorial symbols were used and carved into stones, and these became known as runes.
These figures date as far back as the Neolithic period, but they later developed into the more abstract glyphs composed of lines that are similar to capital letters in our
own alphabet. This traditional form of divination and communication has been used extensively by the Nordic and Celtic peoples. Runes usually consist of a set of
twenty-two wooden tiles, stones, or crystals, which are engraved or embossed with shapes. Selecting individual tiles or a series of tiles, which are then laid out in a
predetermined pattern, provides answers and advice on the way forward in life.
Here, the reader uses some form of reflective object to see reflected pictures and patterns. A number of different methods are used for this, the most common being
the crystal ball. This can be either a natural clear quartz ball or a human-made leaded crystal ball of any size. It acts as a focus. The reader (using their most prominent
clairs) will see pictures and/or sense patterns in the crystal. Quartz crystals are known to vibrate and connect to certain frequencies and are thus used in all forms of
modern communications, such as radios, watches, and computer chips.
Water has been used over the centuries in different parts of the world, especially by the Greeks and Romans. The psychic enters a trancelike state and stares into
the water until the movement of different images make sense, at which point the reader passes on the information.
Sand reading started out in Egypt as geomancy, but these days, the reader uses a smooth tray of sand and asks the client to swish their hands through the sand to
“mess it all up.” The reader then reads and interprets the patterns in the sand.

Time and time again, it has been demonstrated to me through my own experiences with different psychic tools that while the techniques and tools differ, in the end
the messages are very similar. Remember that all information is filtered through the individual reader’s conscious and unconscious knowledge and passed on
through the reader’s individual energy field. Therefore, the more you read and experience, while developing yourself both psychically and spiritually, the more
easily you will connect to your higher self and to spirit guides. A stronger connection to these guides means you will be able to interpret messages with confidence
and clarity, regardless of the tools you choose to explore and use. Remember, practice makes perfect—you have reached the end of this book, but your journey is
just beginning.

Good luck,
From the Greek, astra meaning “star.” The etheric layer, which relates the personal body to the planetary body.

From the Sanskrit, meaning “air,” as well as the Latin, meaning “a breeze.” The sum total of all the different layers of an energy field.

Axis, pivot, hub, midline, or point toward which things move or are drawn. Centeredness is a desirable state to strive for in psychic work. It means your attention
is located more within than without, making it possible for you to be more insightful.

To command, to regulate, to direct, or to restrain. Appropriate control is something we all want to achieve over all aspects of our lives.

This is the life force manifested at every vibrational frequency—electrical, solar, and so on. This word is freely used within the context of personal development
work as we seek to understand the movement and transformations of life force within the human experience.

To watch systematically. Observation is an important skill to develop as it enables you to change how you take action.

An arrangement of forms or colors, a design. In psychic work, we look for patterns of behavior, such as habits or patterns of meaning through repetitive images or

To obtain knowledge through the senses. Psychic perception is the ability to gain knowledge through the extraphysical senses.

The capacity for action.

Derived from the Greek word psyche, meaning “pertaining to the soul, spirit, or mind.” Psyche is the root of the words psychic, psychology, and psychiatry.
Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and its activities. Psychiatry is the study and treatment of mental disorders. So, what then is the relationship between
the mind and the soul? Some psychologists’ approach to understanding the mind and behavior do not seem to include the soul. Our psychic self relates our soul to
the pattern of our mind and spirit and stores our life experiences.

The spiritual and immortal part of the human being and the seat of emotion, sentiment, and aspiration. This is the center of moral and intellectual power, of vigor,
energy, and the essence of moving spirit. It relates to being human. The soul is an intelligence in which the sum total of all incarnation experiences is gathered. We
have only limited access to all these experiences. Prior to incarnation, certain areas are identified that the soul seeks to perfect. Upon incarnation, a pattern is
created for the individual that is reflected down the planes of manifestation. For example, the soul chooses the parents, who provide the genetic structures and
socioeconomic conditions for the individual’s optimum growth of consciousness in this particular lifetime.

A discarnate being, which may be a guide or a person who has died and crossed over to the other side.
Joylina is an inspirational speaker, life coach, counselor, angel expert, psychic clairvoyant, healer, teacher, and author. She gave up a career in professional services
marketing in 2000 so that she could use her life-coaching and counseling skills. She has been a Reiki master since 1997. She set out to help people with their
personal and spiritual development and to enable them to live happy, healthy, and rewarding lives. She has written three books, including the acclaimed Your Angel
Journey. The two others are about psychic development and the tarot and are in the process of being published by Zambezi Publishing Ltd.
Joylina was president of the British Astrological and Psychic Society and was responsible for creating and updating many of their courses as well as assessing
new members. She is now a consultant member of MBS Professionals Ltd. She avidly believes in maintaining high ethical standards and integrity within her chosen
field of personal and spiritual development and all things related to mind, body, and spirit. She has taught at the College of Psychic Studies in London as well as
traveled to many spiritual energy spots around the world, leading spiritual workshops and retreats.
Currently she focuses on writing and developing her own line of training courses while also caring for her parents and grandchildren. She lives in the southwest
of England and enjoys walking her dogs along the beautiful Jurassic Coast that she has made her home.
air cleansing, 84–85
air element exercises, 81–82
angel cards, 131
astrology, 129–130
aura, 53–57, 60, 77–78, 95
aura reading, 130

base chakra, 61–63

black tourmaline, 80
bone reading, 134
boundaries, 77
cleansing and, 86
exercises for, 23–26
principles of, 21–22
brow chakra, 61, 72–73

Caduceus, 121
candle meditation, 27–28
cards, 131–132
about, 59–60
aura and, 60
base chakra, 61–63
brow chakra, 61, 72–73
crown chakra, 61, 74–75, 99
exercise for, 101–102
heart chakra, 61, 68–69
major, 60–61
sacral chakra, 61, 64–65
solar plexus chakra, 61, 66–67
third eye chakra, 61, 72–73
throat chakra, 61, 70–71
channeling, 97, 133
chanting, 28–29
children and clair senses, 99
clairaudience, 97, 98, 104
claircognizance, 97, 98–99, 118
clairgustance, 97, 99
clairs, 95, 97–107
clairscentience, 97, 99
clairsentience, 97, 99–100, 105–106, 119
clairvoyance, 97–98, 103, 118
clairvoyants, 16
cleansing energy fields, 83–86
cleansing your space, 79, 81–82
coincidences, 119
about, 37
chakras and, 60
in different cultures, 47
dressing and, 51
exercises for, 48
marketing materials and, 51
meanings for, 38–46
meditation and, 48, 49, 50
personal associations with, 47
readings using, 132
conscious mind, 17
contracts, 109–110
crown chakra, 61, 74–75, 99
crystal balls, 135
crystals, 80, 134

development circles, 107

discarnate, definition of, 7
disconnecting, 91–93
doorkeepers, 109. see also spirit guides
dowsing, 111
dreams, color and, 49

earth cleansing, 84
Emoto, Masaru, 19
empathy, 133
endorphins, 86
about, 77–78
cleansing, 79, 83–86
of places, 93
protection and, 79, 87–93
sensitivity to, 95
energy cards, 131
energy vampires, 80
etheric body, 55–56, 59
face readings, 133
feeling messages, 119
field, the, 95
fire cleansing, 83–84
fluorite, 80

grounding, 34–35
guardian angels, 109, 110

heart chakra, 61, 68–69

hematite, 80
Hidden Messages from Water (Emoto), 19
higher self, 17

image messages, 118

imagination, importance of, 31
inner questions, formulating, 124–125
interpretation skills, 123–126
defining, 9
quiz for, 10–11

Kirlian photographs, 55

lower self, 17

mantras, 28–29
about, 19–20
benefits of, 20
breathing and, 21–26
candle, 27–28
color and, 48, 49, 50
grounding and, 34–35
imagination and, 31
for meeting your spirit guide, 113–115
mindfulness, 30
positive thinking, 33
posture for, 23
sound, 28–29
types of, 20–21
visualization, 31
voices and, 32
walking, 27
mediums/mediumship, 16, 95–97, 133–134
mental intuitive, 134
mental mediumship, 96
mental messages, 118
meridians, 55–56, 59
messages, 118–121
mindfulness, 30
Montessori schools, 105
music, 32

natal charts, 129

nature readings, 134

oracle cards, 131

overshadowing, 97

palmistry, 134
patterns, identifying, 125–126
pendulums, 111–113
physical body, aura and, 55
place energy, 93
portents, 119
positive thinking, 33
posture, 23
Pranayama, 21–22
pranic energy, 55–56
energy, 87–93
importance of, 79–80
psychic ability, 14
psychic reality, 15
psychics, about, 16, 117
psychometry, 106–107, 135

reading items, 129

readings, divinary tools for, 129–135
readings, giving, 126–127
reality, 117–118
runes, 135

sacral chakra, 61, 64–65

sacred space, 82
sand reading, 135
scrying, 135
signs, 119
sixth sense, 9, 13–17, 97
smiles, 86
solar plexus chakra, 61, 66–67
soul, definition of, 6
sound meditation, 28–29
space, cleansing, 79, 81–82
spirit, definition of, 6
spirit guides, 96, 109–115
stagnant energy, 83
subtle bodies, 16–17
symbols, 121–122

talismans, 80
tarot cards, 131–132
third eye chakra, 72–73
throat chakra, 61, 70–71
trance mediums, 97, 133–134

unconscious mind, 17

visualization, 31, 88–90

voices, location of, 32

walking meditation, 27
water cleansing, 85
withdrawing from influence of others, 91–93
Shutterstock: frame © painterr; texture © Andrius_Saz; third eye illustration © Daria Rosen

Shutterstock: frame © painterr; texture © Andrius_Saz; third eye illustration © Gorbash Varvara; stars © sini4ka

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Illustrations by Terry Marks: 21, 61, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74

Shutterstock: 7 © Daria Rosen; 8, 12, 18, 36, 52, 58, 76, 94, 108, 116, 128 (moons, stars), 130 © Chikovnaya; 8, 12, 18, 36, 52, 58, 76, 94, 108, 116, 128
(decorative frame elements) © Martyshova Maria; 9 © AuraArt;13 © Kseniya Parkhimchyk; 14, 100, 136 © NadezhdaShu; 16 © ekosuwandono; 19, 113 ©
aninata; 23, 24, 25, © buzzbee; 27 © Anastasiya Zaplatina; 28, 57 © Katika; 30 © Olga Strel; 31 ©; 33 © YuHusar; 37 © Zanna Pesnina; 47 ©
hermanthos; 49, 78 © Gorbash Varvara; 50 ©; 53 © art of line; 54 © DeoSum; 59 © Tata.Ya; 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75 © kuroksta; 72,
119 © Tanya Leanovich; 77 © Shamanska Kate; 79 © Cris.Tea; 80 © art GALA; 82, 83, 84, 85 © Peratek; 87 © Anastasia Mazeina; 89 © Asya Illustra; 90 ©
Taawon Graphics; 91 © EssentiallyNomadic; 95 © AutumnStudio; 96 © Ansty; 103 © NikWB; 104 (b) © Iuliia Maltseva; 104 (t) © Maji Design; 105 ©
Sudowoodo; 106 © knstartstudio; 107 © Marish; 110 © nadiia; 111 © Mercury Green; 114 © Danussa; 115 © bioraven; 120 © Hulinska Yevheniia; 121 ©
Refluo; 122 ©; 124 © Nadya Dobrynina; 125 © kristnu; 126 © KatePilko; 131 © EngravingFactory; 132 © Wonder-studio; 133 © Croisy; 134
© Dancake; 135 © Walnut Bird.
We use our five physical senses—sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell—to navigate the world. But we are also born with a sixth sense—a hunch, feeling,
perception, inner knowing, or even psychic ability. Honing this sixth sense is crucial for psychic development.

Psychic reality is extrasensory perception—it is something we just know, without a logical explanation. Here are a few examples of psychic reality. Have you
ever . . .
Heard the telephone ring and known who was calling?
Received a letter, call, email, or text from someone you have not been in touch with in ages, after thinking of them out of the blue?
Driven on a different route from your usual one for no apparent reason and then discovered there was an accident or a traffic jam on your usual route that
would have held you up?
Dreamed about a person or an event that proves to be true?
Walked into a place for the first time and picked up a feeling about it, only to later discover the building or area has a history that explains your strange
Been sitting next to someone and begun to have sensations such as aches or pains that you do not normally have, only to have them tell you that they
experience those aches and pains?
Had a gut feeling about someone or something that eventually proves to be true?
Thought that you saw something or someone out of the corner of your eye but when you looked there was nothing there?
Had a feeling that it was going to be a really rotten day when there was no reason for you to know this in advance?


Sixth sense combines information from all of the clairs to make an inner connection to ourselves. While everyone is capable of all these types of psychism, we
usually have one predominant sense.

Clear Seeing: People who are clairvoyant see things in their mind. Sometimes they may see people, things, or places as vividly as if they were real.

Clear Hearing: Some people are clear hearing, meaning they hear a voice in their head. Usually they hear their own voice in their mind, giving key words or
snippets of what spirit is trying to say.

Clear Thinking: Spirits can only work through a medium’s own personal knowledge and experience, so the more widely read and experienced you are in
your own life, the more information you can tap into and the easier it is for spirit to communicate with you.

Clairscentience and Clairgustance

Clear Smelling and Clear Tasting: Psychics and mediums may also receive smells, such as particular perfumes people wore, particular flowers, cigarette
or pipe smoke, or the smell of the sea. They also sometimes receive messages through taste.

Clear Feeling: Mediums who are clairsentient sense the energies around their client or nearby and describe what they feel. If someone had or has a bad
back, for example, they will give the medium a pain in their own back. Once this part of the message has been passed on, the pain in the medium’s back will

Which Clair Are You?

Read the following questions and think of how the answers came to you—was it a picture, a voice, a thought, a smell, a taste, or a feeling?
What did you have for breakfast?
What is your favorite holiday?
What is it like in some place in the world where you have yet to visit?
What will your next home be like?
We need to cleanse our energy field of accumulated grime, known as stagnant energy. Cleansing gives you clarity of thought and more capacity for energy
storage and channeling.

Fire Cleansing
If you’re feeling sluggish, mentally paralyzed, or unenthusiastic, try one of these energizing fire-cleansing methods.
Burn incense and candles
Stare at a fire
Meditate on a candle flame
Do a vigorous sports activity with running involved
Cup your hands three to five inches around the flame of a candle and exchange energies
Wear or look at the color red

Earth Cleansing
If you’re feeling fuzzy, spaced out, or have a headache, bring yourself back down to earth by completing a practical task like one of the following.
Do some gardening
Tend a houseplant
Hug a tree
Imagine yourself as a tree, with roots going into the ground and branches in the air
Lie on the floor or on the earth
Walk barefoot
Do some carpentry, crafts, or cookery
Imagine yourself breathing in the emerald green energy of healing
Wear something green
Air Cleansing
If you need to change gears and relax in a fresh way, try some of the ideas listed below.
Wear something blue or white
Meditate and contemplate
Do puzzles and crosswords
Open windows

Water Cleansing
Water can literally wash away psychic matter that sticks to us during the course of a day. Here are a few helpful ideas.
A shower in the morning to cleanse your energy field
If you are short of time, wash your hands in running water
Go for a swim in a river or lake
Breathe in sea air
Take a walk in light rain or walk the dog
Take a ten-minute walk in the snow
Drink spring water to cleanse and detox


These exercises not only develop your senses but also help you widen your spiritual knowledge, thus giving you more experience to draw on. The following
exercises can be done alone or with others. Take lots of notes so you can check your progress.

Visual Sense
Clairvoyance Exercise: Sit with a friend and stare gently past them. The best place to focus is the gap between the head and shoulder. Soften your gaze
slightly as if staring into space. Eventually you will begin to notice their energy, either as a shimmering energy like a heat haze or as color. This is their aura.

Auditory Sense
Clairaudience Exercise: Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and focus on the inside of your body. Listen to what you can hear. Is your stomach rumbling?
Can you hear your heart beat? Is there a ringing in your ears? Can you hear a high-pitched hum? Many people who are naturally clairaudient will,
occasionally, hear a high-pitched hum. This is the hum above the normal human hearing range and the vibrations come from the higher dimensions. If you can’t
hear it now, don’t worry; it will develop with time and practice.

Kinesthetic Sense
Clairsentience Exercise: Take a crystal and hold it in your hand. Close your eyes and notice what you feel. Is it cold? Warm? Does it have a vibration? If
so, how does the vibration feel? Is it just in your hand or is it passing up through your wrist and the rest of your arm? Now try holding a different crystal.
What do you feel with this one? How different is it? Take notes after you have practiced with various crystals, holding each one at a time and then holding
them in your other hand as well.
Copyright © 2022 by Zambezi Publishing Ltd.
Text © 2022 by Zambezi Publishing Ltd.
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2022934271

ISBN: 978-1-57715-328-3
eBook ISBN: 978-07603-7764-2

Publisher: Rage Kindelsperger

Creative Director: Laura Drew
Editor: Elizabeth You
Senior Managing Editor: Cara Donaldson
Cover and Interior Design: Ashley Prine/Tandem Books

This book provides general information on various widely known and widely accepted practices that tend to evoke feelings of strength and confidence. However, it should
not be relied upon as recommending or promoting any specific diagnosis or method of treatment for a particular condition, and it is not intended as a substitute for medical
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The Quarto Group denounces any and all forms of hate, discrimination, and oppression and does not condone the use of its products in any practices aimed at harming or
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For entertainment and educational purposes only. Do not attempt any spell, recipe, procedure, or prescription in this book otherwise. The author, publisher, packager,
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by having plenty of water or a fire extinguisher at the ready.

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