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Family and Friends 6 Final Exam (Unit 1 to 4)

Teacher: Ms Rastinfard Overall score : 30 points

Date: ____________________

A.Complete the sentences with the correct word. One word odd out. 5 points

Stimulating constellations population cozy dialect adventure

1. Karl felt _______ laying down on the couch with a soft blanket over her lap.
2. Aerobics is one of the most _______ forms of exercise.
3. The play was hard to understand when the characters spoke in _______.
4. Rapid _______ growth is a serious problem in our country.
5. ________ is a very popular themes in children's books.

B. Write the correct word for definition. 2/5 points

1. noun, something built out of wood or metal around a piece of land :
2. noun, a type of science that studies space and the universe:
3. noun, one of the seven main areas of the land on earth:
4.noun, medical equipment that you carry if someone has an accident:
5. noun, big pieces of material on a ship that the wind blows into to move it:
C. Complete the sentences. 5 points
1. I wish they ______ (not be) for the show.
2. If I hadn't been ill, I _______ ( not miss) your party.
3. If the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, a solar eclipse _______
4. Would you be scared if you ______ (see) a snake?
5. Alex ______ ( watch ) the movie at the movie theatre if she finishes her

D.Write reported speech. 5 points

"Why are you packing" I asked my cousin. 1 point
________________________________________________________ .
"Stop the noise" the teacher said to the class. 1 point
"When is Annie coming to the town?" Asked Sally. 1 point
"I couldn't understand! He was speaking with the manager in his mother
tongue" the colleague said. 2 points

E.Circle the correct word. 2/5 points

You're Jenny’s brother, are you/ aren't you?
They ordered the food, did/ didn't they?
You shouldn’t / don’t have to go skiing in this terrible weather.
The class test ourselves/ themselves before the exam.
I must / ought to bring my ID card to enter the library.
F. Read the interview with an astronaut and answer the questions. 5 points

Q: What do you do on the International Space Station (ISS)?

A: Astronauts on the space station stay busy. Here’s lots of work to do. The crew has to
make sure that the station is in top. So they clean, check equipment, maintain and repair or
replace broken equipment. Crew Members also must exercise two hours each day to stay fit
and keep their bones and muscles strong. Sometimes we need to do a spacewalk to work
outside the station in our space suit. It’s a tough and dangerous job but the view is terrific.
Q: How long are the missions?
A: The ISS missions, called expeditions, usually last about six months. There are three to Six
Crewmembers on board all times. Professional astronaut crews come from the U.S., Russia,
Japan, Canada and Europe. NASA astronaut Mike Lopez- Alegria has flown the longest U.S.
space Station mission to date, at 215 days. Valeri Polyakov, a Russian cosmonaut, spent 437
days in Space during one mission. Space shuttle crew is typically five to seven
crewmembers. We have Carried as few as two and as many as eight at one time, and space
shuttle missions have been as short a as two days and as long as 18 days.
Q: What effects does space flight have on your body?
A: A ’normal’ body will adapt to the ‘abnormal”` environment of space in many ways. In zero
gravity our legs and the lower part of your body move upwards towards the head. In fact,
your face will feel and look swollen. Except for the occasional headache, astronauts aren’t
bothered by this fluid shift. Some astronauts feel dizzy and have an upset stomach during
the first few days of a space flight as they get used to zero gravity.
Q: Can you call your family?
A: Until a few years ago, we were not able to communicate easily with people on the ground
outside of mission control. Now, we can send email to our friends and family directly, and
we can make phone calls using a hook-up through our computer. The phone connection is
really clear: You’d never know we were calling from space.
Q:Are you scared to fly in space?
A: a very experienced astronaut who has flown every space vehicle from Gemini to the
shuttle once said that if you are not just a little afraid, you don’t know what’s happening.
Astronauts are well aware of the risks involved in space travel. We are willing to take these
risks because we believe in the mission of space exploration and we think the risk is well
worth the benefit. Though these risks can make us nervous at times, when we are flying, we
don’t let the Nervousness interfere with doing our jobs.
1.The word “shuttle” refers to:
a. vehicle made to travel in outer space
b. a flying vehicle within no wings but with two long parts on top
c. a container that hold things
d. a simple tool or piece of equipment

2. How long are the expeditions?

a. 215 days
b. 437 days
c. 18 days
d. about 180 days

3.What is NOT done in space stations?

a. stay fit and exercise
b. spacewalk
c. replace equipment
d. keep the station on top

4.What is the body situation in space?

a. Astronauts get used to zero gravity
b. Astronauts shouldn’t scared at all
c. Mike Lopez is the most experienced astronaut
d. It was easy to connect with people on earth from space
5.What is the sentence “If you are not just a little afraid, you don’t know what’s happening”
refers to?
a. space travel is beneficial for astronauts
b. Astronauts should be scared
c. the nervousness shouldn’t interrupt astronauts
d. Astronauts should be aware of the risks

G.Write an opinion essay about “bike ride around the world”. 5 points

♥️ Good luck

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