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Language Arts

Mid- Term Test

Garde 6
Date: ______________________________________________
Name: _____________________________________________
Use the conjunctions for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so to complete the following
1. I cannot go to work, ______ the doctor.
2. The money I earned is gone, ______ I have spent it all.
3. I am going to learn how to play the guitar _____ piano.
4. I can go to the pool, _____ I won’t swim.
5. There are five cars, ______ none of them are working.
6. I was feeling anxious, ______ I went home.
7. Do you want vanilla ________ chocolate cake.

Put correct punction marks where necessary. Rewrite the sentences on line.

8. My friend Jonah who was born May 25 2000 lives in Dallas Texas
9. I like spaghetti my cousin also likes spaghetti
10.Whoa I never thought we had a chance at winning that soccer game
11.I used the money from my allowance to buy a hat a scarf and new running
12. Although I failed the spelling test and forgot to finish my homework I know
I m still a good student
13. Some students if they behave will be given rewards
Rewrite these sentences, replacing the underlined words with the correct

14.I sold the watch at a very cheap cost.

15.The exterior of the school was painted slowly.
16.The man accepted my apology because he was generous.
17.My mother is shorter than my aunt.

18. accurate _______________________

19.moist _______________________
20.excavate _______________________
21.catastrophe _______________________
22.youth _______________________
23.elder _______________________
24.ancient _______________________
25.wealthy _______________________
Present Tense Past Tense
26. bite ____________________
27.come ____________________
28.cut ____________________
29.bake ____________________
30.freeze _____________________

Questions 31- 40

41.Change thickens into a place where you cook.
42.Change fringe into a part of the body.
43.Change cheater into a job.
44.Change asleep into a word used by polite people.
45.Change beard into something you can eat.
46.Change below into a part of the body.
47.Change chain into a country.

48.Change asleep into a word used by polite people.

Read the following passages. Determine what event is likely to occur next.
Explain your answer using textual evidence.
As Frank marched through the desert, the high winds blew sand at speeds that
stung his exposed skin. He looked back and could see his footprints for hundreds
of feet, beyond that the winds had blown them away. He had no idea how long or
how far he had walked. He turned his back to the wind and opened his canteen.
He attempted to pour it into his mouth, but there was not a drop. He rolled his
tongue around the nozzle of the canteen, but it was bone dry. Frank dropped the
canteen in the sand and continued walking. His steps slowed. He was getting
dizzy. The sun's rays seemed to only increase in intensity throughout the day. It
hung high overhead and punished all that resided in the desert beneath it. Frank
was lightheaded. He felt his knees get wobbly.

49.What event is most likely to occur next?

50.What evidence from the text supports your prediction?

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