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Progressive Education Society's

Modern College Of Arts, Science & Commerce (Autonomous)

Ganeshkhind, Pune – 411016

Academic Year 2022-23

A Project report on ‘‘Online Complaint Management System’’


Name of Team members with Roll No

Department of BCA Science F.Y.



1. Introduction about the Project.

2. Problem Definition and scope.

2.1 Problem Description.

2.2 Study of Existing System (Manual or Computerized)

2.3 Drawbacks of Existing system.

2.4 Scope of the Proposed System.

3. Feasibility Study
3.1Technical Feasibility

3.2 Economical Feasibility

3.3 Operational Feasibility

4. Gathering Data Requirements and Functional Requirements

4.1 Identify End Users of the System.
4.2 Input Data to the System.
4.3 Other Information from the System.
4.4 Functional or Processing Requirements of the System.
4.5 Data Flow Diagrams
4.5.1 Context Level DFD
4.5.2 First Level DFD

4.6 Main Process in the DFD.

5. Entity Relationship Modeling.

5.1 Entities

5.2 Entity Relationship Diagram.

6. Designing the Normalized Database.

7. Bibliography and Reference


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