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: 19 / 2023
Stray Dogs - Potential Risks & Control Measures
In recent days, multiple stray dogs wandering around PetroChina & Contractor sites,
which is a serious risk to the safety and well-being of people. Accommodation camps
becomes day by day challenging tasks which could increase dangers of chasing by stray
animals and subsequent dog bite incidents.

Safety Hazards: Stray dogs can pose safety risks to employees and visitors by acting
unpredictably or aggressively either directly or indirectly. They may bite, scratch, or
intimidate individuals or may fall injuries when trying to escape from attack.
Damage to Property: Stray dogs can damage equipment, infrastructure, and property
by chewing on wires, hoses, and other materials.
Disease Transmission: Stray dogs can carry diseases like rabies, which pose a significant
health risk to humans.
Disruption of Operations: Stray dogs can disrupt daily operations, causing delays and
disturbances of operational activities.

 Gate Controlled by Security: Appropriate measures to be taken at all the gates and
fence as first barrier to prevent the dogs entering into plants and accommodation
 Housekeeping All by Employee: Ensure the site is well-maintained, forbidden to
feed with dog.
 Animal Control Services by Camp Service of Contractor and Client: Consider
contacting professional animal control or any other means to capture and remove
stray dogs from different sites.
 Regular Inspections by facility Owner and HSE: Conduct regular inspections of the
site to identify and address any potential issues arises due to stray dogs.
 Vaccination by HSE Team: Be aware that stray animals carry rabies virus which is
deadly. No matter how friendly the animals look, remain vigilant.
 Report Incidents by All Employee: Report an injury immediately so that properly
treated or medical assistance can be obtained, and dog bite incidents can be
further investigated.

SAFETY NEEDS ME, I NEED SAFETY Copyright © PetroChina(Halfaya)

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