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Kriya Series Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons By Paramahansa Yogananda Kriya Lesson 3 Kriya Yoga Initiation, Part III Summary and Supplementary Information Reserved for the personal and confidential use of Self-Realization Fellowship Kriya Yoga initiates only ellowship To get the most from your spiritual study of these Lessons... Before you begin to read, select a quiet, restful place. Read every word carefully and inwardly digest the message. Do not allow yourself to be distracted. Permit each thought to filter through your mind slowly. In this way you will absorb the knowledge in these Lessons more thoroughly. Sit upright. Take a deep breath and exhale. With the exhala- tion, breathe out all restless thoughts from your mind. Keep the body and mind motionless and now absorb everything I say ‘unto your soul. I want you not only to listen with attention, but to absorb deeply the spirit behind my words. “Thy Self-realization shall blossom forth ‘from thy soulful study.” —Paramahansa Yogananda Copyright © 2019 Self-Realization Fellowship. All rights reserved. The Mansion of My Life An Invocation by Paramahansa Yogananda O Divine Teacher train me to recognize the difference between my soul’ fasting happiness and the passing pleasures ofthe senses. Keep my eyes open, that the senses deceive me not by wearing stolen royal trap- pings and the misnge-cloak of sacred happiness, and so disquised, enter the ‘mansion of my life Discipline my unwise P that they may ever look beyorut the illusion of glittering visi form to find divine pleasure hidden citys white robe. Kriya Yoga Initiation, Part IIT Summary and Supplementary Information Spinal Awakening The joy and realization experienced in the spine by the Kriya Yogi is bound- less, The magnetization of the spine, through the correctly effected circulation of the life current within the spine, gives unending inner realizations and joy. There is nothing in the world to equal the soothing sensation of joy felt in the spine. ‘This joy stands supreme in comparison with any material pleasure. You will find this superior happiness more tempting than the pleasures craved by instincts and emotions. The technique of Kriya Yoga will change your consciousness from identification with momentarily pleasure-giving bodily sensations to identifica- tion with the ever new, everlasting joy of superconsciousness that reigns on the cerebrospinal altar. In Kriya practice, as the life current is circulated up and down in the spine, you experience deepening realization and perceptions of God. The entire con- sciousness becomes centralized in the spine, and the brain becomes clear and calm—free from the disturbances of sense perceptions. When body conscious- ness is thus shut off by Kriya, you become increasingly aware of the subtle cere- brospinal centers of light and energy and the wondrous revelations they contain. These centers in the spine and brain are an insulated altar’ whereon the cos- mic consciousness of God and His creative power, the divine life force, first come to rest when they descend into the body. From the sahasrara, Cosmic Con- sciousness descending to the ajna chakra becomes Christ or Kutastha Conscious- ness, which in turn, descending to the medulla and other spiritual centers in the spine, becomes superconsciousness: the soul, or individualized Spirit. From the seven cerebrospinal centers the life force and consciousness, now as ego, branch out into the sensory nerves, keeping the soul busy with material perceptions. By the practice of Kriya, consciousness and energy are interiorized, and again be- come centralized in the spine and brain: you feel there a boundless ever new joy, proof of the realization of your Self as soul, one with the cosmic consciousness of the divine Lord within you. * As electricity running through a wire is covered by an insulating material to prevent shocking anyone touching it, so the all-powerful life energy that is concentrated in the subtle cerebrospinal centers is covered by the insulating gross vibration of the physical body. SRF Kriya Lesson 3 Kriya Yoga Initiation, Part III Summary of Preparation for Kriya Yoga [Important: Do not attempt to learn Kriya Yoga from this summary. The summary is to serve only as a condensed memory jog after you have learned the technique.) 1. Posture: The correct posture is extremely important for meditation. This is particularly true for the practice of Kriya Yoga. You may sit on any flat, firm surface in a cross-legged position, or on a chair, with the feet flat on the floor; but the spine must be erect. The chin should be parallel to the ground, shoul- ders back, chest out, abdomen drawn comfortably in; and hands, palms upturned, resting on the thighs, next to the abdominal region. There should be no tension; the body should be relaxed. 2. Position of the eyes: The eyes should be upturned in a steady gaze toward the Christ (Kutastha) center, and should not move. If you can do so, you may prac- tice with eyelids half closed. When the eyelids are completely closed, the eyes have a tendency to relax from the upturned gaze. However, once you have succeeded in keeping the eyes fixed at the Christ center, it does not matter whether the eyelids are half closed or completely closed. In deep meditation the eyelids have a tendency to open slightly, automatically. 3. Lubrication of the throat: Use a few drops of olive oil or unsalted butter or any light pure vegetable oil to lubricate the throat. Place the oil on the tongue and letit trickle slowly down into the throat 4, Preliminary exercise: Before starting Kriya, practice making the correct sounds of “AW” and “EE,” and feeling the cool and warm sensations that should be experienced in the spine during the practice of Kriya, a. Make a loose fist with each hand. Hold the two fists close together, with the right fist on top of the left, to create a hollow tube like a shepherd's pipe. Place the fist of the right hand to the lips, as though to play the “pipe.” Inhale through the mouth and feel the sensation of coolness inside the hollow tube of the fists. Exhale through the mouth and feel the sensa- tion of warmth inside the fists. Practice this several times, concentrating on the alternating sensations of coolness and warmth as the breath is inhaled and exhaled. b. Take the hands away from the mouth. Mentally transfer the sensations of coolness and warmth from the fists to the throat, by doing the following: First expand the throat and then inhale deep in the throat with the aspi- rated sound of “AW,” and feel a cool sensation; exhale high in the throat with the aspirated sound of “EE,” and feel a warm sensation. Inhale and SRF Kriya Lesson 3 Kriya Yoga Initiation, Part IIT exhale quickly a few times, making the corresponding “AW” and “EE” sound, in the manner just described Now, continuing to inhale and exhale as in paragraph b., mentally trans- fer the sensations felt in the throat to the spine. This is not difficult, as the upper part of the spine is directly behind the throat. Feel the cool “AW” current move a short distance up the spine, and the warm “EE” current move a short distance down the spine, in the region of the throat. Grad- ually inhale and exhale more slowly and deeply and feel the currents go- ing farther up and down the spine. d. Do not break the transition of sensation from fists to throat to spine. The transition should be smooth, flowing, unbroken. After you have learned how to practice Kriya correctly, this preliminary exercise should be discontinued. Summary of Kriya Yoga Technique 1. Visualize the spine as a hollow tube [~ extending from the coccyx to the me- dulla. From the medulla, this tube passes through the cerebrum to the Christ center between the eyebrows. {Illustration 1] 2. Before starting the first Kriya, throw the breath out through the mouth in a double exhalation, to remove all carbon dioxide from the lungs. 3. Expand the throat: roll the tongue back toward the uvula as far as pos- sible; then allow the tongue to return to normal position, but retain the expansion in the throat that resulted from turning the tongue backward. (Ilustration 2] 4. Open the mouth slightly and inhale, calmly and slowly, to a count of ten to fifteen, drawing the breath in from deep in the expanded throat. The in- haling breath should make the Illustration 1 SRF Kriya Lesson 3 Kriya Yoga Initiation, Part IIT barely audible aspirated sound of “AW” deep in the expanded throat, and produce a cool sensation. Feel that the sensation of the inhaling breath is a cool current ascending inside the hollow cerebrospinal tube, from the coccy- geal center (muladhara) to the medulla, to the Christ (Kutastha) center. 5. Hold the breath and pause briefly at the Christ center. A count of three should be long enough. 6. With the mouth still slightly open, exhale, calmly and slowly, to a count of ten to fifteen, expelling the breath from high in the expanded throat. (Keep the count the same for exhalation as for inhalation.) The exhaling breath should make the barely audible aspirated sound of “EE” high in the expanded throat, and produce a warm sensation. Feel that the sensation of the exhaling breath is a warm, fine, threadlike current descending inside the hollow cerebrospi- nal tube, from the Christ center to the medulla, to the coccyx. 7. Repeat fourteen times in succession, without a break and without taking a breath in between. There should be no holding of the breath between the Kriya exhalation and the following Kriya inhalation. 8. Practice every morning and evening. Mlustration SRF Kriya Lesson 3 Kriya Yoga Initiation, Part IL Key Points About the Kriya Technique * Be sure to make the correct sounds of “AW” and “EE.” The sounds of “AW” and “RE” are aspirated sounds: made with the breath, not the voice. “AW” is made deep in the expanded throat with inhalation. “EE” is made high in the expanded throat with exhalation. These sounds should be audible, but not loud; i.e., they should be barely audible to the meditator. The right sounds are necessary for success in Kriya. + The “AW” sound corresponds to the cool spinal current; the "EE” sound, the warm spinal current. The inhaling “AW” sound accompanies the cool current ascend ing inside the hollow cerebrospinal tube from the coccyx to the Christ center. The exhaling "EE” sound accompanies the warm current descending inside the hollow cerebrospinal tube from the Christ center to the coccyx. © Inhalation and exhalation should be smooth and unbroken. Do not allow any break in the breath, such as “AW, AW, AW,” “EE, EE, EE.” The sounds should be smooth and steady: "AAAWWW" and "EEEEEE.” + Inhalation and exhalation should be equal and slow, to an approximate count, of ten to fifteen. There should be little movement of the chest. * Ifyou fail to practice one Kriya correctly, start that one Kriya breath anew and do it correetly. + Transfer to the spine the cool and warm sensations you feel in the throat. During inhalation, feel the coolness in the throat as you make the sound of “AW.” Mentally transfer both the sensation and the sound to the spine. Feel that the cool breath is a current ascending from the coccyx, inside the hollow cere- brospinal tube, with the sound of “AW.” During exhalation, feel the warmth in the throat as you make the sound of “EE.” Mentally transfer both the sensation and the sound to the hollow cerebrospinal tube at the Christ center. Feel that the warm breath is a current descending inside the hollow tube, from the Christ center to the coccyx, with the sound of “EE.” The preliminary concentration on mentally transferring the sensation and sound from the throat to the cerebrospinal tube is intended merely to stim- ulate the movement of the actual currents of life energy in the spine. As you begin to feel the actual currents, concentrate only on the currents: cool with inhalation, warm with exhalation. * Keep the attention concentrated inside the hollow cerebrospinal tube. Put the whole mind and feeling there. SRF Kriya Lesson 3 Kriya Yoga Initiation, Part IIT * It is not necessary to keep the tongue turned backward to the uvula during Kriya Yoga practice. © Do each Kriya with a sense of its importance. Kriya should always be performed with deepest concentration and complete detachment from outer distractions. Do not be absentminded. This may be a tendency with the first few Kriyas. Practice each one with a sense of its importance. Remember, on the scale of spiritual advancement, one Kriya rightly practiced is equivalent to one year of natural solar evolution. + Don’t strain; be relaxed. This is very important. ‘* Be regular and faithful in practicing Kriya. Practice Kriya morning and eve- ning, every day, regardless of any circumstances that momentarily interfere. + Length and depth of meditation are important. Do not get up and leave medita- tion immediately after Kriya practice. Continue to meditate for a long time, praying deeply and experiencing the joy-contact of God. Depth of concen- tration is more important than length of practice of meditation, but both are necessary for advanced spiritual development. Therefore, make it a point to set aside at least one day a week when you will have time for a long medita- tion: three hours or more if possible. * Do not practice Kriya when the stomach is full. Practice before meals, or whenev- er the stomach is reasonably empty, and at least three hours after a heavy meal. If you cannot practice Kriya either before or three hours after eating a heavy meal, then during that meditation practice six Kriyas only. «Inthe presence of certain illnesses, practice Kriya mentally only. If you have a heart ailment, or respiratory trouble (even if itis just a cold), or if you are temporar- ily having any serious physical health problem, practice Kriya mentally only. * After the first three months of pregnancy, practice only six Kriyas and one Jyoti Mudra twice daily, and discontinue performance of Maha Mudra. But do continue to meditate regularly and to practice the Hong-Sau and Aum Techniques. * Consult the Mother Center. If you have any difficulty in your understanding or practice of Kriya, contact the Self-Realization Fellowship Mother Center. Number of Kriyas You Are Permitted to Practice * Donot exceed the specified number of Kriyas. * As a beginner in Kriya Yoga, you are permitted to practice only fourteen 10 SRE Kriya Lesson 3 Kriya Yoga Initiation, Part IIT Kriyas at a time. These are to be done twice daily, morning and evening, © Ifyou are faithful and regular in your practice, and make good progress, at the end of six months you may increase your morning and evening prac- tice to twenty-four Kriyas. Thereafter, you may not increase the number of Kriyas without permission from the Mother Center. You may send a report of your progress and request permission to increase your number of Kriyas after you have been practicing twenty-four Kriyas twice daily for one year. [Important: For information that you should send along with your request for Kriya increases, see Kriya Lesson 1, page 26, under “How Many Kriyas to Practice.”] * Inaddition to your regular morning and evening practices of Kriya, you may also practice a few Kriyas—up to, but not more than, six—whenever you have free moments for meditation during the day. * Ifyou have a meditation period of three hours or longer once a week, you may do your regular quota of Kriya during the first hour, and up to six Kriyas in each succeeding hour. After you have increased your practice of Kriya to twenty-four times twice daily, you may, on occasion, during a three- hour or longer meditation, practice up to but not more than one hundred and eight Kriyas in succession, if your meditation is deep and your Kriyas are flowing smoothly and effortlessly. Summary of Maha Mudra 1. With spine ereet, sit on the floor, or on a bed that is quite firm. 2. Double the left leg back so that you are sitting with the sole of the left foot un- der the right buttock, and the heel positioned between the buttocks. [Illus- tration 3] 3. Draw the right leg up against the body, so that the thigh is as close to the torso as possible, but being sure the spine is kept straight. The sole of the foot should be flat on the floor (or bed). 4, Place hands, with fingers interlocked, around the right knee. 5. Expel the breath in a double exhalation to remove all carbon dioxide from the lungs. Then inhale, as in Kriya proper, making the sound of “AW” deep in the expanded throat, and bring the cool current up inside the cerebrospi- nal tube to the Christ (Kutastha) center between the eyebrows. 6. Hold the breath. Bend the head until the chin touches the chest. Keep the hands interlocked, but release their hold on the right knee and stretch the i SRF Kriya Lesson 3 Kriya Yoga Initiation, Part Ul Illustration 3 Ilustration 4 right leg forward until it lies straight on the floor. [Illustration 4] 7. Continuing to hold the breath, grasp the toes of the right foot with the inter- locked fingers of both hands. Pull the toes gently toward you, stretching the spine and mentally counting to six in the bent posture. 8, Still holding the breath, sit up, lift the head, straighten the spine, and lift the right knee upward until the leg is again in the first position. [Mustation 3] 9. Exhale with the sound of “EE,” made high in the expanded throat, sending the warm current downward through the cerebrospinal tube to the coccyx. 10. Repeat the foregoing [points 2 to 9] but with leg positions reversed, so that you begin by sitting on the right leg with the left leg drawn up against the body. [Illustrations 5 and 6] 11. Sit with both left and right legs drawn up against the body, with hands clasped around the knees. Be sure to keep the spine straight. [Illustration 7] 12, Inhale, as in Kriya proper, making the sound of “AW” deep in the throat, and bring the cool current up inside the cerebrospinal tube. 13, Holding the breath, bend the head until the chin touches the chest. At the same time, release the hold of the clasped hands on the knees and stretch both legs forward until they are straight out in front of you. 14. Continuing to hold the breath, grasp the toes of both feet with the clasped hands and pull the toes toward you, counting to six. (Illustration 8] 2 SRF Kriya Lesson 3 Kriya Yoga Initiation, Part IIL 15, Still holding the breath, resume upright position, with head up, spine straight, both legs drawn up close to the body, and the hands clasped around the knees. 16. Exhale, making the sound of “EE,” and send the warm current downward through the spine to the coccyx. 17. Perform the foregoing steps [2-16], in the order given, three times. Illustration 6 Illustration 7 ‘Illustration 8 13 SRF Kriya Lesson 3 Kriya Yoga Initiation, Part IIT Key Points About Maha Mudra * Practice Maha Mudra three times before Kriya proper and at any time the body requires adjustment or vitalizing. Maha Mudra adjusts and magnetizes, the spine and increases the flow of life energy. * Practice on a woolen blanket, spread on the floor or on a firm bed. + Make the same preparation for practice of Maha Mudra as you do for Kriya proper. Lubricate the throat with a little olive oil or unsalted butter or pure vegetable oil. Then practice making the correct sounds and feeling the cool and warm, current [as instructed in “Summary of Preparation for Kriya,” page 6, point 4]. * Avoid strain and muscular tension. Keep the muscles along the spine relaxed when bending forward to grasp the toes. Do not strain; practice the “Maha Mudra Variations” if necessary. © Assume correct position for stretching upper and lower spine. Keep the chin locked on the chest and the outstretched leg straight while pulling on the toes. Taose who cannot reach the toes without bending the knee should instead pull on the ankle, or even the calf, if by doing so they can avoid bending the knee and still accomplish the vital stretching of the spine. + Keep fingers interlocked. Remember to keep the fingers interlocked during each complete phase of Maha Mudra. If you cannot grasp alll the toes with hands thus clasped, grasp only the big toes. If you still cannot reach this far, then you may unlock the fingers and with both hands grasp the toes, ankles, or as far down on the leg as you can reach. Summary of Jyoti Mudra 1. Put the left thumb lightly over the tragus of the left ear, and right thumb over the tragus of the right ear. 2. Place the index finger of each hand lightly, but with a gentle pressure, over the outer corners of the closed eyelids. 3. Place the middle fingers on the sides of the nose, near the nostrils. 4. Place the fourth fingers above the upper lip and the little fingers below the lower lip. 5. With the fingers held lightly in these positions, breathe out in a double exha- lation (before first Kriya only); then inhale with the sound of “AW,” as in 14 SRE Kriya Lesson 3 Kriya Yoga Initiation, Part II] Kriya proper. Draw the cool current upward through the cerebrospinal tube from the coccyx to the Christ center. At the same time, focus the closed eyes intently (but without strain) at the Christ center. 6. When you have brought the cool current up to the Christ center, hold the breath, quickly knit the eyebrows tightly, simultaneously exerting a firm but gentle pressure with all the fingers. The purpose is to completely close the ear, nose, and mouth openings, and hold the eyeballs fixed in the upward-gazing position. 7. While continuing to hold the breath for a mental count of twelve (or up to twenty-five if you can hold the breath without discomfort), concentrate deeply at the Christ center. In time you will behold there the light of the spiritual eye, the spiritual aurora borealis. 8. Without removing the fingers from their positions, release their pressure, relax the tension between the eyebrows, and exhale, sending the warm current downward through the cerebrospinal tube with the sound of “EE.” 9. Practice this exercise three times, morning and evening, after the practice of Kriya proper. Key Points About Jyoti Mudra + Before you practice Jyoti Mudra, offer the following prayer: “Heavenly Father, Mother, Friend, Beloved God, guide me with Thy wisdom through the star in the spiritual eye. May my consciousness follow to its Source the dove of light descending from heaven, that I may be baptized in Thy blissful consciousness. Heavenly Father, show me the single eye; meet me through the spiritual eye.” * Practice Jyoti Mudra three times after you have practiced Kriya proper. If you prac- tice six Kriyas during an additional meditation period, you may (once a day) follow these with three Jyoti Mudras. + The gaze of the eyes must be firmly fixed at the Christ center and the eye- balls must not move. * Donothold the breath to the point of discomfort. * Strive to see the spiritual eye. When you see the spiritual eye perfectly, you will see at the center a five-pointed white star, surrounded by a blue light, which in turn is encircled by a halo of golden light. This vision will come in time with faithful practice of this technique. 15 The Guru's Words for S of the SRF/YSS Lessons “I Shall Stoop Down to Help You, Wherever I May Be” [Words spoken by Paramnahansaji during a banquet for SRF students at the International Headquarters, Mt. Washington, April 28, 1935] T have worked day and night writing these Lessons, so that when 1 shall be gone you will receive these truths just fe same, No matter came fiere. I fave but 0 each soul, that you may by your own realization feel and behold God templed everywhere. And with my love I shall stoop down to help ‘you, wfierever I may be. Those who will come to this work will feel iy vibrations. F shall leave my vibrations and the vibrations of te Masters; and those who come with a recipient heart will be illumined. This is my declaration ant prophecy from God. 16 SRF Kriya Lesson 3 Kriya Yoga Initiation, Part IT General Instructions for the Kriyaban * Strive to practice evenmindedness at all times. * Lead a balanced life of meditation plus right activity. Devotion to God does not mean neglect of outer duties to one’s family and the world. Practice the presence of God unceasingly; then, even during your outer work you will be conscious of divine communion. + Abalanced life means to observe moderation in everything, especially in the use of the senses. Self-control strengthens the mind and life force. + Bat very little or no meat. A meatless diet is preferable, but in any case completely avoid beef and pork and products containing them. Include plen- ty of fruits, raw vegetables, and nuts (finely ground) in your diet. Occasional partial fasting is beneficial and effective. + Try to reserve time once a week to have a longer meditation (three to six hours). Get away from people; be completely absorbed in devotion to God. Once a month—or every week, if you can—have a day of silence, when you get away from everybody and give yourself uninterruptedly to your rela- tionship with God. Take a spiritual retreat whenever you can manage it, to be completely shut off from the world so you can meditate deeply. Seclusion is the price of greatness and God-contact. * Participate in group meditation at a Self-Realization Fellowship temple, center, or meditation group regularly if you have the opportunity to do so.” Meditation in groups reinforces the efforts of each meditator with an invis- ible combined vibration of spiritual power. * Remember your sacred pledge not to discuss with others, nor divulge to them, any of the Self-Realization Fellowship techniques. The Self-Realization Fellowship Mother Center [as the channel established by the Gurus through Paramahansa Yogananda] is endowed with and reserves the spiritual right to give such instruction, or to appoint qualified persons to do so. If you know of individuals whom you feel should have the benefit of certain Self-Realization techniques, encourage them to become a Self-Realization Fellowship student so that they may receive the full benefits of personal study. If some difficulty stands in the way of their becoming a student, advise them to contact Self-Realization Fellowship directly and explain their situation and * You can find the location nearest to your home by using the listings on the Self-Realization Fellowship website, (Editor's Note) 7 SRF Kriya Lesson 3 Kriya Yoga Initiation, Part IIT affirm their sincere desire to receive instruction in specific Self-Realization principles or techniques. * Cultivate devotion and inner attunement with the Guru. Remember: Seeking God is far easier when one’s efforts are consciously linked with the spirit ally elevating powers of true masters, as do those who persevere as faithful members and devotees of Self-Realization Fellowship. Keep contact with SRF Headquarters and you will be linked with the Masters. Stick to Self-Realization; stick to your weekly studies from the Headquar- ters, keep in touch with the link of the Gurus, and you will not regret, for you shall enter the kingdom of God in this life. Conclusion The true disciple follows with great devotion the sadhana (the path of spiri- tual discipline and yoga techniques of meditation) given by the guru. Through this sadhana, the guru invisibly helps the disciple to attain the successively higher steps in the art of divine union. The disciple who daily and deeply practices those spiritual exercises and advances in the path may find the guru appearing visibly on the astral plane to guide him onward. With the help of the guru, all the screens of ignorance in the true disciple are burnt away, revealing the indescrib- able glory of the inner world of soul and Spirit. “He attains the Supreme Effulgent Lord, O Arjuna! whose mind, stabilized by yoga, is immovably fixed on the thought of Him.”” Remember Mahavatar Babaji’s promise, quoted from the Bhagavad Gita! regarding the blessings of Kriya Yoga: “Even a little practice of this religious rite will save you from dire fears [the colossal sufferings inherent in the repeated ceycles of life and death.” * God Talks With Arjuna: The Bhagavnd Gite VINES. + 1ka0, 18 Kriya Yoga Initiation, Part II Index of Subjects Spinal Awakening, ‘Summary of Preparation for Kriya Yoga "Summary of Kriya Yoga Technique Key Points About the Kriya Technique Number of Kriyas You Are Permitted to Practice. Summary of Maha Mudra... Key Points About Maha Mudra. ‘Summary of Jyoti Mudra Key Points About Jyoti Mudra ‘The Guru's Words for Students of the SRE/YSS Lessons General Instructions for the Kriyaban eee Supplement: Your Personal Report to the Mother Center ‘After you have thoroughly studied and absorbed the Kriya Yoga instruc- tions, and have faithfully practiced the techniques for six to eight weeks, please complete the enclosed personal report and send it to the Mother Center. Your answers to these questions will enable Self-Realization Fellowship to offer any necessary guidance to help you deepen and perfect your practice. If you have received instruction in the Kriya technique only through the printed Lessons, it is highly recommended that you attend the sacred initiation ceremony when you are able to do so—either at the Self-Realization Fellowship Mother Center or when held in other cities during visits by SRF monastics. For the reasons explained in Kriya Lesson 1, there is special blessing in receiving this holy diksha in person, in a ceremony conducted by one who is spiritually ordained and anointed to bestow it by the president of SRF/YSS, the living representative of Paramahansa Yogananda and the Self-Realization Fellowship line of Gurus. We also recommend that you attend a Kriya Yoga Review class conducted by an authorized instructor of Self-Realization Fellowship if ever there is an oppor- tunity for you to do so. At that time you will be able to have your performance of Kriya checked personally by the instructor and receive any guidance needed to ensure correct practice. Caption for page 4: Digitally colored image of Paromahansa Yogananda, produced by Self Realization Fellowship from an original black-and-white photograph in SRF's archives. The photo, known as “The Last Smile,” toas taken at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles one hour before the great master left his body, March /, 1952 Self-Realization Fellowship 3880 San Rafael Avenue Los Angeles, California, USA. (323) 225-2471 The Spiritual Legacy of Paramahanoa Yogananda

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