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Take a deep Breath through your nose and exhale through your mouth ,feel how your
grounding notice the points of contact of your body with the earth, completely surrender
to this moment, notice everything that's present right now the sounds do you heard, what
thoughts coming up, everything is OK are, it is hard opening meditation I would like to
invite you to set an intention for yourself, what is it you need right now, what Wish do you
have for yourself , open your heart to receiving, and notice all the words that are coming
up, thinking of your intention, maybe you can pick them as individual words, like power
string feminine energy, the connection, love, trust, surrender, find your own words , your
own intention ,what would you like to invite during this cacao ritual ,what do you want to
open your heart for, keep breathing in and out through your nose, this is the time for
yourself, open to receiving all the good things you need right now, you are worthy, you’re
value, and you’re love, take deep breath in through your nose and out through your
mouth, complain your hands onto your heart and feel you´re intention. during this cacao
ritual you will open your heart to receive your intention, you can repeat in silence, I’m
receiving, and you can feel in what do you want to receive, maybe I’m receiving love, I
folding my inner strange I’m free. take a other deep breath and completely out, thank
yourself for joining this cacao ritual and meditation, now it's time to drink the cacao and
with every sip think about one of your intentions, what do you want to open your heart to,
enjoy this journey for yourself sending you love and light, and then enjoy.
thank you, namaste.

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