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Acute Lung Injury in the Medical ICU

Comorbid Conditions, Age, Etiology, and Hospital Outcome

Department of Medicine, Tupper Research Institute, New England Medical Center, Tufts University School of Medicine,
Boston, Massachusetts

The independent effects of chronic disease, age, severity of illness, lung injury score (LIS) and etiol-
ogy, and preceding nonpulmonary organ-system dysfunction (OSD) on the outcome of acute lung in-
jury (ALI) have not been examined in an exclusively medical-intensive-care-unit (MICU) population.
Therefore, 107 consecutive MICU patients with ALI (76% with acute respiratory distress syndrome
[ARDS]) were prospectively investigated. The impact of comorbidities, age . 65 yr, acute physiology
score (APS), LIS, etiology of ALI, and OSD on hospital survival were studied. The overall mortality was
62 of 107 patients (58%), including 47 (58%) with ARDS. With univariate analysis, age . 65 yr, organ
transplantation, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, active malignancy, chronic steroid
use, and a septic or aspiration-related etiology of ALI were associated with a > 1.2-fold greater rela-
tive risk (RR) of hospital mortality. With multiple logistic regression, independent predictors of hospi-
tal death were age . 65 yr, organ transplantation, HIV infection, cirrhosis, active malignancy, and
sepsis. APS, LIS, aspiration-related etiology of ALI, preceding OSD, and other comorbidities were not
independently predictive of hospital death. Multivariate analysis of the ARDS cohort showed similar
results, although cirrhosis and malignancy did not reach statistical significance. We conclude that co-
morbid conditions, older age, and sepsis etiology are independent predictors of hospital death in ex-
clusively MICU patients with ALI (76% of whom satisfied criteria for ARDS). These factors should be
considered in analyzing studies of new therapies and interpreting trends in mortality for ALI and
ARDS. Zilberberg MD, Epstein SK. Acute lung injury in the medical ICU: comorbid conditions,
age, etiology, and hospital outcome. AM J RESPIR CRIT CARE MED 1998;157:1159–1164.

Since its identification in 1967 by Ashbaugh and colleagues, mortality statistics provided by studies of new therapeutic
many investigators have examined the features that affect the strategies for ALI and ARDS. In addition, all factors that af-
outcome of acute lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory dis- fect mortality must be considered in evaluating trends in ALI
tress syndrome (ARDS) (1). Univariate analyses have identi- and ARDS outcome (11, 18, 19). To fully interpret analyses of
fied multiple factors that are associated with increased mortal- such data the prevalence of important comorbid conditions
ity rates for ALI and ARDS, including sepsis syndrome and how they change over time must be known. To identify
preceding (2, 3) or following ARDS (4, 5); Acute Physiology conditions present at the onset of respiratory failure that con-
and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) score (5, 6); tribute independently to mortality, we conducted an exclusive
preceding (2, 7, 8) or subsequent organ failure (5, 7, 9); older study of medical-intensive-care-unit (MICU) patients with
age (5, 8, 10–13); or the presence of comorbid or chronic con- ALI and ARDS (20).
ditions, such as cirrhosis (2, 14); human immunodeficiency vi-
rus (HIV) infection (5, 15); organ transplantation (2, 16); and
active malignancy (2, 5). In contrast, few multivariate analyses METHODS
of factors associated with increased mortality in ALI or Study Population
ARDS are available, and these have included either a mixed
Over a 36-mo period, 107 consecutive patients meeting criteria for
patient population (e.g., combining medical and surgical pa-
ALI (see the subsequent discussion) were recruited from the MICU of
tients) or have analyzed only a portion of the important the New England Medical Center, the principal teaching hospital of
univariate predictors previously identified (2, 3, 6, 17). A pri- Tufts University School of Medicine and a major tertiary-care referral
ori identification of populations at high risk for in-hospital center in Boston, Massachusetts. These patients represented 22% of
mortality will have important implications for interpreting all patients mechanically ventilated within this period. All of the pa-
tients were exclusively medical; with the exception of a single patient
with ARDS secondary to fat emboli following an orthopedic proce-
dure, there were no cases of major trauma or postoperative acute lung
(Received in original form April 17, 1997 and in revised form December 9, 1997) injury. In addition, no patient received nitric oxide (NO), surfactant,
Correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed to Scott K. Ep- or other experimental pharmacologic intervention for either ALI and
stein, M.D., Pulmonary and Critical Care Division, Box 369, New England Medi- ARDS or for sepsis. Patients were admitted to the MICU from three
cal Center, 750 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02111. sources: transfer from a floor bed, direct admission from the emer-
Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol 157. pp 1159–1164, 1998 gency department (ED), and transfer from an outside hospital. Candi-

dates for the study were prospectively identified by a daily review of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): A known history of
all ventilated patients in the 10-bed MICU. obstructive lung disease or obstructive defect on pulmonary func-
tion studies.
Criteria for Diagnosis of ALI and ARDS Alcohol abuse: Current active use of alcohol.
Intravenous drug use (IVDU): Current active use of intravenous
The criteria for diagnosis of ALI and ARDS as set by the North drugs.
American/European Consensus Conference were used and were as Chronic steroid use: Current use of corticosteroids for > 2 weeks and
follows: acute onset of lung injury, diffuse bilateral infiltrates seen dose > 20 mg/d.
upon chest radiography, PaO2/FIO2 , 200 mm Hg for ARDS and PaO2/ Diabetes mellitus: A history of diabetes requiring chronic therapy
FIO2 , 300 mm Hg for ALI, pulmonary artery occlusion pressure with insulin or an oral hypoglycemic agent.
(PAOP) , 19 mm Hg, or no clinical evidence of congestive heart fail-
ure (CHF) (20). The impact of age on outcome was determined by categorizing pa-
tients by age, using a threshold age of 65 yr. Preceding nonpulmonary
OSD was defined as such dysfunction developing after admission to
Data Collection the hospital and persisting through the time of initiation of mechani-
At the onset of mechanical ventilation, the history and physical, labo- cal ventilation, in a specific organ system, as follows:
ratory, and roentgenographic data and hemodynamic and ventilatory Hepatic dysfunction: Total serum bilirubin . 2.0 mg/dl, along with a
variables were recorded, and the presence of comorbid conditions prothrombin time . 3 s longer than the control value.
(see the subsequent discussion) was noted. The APACHE II score Renal dysfunction: Serum creatinine . 2.0 mg/dl.
and acute physiology score (APS) were calculated within 6 h of initia- Hematologic dysfunction: A platelet count of , 75,000/mm3, total
tion of mechanical ventilation (21). On the basis of the data available white blood cell (WBC) count , 1,000 cells/mm3, or evidence of
in the first 24 h of mechanical ventilation, an LIS was calculated (22). disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC).
Physiologic and laboratory characteristics prior to the initiation of me- Neurologic dysfunction: Obtundation not attributable to a sedative
chanical ventilation were measured to determine the development of drug effect or a primary central nervous system (CNS) event, such
nonpulmonary organ-system dysfunction (ODS) between the time of as seizures, hemorrhage, or acute cerebrovascular accident.
hospital admission and the onset of mechanical ventilation. A cause Gastrointestinal dysfunction: Ileus lasting . 24 h or hemorrhage re-
for ALI or ARDS was assigned, using prospectively defined criteria quiring transfusions (23).
(see the subsequent discussion). All patient screening, data collection,
and chest-radiograph interpretation were performed by the investi- Risk Factors for ALI/ARDS
For each case, an etiology of ALI and ARDS was prospectively de-
fined. Sepsis was defined as present if at least three of the following
Definitions criteria were satisfied: rectal temperature . 398 C or , 358 C; unex-
On the basis of a review of previously published univariate analyses, plained hypotension with a systolic blood pressure , 90 mm Hg for at
comorbid conditions most likely to affect mortality were prospectively least 2 h in the absence of dehydration; hemorrhage or cardiac failure;
selected and defined as “primary” chronic diseases or comorbidities leukocytosis manifested by an increase of at least 3,000/mm3 in one
as follows: day or . 20% bands; positive blood culture; and systemic vascular re-
sistance , 800 dynes/s/cm5 in the absence of chronic liver disease (7).
Malignancy: Active, untreated, or undergoing current treatment (pa- Aspiration of gastric contents was said to be present if it was docu-
tients having received a bone-marrow transplant for their malig- mented by direct observation by medical personnel or if gastric con-
nancy were excluded from this category). tents were suctioned from the endotracheal tube (9). The presence of
Cirrhosis: Biopsy-proven or with evidence of portal hypertension, pneumonia was defined from the radiographic presence of new infil-
such as variceal bleeding, ascites, or encephalopathy in the appro- trate(s), coupled with identification of at least one pathogen in a spu-
priate clinical setting. tum specimen or bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) culture and
HIV infection: Serologic evidence of infection with or without previ- clinical evidence of infection (7). Patients meeting the criteria for both
ous acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)-defining ill- sepsis and pneumonia were classified as having sepsis and were ex-
ness. cluded from the pneumonia category. Patients who met the criteria
Organ transplantation: A history of bone marrow, liver, or kidney for ALI or ARDS in the setting of other clinical conditions, including
transplantation. drug overdose (24), hypertransfusion (17), pancreatitis (7), and fat
We also identified the presence of other potentially important chronic embolism (24), or when no definite etiology could be identified, were
conditions, as follows: classified as having another condition.


All Patients ARDS

(n 5 107) (n 5 81)

Survivors Nonsurvivors Survivors Nonsurvivors

(n 5 45) (n 5 62) p Value (n 5 34) (n 5 47) p Value

Age, yr 47 6 2 53 6 2 , 0.05 46 6 3 53 6 3 , 0.05

Women/men 18/27 24/38 . 0.2 11/23 20/27 . 0.2
APS* 13 6 1 14 6 1 . 0.2 13 6 1 15 6 1 0.2
APACHE II Score 17 6 1 20 6 1 0.05 17 6 1 21 6 1 , 0.05
PaO2/FIO2† 151 6 12 150 6 12 . 0.2 114 6 6 107 6 5 . 0.2
Lung injury score‡ 2.6 6 0.1 2.6 6 0.1 . 0.2 2.8 6 0.1 2.8 6 0.1 . 0.2
Primary comorbidity present (%)§ 17 (38) 47 (76) , 0.0001 14 (41) 35 (74) , 0.01

Data are expressed as mean 6 SEM.

* APS 5 acute physiology score.

PaO2/FIO2: interquartile range 87 to 189 for all patients, 82 to 139 for ARDS.

Lung injury score: interquartile range 2.3 to 3.0 for all patients and the ARDS.
Primary comorbidities, including cirrhosis, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, active malignancy, and organ transplanta-
Zilberberg and Epstein: Acute Lung Injury in the ICU 1161

Relative risk (RR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were deter-
mined. Our goal was to ascertain whether factors previously found to
be associated with increased mortality in lung injury in univariate
analyses would continue to have an independent effect after control-
ling for other important variables. Therefore, to ascertain which fac-
tors contributed independently to mortality, we constructed a multi-
ple-logistic-regression model. This was done in a forward, stepwise
manner, with hospital death as the dependent variable and the pro-
spectively identified independent variables including older age (. 65
yr), individual primary comorbidities, septic and gastric aspiration-re-
lated etiologies of lung injury, APACHE II score or APS, LIS, and
development of nonpulmonary OSD prior to the onset of mechanical
ventilation. Another analysis was then done, using the other (“nonpri-
mary”) comorbidities as additional independent variables. These analy-
ses were then repeated in the cohort of patients meeting criteria for
Figure 1. Clinical conditions associated with acute lung injury in ARDS. All statistical analysis was done with SPSS v.6.1 software (SPSS,
107 medical-intensive-care-unit patients. Inc., Chicago, IL).

Statistical Analysis
Of the 107 patients enrolled in the study, there were 65 men
The principal outcome studied was hospital survival. Survivors and
nonsurvivors were compared through Student’s t test for continuous
and 42 women, aged 51 6 2 yr (mean 6 SEM; range: 20 to 73
variables and a chi-square test with two-tailed Fisher’s exact test for yr) (Table 1). A prospectively defined primary comorbid con-
dichotomous variables. Univariate analysis was done by comparing dition was often present, including cirrhosis (n 5 21; 20%),
the mortality rates in the presence and absence of a comorbid condi- HIV infection (n 5 11; 10%), active malignancy (n 5 26; 24%),
tion, previous nonpulmonary OSD, APACHE II score . 20, APS and organ transplantation (n 5 10; 9%). Of the 10 transplant
. 15, LIS . 2.5, and the individual risk factors for ALI and ARDS. patients, nine had received a bone-marrow and one a kidney


(n 5 107) (n 5 81)

Mortality Mortality
(%)* RR† 95% CI‡ p Value (%)* RR† 95% CI‡ p Value

Age . 65 yr 23/31 (74) 1.45 1.07–1.96 , 0.05 18/23 (78) 1.56 1.12–2.17 0.02
Malignancy 19/26 (73) 1.37 1.01–1.89 0.07 15/22 (68) 1.25 0.87–1.82 . 0.2
Cirrhosis 14/21 (67) 1.19 0.83–1.71 . 0.2 8/12 (67) 1.18 0.75–1.85 . 0.2
HIV 9/11 (82) 1.49 1.06–2.08 0.11 5/7 (71) 1.27 0.76–2.08 . 0.2
Transplant 9/10 (90) 1.65 1.25–2.17 , 0.05 9/10 (90) 1.69 1.25–2.27 , 0.05
COPD 7/15 (47) 0.78 0.44–1.37 . 0.2 5/12 (42) 0.68 0.34–1.37 0.2
Steroids 15/21 (71) 1.30 0.93–1.82 0.2 13/17 (76) 1.45 1.01–2.04 0.08
Alcohol 11/24 (46) 0.75 0.47–1.19 0.2 8/18 (44) 0.72 0.41–1.25 0.2
Drugs 4/6 (67) 1.16 0.64–2.08 . 0.2 2/4 (50) 0.85 0.32–2.33 . 0.2
Diabetes 5/9 (56) 0.95 0.52–1.75 . 0.2 3/4 (75) 1.32 0.72–2.38 . 0.2
Any 56/91 (62) 1.67 0.85–3.12 0.07 42/68 (62) 1.61 0.79–3.22 0.1
Preceding organ dysfunction
Neurologic 7/16 (44) 0.72 0.40–1.30 0.2 6/11 (55) 0.93 0.52–1.67 . 0.2
Hematologic 14/24 (58) 1.01 0.68–1.49 . 0.2 12/17 (70) 1.30 0.88–1.89 0.2
Renal 14/23 (61) 1.06 0.73–1.56 . 0.2 11/17 (65) 1.15 0.76–1.72 . 0.2
Gastrointestinal 14/18 (78) 1.45 1.05–1.96 0.06 9/12 (75) 1.37 0.93–2.00 0.2
Liver 4/8 (50) 0.85 0.42–1.75 . 0.2 3/7 (43) 0.72 0.30–1.72 . 0.2
Any 31/50 (62) 1.14 0.83–1.56 . 0.2 23/35 (66) 1.27 0.88–1.82 0.2
Risk factors for ALI/ARDS
Sepsis 23/33 (70) 1.33 0.97–1.81 0.1 19/23 (83) 1.72 1.23–2.38 , 0.05
Aspiration 8/10 (80) 1.43 1.01–2.04 0.2 5/7 (71) 1.27 0.76–2.08 . 0.2
Pneumonia 21/43 (49) 0.76 0.54–1.09 0.1 15/35 (43) 0.62 0.40–0.94 , 0.05
Other 10/21 (48) 0.79 0.49–1.27 . 0.2 9/17 (53) 0.89 0.55–1.45 . 0.2
APS . 15¶ 26/43 (60) 1.08 0.78–1.49 . 0.2 22/34 (65) 1.22 0.85–1.75 . 0.2
APACHE II . 20 24/41 (58) 1.02 0.63–1.67 . 0.2 20/31 (65) 1.19 0.83–1.72 . 0.2
LIS . 2.5i 34/58 (59) 1.05 0.77–1.45 . 0.2 32/56 (57) 0.98 0.65–1.47 . 0.2

Definition of abbreviations: COPD 5 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; HIV 5 human immunodeficiency virus.
* Ratio of patients with the condition who died divided by the total number with the condition.

RR, relative risk.

95% CI, 95% confidence interval.
See METHODS section for definition of comorbidities, preceding organ dysfunction, and risk factors.

APS, acute physiology score.
LIS, lung injury score (21).

transplant. The most prevalent predisposing conditions for tients with ALI, whereas in the ARDS cohort, cirrhosis and
ALI and ARDS were pneumonia, sepsis, and aspiration of active malignancy failed to achieve statistical significance (Ta-
gastric contents (Figure 1). A similar distribution of comorbid ble 3). Nonpulmonary OSD developing between hospital ad-
conditions and etiologies was found in the 81 (76%) patients mission and the onset of mechanical ventilation, aspiration of
meeting the criteria for ARDS (Table 2). gastric contents as an etiology, APACHE II score or APS, and
Sixty-two (58%) of the 107 patients, including 47 (58%) of LIS measured during the first 24 h of ALI/ARDS were not
the 81 patients with ARDS, died in the hospital. Mortality was found to be independently associated with increased mortality
greater among patients with sepsis or gastric aspiration than in either group. This was the case whether the APS and LIS
among those with pneumonia or other causes of ARDS (p , were analyzed as continuous variables or whether threshold
0.05) (Figure 2, Table 2). When survivors were compared with values were used. When the regression analysis was reconfig-
nonsurvivors, the latter were slightly older and had a higher ured to exclude age and comorbid conditions, the APACHE
APACHE II score, whereas there was no difference in gen- II score became an independent predictor of mortality. In con-
der, APS, PaO2/FIO2, or LIS (Table 1). A comorbid condition trast (under the same conditions), when the APS was substi-
or age . 65 yr was twice as likely to be present in the nonsur- tuted for the APACHE II score, it was not an independent
vivors as in the survivors. predictor of outcome.
In the univariate analysis, all of the primary chronic condi- When other widely prevalent comorbidities, including
tions under investigation, except cirrhosis, were associated COPD, steroid use, alcohol or intravenous drug abuse, and di-
with at least a 1.2-fold greater RR of dying in the hospital, al- abetes mellitus were analyzed with respect to their impact on
though statistical significance at the p , 0.05 level was mortality, none reached statistical significance in either the
achieved only for organ transplantation (Table 2). The pres- univariate or the multivariate analysis (Tables 2 and 3).
ence of any one of these underlying comorbidities was associ-
ated with an increased mortality (Table 1). For the other DISCUSSION
chronic conditions, only steroid use approached statistical sig-
The principal findings of this study were that comorbid condi-
nificance for the ARDS cohort (Table 2). Patients over the
tions, age . 65 yr, and sepsis are important independent pre-
age of 65 yr were 1.45 times (1.56 times for the ARDS group)
dictors of hospital death in MICU patients with ALI, 75% of
as likely to die as those 65 yr of age or younger. The presence
whom satisfied the criteria for ARDS. In contrast, after con-
of both older age and a primary comorbidity increased the RR
trolling for these independent predictors, severity of illness,
of dying among all patients to 5.0 (95% CI: 2.0 to 12.5; p ,
severity of lung injury, gastric aspiration as an etiology of ALI,
0.0001), and in the ARDS group to 7.1 (95% CI: 1.9 to 25.0; p ,
and preceding nonpulmonary OSD were not independently
0.0001). Among patients < 65 yr old who did not have a pri-
predictive of outcome.
mary comorbidity, 84% and 90%, respectively, of those with
A number of studies, using univariate analyses, have identi-
ALI and ARDS survived, as compared with only 20% and
fied conditions associated with increased mortality in ALI and
25% of those with ALI and ARDS, respectively, who were
ARDS. These conditions include older age (3, 5, 10–13, 17);
older than 65 yr and who had a primary comorbidity. Both
cirrhosis (2, 14); HIV infection (15); bone-marrow and solid-
septic and aspiration-related etiologies were associated with
organ transplantation (2, 16); active malignancy (2, 5); and eti-
an increased RR of death during hospitalization, with only the
ology of lung injury (6, 10, 11, 17, 25, 26). By finding mortality
former in the ARDS cohort reaching statistical significance
rates of > 67% for cirrhosis, active malignancy, HIV infection,
(Table 2). The RR of dying in the hospital in the presence of
organ transplantation, sepsis, and gastric aspiration, our
any preceding nonpulmonary OSD, APACHE II score . 20,
univariate analysis done exclusively with MICU patients is in
APS . 15, or LIS . 2.5 was not increased.
general agreement with the majority of the studies cited ear-
With multiple logistic regression, cirrhosis, HIV infection,
lier of mixed-patient (i.e., combined medical and surgical) or
active malignancy, organ transplantation, age . 65 yr, and
single-disease populations.
sepsis were all independent predictors of hospital death in pa-


All Patients† ARDS‡

(n 5 107) (n 5 81)

Coefficient p Value Coefficient p Value

Age . 65 yr 1.98 (0.58) , 0.001 1.89 (0.62) , 0.01

Cirrhosis 1.75 (0.60) , 0.01 — 0.1
HIV 2.75 (0.91) , 0.01 1.75 (0.96) , 0.05
Malignancy 1.60 (0.60) , 0.01 — 0.5
Transplant 3.67 (1.16) , 0.001 2.80 (1.10) , 0.01
Sepsis 1.02 (0.52) , 0.05 1.98 (0.66) , 0.01

Definition of abbreviations: APACHE 5 Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evalua-

tion; COPD 5 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; LIS 5 lung injury score.
* Multiple logistic regression analysis was used, with hospital death as the dependent

Variables not achieving statistical significance: COPD, diabetes, drugs, alcohol,
chronic steroid use, acute physiology or APACHE II score, LIS . 2.5, preceding organ
dysfunction, gastric aspiration or pneumonia etiology.

Variables not achieving statistical significance: cirrhosis, malignancy, COPD, diabe-
tes, drugs, alcohol, chronic steroid use, acute physiology or APACHE II score, LIS . 2.5,
Figure 2. Mortality based on the etiology of acute lung injury in preceding organ dysfunction, gastric aspiration or pneumonia etiology. Coefficient is
107 medical intensive care unit patients. the logistic regression coefficient and SE (parentheses).
Zilberberg and Epstein: Acute Lung Injury in the ICU 1163

Previous investigators have demonstrated that nonpulmo- of ARDS (3, 6). When comorbidities have been included, the
nary OSD following the onset of ARDS has a profound nega- roles of individual conditions have not always been specified
tive impact on survival (5, 7–10). Recently, Doyle and cowork- (6). The most complete multivariate analysis to date is that
ers found preceding organ dysfunction in 21% of medical and done by Doyle and colleagues, who examined 123 patients
surgical ALI patients, and its presence was associated with an with ALI (2). Their use of multiple logistic regression showed
88% mortality rate (2). Although our criteria for OSD were cirrhosis, sepsis, and preceding OSD, but not LIS (determined
similar, we used the interval from hospital admission to the on Days 1, 2, and 3) to be independently associated with in-
onset of mechanical ventilation, rather than to ICU admission, creased hospital mortality. Our findings confirm both the in-
as the period for occurrence of such dysfunction. Although dependent effects of cirrhosis and sepsis on ALI outcome, and
nonpulmonary OSD was identified in 46% of our MICU pa- the failure of the 24-h LIS to predict hospital mortality. In
tients, the associated mortality rate, in contrast to that in pre- contrast, we identified additional independent factors govern-
vious studies, was not increased with univariate analysis. ing ALI outcome, including organ transplantation (primarily
There are several reasons why preceding nonpulmonary OSD bone-marrow transplantation), HIV infection, and the pres-
may not be associated with increased mortality. First, al- ence of active malignancy. In further distinction to Doyle and
though our criteria were similar to those of other investiga- colleagues, we did not find that preceding OSD achieved sta-
tors, the low threshold values (i.e., creatinine . 2.0 mg/dl, bi- tistical significance in the multivariate model. Although simi-
lirubin . 2.0 mg/dl, etc.) set in our study raise the possibility larities between the studies exist, including overall mortality
that although organ dysfunction was present, it was milder rate, average age, and the percentage of patients with sepsis as
than in previous studies. The potential impact of this is sup- the cause for ALI and ARDS, important differences are present.
ported by studies showing that a multiorgan-system-dysfunc- Most significantly, we studied only MICU patients, rather than
tion score, with increasing points given for increasing dysfunc- a mixed medical-surgical ICU population. We also controlled
tion, more accurately predicts outcome than does a single for age and generalized severity of illness (APS), finding the
threshold value (27). Second, because mortality rates differ former, but not the latter, to be an important independent pre-
for individual organ failures, different distributions of OSDs dictor of hospital outcome. Interestingly, Doyle and colleagues
in different studies may affect their combined influence on found no difference in mortality in comparing patients on the
mortality. Moreover, preceding OSD may be more important basis of a PaO2/FIO2 threshold value of 150. Similarly, we found
in surgical ICU patients, a group excluded from our analysis. the same 58% mortality among patients with ARDS and those
Measures of lung injury severity and of severity of illness with ALI but without ARDS with the use of a PaO2/FIO2 thresh-
have variable success in predicting ARDS-associated out- old of 200. Unfortunately, the small number of patients in the
come. A number of reports have found a direct association be- latter group and large number of independent variables stud-
tween poor oxygenation and mortality (3, 10, 12, 25), whereas ied precluded analysis with multiple logistic regression.
other studies have failed to identify a correlation (2, 5). When The findings of the current study have several important
tested prospectively, increasing severity of lung injury (using clinical implications. First, we have identified factors present
LIS score), measured at 24 h, 48 h, and 72 h, was not associ- at the onset of respiratory failure, including age . 65 yr and a
ated with increased mortality (2). Our findings confirm that number of comorbid conditions, that should be considered to
survival in MICU patients is independent of the LIS deter- ensure balanced assignment of patients in investigations of
mined within the first 24 h of mechanical ventilation. Simi- new therapies for lung injury. Failure to account for these fac-
larly, although some have found that APACHE scores predict tors may lead to erroneous conclusions about the efficacy or
outcome for ARDS (4, 6), this has not been confirmed by lack of efficacy of the therapeutic modality under investiga-
other investigators (28–30). APACHE II score was only an in- tion. For example, a number of recent studies, although noting
dependent predictor when age . 65 yr and comorbid condi- exclusion criteria, have not specified the proportions or alloca-
tions were excluded from our multivariate model. In contrast, tion of patients with cirrhosis, active malignancy, HIV infec-
when the acute physiology component is substituted for the tion and organ transplantation (19, 32–34). Given the high
APACHE II score, it is not an independent predictor, irre- mortality associated with these conditions, failure to account
spective of whether age and comorbidities are included in the for their presence may be important when their prevalence is
model. In other words, it is the contribution of age and certain high and/or study size is small (35). Similar considerations ex-
comorbidities, rather than the acute physiology component, ist in interpreting studies that analyze time trends in mortality.
that make the APACHE II score a predictor of outcome. One Although such analyses show reductions in mortality after
potential limitation of our APACHE II-score analysis is that controlling for age and etiology, they do not consider possible
we used data for the first 6 h of mechanical ventilation rather changes in the prevalence of comorbid conditions (11). On the
than for the first 24 h of ICU stay. We believe the impact of basis of earlier published univariate analyses showing poor
this to be minor, because 75% of our patients were intubated outcome for ALI and ARDS, one might anticipate an increase
on the first ICU day (91% within the first 3 d), and the in the proportion of patients with cirrhosis, HIV infection, or-
APACHE II score measured after the first day in mechani- gan transplantation, and active malignancy opting to forego
cally ventilated patients appears to be an accurate predictor of mechanical ventilation. If this proves true, then recent im-
outcome (31). It is also possible that our study population size provement in mortality rates may in part reflect decreases in
did not provide sufficient statistical power to show an inde- the prevalence of these conditions among patients with ALI
pendent effect of acute physiologic derangement, given the and ARDS. As in recent studies of new therapies for ALI and
very strong effect of comorbidity. ARDS (19, 32) and those showing a decrease in mortality over
Although numerous univariate analyses of factors associ- time (11), our mortality rate, in the absence of a chronic con-
ated with increased mortality rates for ALI and ARDS have dition, was only 35% (only 16% when age < 65 yr). Con-
been published, few studies have used multivariate techniques versely, recent advances in the management of patients with
to identify truly independent predictors of mortality. More- ALI and ARDS would appear even more impressive if de-
over, for the most part, the investigations using univariate creased mortality trends occurred in the setting of increasing
analyses have focused exclusively on physiologic variables (8) prevalence of these conditions. Additionally, it has been sug-
or have used parameters present several days after the onset gested that gender affects the outcome of mechanical ventila-

tion, with women having a higher mortality (36). In contrast, 17. Fowler, A. A., R. F. Hamman, J. T. Good, K. N. Benson, M. Baird, D. J.
among MICU patients with acute lung injury, we found mor- Eberle, T. L. Petty, and T. M. Hyers. 1983. Adult respiratory distress
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