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Assignment: Exploring the Story of Joseph's Coat and Its Significance

Instructions: Read the story of Joseph's coat from the Bible (Genesis 37:3) and answer the following
questions. Each question is designed to help you understand key details about Joseph's coat and its
significance in the story. Write clear and concise responses that demonstrate your understanding of the

1. Question: What was unique about Joseph's coat? Response: Joseph's coat was special because it
had many colours. This coat, given to him by his father Jacob, distinguished Joseph from his
brothers and symbolized his father's favouritism towards him.

2. Question: How did Joseph's brothers react to his coat? Response: Joseph's brothers became
jealous and resentful of him because of the special coat. They saw it as a clear sign of their
father's favouritism towards Joseph, which deepened their animosity and led to further conflict.

3. Question: What was the significance of Joseph's coat in the story? Response: The significance of
Joseph's coat was twofold. First, it symbolized Jacob's favouritism towards Joseph, which caused
tension and jealousy among his brothers. Second, it triggered the following events, including
Joseph's dreams and his brothers' plot to sell him into slavery.

4. Question: What lessons can we learn from Joseph's coat and its significance in the story?
Response: The story of Joseph's coat teaches us about the destructive power of favoritism
within families. It highlights the importance of treating all family members with love, fairness,
and equality. Additionally, it reminds us of the potential consequences of envy and jealousy,
which can lead to division and harm in relationships.

Remember to read the story carefully and provide simple, concise answers based on your
understanding. If you need help, refer to the relevant Bible passage (Genesis 37:3) to find the necessary
information. Enjoy exploring the intriguing story of Joseph's coat and its significance in the narrative!

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