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Reading Report 1 - Bartman Barrientos

Ministry to the Cities – (100 Pages, pp. 7-107)


1. Tent Meetings: Ellen White often recommended conducting evangelistic meetings in large tents

to reach communities. These tent meetings were popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries

and were a way to gather large groups of people for preaching and teaching. While tent meetings

can still be effective in specific contexts, they are less common today as alternative approaches,

such as indoor meetings, multimedia presentations, or online platforms, have become more


2. Public Evangelism: Public evangelism is ineffective nowadays, especially in urban settings

where people are emerging in fast-paced city life.


1. Personal Evangelism: Ellen White stressed the importance of individual believers actively

sharing their faith and reaching out to others. She encouraged church members to cultivate

personal relationships with those who may be interested in learning about the gospel. It involves

living a consistent Christian life, showing kindness and compassion, and sharing one’s testimony

of faith.

2. Literature evangelism, also known as colportage, is a method of outreach that involves

distributing religious literature and books to share the gospel message. Ellen G. White recognized

the importance of literature evangelism and guided its practice. Literature seminaries are present

almost in every union, and training literature evangelists reach specialization in salesmanship and

3. Health Lectures: Ellen G. White referred to health lectures as the “right hand of the gospel” and

emphasized their importance in sharing the message of salvation. It is still in use in all of the

evangelistic efforts today.


1. Medical Missionary Work: It refers to integrating healthcare and missionary efforts. It involves

combining the practice of medicine, nursing, and other healthcare professions with the mission of

sharing the gospel and serving humanity.

2. Life Hope Centers are facilities or initiatives that provide comprehensive programs and services

to assist individuals in adopting and maintaining a healthful lifestyle. They typically offer

education, practical training, counseling, and supportive environments to promote physical,

mental, and spiritual well-being.

3. Church Planting in the Cities. EGW’s writings underscored the significance of intentional

efforts to establish churches, conduct evangelistic campaigns, and minister to the holistic needs of

urban populations. The principles of urgency, strategic planning, comprehensive ministry, and

collaboration continue to guide the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s approach to church planting

and evangelism in urban areas.


 Citywide youth outreach program

 Collaborate with local churches and organizations
 Emphasize health and wellness
 Provide personal evangelism training
 Leverage technology for engagement
 Empower youth leadership
 Establish mentorship programs
 Organize celebratory events

By implementing these strategies, I can create a dynamic and impactful youth ministry that

reaches young people in my city, combines evangelism with practical service, and addresses their
wholistic needs. I will not forget to adapt the strategy to my context’s specific needs, culture, and

resources to ensure effectiveness.

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