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Audio Transcription/Translation

Total Length: 27 minutes 33 seconds


M1: Male 1
M2: Male 2
M3: Male 3
FM1: Female 1
FM2: Female 2

[UI]: Unintelligible
[CT]: Cross Talk

Time Speakers Dialogues

00:00 Noise
to M1 Hi, [UI] Are you alright?
02:00 M2 I am fine
M Come, sit here.
FM1 [UI] Ahmed or Aimen, [UI]
M1 [UI] Where is uncle?
FM1 He is next door
M1 Okay [UI]

02:00 M1 Yes, one needs peace in this age.

to FM1 [UI] Ahmed or Aimen, Come here.
04:00 M1 Where is she?
FM She is here.
M1 Come here. Why are you there at the back? Come here at
the front.
M2 It is okay. Give her five minutes.
M1 Let her sit here. Why give five minutes? Come here. Why
are you hiding there like thieves? Come, sit here at the
FM1 Ahmed or Aimen, come here, come, come, [UI]
M1 Now, what do you want to do, or what will you do? Answer
the question straight.
Leave it now. You have already performed enough dramas
that you wanted to perform. Tell straight and clear cut.
What do you intend to do? What will you do?

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By God, I would tie you up and take you to London by
dragging you on the road. You seem to have some
misunderstanding. Probably, you feel like you are in
Pakistan. Even there, your father would have cut you in
pieces and thrown you in the tank. Even your body would
not be traced. You, sister fucker, have become so
shameless that you do not care about your respect or
anybody else’s.

Do you have Barclays’ online banking App. in your mobile

04:00 M1 Do you receive your monthly bank statement here at
to home?
06:00 FM2 [UI]
M1 It is received in [UI] phone.
M2 Not in your phone?
FM1 Why do you want it?
M1 I want to check how much amount has been deposited and
withdrawn. If it is withdrawn
FM1 [UI]
M1 What is she doing? Where is she sending money?
FM2 [UI]
M1 It is not about money. One should hit a person like you
with shoes in the head. The reason
FM2 [UI] I am earning it. [CT]
M1 If you are earning, then for whom you are earning. Tell us
this. We should know it.
FM1 There are forms showing the amount in the 50s. There are
separate for shopping.
M1 Has any considerable amount been deposited or
withdrawn from the account?
FM1 I do not know
M1 I will take care of it. She seems to be in some intoxication.
She thinks she will do this or that. For whom are you
earning? Are you earning to waste it illegitimately on
others? Why are you earning that money? What is the
benefit? You leave your young daughters and home for the
sake of earning. What are you working for? Or you think
you would be over clever and take pounds in 50s so that
nobody would ever know where you have spent it. When it
would be 200-300 pounds, and you can send it, nobody
would know. To whom are you sending it? They might
think that you are sending it back to your family.
M2 [UI]
M1 We are so blessed by Allah that we send money to them
every month. They are getting rent of the property there.

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They spend, but the money never finishes. Even they have
invested money from the savings they are receiving from
06:00 M1 Today, go and check my mother’s account. There might be
to around five million rupees in her account. If someone
07:57 saves one million or two million, he will give it to her.
Where would she spend it? She would buy something from
it and save the rest. Where else can she spend it in this
old age?

But the shock she (FM2) has given her parents at this age
is tremendous. They are in such a condition that they pray
for death, but even death is away from them. People pray
for children to be comfortable in life. People think their
lives would also be happier if their children were happy.

Aunt, you are sitting in front of me, and I am saying this is

the result of your mistakes. When you first checked this
type of chat on her mobile phone, by God, you should
have informed me. Whatever it be, nothing is more
precious than prestige. You two sisters dealt with this
issue yourselves, and you spared her (FM2). Had you
informed me once, I would have. Do you think she could
dare after that? Now that I know, what will happen to those
people and their families back there, I don’t know what I
would do or where I would have them thrown after having
them picked.

Here also, by God, I can cut her to pieces and throw them
into the bin. I am not afraid of prison or anything else. I am
concerned about these little girls. If something happens,
what will life be like for them? I have stopped calling her
sister. She is not my sister. I feel embarrassed calling her
sister. She is not my sister, nor do I wish to attach the
name of such a low woman to mine.
07:58 to M1 Who has embarrassed us at this age? Our children are
10:03 growing young. After a few years, they will reach the age
of getting married. A single woman like her spoils the
whole generation. Our daughter is there; her daughters are
there, and they all can also learn this saying that our
paternal aunt had done it; nothing happened. Someone
else had done it. But she does not know what I will do with
her. No one in the coming generation will ever take a step
like hers. She might be under the impression that she is in
England, and here this can happen, and that can happen.
But my mind is still the same, and I am still that Pakistani

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type of a man. Precisely the same; I have got the same
things inside me.

You should get it out of your mind that since you have
come here, you can do like the white women. Even white
women don’t do these types of things. They live with one
person; they live sincerely. You should throw it out of your

Here she is, sitting in front of us. It should never appear to

your mind. Never in life, I swear, there is no God but Allah,
and Muhammad PBUH is his messenger; it never occurred
to our minds that this woman could do something like that.
I didn’t know anything about it. All her chat is present here
on my phone. Whenever she updated the status on the
phone, I would respond, ask about her daughters’ well-
being or call her on Eids. Last week I called her over the
phone, but she did not attend and replied with the
message that builders are working in my home. She is
sitting right in front of you.
M2 Here locally, we talk after a long time, after three months
or six months. We wanted them to stay happy in their
M1 Peace be on to you (answers a telephone call). Tell him to
give me ten minutes. I will do that. I am sitting with the
family. Okay, I will do that. Ask him to give me ten minutes.
10:03 to M1 We never call her often, considering she has children and
12: 09 would be busy working. We never knew what sort of work
was keeping our sister busy, nor did you (aunt) ever inform
us. In the recent past, mother also, between themselves, I
will talk straight at your face, you both sisters kept it
between you two. You wanted to protect her (FM2)
prestige in front of the brothers.

She went to Imran’s house, but I did not inform Imran. I

thought that if these types of wrongdoings were exposed,
how could someone face the brothers? Then I begged her,
touched her chin, and by God, touched her feet, trying to
stop her from doing it. She swore on oath that she would
not give us a chance to complain about her behavior. Then
I warned her that if she didn’t mend her ways, she would
see what I would do with the person with whom she was in
contact and had done whatever she had done with him.

These types of matters, it is not that it is a female demon

that has met you. Whoever it could be, if you will hide it

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from the people and would not inform them, it will cause
you more disgrace because a person thinks that nothing
happened even after someone was informed. The chapter
is closed. And they continue doing the wrong acts. Now,
she, the shameless woman, has created this situation that
she has damaged our honor. People would think that we
must be aware of it. They would wonder why we are not
trying to stop her from doing it. I tell you that I came to
know about a week ago when Imran took her to London. I
thought you might not be aware of it, and to protect her
from embarrassment, I tried to counsel her to consider
what she was doing. Then I made the complete inquiry.
You know I don’t take these matters lightly. Here she is,
sitting in front of you. I only took the number from her, and
within two minutes, I informed her about his address and
the whole family. Here she is, sitting in front of us. Then
she begged me not to harm them. I agreed, but I warned
her to mend her ways in the future.
12:10 to M1 Whatever I said to her, she could challenge me if it was
14:02 invalid. She is sitting here. She should not think that her
brother is exaggerating. I am not afraid of anyone. She is
highly shameless. Later, when I came to know the
previous day, I sent people to their house. I warned them
to be prepared. The people I sent were not ordinary
people. They had gone to check thoroughly. They, sister
fuckers (family of the person with whom the FM2 is
involved), belong to a lower caste.

Sister fucker, look at his class. Now, their numbers are

blocked, changed, or deleted. They have blocked all the
numbers and contacts. I say, now they should contact her.
I propose he (the person with whom FM2 is involved)
should go to Pakistan. Even his dead body will not be
traced. Decently, I called there and advised like it should
have been, but [UI] like it is said [UI] the face is also like
the cursed ones. You should have informed me when she
called the police. I would have beaten her even in the
presence of police. What would have been the
consequences? Even if I was arrested, then what? They
provide three meals a day inside the prison. How dare
she? Her messages to someone are caught, and she
bullied by calling the police. She will tell the name of the
person. I will ask her who is at her back.
14:03 to FM (To children) Play outside
16:13 M2 Go, sonny, you play there.
M1 How is your work going on?

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M3 Yeah, I will go back [UI]
M1 Here, you, sister fucker, have made the whole family

Aunt, the SIM she has, on whose name is it? Is it in

Azhar’s name?
FM 1 This SIM? It is in her name.
M1 She, the bitch told me last time that it was in Azhar’s
name. The shameless woman.
FM2 It is in his name; everything [UI]
M1 The contract of the phone SIM, is it on Azhar’s name?
FM1 [UI]
M1 No, I want to know in whose name this SIM is issued. Is it
in Azhar’s name? [CT] I want to know on whose name this
SIM is.
FM1 Here, anybody can take the SIM whenever they like.
M1 No, I am going to say something else. Last time I asked
her to change her number. I offered to buy a new contract
phone and asked her to change the number so that
nobody has her number; there should be no contact with
anybody except for one or two family relatives. She said
16:16 to FM1 Nowadays, the numbers are remembered by heart.
18:00 M3 Exactly
FM1 When I [UI]
M1 Why didn’t you cut her and throw her out in the bin?
FM1 Because of the children [UI]
M1 Mothers of the children die, and nothing happens. You
must have seen both parents die in floods, but the children
are fostered. You could tell the children that she was
overrun by a truck and died, and they threw the dead body
in the bin. Even if there is one daughter in life, women
don’t think about such acts for the sake of that one
daughter. She has three. What is their future? May Allah
bless them with long life. They will grow up, and people will
check their parents’ history at the time of marriage. When
the people would know that their mother, sister fucker was
a prostitute, would they marry them? After having three
daughters, the bastard has fallen in love at this old age.
She is so cunning that she did not let us catch her. You
know how many times I have come here. Right? Four or
five times. Man doesn’t think it is good. I am such a person
who is not willing to drink even water from my sisters’
homes. People say that one should not drink even water
from sisters’ homes.
18:01 to FM1 I have always asked you to come so that she would fear

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20:11 you. It is a good thing. Keep coming so that it is known
M1 How were we supposed to know? We thought they were
happy in their home. If we come, we might disturb them
because everybody is busy with work.
FM1 No one gets disturbed.
M1 Aunt, my nature is different. They might think we are
coming to take something from here or something like that.
Allah has blessed me much. When she (FM2) was jobless,
I told her that if she ever needed anything, she should tell
me and not nag her husband. You can ask her; I said so. I
told her not to ruin her family life because of the money
and to ask me whenever she needed. Ask her to verify
under oath whether I said all this or not. What else can one
do? No brother would like his sister should be
uncomfortable in her in-law’s home.

There should not be any problems in her life due to us. I

used to call her once a month or check the status of her
daughters on the phone. I have all her chats on my phone.
FM1 I know [UI]
M1 No brother wants his sister’s home destroyed because of
him, or she should face an unfavorable situation in front of
her in-laws because of him. But sometimes. My mind is
about to burst, by God. I can’t sleep at night nor have
peace during the day. The old helpless parents there in the
country. If I call father, he starts crying and cannot talk. I
wanted to call him but didn’t. He only says, “why didn’t I
die before hearing it? Why am I still alive? I am the person
who, in all my life, used to insult others over this type of
affair, and today, my daughter has brought me to this
stage where I cannot face anyone.”

20:12 to M1 There are so many matters that I faced or suffered, but I

22:06 never informed my parents. I dislike bothering them in this
old age. But they say that one rotten fish spoils all the fish
in the pond. Her father was about to contest the polls, and
they had selected our brother for the mayorship. They are
sitting on the stages there with respect, but when the
people know about the wrongdoing of our sister, they
would say to us, you go and get drowned in the river, you
sister fuckers. How would you get our work done? For one
and a half hours that day in London, I begged her, touched
her chin, and then was exhausted. That was all I could do.
I advised her not to damage her honor and ours and not to
spoil her life. But once a person becomes shameless, they
do not care. If she does not care about her children, why

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would she care about us, the parents, or anybody else?
She talked to him for a few days over the phone, and now
for her, he is more than her father, brother, husband, and
children. He has become everything to her. For him, she is
leaving, sister fucker, shameless. For all his life, our father
worked hard, sold ice sitting beside the drain, and brought
us up. It was time for us to make him comfortable, but this
shameless woman had almost ended his life. He starts
crying when I call him, say hello, and greet him. Then I
hang up.
22:19 to M1 (Addressing FM2) Here they are, sitting right in front of
24:20 you, talk straight about whatever you want to say. You will
have to quit being cunning. Right? Whatever you want to
do, if you want to stay here, you will have to live like a
gentlewoman. Right? You will have to quit the
wrongdoings. Let me tell you that I am going after reciting
shahadah, if I ever come to know that. You forget about
him; what am I going to do with him? I am planning to go
to Pakistan after a few days. After what I do to them, the
world will quote the low-caste people as an example that a
low-caste man was involved with the daughter of Syeds.
They are also not to be blamed in this matter. You have
brought him to this stage. Today, they will beg for their

The truth is, had you been there; I would have killed you. I
would have asked the parents to give me in writing that
she does not belong to us. I would have killed and thrown
her into the river so the dead body would not be
discovered. These types of persons do not deserve that
they should be called sisters or any such respectable

I came here that day, and she served me tea. By God, I

could not drink tea. I tell you the truth that I was mentally
so upset that I could not take two sips. When I saw the
girls, I felt like my heart would burst. She does not pity the
girls, their life, or their future. She does not care about

Every person errs in life and learns the lesson not to

repeat it and repent. She is the only woman you said that
you caught nine phones but in vain. The next day there is
again begging and forgiving.
24:21 to M1 She knows that she has been forgiven, and that’s all. Had
27:33 you informed me when I was in Pakistan, by God, I would

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have arranged for that boy to be shot and his family
members kidnapped. She knows it. A boy from Faisalabad
cheated on me, and I kidnapped his brother from
Faisalabad and transferred him to Kashmir. I kept him
there for three months. His whole family came begging for
forgiveness. Later my father asked me to spare them, for
God’s sake. I did not have his address or any information
to catch him. I got him kidnapped from there. This (the
man with whom FM2 is involved) has no standing. They
are ordinary tent dwellers. Even the Prime Minister of
Pakistan cannot rescue them from me. They will recover
only if they would find the person.

Here, you think that you have become a significant person

since you are in England and have received a British
passport. Here, even the dogs possess British passports.
Every child has it. I don’t know what you have started to
think about yourself.

(Talking to child) Go and play, sonny.

FM1 Go and play outside. (Child chuckles). [UI] he is feeling
sleepy. Sonny, you go and play outside.
M3 [UI] there will be a Quran lesson, and I also have to go.
M1 You should apply oil
M3 I apply oil but no hair. Imran knows it.
M1 Go to Turkey and get a hair transplant.
M3 I don’t bother
M2 It is okay. When you go to the barber, you should pay him
half the charges because your hair is less.
M3 I don’t go to the barber. I do it myself. I save a lot of
M2 Yes, that is okay. You shave the head.
M3 [CT] It is easy [CT]
FM1 Face and head are alike.
M3 People have had the transplant [UI]
FM1 Mubashir got it. He got it in Islamabad. I don’t know how
many hundreds of thousand he paid.
M1 Now, in this old age
FM1 Yes, I don’t know why
M1 If young men do it, it is acceptable, but
M3 Yeah, [CT]
M1 At this age, if someone gets a hair transplant
M3 Okay [CT] Goodbye
FM1 Goodbye
M (Talking to child) Arayan, [UI]
27:33 End of audio
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