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BIT International College

High School Department

S.Y 2023-2024

1st Monthly Examination in

Computer Prog. 11
Name: _____________________________________________ Rating: _______
Grade Level & Section: _______________________

I. Identify the following and write your answer on the blank provided before each number.
_________________ 1. The computer’s brain.
_________________ 2. A device that is used to store data, program or software.
_________________ 3. A substance that can conduct electric current.
_________________ 4. The year that the first home computer was introduced.
_________________ 5. It can integrate a hundred of transistors in one single tiny similar chip.
_________________ 6. The year that the transistors use to build computers.
_________________ 7. The first general-purpose computer.
_________________ 8. The one was invented the first general-purpose computer.
_________________ 9. An arabic number system that is used for calculation.
_________________ 10. It is used to calculate the trajectory tables for new guns.

II. Answer the following questions. (5 pts. each)

1. As a student, what are the things you need to know to start up a business?

2. How do you describe being “Competent”?

3. Why is self-confidence important for entrepreneurs? Explain.

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