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Pack 6, 100 multiple choice questions, CSP, NEC 2017


1. Literary criticism has in recent years become increasingly _______; it is almost impossible for the non-
literary person to understand its analyses.
A. abstruse B. accessible C. colloquial D. wide-ranging
2. When he was young he _______ ideas of becoming a doctor; however, he was _______ by his father
who wanted him to join the family business.
A. harbored - backed B. entertained - dissuaded
C. produced - critical D. repudiated - deterred
3. In keeping with his own ________ in international diplomacy, Churchill proposed a personal meeting
of heads of government, but the effort was doomed to failure, as the temper of the times was ________.
A. ideas - pluralistic B. predilections - inimical
C. aversions - hostile D. impulses - amicable
4. Plastic bags are _______ symbols of consumer society; they are found wherever you travel.
A. rare B. ephemeral C. ubiquitous D. fleeting
5. The formerly _______ waters of the lake have been so polluted that the fish are no longer visible from
the surface.
A. muddy B. tranquil C. stagnant D. pellucid
6. A mother is complaining to her son that his room gets dusty now. Select the most suitable response to
complete the exchange.
- Mother: “Haven’t you tidied up your room yet?” - Son: “________”
A. I will, after I do all the exercises in my textbook.
B. I have my hands full with my tidying.
C. The more I tidy, the worse it gets.
D. Why don’t you give me a hand with cleaning?
7. Pokémon Go is _______ this season’s hit game. But we’re just over a month out, so it’s too soon to
know exactly how Pokémon Go is faring in the longer term.
A. unquestionable B. questionable C. unquestionably D. questionably
8. She was so frightened that she was shaking like ________.
A. a flag B. a leaf C. jelly D. the wind
9. Turner claimed to paint what he saw; yet no painter ever departed further from close _______ or took
more _______ with subjects.
A. imitation - liberties B. observation - care
C. definition - vagaries D. imagination - pains
10. Unlike the ancient Greeks, we are interested in a person's _______, the things that make each person
different from the general.
A. qualities B. idiosyncracies C. failures D. stereotypes
11. The teacher accused me of _______ because my essay was so similar to that of another student.
A. procrastination B. plagiarism C. celerity D. confusion
12. A businessman must widen his horizons; a _______ attitude will get you nowhere in this age of
global communications.
A. moderate B. petrified C. parochial D. diversified
13. Our bookshelves at home display a range of books on wide-ranging subjects and in many languages,
reflecting the _______ tastes of our family members.
A. eclectic B. limited C. arcane D. furtive
14. When her tears had _________ their course, she felt calmer and more in control.
A. run B. put C. take D. set
15. UNESCO was established to encourage _______ among nations in the areas of education, science,
culture, and communication.
A. employment B. collaboration C. workforce D. independence
High School for Gifted Students - HNUE 1
Pack 6, 100 multiple choice questions, CSP, NEC 2017

16. The trouble with these huge superstores is that they don't have enough _______ to deal with
customers at busy times.
A. barriers B. sales points C. exits D. checkouts
17. I would be most obliged if you _______.
A. let me to pay later B. permit me pay later
C. allow me to pay later D. grant me to pay later
18. Job losses are mainly in the _______ sectors of the industry.
A. blue-collar B. red-collar C. stiff-collar D. high-collar
19. However angry you may get at what someone has done to you, the police always advise you not to
take the law into your own _______.
A. fingers B. hands C. mind D. control
20. These pots are being sold as seconds because each one has a slight _______ in the glaze.
A. defect B. mistake C. error D. faulting
21. They were able to ________ over their meal and enjoy it instead of having to rush back to work.
A. loiter B. stay C. linger D. dwell
22. Live theatre has proved to be very ________ art form.
A. durable B. lengthy C. elongated D. constant
23. The book was so _______that he stayed up until 4 a.m to finish it.
A. grasping B. grabbing C. gripping D. holding
24. Having our heart broken is an _______ part of growing up.
A. inward B. inset C. integral D. internal
25. I threw some biscuits ________ on the ground and a whole load of pigeons swooped down and
started eating them.
A. grains B. specks C. flakes D. crumbs
26. In the _______ of just two days, her whole life changed.
A. interval B. spell C. space D. duration
27. The manager’s future ________ whether the team wins or loses this one game.
A. stems from B. rests on C. derives from D. counts on
28. The biggest advantage is that the shops are within easy ________.
A. touch B. contact C. access D. reach
29. “But so,” I told him, “you’re my own _______.”
A. heart to heart B. body and soul C. flesh and blood D. skin and bone
30. Religion and politics interest him almost _______.
A. equally B. the same C. similarly D. alike
31. Our salesmen normally _______ their travel expenses from the company.
A. settle B. reimburse C. cover D. claim
32. A property company was making a take-over _______ for the supermarket site.
A. proposition B. bid C. tender D. proposal
33. At first the children enjoyed the game but quite soon the novelty _______.
A. went off B. died out C. wore off D. died down
34. These suggestions are _______ to be accepted by the majority of members.
A. unlikely B. impossible C. undoubtedly D. inconceivable
35. The train _______ the bay and then turned inland for twenty miles.
A. coasted B. skirted C. edged D. sided
36. I’m not keen on _______ control of the project to a relative newcomer.
A. undertaking B. charging C. entrusting D. allotting
37. Our party chairman is _______ great admirer of the Prime Minister.
A. some B. very C. no D. not
38. I’m afraid we haven’t got a spare bed. Can you _______ with a mattress on the floor?
A. make do B. make by C. make over D. make up
High School for Gifted Students - HNUE 2
Pack 6, 100 multiple choice questions, CSP, NEC 2017

39. _______ receipt of your instructions, I immediately sent a telex message to Algeria.
A. On B. In C. With D. By
40. I was _______ to believe that she was a representative of the Labour Party.
A. declared B. carried C. led D. explained
41. One could see with the _______ eye that there was a lighthouse on the promontory.
A. naked B. sole C. nude D. shut
42. This cheese isn’t fit for eating. It’s _______ all over after lying in the bin for so long.
A. rusty B. mouldy C. spoilt D. sour
43. To the best of my _______ that dentist’s name was Thomas Garreth.
A. thinking B. recollection C. mind D. remembrance
44. I’ve had my car examined three times now but no mechanic has been able to _______ the problem.
A. pinpoint B. focus C. specify D. highlight
45. Perhaps, the fresh scrap of evidence will throw some new _______ on the murder case in Witshire.
A. light B. vision C. flash D. spark
46. Paul’s has been Alice’s bad _______ ever since he offended her at the party.
A. eyes B. books C. likes D. treats
47. I offered you my most _______ apologies for offending you as I did.
A. repentant B. servile C. candid D. abject
48. Although he was a hardened criminal, his one _______ feature was his love of children.
A. saving B. redeeming C. recovering D. acquitting
49. The demonstrations _______ in one hundred students being arrested.
A. culminated B. erupted C. escalated D. concluded
50. General Custer was confident of victory despite being vastly _______ by the enemy.
A. outnumbered B. outclassed C. overcome D. overtaken
51. The ministry refused to _______ the figures to the press.
A. release B. leak C. show D. add
52. Steve _______ his chances of passing by spending too much time on the first question.
A. threw out B. threw off C. threw away D. threw in
53. Mr. Jones gave his sons some money to _______ them up in business.
A. get B. set C. put D. make
54. As they come under the heavy fire, the captain ordered his men to _______.
A. fall away B. fall back C. fall over D. fall out
55. How voters will react to this latest political scandal _______ to be seen.
A. is B. remains C. has D. waits
56. “There is no further treatment we can give,” said Dr Jekyll. “We must let the disease take its _______”
A. course B. end C. term D. way
57. He walked from the court a free man, having been _______ of murder.
A. unconvinced B. discharged C. liberated D. acquitted
58. Michael was the _______ force behind the company’s rapid expansion.
A. managing B. leading C. rising D. driving
59. Jack and Christine wondered how the rumour had begun to _______.
A. disseminate B. spread C. run D. develop
60. The minister made no _______ of any further negotiations.
A. mention B. comment C. indication D. remark
61. Derek had no experience of white-water canoeing, so it was extremely _________ of him to try and shoot
the rapids.
A. hazardous B. intrepid C. perilous D. foolhardy
62. Peregrine Thorpe ________ the rewards of his hard work when he was given the chair of classics.
A. got B. obtained C. reaped D. collected
63. I can’t understand Juan’s Spanish, because he speaks a regional _________.
A. dialect B. jargon C. accent D. slang

High School for Gifted Students - HNUE 3

Pack 6, 100 multiple choice questions, CSP, NEC 2017

64. When the lift finally started moving, we were all packed inside like _______.
A. fish B. anchovies C. sardines D. dates
65. The police accused the bank employee of _______, after financial irregularities were uncovered in his
department’s accounts.
A. fraud B. hoodwink C. swindle D. cheating
66. When the accused was found guilty of reckless driving, he asked for five other _______ to be taken
into consideration.
A. crimes B. offences C. shortcomings D. misdeeds
67. You never quite know what Ken is up to - he’s rather a dark _______. B. fox C. wolf D. horse
68. Tina took her four-year-old daughter to the children’s hospital for an appointment with a _______.
A. paediatrician B. pedestrian C. philologist D. philatelist
69. I can’t possibly make the announcement now - I’ve got a ______ in my throat!
A. fish B.toad C. bird D. frog
70. Unemployment rate is on the rise again, which means that good jobs are _______.
A. far and away B. far from it C. few and far between D. as far as they go
71. It’s a common _______ to see young people hanging out at the shopping mall.
A. view B. sight C. scenery D. vision
72. Sam was asked to make a(n) _______ to the police about the accident he had seen.
A. witness B. evidence C. apology D. statement
73. Alex: “I can’t believe we’re actually here in Hawaii!” - Jessica: “________”
A. This is the life! B. Life goes on. C. But I believe D. Why can’t you?
74. Every woman who has enough criteria can join the beauty contest _______ their background.
A. irrespective of B. in consideration of C. under guarantee D. on account for
75. The decline in memory and mental health ________ is one of the signs of aging.
A. as time drags on B. on time going by
D. upon time wearing on D. with the passing of time
76. My daughter has _______ the sweater I knitted for her only five months ago.
A. gone in for B. got away with C. got through to D. grown out of
77. When old Mr. Barnaby died, several people _______ their claim to the substantial legacy that he left.
A. placed B. drew C. assumed D. laid
78. On entering the nursery I stumbled on the wooden blocks _______ all over the carpet
A. plunged B. scattered C. settled D. tossed
79. Ever since we quarreled in the office, Janice and I have been _______ enemies
A. assured B. confirmed C. defined D. guaranteed
80. The schoolboy’s excuse wasn’t _______ at all. Nobody in the classroom believed in the far-fetched
story he told.
A. credential B. credible C. creditable D. credulous.
81. The bad weather and a lack of food simply _______ our problem
A. compounded B. enhanced C. salvaged D. transformed
82. I don’t agree with _______ very young and pretty criminals
A. committing B. enforcing C. imprisoning D. offending
83. The popular press often contains a lot more _______ than hard facts.
A. speculation B. realism C. influence D. tolerance
84. The train whistle warned us of its _______ departure
A. previous B. imminent C. subsequent D. former
85. Time and neglect had _______ the property
A. deteriorated B. enhanced C. flourished D. acclimatized
86. Get going! All the students were _______ around, waiting until the last minute to go into the building
A. dwelling B. lingering C. staggering D. running
87. The size of the pop-star’s personal fortune was the subject of much _______ in the press.
A. doubt B. guessing C. speculation D. wonderment
High School for Gifted Students - HNUE 4
Pack 6, 100 multiple choice questions, CSP, NEC 2017

88. Make sure you _______ the cards before we start the next game.
A. turn B. mix C. alternate D. shuffle
89. The junior staff was ______ from all aspects of decision making.
A. excluded B. limited C. confined D. restricted
90. Jeremy’ friends were fond of him ______because of his generosity.
A at least B. still less C. even less D. not least
91. The thick fog ______ out any possibility of our plane taking off before morning.
A. ruled B. struck C. stamped D. crossed
92. Lack of rain early in the season meant that the fields ______ a poor crop.
A. yielded B. generated C. surrendered D. suffered
94. Jack was ______ to the fact that he couldn’t take his holiday in June.
A. accepted B. complied C. agreed D. resigned
95. He ran past me _______ that I did not even have the opportunity to greet him properly.
A. as quick as a flash B. as powerful as a lion
C. as joyful as a fly D. as light as a feather
Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part.
96. Although they hold similar political views, their religious beliefs present a striking contrast.
A. minor comparison B. interesting resemblance
C. significant difference D. complete coincidence
97. The custom was reversed out of sheer perversity.
A. observed B. followed for a long time
C. changed to the opposite D. outdated
Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part.
98. These were the people who advocated using force to stop school violence.
A. openly opposed B. publicly agreed with
C. publicly supported D. strongly approved of
99. High-heeled shoes were in vogue a few years ago.
A. celebrated B. fashion C. outdated D. stylish
100. We saw many exotic plants at the flower show.
A. native B. unfamiliar C. very colorful D. strangely shaped
101. For most male spiders courtship is a perilous procedure, for they may be eaten by females.
A. complicated B. peculiar C. safe D. dangerous

High School for Gifted Students - HNUE 5

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