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Lesson 1: Random Variables (Discrete and Continuous)

A random variable is unknown value or a function that assigns values to each

of an experiment's outcomes. Random variables are often designated by letters and
can be classified as discrete, which are variables that have specific values, or
continuous, which are variables that can have any values within a continuous range.
There are two types of random variables, the discrete and continuous random

Types of Random Variables

Discrete Continuous

Is a numerical value Has infinite numerical values

associated with the desired associated with any interval
outcomes. It is also either a on the number line system
finite or infinite number of without any gaps or breaks.
values but countable such as
whole numbers 0,1,2,3.

Lesson 2: Possible Values of Random

Recall that a variable is a characteristics or attribute that can assume different
values. We use capital letters to denote or represent a variable. In this lesson, we shall
discuss variables that are associated with probabilities, called random variables.

Suppose three cell phones are tested at random. We want to find out the
number of defective cell phones that occur. Thus, to each outcome in the sample
space we assign a value. These are 0, 1, 2, or 3. If there is no defective cell phone,
we assign the number 0; if there is one defective cell phone, we assign the number
1; if there are two defective cell phone, we assign the number 2; and 3, if there are
three defective cell phone. The number of defective cell phones is a random
variable. The possible values of this random variables are 0, 1, 2 and 3.
Let D represent the defective cell phone and N represent the non-defective cell
phone. If X be the random variable representing the number of defective cell phones,
show the values of the random variable X. The table should look like this.

Possible Outcomes Value of the Random Variable X

(number of defective cell phones)

So, the possible values of the random variable X are 0, 1, 2, and 3.

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