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Problem & Target Market

We assist Secondary and Highschool students

affected by the sociopoli�cal crisis in
Cameroon with study materials. Over 700,000
student’s educa�on has been disrupted in the
Northwest Southwest regions of Cameroon
since 2016. Moreover, educa�on keeps being
disrupted as the armed conflict s�ll persist. Stu- h� ps : / / w w w. c r t v. c m / 2 0 2 1 / 0 8 / b a c k- to - s c h o o l - c r i s i s - p l a g u e d - i n s -
dents here spend the least �me in school as �tu�ons-in-nw-sw-ready-to-reopen/
compared to other regions but they are
expected to write same final year examina�ons.
Most schools are closed down.

h�ps:// /the-role-of-the-youth-in-mi�gat-
Solution & MVP Donate your used textbooks and notes
to needy students... Today!!

We organize study marterials dona�on

campaigns where we target secondary
and highschool graduates in regions not
affected by the crisis to donate their
used textbooks and notes and any
other study materials. We collect them
and pair them with needy students in
the crisis affected regions. This help
them to study more at home since they
spend limited �me in school. Moreover,
they can not afford most study materials
due to hardship caused by the crisis.

at the end of the academic year, when

exams are over, we collect the materiials
inother to pair them with other

Campaign is on!!

So far, we have had over:

150 donors,
500 needy students have been impacted
(Succeeding in
promotional exams, GCE ordinary levels
and Advanced level examination )
5 partnering organizations
Participation in numerous programs
Featured on 3 websites including Yale
Young African Scholars Program.
Raised over $1000
Vision of Impact / Opportunity
We hope to move our impact to over 5000
needy students over the next 3years of our
opera�on. We hope to reach this goal by
changing our opera�on from the manual way
of doing our campaigns and loca�ng needy
students to a digital Pla�orm where we can
received dona�ons alerts, display materials in
our possession and receive
applica�ons directly from needy

This will amplify our work and we will be able

to reach out to more students
including those internally displaced. Also, this
will help the students be�er prepare for
academic success.

We equally hope to provide turtoring content

Like video lectures, pay more student fees
and examina�on fees. In a nutshell to solve
more educa�onal problems in our
We are young, passionate and determined Cameroonians with a unique zeal to serve our community. We all have been affected by the
crisis and most of us had to stop school for over a year before moving to another region to con�nue schooling. So, we relate to the
solu�on we are bringing. The idea came as a�er we graduated classmates who never had the opportunity to leave pleaded for text-
books so study and write Na�onal exams. Our resources could help only a few. There came the idea of
organizing campaigns to en�ze other graduates to donate so we could reach more needy students.My team members have served in
different orginazi�ons thereby empowering them with much experince. Our field of studies are very instrumental to our progress. We
are studying Computer science, Law and Engineering. All problem solving fields. What we all iden�fy with is our strong passion and love
for our community. We have been giving our �me, energy and resource since 2019 to help
students succeed in their exams.

Forsi Ferdinand Achumbom Hosea Asmahan Saidou Cheko Yohane

Founder/CEO IT specialist Crea�ve Development Manager Social Media Manager
Entreprenuership & Computer Science Student Law student & Served in many Computer Science Student
Mechanical Engineering &Graphics designer organiza�on
Links to blogs about EduMail Two
‘’I am fimba Eugine, a proud Lower Sixth student thanks to Edumail. Unfortunately for
h�ps://www.wearefamilyfounda� me, I moved from one school to another due to reloca�on of my guardians. This made
h�ps:// my notes inconsistent and concepts very difficult to grasp. Deep down within me, I had
zeal to study but was always overwhelmed when I sat down to read or study because I
could barely understand. I asked ques�ons in class but the teachers will always insult me
and tell me that he covered the context of my ques�on in previous classes and that I
should see other students for clarifica�ons. Even though I learnt a li�le be�er from
Impact Stories/Feedback others, I needed something more for the kind of performance I wanted. I could do
be�er with be�er explana�ons and textbooks.
Due to the crises the school library wasn't func�onal because they feared giving out
One textbooks which may never return. One day, I went out looking for someone to help me
Tubuoh Alvin Ncham is a youth resident in the North West Region of Cameroon. His solve a math problem as has been my habit. This �me around, I was fortunate to meet
educa�on was affected by the Anglophone crisis, thus, he had to stay home for two an Edumail Member, he didn't solve that problem for me but taught me math from its
years. A�er securing a means to a�ain an Educa�on two years later, he heard about basics. He gave me textbooks in other subjects which I used judiciously. A�er a couple
Edumail, from a former classmate of his and this was a turning point in his life. He was of weeks, I began to feel knowledge running through my veins because I finally had coor-
overwhelmed by the services offered by Email and was hoping to be opportune to gain dinated study materials and someone to explain some difficult concepts. With the
from this amazing ini�a�ve. knowledge I got, I made sure everyone around me benefited. I organised study sessions
with my classmates and quarter friends. We read the books given me in turns and this
With overwhelming emo�ons, Tubuoh men�oned, "I wrote O-level in 2016 in Govern- �me around, my ques�ons to the teacher made sense and I began understanding
ment Bilingual High School (GBHS) Belo, the anglophone crisis began in November 2016 lectures.
when I was two months old in Lower Sixth... I was not chanced to con�nue with school Finally, we all passed the GCE with reasonable grades. I was the top in my school and
in town as some of my friends did. So in 2018, I had to relocate to the town where I challenged all the science students in our school in that as an arts student, I was the only
con�nued lower sixth in GBHS Bamenda. In 2019 when I was going to upper sixth I had one with an A grade in mathema�cs. Presently, in lower Sixth, I s�ll have some study
to transfer to Progressive Comprehensive High School (PCHS) Mankon due to insecurity materials from Edumail which are of great help. With an earnest heart, I say "THANK
in GBHS Bamenda. " YOU EDUMAIL". ‘’
Note: Eugene just wrote the A levels . Edumail covered his school fees, GCE registra�on
Due to the immense help Edumail gave Tobuoh, he was delighted while giving us the fee and some text books and some pocket money.
following details. "I received so many books from Edumail, Physics textbook, Maths and
mechanics textbooks, two Chemistry workbooks, two Chemistry old notebooks and two
Biology notebooks with well-organized notes in all the topics, These books helped me
and my friends a lot especially during the Covid19 Pandemic Lockdown -- when schools
were closed and we had to study home. I found myself fortunate because Edumail had
already provided me with almost all the materials I needed to study at home."

We are indeed delighted to know that the assistance we gave Tobuoh enabled him to
emerge successful in the GCE A level 2020. He is currently a student at the Na�onal
Higher Polytechnic Ins�tute (NAHPI) at the University of Bamenda,
studying Biomedical Engineering and Medical Equipment Maintenance.
Three Four
‘’My name is Blessing. I come from oku and I belong to a family of 5. My mother, three ‘’I am called Solange. My parents usually tell me that they don't have enough money to
sisters and I. My father le� us for the journey of no return while I was s�ll very young. buy extra text books for me and this encouraged me to be cau�ous in class, taking
My mother however struggled and filled the gap and made sure all things went well down all the notes the teacher gives in an orderly manner so that I never lack what to
with us even in his absence. Two of my elder sisters were able to manage life out of the read. Due to the crisis, a lot of things happened that obstructed the ini�al pa�ern of
village and my brother, the eldest, was doing some businesses and making profits too. studies; just because of one gunshut, we could stay home for about a week. threats
My mother was now focused on me in order for me to gain grounds too. were everywhere and I had a high sense of insecurity. As a result, I missed a good
Unfortunately, the anglophone crisis began and had to move us from village to town. It number of classes and could not adequately prepare for any exams talkless of the GCE.
didn't just require that we move but that we move to start from nothing. I had to spend When I heard of Edumail, I saw it as a great opportunity to be grasped. I received a good
two years at home just trying to see how I can survive. I was able to get back to school number of necessary textbooks which I used effec�vely. I was able to organise a small
because I knew educa�on is key for an individuals personal growth and development. study group to help pass on the knowledge that I received to those who were not privi-
When I went to school, I barely had textbooks and workbooks. I could only afford my leged to get a book. The outcome of everything was marvelous. Ini�ally, my parents
exercise books. Things became more difficult for me as teachers would give assignments couldn't agree that I will succeed. I myself wasn't seeing myself crossing a next level
requiring the use of textbooks. due to much inconsistency, but when effec�ve use of the text books were made by me,
One day, a classmate of mine told me that there is a certain organisa�on that is looking I had confidence that I would make it and that's exactly what happened. I not only
for people who are serious with school but in need of books so that they can help received educa�onal assistance but given that I had to control the circula�on of
provide them with books. ini�ally, it seemed to me like a lie. I just accepted and sent my Edumail books in my own school, I developed a leadership poten�al that is currently
list of needed books as they required. Surprisingly, a�er some �me, that friend of mine growing. I'm very glad that I made it and I know that I will con�nue to make it.’’
called me for collec�on, that the books are available. Even though I didn't receive all the
books I requested for, the ones I received marvelled me. I was very very happy in
addi�on to the fact that the books were to be used by as many people as possible. So I
also had the chance to read some other person's book for a few days and return back as
I did with mine too. I used those books very well and finally wrote the GCE O levels with
much courage. The results were wonderful and I know I would not have had that
without the help of Edumail”
Business Model
EduMail func�ons as a non-profit
organiza�on. We rely on study material
dona�ons (Campaigns) from Secondary and
Highschool graduates which we pair them
with needy students in the crisis stroke
regions and
collect them at the end of the academic year.
The collected materials are checked and
repaired then paired with new students.
Furthermore, we rely on dona�ons of funds
from individuals and partners to fund
collec�on of books and sending fees.

We hope to have a website pla�orm which

will manage our whole opera�ons. This will
help us constantly receive books at any�me
and display what we have in store for needy
students to lay a request.

Total Funding Needed Expert Needed Partner Needed

We will need $5000 Experts in the Educational sector for as Authors of textbooks
To build our digital platform and organize potential mentors as we hope to expand our Large Education Nonprofit organizations
events around the educatiional space, get work in resolving Educational problems in
storage locations for study materials, boast Cameroon.
our campaigns to reach more donors and final
to expand to needy internally displaced

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