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Band 7 (Good User)

Task: Some people argue that cultural traditions are destroyed when they are used as
money-making attractions aimed at tourists. Others believe it is the only way to save these
traditions. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

The commercialization of cultural traditions for tourist purposes is a contentious issue with
compelling arguments on both sides. Critics of this practice contend that when cultural traditions
are transformed into money-making attractions, they often lose their authenticity and integrity.
They argue that these traditions become diluted and are tailored to cater to the expectations of
tourists, thereby undermining their cultural significance. Furthermore, they believe that such
commercialization can lead to the erosion of unique cultural practices and their transformation
into superficial spectacles.

In contrast, proponents of this practice argue that it is a necessary means to preserve cultural
traditions. They suggest that without tourism revenue, many traditions may die out due to lack of
funding and interest. In this view, commercialization provides an incentive for local communities
to continue practicing and showcasing their traditions, ensuring that they are not lost to history.

In my opinion, there is room for compromise. While it is essential to preserve cultural traditions,
it should be done with a strong emphasis on maintaining their authenticity and integrity. Tourism
can be a means of generating income for local communities, but it should be managed in a way
that respects the cultural heritage and involves the local community in decision-making. Striking
this balance can ensure the preservation of cultural traditions while also benefiting the
communities that uphold them.

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