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Sr No.

Program Name Page Remarks


1. Write a program to implement linear searching to find an element in 1


2. Write a program implement binary searching to find an element in array 2

3. Write a program to sort an array in ascending and descending order - 3

Bubble sort

4. Write a program to sort an array in ascending and descending order - 5

insertion sort

5. Write a program to sort an array in ascending and descending order - 7

Heap sort

6. Write a program to LSD Radix sort 9

7. Write a program to sort an array using - Quicksort 11

8. Stock implementation using C with push, pop and traverse operation. 13

9. Write a program to sort an array using - Merge sort 16

10. Write a program to search on an item in an array using the recursion. 18

11. Write a program to implement binary search using the recursion 19

12. Write a program to to display Linked List in Reverse 20

13. Write a program to find the first common element from the given linked 22

14. Write a program to implement queue using array/ linear 26

implementation of queue

15. Write a program to find the largest element in a singly linked list. 29

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