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Introductory Physics Laboratory Faculty of Science, Ontario Tech University

Lab # IP-02: Translational Equilibrium (Vector Addition)

Introduction (Knight, Ch.3; Ch.6: 6.1)
Objects that are either at rest or moving with constant velocity are said to be in equilibrium. From Newton’s

Second Law with a = 0, this condition of translational equilibrium can be expressed as

i  0.

This statement signifies that the vector sum (the net force) of all the forces Fi acting on an object in equilibrium
is zero. Analogously, no change occurs in the rotational motion of the rigid body when there is no net torque.
This situation of rotational equilibrium can be stated mathematically as follows

i  0,

where  i are the external torques applied to the object.
These two statements are the conditions for complete mechanical equilibrium of an object. In the special case
of static equilibrium, the object is at rest, so it has no translational or angular speed.
In this experiment, we will deal with the translational equilibrium only.
Force table, 3 pulleys with clamps, 3 mass hangers, mass set, string, metric ruler, protractor, balance.

Figure 1: Experiment Equipment

A force table is used to experimentally determine the force required to balance two other exerted forces, thereby
allowing the system to be in equilibrium. The result is verified by two other methods of vector addition:
mathematically by adding the two forces using their vector components, and graphically by drawing and
measuring the resultant of the two forces.
Force is a vector i.e. a physical quantity that must have both the magnitude and the direction specified.
Therefore, to add force vectors, we must use geometry rather than arithmetic. This laboratory experiment allows
finding the resultant of two applied force vectors and the conditions of the static translational equilibrium by
three methods: experimental, vector component operation, and graphical construction.

Lab # IP-02: Translational Equilibrium (Vector Addition)

Introductory Physics Laboratory Faculty of Science, Ontario Tech University

Experimental Method
Two forces, FA = mAg and FB = mBg, are applied on the force table by hanging masses, mA and mB, over pulleys
positioned at certain angles, θA and θB. Then the angle, θE, and mass, mE, hung over a third pulley are adjusted

until it balances the other two forces. This third force is called the equilibrant ( FE ) since it is the force that

establishes the equilibrium. The equilibrant is not the same as the resultant ( FR ). The resultant is the vector
addition of the two forces. While the equilibrant is equal in magnitude to the resultant, it is in the opposite
direction because it balances the resultant (see Figure 2). So the equilibrant is the negative of the resultant:
   
 FE  FR  FA  FB ; FE  FR - equilibrium condition

Figure 2: The Equilibrant Balances the Resultant

Vector Component Method
Two forces are added together by adding the x- and y-components of those forces. First, the two forces are
broken into their x- and y-components using trigonometry:
     
F A  Ax x  A y y and FB  B x x  B y y

where 𝐴 𝐹 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 is the x-component of vector 𝐹⃗, 𝐴 𝐹 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 is the y-component of vector 𝐹⃗, 𝐵
𝐹 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 is the x-component of vector 𝐹 ⃗, 𝐵 𝐹 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 is the y-component of vector 𝐹 ⃗, 𝑥⃗ is the unit vector
in the x-direction and 𝑦⃗ is the unit vector in the y-direction (See Figure 3.) x- and y-components of any vector
 
can be positive or negative. To determine the sum of F A and FB , the components are added to get the

components of the resultant FR :
    
FR  ( A x  B x ) x  ( A y  B y ) y  R x x  R y y
To complete the analysis, the resultant force must be represented in the form possessing a magnitude as well as
a direction (angle). To obtain the magnitude the components of the resultant (Rx and Ry) must be combined
using the Pythagorean Theorem since the components are at right angle to each other:

FR  Rx2  R y2
And using trigonometry gives the angle:
Ry  Ry 
tan( R )    R  tan 
 
Rx R
 x

Lab # IP-02: Translational Equilibrium (Vector Addition) 2

Introductory Physics Laboratory Faculty of Science, Ontario Tech University

For the equilibrant force, FE  FR and  E   R  180 For the components of the equilibrant, we have

Ex = ‒ Rx; Ey = ‒ Ry

Figure 3: Vector Components

Graphical Method

Two forces are added together by drawing them to scale using a ruler and protractor. The second force ( FB ) is
  
drawn with its tail to the head of the first force ( F A ). The resultant ( FR ) is drawn from the tail of F A to the

head of FB (See Figure 4.) Then the magnitude of the resultant can be measured directly from the diagram and
converted to the proper force using the chosen scale. The angle can also be measured using the protractor. The
equilibrant force will have the same magnitude as the resultant force and the opposite direction,
 E   R  180 .

Figure 4: Adding Vectors Tail to Head

Experimental Setup
There are two ways to attach the strings to the Force Table: The first way uses the conventional ring in the
center of the table, and the second way uses an anchor string through the hole in the center of the table. The
advantage of the anchor string is that a higher precision can be achieved because a single knot is being centered
instead of the massive ring. The anchor string keeps the masses from falling to one side when the system is not
in equilibrium.
NOTE: In both methods it is important to adjust the pulleys so that the strings are parallel to the top surface
of the Force Table, and as close to the top surface as possible. When adjusting the pulleys, don't let the ring
rest on the top surface.
NOTE: A string can be attached to the mass hanger by wrapping the string several times (4 or 5) around the
notch at the top of each mass hanger (do not make a knot).
NOTE: Frictional forces in the pulleys will cause some inaccuracy in the following analysis. However, perfectly
balancing the forces would be impossible without help from this friction.

Lab # IP-02: Translational Equilibrium (Vector Addition) 3

Introductory Physics Laboratory Faculty of Science, Ontario Tech University

1 Assemble the force table as shown in Figure 5. Use three pulleys (two for the forces that will be added and one
for the force that balances the sum of the two forces).
2 If you are using the Ring Method, screw the center post up so that it will hold the ring in place when the masses
are suspended from the two pulleys. If you are using the Anchor String Method, leave the center post so that it
is flush with the top surface of the force table. Make sure that the anchor string is tied to one of the legs of the
force table so that the anchor string will hold the strings that are attached to the masses that will be suspended
from the two pulleys.
3 Ask the instructor about the masses on two of the pulleys and the angles for them.

Figure 5: Experiment Setup

Procedure (Experimental Method)

1. Hang two masses with values given by the instructor on two of the pulleys and clamp the pulleys at the
given angles.
2. By trial and error, find the angle for the third pulley and the mass (using mass set and paper clips) that must
be suspended from it that will balance the forces exerted on the strings by the other two masses. The third

force is the equilibrant ( FE ) that is the negative of the resultant:
   
 FE  FR  FA  FB
3. Try to get some sense of the experimental accuracy for the force table. You can find that adding or removing
small amounts of weight to the third pulley hanger will not change the balance of the system.
To determine whether the system is in equilibrium, use the following criteria:
Ring Method of Finding Equilibrium
The ring should be centered over the post when the system is in equilibrium. Screw the center post down so
that it is flush with the top surface of the force table and is no longer able to hold the ring in position. Pull the
ring slightly to one side and let it go. Check to see that the ring returns to the center. If not, adjust the mass
and/or angle of the pulley until the ring always returns to the center when pulled slightly to one side.
Anchor String Method of Finding Equilibrium
The knot should be centered over the hole in the middle of the center post when the system is in equilibrium.
The anchor string should be slack. Adjust the pulleys downward until the strings are close to the top surface of
the force table. Pull the knot slightly to one side and let it go. Check to see that the knot returns to the center. If

Lab # IP-02: Translational Equilibrium (Vector Addition) 4

Introductory Physics Laboratory Faculty of Science, Ontario Tech University

not, adjust the mass and/or angle of the third pulley until the knot always returns to the center when pulled
slightly to one side.
Experimental Method
1. In order to obtain the forces, you should measure the total mass of the hanger with the additional mass on
it and multiply the result by g. If you use the unit of gram for mass the force value obtained will be in mN.
Calculate forces FA, FB, and FE and record their magnitudes in Table 1.
2. Measure the angle for the equilibrant using the force table and record it in Table 1 along with the data for
the FA and FB angles.
Component Method
Using trigonometry, find the vector components (x and y) of forces FA and FB. Add x-components and y-
components separately (with appropriate signs) to determine the x- and y-components of the resultant force
vector. Use the Pythagorean Theorem and trigonometry to find the magnitude and direction (angle) of the
resultant force. Now, find the components, the magnitude and the direction of the equilibrant (remember, the
equilibrant is exactly opposite in direction to the resultant.). Record the results in Table 1.
Graphical Method
On a piece of paper, construct (draw) a tail-to-head diagram of the vectors of force FA and force FB (in
appropriate scale). Use a metric rule and a protractor to measure the magnitude and direction of the resultant
force. Find the equilibrant force magnitude and direction. Record the results in Table 1.
If you do not have the protractor, you can use the right triangle method to build or measure the angle: tangent
of an angle is the length of the side opposite the angle divided by the length of the adjacent side.
In conclusion, discuss how the theoretical and graphical values for the magnitude and direction of the
equilibrant force compare to the actual (experimental) magnitude and direction.

Table 1

FA FB Equilibrant, FE
Magnitude, Direction, A, Magnitude, Direction, B, Magnitude, Direction, E,
mN degrees mN degrees mN degrees


FEx =
Component: FAx = FBx =
N/A* N/A* FEy =
FAy = FBy =
FE =

N/A* - not applicable

Lab # IP-02: Translational Equilibrium (Vector Addition) 5

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