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Quiz 4 24.



Choose the correct answer

1. Dogs are used in airport security because they have an________ sense of smell!

a. athletic

b. astonishing

c. obedient

2. Mr. Williams __________ most of his free time to helping stray animals.

a. devoted

b. depended

c. spent

3. It can be __________ for sick people to spend time with animals.

a. sympathetic

b. beneficial

c. useful

4. She doesn’t ______ with people who dislike dogs.

a. see eye to eye

b. give a hard time

c. at a loss for words

5. Leila was _________ of her friends’ support when she was in a hospital.

a. bored

b. communicative

c. appreciative

6. He trains guide dogs to help visual _______people.

a. communicative

b. irritated

c. impaired

7. Good friends never try to _______ each other in front of other people.

a. embarrass

b. despise

c. hide

8. When my best friend is down in the_______, I always try to sheer her up.

a. troubles

b. world

c. dumps
9. Ed is just a casual _______ so I don’t know him very well.

a. classmate

b. stranger

c. acquaintance

Unit 4

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the bold

1. You have to be very _____________________to be an explorer. COURAGE

2. Travelling in India made me more __________________of my life back home. APPRECIATE

3. When we saw Niagara falls, we were at a _____________for words. LOSE

4. We were very __________________ for the help they gave us during our trip. THANK

5.I don’t know Fiona very well. She’s not really a friend, she’s more of

an _______________________. ACQUAINT

6. We encountered many problems on our trip down to the amazon. It was far

from plain _____________________. SAIL


Choose the correct answer

1. There’s the man ____ fixed our car.

a. that b. whose c. which

2. Do you know _____these keys belong to?

a. that b. whose c. who

3. That’s the park _______ my uncle used to take me.

a. that b. which c. where

4. 1978 was the year ____my parents got married.

a. which b. where c. when

5. The boy _____ lives next door is in my class.

a. where b. that c whose

6. My boss ______is called Shirley, is too strict.

a. who b. that c. whose

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