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Influencer Marketing

In addition to influencer marketing, social media platforms offer various advertising options that can
be effective in reaching target audiences. Facebook advertising, for example, has been found to
influence millennials' intention to purchase and actual purchase behavior (Duffett, 2015). This
highlights the importance of social media as a conduit for global marketing communications,
particularly for reaching younger generations (Duffett, 2015).

Furthermore, social media marketing can be used as a means of relationship building, brand
development, promotion, publicity, and market research (Priansa & Suryawardani, 2020). It provides
opportunities for businesses to engage with their target audience, build brand loyalty, and gather
valuable insights about consumer preferences and behaviors (Priansa & Suryawardani, 2020). This
aligns with the goals of marketing strategies that aim to establish strong relationships with customers
and enhance brand visibility.

To effectively utilize social media for marketing purposes, BYD should consider the attitudes and
perceptions of consumers towards advertisements on these platforms. Ducoffe's model, which
focuses on consumers' value perception, can serve as a foundation for understanding consumer
attitudes towards advertisements on social media (Shareef et al., 2019). By understanding how
consumers perceive and respond to advertisements, businesses can tailor their marketing messages
to better resonate with their target audience.

Overall, social media marketing offers numerous opportunities for businesses to promote their
products and services. It allows for targeted advertising, collaboration with influencers, relationship
building, and market research. By leveraging the power of social media, businesses can effectively
reach their target audience and drive engagement and sales.

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