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Once upon a time, in a small town nearby the beach, there was a girl in her mid twenties

called Kate.She had a joyful life and was nice to everyone, even though many people said
she was weird looking, she never let those thoughts let her down. She had multiple friends,
was great at school and did different kinds of activities.
But one day Kate suffered like no one else, or that's what she says.
The 31 of October, 2013, Kate went for a long walk by 4 pm, also had to purchase some
basic goods so she took advantage of the ride.
She went to many streets of the town so she could extend her walk. She just bought some
snacks for the night, so spent more time strolling.
She went to the harbor and saw the cool ships.
She passed as well through a path with fences and palm trees.
And finally she ends at the beach with a beautiful landscape to end the daylight there and
then return home.
She spent so much time at the beach she was able to think about everything and nothing at
the same time. She imagined anything she wanted cause she felt free, alone, but in a good
way, and in peace.
Those hours would be her last moment of inner peace, but she didn’t know it so enjoyed
them as common, not enough, not so great, not for much long.
So, when dusk started, she got ready to go home and rest on the night of Halloween.
In the middle of the way, she started already to see people dressed, some looked just good,
but others were terrifying.
And Kate, at some point, started to be afraid for no reason but for discomfort. That’s actually
very common within girls, but it was night, she was alone and everyone she saw had a
horror aspect.
She began to hesitate, and suddenly noticed one person was following her. After a twenty
minutes time, her peace left so fast, and the only thing she had now was a great fear.
She started to walk faster, but that shadow didn't leave her, it was still there. At some point
on the way home, she saw an abandoned house and thought it was right to hide there. She
entered that house and turned her flash mobile phone on so she could see, she barely saw
anything though, but in some way it calmed her down.
But then she heard someone walking through her, each time more near, each time more
loud, each time she had more fear.
Then, from nowhere, a person dressed in black appeared. It was tall and was dressed in
black with a white mask. She didn't know what to do but to stay immobile at meters of
distance. The person said nothing. The only noise that sounded was their both breaths.
Kate then, scared as she could be, shouted to him: What do you want?
But no response was given.
Actually, he did move to her, like crazy, and took out a knife from his pocket. He stabbed
Kate once. Then again, and she couldn't even react due to the fast pace of the situation.
When she realized what was happening, she punched that person hard and the knife fell
from his hand. Kate took it as fast as she could and afraid and furious at the same time jump
into him and stabbed it back to him.
She was moved from that strong energy, if not she wouldn’t have had any force to face him.
The adrenaline passed through her and even though she was attacking someone she didn’t
make conscious of it instants after killing him. She was still assaulting the man after he died
because she didn’t know when to stop. The fear increased when she saw that dead body
and the blood in her hands.
Then, she just run away to her home.
If all this was true, Kate would have not been guilty of this homicide due to self defense, but
no, Kate actually killed that person, a teenager of 17 years who was drunk and entered an
abandoned house to take off the dizziness, but instead found Kate out of her mind. She
looked as bad as she could, all was dark and that guy started to get afraid when Kate
shouted at him. Then, he tried to back up when she suddenly attacked him. He didn’t
understand a single thing when she stabbed him in the neck ending his life in a few seconds.
His body was found 36 hours later, with multiple wounds. And Kate was declared guilty a
month later in the judgment.
She has been locked in the psychiatric for 7 years now, and the only thing she says is that
story about the night of Halloween about she been attacked even though she didn't seemed
any march of wound when the proves were been taken.
The truth is that Kate seems to be schizophrenic. Through much psychological research,
doctors had diagnosed her with it.
She has attacks every Halloween and doctors don't know why. Maybe she won't ever be
able to leave the hospital never.

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