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Essay 2: The Role of Music in Promoting Social Cohesion and Collective Behavior

Introduction: Music has a remarkable capacity to foster social cohesion and promote collective
behaviors in communities and societies. In this essay, we will explore the extensive role of
music in uniting individuals, fostering group identity, and promoting collective action. Drawing on
scientific research and real-world examples, we will examine how music brings people together
and influences their behaviors as a group.


1. The Social Power of Music: Music has a profound influence on human emotions and
can create a sense of togetherness. Research by Hargreaves and North (2010) shows
that music plays a crucial role in social bonding, bringing people from diverse
backgrounds and cultures together. This connection is a fundamental aspect of collective
○ Hargreaves, D. J., & North, A. C. (2010). Music and social bonding: "Self-other"
merging and neurohormonal mechanisms. Frontiers in Psychology, 1, 167.
2. Cultural Festivals and Music: Cultural festivals around the world often highlight the
importance of music in promoting collective behaviors. For example, the Rio Carnival in
Brazil is a grand celebration where music and dance unite millions of people. Research
by Schramm and Albert (2014) emphasizes the role of music in creating shared cultural
experiences and a sense of belonging.
○ Schramm, H., & Albert, M. (2014). Music, Space, and Dance in the City.
Ethnologie française, 44(1), 139-150.
3. Activism and Protest Movements: Music has historically played a pivotal role in
political activism and protest movements. The Civil Rights Movement in the United
States utilized songs like "We Shall Overcome" to unite individuals with a common goal.
The work of Frith (2004) highlights the significance of music as a tool for collective action
and social change.
○ Frith, S. (2004). Popular Music: Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies.
Psychology Press.
4. Modern Online Communities: In the digital age, music continues to be a binding force.
Online communities on platforms like Reddit or Discord often form around shared
musical interests. The study by Huang, Kim, and Kim (2016) explores the impact of
music on building virtual communities and collective behaviors in the digital realm.
○ Huang, L., Kim, J., & Kim, Y. (2016). Building a deep learning model for music
recommendation. In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Deep
Learning for Music (p. 3).

Conclusion: Music's ability to promote social cohesion and collective behaviors is evident in its
influence on human emotions, cultural events, protest movements, and even online
communities. It transcends boundaries and unites people in shared experiences. Understanding
the role of music in fostering collective behaviors provides valuable insights into the dynamics of
human society.

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adjustments or additional information you'd like to include in this essay.

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