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Mass Communication ND1 (MAC126) 2022/23 Second Semester Assignment

Instruction: Answer any 15 questions below (Include question 20, 21, 22)
Please note: Kindly write out question(s) before your answer inside your
1. What is GUI? Explain different user interface understand by you.
2. Discuss classification of Application software
3. What are the criteria for package acceptability
4. Explain the three mode of software acquisition? What do you understand by
license, installation guide, and user’s guide?
5. List three example of word processing and what are the use of word processing
6. Highlight the different ways of Integrating word with other office applications
7. State how to edit, save, previewing and printing of document
8. How do you cut, copy and paste using clipboard task pane, keyboard and
9. Explain how to add the following effects on your document i. Double Strike
through ii. Page Break iii. Borders and shadings
10. Differentiate between Repeat, undo and redo, hence, state shortcut that works
for both.
11.How to change fonts style, size, bold, italic, underline a text.
12.What are the procedure to change the case of a text
13. How to add bullets and numbering.
14.How to you add border and shading
15.What are custom animations? Explain how to set up presentation to run
16.How do you create and modify header and footer
17.Insert page number
18.What do you understand by PowerPoint?
19.List three uses of PowerPoint to an organization
20.Write steps of creating section for Chapter 1, 2 with two slide respectively?
21.How do you add Audio Voice to your presentation
22.Using the image below to answer Question 22

 How do you rearrange Row 4 to Row1? Hence, write step to Delete Row 5
 Sum the Total Score in Row 1 to F1 using function
 Write out steps to move cell G3 to D3
 Using auto fill, what will be the value in A4? Hence, write a function that will calculate the
average score of C1 to E3 with value in G3
Submission Deadline 07/09/2023
No additional day.

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