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self-help book

Colegio Padre Fortín

Atomic Habits book report
Johan García Sánchez
5th CT
Meigan Duval
October 2, 2023
Santiago, Dominican Republic
"Atomic Habits" is a book that focuses on the power of habits and how they can influence
our lives in significant ways. James Clear, the author, argues that small changes to our daily
habits, which he calls “atomic habits,” can have a huge impact on our long-term success and
happiness. The book offers a practical, evidence-based approach to building positive habits
and breaking negative habits.

According to the book, to achieve lasting results it is necessary to follow a path towards
permanent change, actions arise from a system of beliefs that make up the identity and habits
that we try to change, when we say, "what do we want?" we produce a goal based on
achieving results. Since behavior reflects your identity, altering it requires realigning the
daily routines that represent identity, since they are repeated and remind us that the search
for change revolves around those who want to achieve personal improvement.

Personal improvement requires deciding "what kind of people we are going to become" and
making changes to achieve that identity through continuous improvements to the beliefs and
habits of each situation, the brain determines when to react, and when to adopt the same
behavior repeatedly. A habit is created that reduces the level of stress and the cognitive load,
since its performance is derived from the memories of its past reactions, thus progressing
while spending as little energy as possible, habits follow a four-fold process steps sign desire
response and reward There are four laws of change behavior.
The first is the brain.

Continually absorbs information and analyzes recognizes experiences repetitive and catalogs
them for use future with practice recognizes the signals that initiate patterns and repeated
actions lead to a habit because there is a recurring situation before which reacts in a way
standardized to alter an action automatic must first be taken awareness about her for that
reason before take an action we can verbalize its predicted result since listening to the
Consequently, it requires rationalizing the behavior and that helps change it.

To undo a bad habit, we must begin by eliminating the signals that trigger it because it is
easier to avoid temptation than to resist it. The most numerous signals cause predominant
behaviors, and the most obvious visual signals trigger the greatest change since humans react
more strongly to their behavior. Most obvious choice Positive habit-forming cues in the
environment must be large and clear to influence patterns Stable environments promote
habit formation and while a single cue may be enough to trigger a behavior the entire context
may eventually become in a signal, so it is good to develop good habits to prevent unknown
signals from interfering.

The second law is to make it attractive to pleasure.

The brain's reward system releases dopamine and tends to repeat rewarding experiences,
but this release also occurs in the face of expectation, which is why it is easier to form a habit
if an opportunity is attractive, then habits begin a feedback cycle driven by dopamine to
increase attractiveness we can combine an activity we want with an activity we need and this
is called temptation grouping but culture also determines what is desirable we strive to fit in
to gain approval and respect. Limiting the social groups especially the most close people like
family and friends security to the masses through wisdom of the multitude and the powerful
act as models of success for this we can align ourselves with the group that has our desired
behavior since a shared identity reinforces a personal and social guarantees durability
behaviors satisfy superficial cravings or well address underlying motives and tsunami habits
actions of an essential purpose that originates emotions in ancient desires.
The third law is to make it easy.

A habit is a repetitive behavior that is done so frequently that it becomes automatic, and the
more frequently it is repeated, the more automatic it becomes. This strengthens neural
connections and this lasting reinforcement of the synapse due to patterns of activity is called
long-term potentiation. Since the brain seeks to conserve energy, it selects options that
require the least effort. Therefore, to acquire a new habit, you must choose the path of least
resistance. One way to trick the brain into a new habit is to incorporate the desired activity
into an already established routine. and this stacking also creates a chain effect to achieve
the change it must be activated and it is only improved after it is established we can start
little by little to help update the beginning of a process since once started it is easier to do the
routine we can even impose a very low limit of action on ourselves and not exceed it so that
the tension of feeling that we can do more to break a bad habit appears.

The fourth law is to do what is satisfactory or "Quick success".

Change works when a behavior is rewarded immediately or by avoiding punishment. The

brain craves quick success even in small doses and evolved to value and prioritize the present
more than the future, which is why it is good to choose a reward that strengthens habits that
adapt. to our desired identity, which reinforces the personality towards the most pleasant
activity, leads us to lasting results. Furthermore, although failing once is not a problem,
failing twice in a row can be the beginning of a new habit, which is why it is better to notice
it in time than to do it. Adjustments Bad habits are not formed if they are unsatisfactory. It
is useful to record progress and maintain focus. Monitors efforts and helps adjust behavior,
as seeing progress is nice, we can also seek support from someone we trust and who
encourages us. Apps or websites can also help.
The importance of challenges

Genetics also influence habits and shape behaviors, that is why habits that complement
personality improve the ability to achieve changes. Challenges motivate us only if they are
achievable, which is why they should not be so easy or so difficult. Boredom is dangerous
because in general we lose. interest in what becomes too routine each behavior requires a
minimum of mastery exercised in small continuous steps until the activity becomes a habit
and over time, they become daily practices self-reflection and perspective are necessary to
detect errors and to improve or change good habits practiced continuously and incorporated
in sustainable steps build powerful behavior and an authentic identity a small investment of
effort today can be the starting point for a big change in the long run term.


I would like to say that it was a book with many very interesting phrases and curious facts
about psychology that I had no idea about, I consider that it was a very enriching reading
that made me question whether the things that I think I am doing well are really well done
and that I can improve my habits day by day thanks to the laws that this book proposes.

Also, how the author who, according to what I have investigated, is a "specialist in habit
formation" explains some things in a certain way that the reader can feel identified with
some of the anecdotes that this book has and the lessons of each one. of them. I would also
like to emphasize that the way I did it made me more comfortable. I listened to the audiobook
since I feel that by listening, I can capture information more easily and my brain can retain
more of that information.

I went to listen to it with low expectations and I dedicated myself to not researching anything
until I had started it and I think that helped me concentrate more on seeing everything this
book offers and how it can help us by telling us that with small actions we can do a big
difference or "A small investment of effort today can be the starting point for a big change
in the long term." I think that phrase was the one that stuck with me the most of all.

Authors name: James Clear

Release date: October 16th, 2018

Publication place: England

Editorial: Diana Editorial


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