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Nama : Wahyuni

Kelas : PGSD A

One of my campus friends named marzayati ermatan her nickname is anike she was born in Papua to be
exact in a village called rumbati June 1 2003 marza is the youngest of two children father's name is
Husen Ermatan her mother's name is Baida Tofir marza graduated from SMAN 5 malteng home address
Jalan Berbara Klaligi, the reason why Marza entered the PGSD major was because people said there
were ample job opportunities and that Marza also likes children.

Every human being has different traits and characters, some are good and some are bad. Like Marza,
who has good traits, likes to share and cares about her friends, and bad traits, namely like being angry,
angry, moody, likes to talk, people like to say harsh words.

Physically, Marza has black and hairy skin, curly hair, a posture that is not short but also not tall, and a
thin body, thick eyebrows, long eyelashes and she also has dimples, she smiles generously.

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