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Introduction: This report summarizes the tasks completed in working with Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

using Terraform. It covers understanding IaC, basic knowledge of Terraform and its execution flow,
familiarity with HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language) syntax, creating infrastructure with Terraform,
and defining variables for improved configuration management. 1. Understanding Infrastructure as
Code: The first task involved learning about Infrastructure as Code, which means managing
infrastructure through code-based configuration. This approach allows for automated, scalable, and
version-controlled infrastructure deployments. 2. Understanding Terraform Basics and Execution Flow:
Next, we gained a basic understanding of Terraform, a tool for IaC. We learned how Terraform works
and its execution flow, enabling the provisioning and management of infrastructure resources through
declarative configuration files. 3. Familiarity with HCL Syntax: We became familiar with HCL, the
language used by Terraform, to define infrastructure configurations. HCL provides a simple syntax for
expressing resource requirements and relationships, making it easy to understand and work with. 4.
Creating Infrastructure with Terraform: We successfully utilized Terraform to create infrastructure
resources, such as virtual machines, networks, and storage. With Terraform, we could define the desired
infrastructure state and let the tool handle the provisioning, modification, and destruction of resources.
5. Defining Variables for Configuration Management: To improve configuration management, we
leveraged Terraform's variable system. We defined variables to store values that can be reused across
configurations, allowing for easy customization and maintaining consistency in our infrastructure
deployments. Conclusion: In conclusion, our work with Infrastructure as Code using Terraform provided
a solid foundation in understanding and implementing automated infrastructure management. We
gained knowledge of Terraform basics, HCL syntax, and the process of creating infrastructure resources.
By utilizing Terraform, we achieved efficient and scalable infrastructure deployments. The use of
variables enhanced configuration management and flexibility. Overall, this experience has set us on the
path to effectively managing infrastructure resources through code-based configurations

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