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| i4 1 DD Prayjrzyjcie sig w parach ilustracjom. Ktéra z nich najbardziej sie Wam podoba? Dlaczego? Uksztattowanie terenu; krajobraz BD opiszcie w parach na zmiang powyésze ilustracje. Wykorzystajcie wyrazy zramek oraz inne znane ‘Wam stowa. Nouns Pogodai klimat air ase amount avaler feet 2804 | ED Polace wypowiedi 1-7 zreaksjami (9-9 ZaPix anocean avainforest adesert anisland ‘coast ahill awaterfll | Adjectives deep high dense vast fastflowing narrow winding wide jountains jm the background. B Picture 1 [BB Rozwiazcie w parach ponizszy quiz. Zapiszcie odpowiedzi w zeszycie. > Which of these is NOT a continent? Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, North America, South America 2> What language do they speakin Brazit: Spanish, French or Portuguese? > What's the capital city of Australia? What are the Andes: ora group of islands? FS range of mountains What are the two longest rivers in the world? Where is Lake Geneva? What's the biggest desert in the world? euwaw Which of these cities is on the coast: Cairo, Madrid or Sydney? odpowiedzi wzeszycie. 1 ts going to be foggy later this evening 2. Wsfreezing!” 3. ‘t's raining, but the sun’s shining’ 4. ‘Did you see the lightning? 5 ‘What's the weather forecast for tomorrow?” 6 ‘There are strong winds tonight! 7. ‘The suns shining a b c d e f ‘ hope our tree won't blow down! "There's going to be light snow in the morning! "Yes, the temperature is below zero: ‘And look, there's a rainbow!" ‘And there isn'ta cloud in the sky! ‘tewill be difficult for drivers to see then’ g_ ‘Yes, There's a thunderstorm Katastrofy naturaine Bp Przerysuj tabele do zeszytu. Zapisz wyrazy, edania z ramki obok odpowiedniego ‘ash hurricane drought sendaid flood high winds people are evacuated tornado people are trapped blizzard heavyrain tsunami victims governments avalanche yoleaniceruption survivors earthquake buildings collapse famine rescue workers Natural disasters | = a People involved What happens (during or after [BD Uzupetnij doniesienia o katastrofach naturalnych wyrazami z éw. 5. Zapisz odpowiedzi w zeszycie. A* Sa has hit the coast of America and? fesea have | destroyed many buildings. Heavy rain has caused | 2 Esta in many places. } There has been a Hell in Iceland. > aa in | the Earth's atmosphere hes caused widespread disruption to fights ‘There has been an wal in Turkey, which has caused =| ‘thousands of buildings to collapse, 7 from around the | ‘world have already arrived at the soene and are | attempting to help victims who are * HS under | the rubble, : ‘Avery dry summor has caused a Saal in mary parts of | Africa. *° (EMG is expected to follow, leaving thousands of | people witout food." jx around the world have ateady | pledged to send thousands of dolas in ed | ‘odpowiedzi do éw. 6. Zwierzeta BD Przerysuj tabele do zeszytu. Zapisz nazwy zwierzat zramki obok odpowiedniego nagtowka. penguin elephant wasp ostrich tortoise swallow tiger bee lion giraffe goat whale ant beetle cow dolphin sheep crocodile monkey wolf butterfly horse snake fly owl octopus starfish lizard BD opiszcie w parach na zmiang trzy zwierzeta iodgadnijcie ich nazwy. Wykorzystajcie wyrazy zponizszej ramki. wings feathers shell claws paws tall fur teeth skin AA Its got large wings and brown and white feathers. Its got sharp claws B itsaneagle. Swiat roslin BD Wybierz dwie wiasciwe odpowiedzi. Zapi odpowiedzi w zeszycie, 1 Its part of atree. a branch b bush 2 Wsaverb. a bush b grow c water ¢ leaf You often eat them. a vegetables b fruit © grass People generally lke these in their gardens. a weeds bb plants ¢ flowers It.grows up from the ground. a grass b leaf ¢ bush Zagrozenia srodowiska naturalnego ED Uzupeinij zdania wyrazami z ramki. Zapisz ‘odpowiedzi w zeszycie. ae] His when water and air are dirty and dangerous ‘The [ESE effect is the warming of the Earths atmosphere as a result of harmful gases. There are holes in the EEE layer and this causes, temperatures to rise. Car exhaust {EES are bad for the environment. rain is full of chemicals An animal that’s SESE is an animal that may become extinct. Ochrona srodowiska naturalnego BD Dopasuj proponowane rozwigzania probleméw: ‘ekologicznych do opisanych ponizej krokow, ktére podejmuje sie na rzecz ochrony srodowiska. Zapisz odpowiedzi w zeszycie, 1 2: 3 5 8 recycling wind farms conservation organic food saving electricity electric cars. picking up litter saving water solar power Look for natural forms of energy. 62) Use less fuel Look after animals in their natural environment. Never throw away cans, bottles jars, paper or cardboard, Use fewer pesticides and other chemicals. Always turn lights off when you'te notin the room, Don't leave the tap on when you'te brushing your teeth. ‘Aiways take your rubbish home with you B® odpowiedzcie w parach na ponizsze pytania. © Tellusabout a tip you went on toa beautiful area, © What kind of weather do you like best? Why? Do youthink you are eco-friendly? Why/Why not? Inyour opinion, what is the most serious environmental problem? Why? CREED <5 13 SWIAT PRZYRODY BD 1 wind farms, solar power 2 elecric cars Stownictwo, page 150 3, create vee 4 recycling BD Zacanie owarte. 5 organic food oe 6 saving electricity BD Zadanie otwante. 7 aaa BD 1 New Zealand 8 picking up litter 2 Portuguese 3 Canberra 4 arange of mountains 5 The Nile and the Amazon 6 in Switzerland and France BD Zadanie otwarte. 7 The Sahara BD 1 inthe 19808. 8 Sydney 2 inthe south of England Dif 2c 3d 49 Sb 6a 7e 3. The circles became more complex. BB Natura disasters: huricane, drought, ood, ornado,, a: Dee incka oid ‘blizzard, tsunami, avalanche, volcanic eruption, ery earthouake oe People involved: victims, governments, survivors, rescue workers What happens (during or after a natural disaster): ‘ash, send aid, people are evacuated, high winds, heavy rain, people are trapped, famine, buildings BD Zadanie otwarte. Rozumienie tekstéw pisanych, page 1! Bic 20 36 4A SC 6B Zdanie, kore zostalo podane dodatkowo: F ED Zadanie otwarte. collapse BB 1 tushed 2 eyewitness BD 1 hurricane 7 Rescue workers 3 century 2. high winds 8 tapped 4 prove 3 floods 9 drought 5 theory 4 volcanic eruption 10 Famine 6 complex 5 Ash 11 Governments 6 earthquake BD 1 cesponsible for 2 interested in aD 3 famous for Zadanie otwarte. ‘¢ eanopedian BD Land mammals _ leopard. cheetah, zebra, elephant, 5 excited about tiger, ion, giraffe, oat, cov, sheep, monkey, wol, 6 sorry for horse 7 enthusiastic about Seacreatures shark, whale, dolphin, octopus, 8 aware of Ae BD Zadanie otwarte. Reptiles tortoise, crocodile, snake, lizard Insects mosquito, wasp, ant, beetle, bee, butterfly, fy Is parrot, eagle, penguin, ostrich, swallow, ow BD Zadanie owwarte. PMiac 2bc 3ab 4bc Sac B® 1 Pollution 2. greenhouse 3 ozone 4 fumes 5 Acid 6 endangered SRI EEE Bid 2e 3b 4a Sf 6c Prayktadowe thumaczeni 1 Okt6rej wrécites wezoraj do domu?”.L péinocy! 2. Artykul o nowym parku prayrodnicaym duzy rozatos. 3. Mozesz mi kupié mydio, Kiedy bedzies w supermatkecie? 4 Latem jest tutaj preyjemnie, ale zima r zimno. 5 Ozwonitam do tel firmy kilkarazy, ale _zdolalam uzyska¢ odpowiedzi na moje 6 Jesii spédnie sig na ostatni pociag met ‘moge pojechaé nocnym autobusem.

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