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Geographical Information System (GIS-I)

Lecture 8
Data base design- Editing and topology creation in GIS
Mr. Gopinadh Rongali
Basic Editing
What can you edit?
• ArcGIS Basic
• Shapefiles and geodatabase feature classes
• Map topology
• ArcGIS Standard or Advanced
• Geodatabase networks
• Geodatabase planar topology

Coverages cannot
Coverages be be
cannot edited in ArcMap.
edited in ArcMap.Convert them
Convert to to
shapefiles or or
shapefiles geodatabase feature
geodatabase classes.
feature classes.
Coordinate systems
 ArcMap can edit across coordinate systems
• Editing is performed in the data frame CS
• Edited coordinates always saved to source file CS
regardless of data frame CS.

Points are saved in meters in
Enter GPS points using degrees the file with the UTM
with the data frame set to GCS. coordinate system.
Editing tips
 Always have a backup copy
 Open new map documents for editing and add only the
layers you need.
 Keep number of open files down
 Try to keep layers in same coordinate system to avoid
 Save frequently!!!!!
Author’s tip
 Editing seems to occasionally
corrupt map documents.
 It is recommended to do your
editing in documents
specifically opened for that
purpose, containing the
minimal number of files
 Try not to edit in your gorgeous
map layout documents that
took days to develop.
The Editor toolbar
Setting snapping
Saving work
Stops editing and asks
to save any unsaved
Saves and continues

Save early, save often!!!

Feature templates
• Feature templates store all info needed to
add a feature to a feature class.
• They also have different construction tools
that can be used to create new features.

• Created automatically or
• Can have multiple templates for
each layer
• Can also enter values in attribute
Adding features
 Choose template and construction
 Click to enter vertices of a “sketch”
 Double-click to “finish the sketch.”
The Edit tool
The Edit tool is used to select features
so they can be moved, deleted, or
Edit tool Uses the same techniques as the
Select Features tool.
Click on feature to select
Shift-click to add another feature
Features Drag a box around several features
Click on empty space to clear selection
Use Clear Selection
Clear Selection
Creating adjacent
1. Select the feature
2. Select the Polygon
construction tool.
3. Enter the first polygon.
4. Switch to Auto
Complete Polygon tool.
5. Construct the second
polygon, starting and
stopping inside the first.
6. New polygon will use the
existing boundary of the
old one.
Splitting polygons
1. Use Edit tool to select the feature. 2. Click the Cut Polygons tool.

3. Use the Cut Polygons 4. Double-click to finish the line

tool to sketch the cutting and split the polygons.
Move a feature
1. Select the feature(s) with the Edit tool.

2. Click and drag feature(s) to new location.

Delete a feature
1. Click the feature(s) with the Edit tool to select it.

2. Press the Delete key on the keyboard.

Edit Vertices
1. Use Edit tool to select the 2. Select the Edit Vertices tool. The
feature. sketch appears.

3. Click and drag to move vertices.

4. Right-click to open Sketch menu to

add or delete vertices.

5. Double-click or Finish Sketch when

Start editing

Select one if this

window appears.

You can only edit in

one folder or
geodatabase at a

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