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n c l n saPoamous Coktntt all Overr
heLOd for t CultLu7e and IIOolotior
ISthe land. of vorcios CuulbtUTe and
rodetion.TLs-he couuntru f oldest
civilzotions the OldThe tal.c.ompo
ttheTndian cuuELLTLO CLe go0c monneTS
e-tique tte, civilized..commu.icata.ons [LLua
belie PsValues , etc. Even aftpr the Fe
t l e OF eertiAone has been modetrDized
mclean people have no- changeo theiz
radibions EdvouluegThe prropezkyoe
tOAethe h e s mong e0Ple f VareOw3
Cutues cundradton& has made Tnd iah
a Lunjque cauntype.ople here live peece

fulu in indio by foll.ouwdna their owncutune

Gnd tadition&

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