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- One of my ingredients - Leftover Citrus Oleo is using the peel of citrus (Lemon, Orange). In this industry,
every day we must prepare the peels for cocktails after juiced it. But it still too much to use, after 2-3
days it will be turned overripe - same with the orange segments. I collected it then put it in a jar with
sugar, mango skin and flesh to make an oleo - which is a solution to reduce the waste, and completely
exploit the common ingredients.

- As a bartender, beside reduce, reuse and recycle. Look after the community is our responsibility also. I
am using barista's V60 Dripper for this cocktail because I believe that there is no limit of creation,
neither the barrier between barista nor bartender. We should learn from each other then make our
community become more and more stronger, more united. I also want to be a supporter of our local by
using our pride - Coffee ground. I want our community come closer. My inspiration - like Hennessy's - its
come from my community, its on the street, and I bring it to you by My Way.


150ml Water

45ml Hennessy V.S.O.P

10gr Leftover Citrus Oleo

(60gr Leftover Mango skin

35gr Leftover Lemon peel

90gr Leftover Orange Segments

65gr Mango Flesh

10gr Ginger

250gr Sugar

*Put all of them in the same jar. Leave it for 72 hours at room temperature)

3 dashes Angostura Orange Bitters

3 dashes Angostura Chocolate Bitters

8gr Local Coffee Ground

2gr Dehydrated Chamomile

Serving Ritual:

I used barista's technique - V60 Dripper to make this cocktail.

Before you taste it, please take a nose at the leftover in coffee filter to feel the deepest down aromas
from Coffee, Chamomile and the beauty of VSOP.

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