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Xin chào, welcome to …..

My name is Nguyen and it’s an honor to be here today as your

bartender. Before we start, I think on World Class stage, we need World Class performance. Allow
me to introduce you to a singer who going to support me today to make sure you will have a perfect
experience. Please welcome to the stage, World’s best-selling musician. FRANK

Frankie and the Tanqueray have coincidences in life. Since the day they have chosen their own
path. In spite of all exertions, they still make it to the top. For Tanqueray, It’s the day that Edward
has passed away, the day that they had to overcame the thrilling competition with new distilleries.
About Frankie,

Ol’ Blue Martini inspired by one of the most favorite dishes of Frankie – Marinara Sauce, with tomato
is main ingredient. I’ve made a vermouth by sous vide tomato, bell-pepper, a little bit of olive brine
with left over white wine, fortify with chamomile Ketel One, then balance it with sweetness from left
over Pomelo Oleo at last. This vermouth will be perfect to fully exploit all the maleficent elements
inside the Tanqueray no Ten.

The song you’ve just heard named New York, New York. This marvelous song is about taking a leap
of faith, chasing your dreams and having the courage and ambition to take a risk and pursue a
dream, no matter how intimidating or challenging it. Like the way Tanqueray and Frankie have been
weather the storm to become the top of the heap.

Thanks for listening and hope you enjoyed the show.

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